Strong Men’d | Business service
Strong Men’d
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22.01.2022 The more we focus on external influences the less value we place on ourselves and ultimately, the more miserable we become. Playing the victim (or at least buying into the concept that your circumstance is due to external factors, other people or something other than yourself) serves to keep you comfortable. Comfortable in the fact that 'I'm not the problem' but the trouble is, if I'm not the problem then 'I' can't fix it which is a lot easier to confront than admitting that ...YOU are indeed the problem. Admitting that YOU are the problem is a great concept for one simple reason - if I am the problem, then I CAN fix it. But fixing it takes hard work which is why we again settle for the comfort of blaming some one or some thing else for our situation. Taking responsibility for your actions and decisions, taking responsibility for where you are in your life doesn't absolve others of their responsibility (and I am sure you have been let down many times) but you can not force or make others take their responsibility, you can simply make decisions and actions of your own in any given circumstances. So again we arrive at the question of whether you want to be a victim or a volunteer in your life. You may have a shitty job, shitty boss or shitty work experience but at some stage in your life you CHOSE to take that job. As hard as you may find it to admit, you don't HAVE to stay there and you didn't have to start in the first place. The same can be said for relationships, finances, study or any other area of your life. The sooner we begin to admit that we are the master of ourselves, and ourselves only, the sooner we find our salvation. Victim or volunteer? One will serve to comfort you and one will save you. Choose U #BeBrutal #BuildTheNewU
20.01.2022 The negative should be your light bulb #BuildTheNewU #CommitCompeteComplete #BeBrutal
19.01.2022 Strong Men Struggle I know, I've been there and I can help #StrongMenStruggle #BeBrutal #CommitCompeteComplete #LiveItLearnItEarnIt #CreateRenovateUpdate
19.01.2022 Considerations for life.... When I was struggling, number 20 was what I needed but couldn't bring myself to do (to be fair, all of these become relevant when ur struggling, starting with number 1 - and to yourself) The world could do with a lot more people taking note of number 27... Number 34 became the reason I do what I now do Number 42 is the simplest and most effective way to get started #BeBrutal #LiveItLearnItEarnIt
18.01.2022 The ImpHARSHal Truth Warm up session, but here's something to listen to.... Last week I jumped on a podcast with a couple of blokes from Scotland BTN Media - whose Besides The Norm podcast takes a bit of an irreverent look at all types of people from all types of work places and also focuses on real people with real stories.... I got a chance to speak a bit about my former career (which I look back on fondly but don't get much chance to speak about) and also the struggles I've faced personally and some of the ways I've worked to overcome them. If U fancy a listen U can check it out here: Appreciate the chat boys. And I'll be live next week with episode 1 of the ImpHARSHal Truth. See ya then #BeBrutal #HealthWealthRelationshipWealth #CommitCompeteComplete
18.01.2022 #SundayServe Men, it's time to harden up #BeBrutal #HealthWealthRelationshipSelf #CommitCompeteComplete
17.01.2022 It's all just a story. What story are you telling yourself? #BeBrutal... #BuildTheNewU #CommitCompeteComplete
15.01.2022 It's time to be brutal #BeBrutal #BuildTheNewU #CommitCompeteComplete... #Brisbane #fitness #workout #training #health #strong #life #progress #menshealth #blackdog #suicide #suicideprevention #strongmenstruggle #pushthrough #takeaction #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #anxiety #depression #mentalhealthmatters #motivation #mindfulness #recovery #ptsd #inspiration #trauma #support
15.01.2022 If you want to succeed in 2021.... Take your eyes OFF the prize #BeBrutal #HealthWealthRelationshipSelf #CommitCompeteComplete
14.01.2022 The only tip U need to start 2021 #BeBrutal #HealthWealthRelationshipSelf #CommitCompeteComplete
14.01.2022 It's ok to struggle and we all get affected by external influences. I know there have been countless times in my life where I have done things that at the time I believed were out of my control. This was often because I bought into the fact that I was (at least in part, if not completely) in control of my actions - that someone, or something, else was to blame. To be honest, there is plenty of shit that happens in this world and in everybody's life that U don't have to look ...far to shift the blame. Even if it wasn't some 'one' else I could always find a reason that it was because of depression or other mental/chemical fact. Many of these plausible 'reasons' do in fact exist AND have an influence over ur thoughts and emotions, but NONE of them has control over ur thoughts, emotions and actions. Regardless of your circumstances, U are where U are because of thoughts, decisions and actions that U have taken throughout life. U didn't HAVE to accept that job, stay in an unhappy relationship or any other decision that U created a 'plausible' compulsion to act upon - except that sometimes (perhaps many times or even every time) taking the right action is painful, difficult and may draw weird looks from people who aren't prepared to make that sacrifice themselves. There is no doubt that change is difficult. There is no doubt that people live with situations that onlookers suggest they could just walk away from and there is no doubt that, if U look hard enough, there is always something else to blame. U will never be able to control the external factors in ur circumstances, but if U can change the focus of the blame and start to control the one thing U can change (yourself) U will be amazed at how life improves. U can be in a shitty situation and still feel in control of ur thoughts and actions. As Viktor Frankl said - Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way #BeBrutal #StrongMend #BuildTheNewU #CommitCompeteComplete #Brisbane
