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25.01.2022 I just wanted to start by congratulating Emily Maguire for making the short list for Miles Franklin Award and good luck for next month when the winner is announced. I have finally finished Living in London, two years later. I began writing it during The Year of the Novel in 2015 and my final edit (I hope) was completed last week! [ 347 more words ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2017/08/06/16th-july-2017/
24.01.2022 The editing continues. I suppose 80,000 words does take a while to edit. I am currently on my third edit and starting to feel a little more comfortable with it. It has been painful. Cutting and re writing and then pasting in cut sections again! The story line hasnt changed too greatly but I am discovering that the beginning of the story is the greatest weakness in my writing, as it has been changed three times over. [ 302 more words ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2017/07/16/13th-july-2017/
24.01.2022 After her phone call with Mike, Ellie went to Morgan and explained the events of the past couple of days. Morgan sat impassively nodding and harrumphing at certain parts of the recount. I think you should call your detective friend, she said once Ellie had finished. D.I Thompson? Ellie said. Yeah, tell him the same story you told me. Ellie nodded. [ 1121 more words. ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2016/06/12/chapter-fifty-seven
24.01.2022 My how time has flown! Almost halfway through the year and the marker that tells me Im another year older! I do hate getting old, most of the time I dont really notice, youre so busy that a day goes by and then a week and then before you know it, its a year! But I am beginning to feel the signs of wear and tear, an achy joint here and a pulled muscle there! [ 199 more words ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2019/05/28/28th-may-2019/
23.01.2022 Happy New Year to all. I hope you had a great Christmas. How many of you made New Years resolutions? After checking on last years resolutions it was clear I failed on pretty much all of them, except one spending less! But I tried hard, well at least for the first few weeks before life took over and things became a task of just surviving. [ 489 more words ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2017/01/04/4th-january-2017
23.01.2022 It has been a while since I posted on this blog. I have been busy - flying to and from New York City to be with my husband, who was working over there: Relocating to Mudgee where we (literally) built a cabin in the woods and: Writing three books; a picture book -- Silly Nan; the second book in the Simon Goes ... series -- a middle-grade book; -- and Wellworth an adult fiction, psychological thriller. [ 353 more words ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2018/11/28/its-close/
22.01.2022 Wow, its 2019 already. I was wondering what to put in my blog this month, so I looked back at the first New Years resolution I posted back in 2016 three years ago! I wont need to make any new ones as Im still working on those! I did want to share my publication date for Simon Goes to Spain the [ 175 more words ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/20//18/e-j-avey-author-website/
22.01.2022 Well its been a while since my last post. I have just finished another edit of Wellworth (hence the cover shot) and it feels close to completion. I have asked some very literary friends to read it and give an overall critique, so fingers crossed it comes back with a tick or at the very least a few minor edits? [ 301 more words ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2019/03/31/31st-march-2019/
22.01.2022 So after such a low blog a few months ago, this one is quite different. I have been offered a publishing contract for my childrens book, Simon goes to Spain and I am really looking forward to learning about the publishing process first hand and that it will further develop my writing. My husband has been offered a job in NYC so were in the process of packing up in preparation for the move. [ 463 more words ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2017/11/29/29th-november-2017/
22.01.2022 Im writing about a family living in the late 60s and early 70s and to make the scenes more authentic I need to add some of the trends of the era like-- wearing dresses that match your mums! Ooops, no that was just my family -- dont laugh. Do you have fond memories of that era? Share them with me and help me overcome my writers block!!
21.01.2022 Well the end of the holidays is nigh. It has been a productive month, one book completed, query letter written and edited as was the synopsis and all sent to agents and a publisher interested in the genre. Fingers crossed. Now to begin on the edit of Living in London in earnest. Reading The Sellout by Paul Beatty, winner of the Man Booker prize for 2016, was not such an enjoyable experience for me. [ 218 more words ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2017/01/29/29th-january-2017
19.01.2022 Its been three months and Im pleased to say I am on the second edit of Living in London. However, Im not saying its been easy. The first edit involved cutting 20,000 words and starting the story closer to the middle, however, by the second edit i am back to 79,000 words and now including thoughts for the characters. This will mean another cull of words! [ 412 more words ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2017/04/29/29th-april-2017
18.01.2022 Well, I just finished reading Francine Proses book, Reading Like a Writer, which is a must read for anyone who, like me, wants to learn about writing without going to the extreme of gaining a Masters in Literature at university. Francine introduces the reader to close reading and then chapter by chapter covers topics that every writer should know about. [ 171 more words. ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2016/06/04/2nd-june-2016
17.01.2022 I open my eyes, realisation that I am still here. My stomach rumbles and I move my tongue in an attempt to moisten my mouth. It is dark, the room, not as unfamiliar any longer. I can see the hospital bedside table, the doors on the far wall, the single chair. No windows. As I move my arms and legs I wince, the nylon restraints cutting into my raw skin. [ 452 more words ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2016/10/08/prologue
16.01.2022 Im very proud and very nervous to announce my first author talk at Berkelouw Books, Leichhardt. It will be held in the reading studio upstairs on Tuesday 9th July at 11am. Fortunately, its during the school holidays so I hope to see a few eager children and their parents, looking for something to do during the long days of the school holidays. [ 153 more words ] http://eilajamesonavey.com//come-and-see-me-at-berkelouw-/
15.01.2022 Hello to fellow sufferers, I mean writers. Its that time of the writing cycle when youve completed your manuscript, sent if off to a myriad of publishers and agents and 6 weeks later, no response. I read recently that bad press is better than no press well Im in the no press range and its pretty demoralising. However, I dont want to wallow and its not going to stop my writing. [ 480 more words ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2017/08/31/was-hemingway-mindful/
13.01.2022 Simon goes to Spain is on bookshelves in the UK and Europe. Its very exciting to have something you created on the bookshelves of stores such as; Waterstones, Foyles Bookstore, Amazon and Google Books. Hopefully, it will also be at a library near you, if not please ask for it. The marketing team at Austin Macauley are also excited and in their words; [ 206 more words ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2019/02/17/17th-february-2019/
13.01.2022 Mike ducked his head as Deb, Ellies mother led them to the living room on a mezzanine above the kitchen. This will have to be where youre sleeping tonight. Im not having you out there with all thats happening. Deb said, referring to the small granny flat located in the laundry outside. Thanks mum. Sorry to worry you. Ellie said putting her overnight bag on the fold out bed. [ 943 more words ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2016/08/14/chapter-60
13.01.2022 As I plod through my editing, well its not quite that hum drum, deleting scenes in the first draft that dont support the character development is proving more difficult than expected. For example, the relationship between Mike and Ellie will expose a weakness in Ellie that she doesnt have in the first draft. Ellie will appear shallower, giving her some scope to develop personally through the experiences she goes through which means adding scenes that are complex with added tension between Ellie and Mike. [ 339 more words. ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2016/05/22/19th-may-2016
10.01.2022 Im really excited to announce that Ill be part of the Hawkeye team after signing a contract to publish Wellworth. As many of you know I have been working on the Wellworth manuscript for a couple of years. Despite this I know that there are still many changes needed before Wellworth is fit for mass consumption (hopefully :-)). Carolyn Martinez and the team at Hawkeye will be guiding me to turn Wellworth into a riveting read! [ 527 more words ] http://eilajamesonavey.com//hawkeye-publishing-and-wellwo/
09.01.2022 Hello to all those fellow suffers of the writing bug. As I plod along with my writing I am pleased to say I have started my second 80,000 word project which is a rural romantic suspense, now named Wellworth. My protagonist is part indigenous, as I wanted to explore covert racism and also to support minorities in mainstream media (should it get published!). [ 282 more words ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2017/08/17/17th-august-2017/
08.01.2022 So the long haul of editing begins in earnest. After a rather hilarious reading at my writers group of the development of my protagonist and her relationship with Mike, I realised how clichd it was. So editing task 1, is to make her character a little less perfect. I have decided to make a character arc, something I am completely unfamiliar with and put her through the wringer. [ 289 more words. ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2016/07/16/16th-july-2016
05.01.2022 Wow, one month since my last post! It has been a busy month, reports to write among other things. I attended a Childrens Book Writing course, run by Aleesah Darlison, a couple of weeks back and received some criticism on my rhyming childrens story, well basically it didnt rhyme; not in the meter I had written it. Mind I had no idea of meter and the criticism was definitely valid. [ 226 more words. ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2016/07/07/7th-july-2016
04.01.2022 Ellie drifted in and out of sleep on Mikes shoulder during the hour long trip to her mums house in Doddington. Each time she was nodded awake by a bump in the road the change in the landscape was notable from, city to urban to countryside.. When they turned the country lane that lead to Doddington, the surrounding landscape was in complete darkness apart from the glow of a farm house, scattered along the countryside. [ 866 more words. ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2016/07/16/chapter-fifty-nine
04.01.2022 On Saturday morning Kate nervously got dressed into the white silk slip dress she had ordered online for the special day. She couldnt believe she was getting married it was certainly not how she imagined it would be, but then Kate never imagined herself getting married. Ryder came into the ensuite as she applied the last touches to her makeup. [ 1677 more words. ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2016/05/01/chapter-fifty-two
03.01.2022 Kates morning sickness was beginning to subsided and she began to feel better, falling into a relaxed daily routine. She would get up and make breakfast for Ryder before he went to bed, often enjoying a quick sex session with him, in the kitchen or the bathroom or even in bed before they got up. Kate would tidy the house and had begun to plan the nursery, searching through the magazines that Ryder had had delivered. [ 1009 more words. ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2016/05/16/chapter-fifty-four
03.01.2022 Each day for the rest of the week, Kate ventured outside, walking a little further down the laneway from the house, but leaving the door unlocked, knowing that she would run back inside when she couldnt stand her anxiety any further. Each day she got a little further, almost reaching the the junction that the lane adjoined. When she thought she would reach the junction a large lorry rumbled past and like a startled wild animal, Kate ran back to the safety of the house, slamming the door shut behind her. [ 1138 more words. ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2016/05/22/chapter-fifty-five
03.01.2022 It was drizzling when Ellie and Mike got off the bus at Camden High Street. It wasnt quite 10am and there were still people rushing for the bus hurrying to work, the last of the commuters. Ellie had told Morgan that she had had an appointment, that she had forgotten about, explaining away her reason for her lateness. Mike and Ellie turned into Plender Street from amen High Street, Ellie recalled the fruit and vegetable markets along it on the weekends, but today it was empty, the odd scrap of paper being blown around in the slight breeze. [ 985 more words. ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2016/06/04/chapter-fifty-six
03.01.2022 So whilst my writing has been minimal of late, my reading has been high, partly due to the writers book clubs set homework and also due to the travelling I have done over the past month, exhausting but inspiring. As for the Living in London blog story, it is now complete, well first draft, however, I wont be publishing the last few chapters on the blog, after all, why would you purchase the book if you know the ending (if it gets published)? [ 172 more words ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2016/10/08/8th-october-2016
02.01.2022 The next morning Kate could barely lift her head from the pillow. She felt like someone had driven over her with a steam roller and then impaled her. She pushed herself off the bed and swung her feet to touch the ground and stood unsteadily, catching sight of herself in the large mirrored robe. She was unrecognisable, a piece of swollen red, black and blue flesh, on legs. [ 1526 more words. ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2016/05/08/chapter-fifty-three
02.01.2022 When your story is ready for rewrite, cut it to the bone. Get rid of every ounce of excess fat. This is going to hurt; revising a story down to the bare essentials is always a little like murdering children, but it must be done. Stephen King, WD I am truly feeling this quote at the moment. Im not sure if its because I hate this aspect of writing or because I havent got my mojo back after a very difficult year. [ 419 more words ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2016/11/06/5th-november-2016
02.01.2022 More editing, and even more changes. I resorted to some recreational reading this week and despite it being a light read it had some excellent examples of tension. Megan Cranes Project Virgin which as the title describes is an adult erotic book, inspired me to add more sexual tension in Living in London. Despite being an easy read in erotic fiction, with obvious gratuitous sex scenes there were some very good examples of relationship tension which were easy to identify in action, albeit predictably. [ 174 more words. ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2016/05/08/5th-may-2016
01.01.2022 Thank you to those that came along to the author talk. It was an intimate affair with a small audience who also bought some copies of Simon Goes to Spain. Berkelouw now has a few copies on their shelves as does Collins Bookstore in Orange. My public appearances havent stopped, just yet, Ive been offered a spot at Mudgee Readers Festival on Sunday 18th [ 102 more words ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/20//28/mudgee-readers-festival/
01.01.2022 They bundle into the dimly lit hallway of the apartment building and slowly climbed the stairs to Billys first floor flat, Mike supporting Ellie as she cried relentlessly into Mikes jacket. I cant believe this has happened here, Im so sorry. Noni said, unlocking her front door. The light from the apartment fell on Ellies pale, tear streaked face, as Billy comes to greet them. [ 925 more words. ] http://eilajamesonavey.com/2016/07/07/chapter-fifty-eight
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