14.01.2022 Take the hint. It took me 10 years and a lot of pain to begin to find a way out. U don't need to wait any longer... #BeBrutal #BuildTheNewU #CommitCompeteComplete
13.01.2022 The impHARSHal Truth Impartially harsh, but honest Are U falling victim to this subtle attack?... ***Edit*** I think I started slow but I think the last 2 minutes brought it home. I once heard someone say - if you've got something important to say, start at the end. I should have done that today! #BeBrutal
13.01.2022 The ImpHARSHal Truth - Be guided by the negative Impartially Harsh, but Honest #BeBrutal #CommitCompeteComplete
12.01.2022 #SundayServe Stop being the subject #BeBrutal #HealthWealthRelationshipSelf #CommitCompeteComplete
12.01.2022 #ImpHARSHalTruth - Impartially harsh, but honest! My confession - I make the same mistakes #BuildTheNewU #CommitCompeteComplete
11.01.2022 1 man will die from this EVERY MINUTE somewhere in the world. Today is world suicide prevention day. In Australia 8 people die from suicide every day. 6 of these are men. The Brain and Mind Centre out of Sydney University estimates these rates may grow up to 50% a year for the 5 years following this Covid-19 crisis.... If U r struggling - even when U don't know why - be a man of more words. To everyone out there today, make it ur mission to call a friend, ask a family member, reach out and listen. Share your own vulnerability, your own pain and be MAN enough to speak up. It might not be ur life that U save. I know the feeling, I have been there and if U need, I can help.
11.01.2022 Time for a challenge #BeBrutal #HealthWealthRelationshipSelf #ViktorFrankl #Challenge2021
10.01.2022 Join me in half an hour when I launch the ImpHARSHal Truth with the first episode - The Harshest Truth
09.01.2022 I got a chance to sit down with a mate from across the ditch to talk about burnout, how it affected me and some of the strategies I used to pull myself thru. It's a good little chat #BeBrutal #HealthWealthRelationshipSelf #CommitCompeteComplete
09.01.2022 Are you living someone else's purpose? Chances are your immediate response is 'NO WAY', but is that actually the case?... Are you on your way to achieving all the things you have wanted in life but still something doesn't feel right? It's not that you don't like what you're chasing but when you hit goals or make progress towards them you are filled with fleeting moments of joy only to sit back and wonder 'is this all there is'? Whether we like it or not, everyone of us has been influenced in some way by external factors - some as far back as our birth. Are you a doctor or a lawyer or a businessman because that's what your parents expected? A police officer, firefighter or electrician because that's what your father was? Are you striving to become the boss because that will mean you have 'made it'? While these questions revolve around work we can ask similar ones around your relationships, your house, car, social network, the phone you use to take your selfies, your clothes, your education, your passions. Tony Robbins says 'Success without fulfilment is the ultimate failure', but what you have failed to do is chase YOUR dreams or YOUR purpose. The further away from your purpose you are, or your goals are, the less likely you are to be fulfilled by the result, the progress or the action. Are you silently struggling, wondering why you don't feel fulfilled when you are progressing towards all of 'your' goals? You may need to start asking yourself who's goals they really are - and then strap yourself in for the ride, cause that's when life starts to get interesting. #BuildTheNewU #CommitCompeteComplete #BeBrutal
09.01.2022 I wonder if Phineas Taylor Barnum ever waited for life, for action or for success to find him? I dare say there were days where even the man who re-invented and popularised the circus had days/weeks/months where he felt like he was spinning his wheels, getting nowhere or perhaps was a failure and had little left to live for, but I gather #thegreatestshowonearth didn't kick off by him waiting around for something magical to happen. If U want it to happen, U have to make it hap...pen. Start small. Start today. #BuildTheNewU #CommitCompeteComplete #BeBrutal #fitness #workout #training #health #strong #life #progress #menshealth #blackdog #suicide #suicideprevention #strongmenstruggle #pushthrough #takeaction #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #anxiety #depression #mentalhealthmatters #motivation #mindfulness #recovery #ptsd #inspiration #trauma #support
08.01.2022 I messed my own life up long before 2020 had a chance to do it for me but the last 3 years have been filled with discovery, trial and error, research, understanding, (some pain), action AND great success. Because of that 2020 didn't destroy me - it gave me even more confidence that the struggles I've faced and systems I've built will do me well in good times and bad. As I continue to grow and learn from unlikely sources I recently came across Valuetainment and one of the sign...s U wouldn't be rich/successful revolved around what U have been watching/learning and to check ur YouTube history. I wonder whether Patrick Bet-David would approve of this history? 2021 is the year I go from re-building myself to re-building others facing similar struggles to mine - Strong Men Struggling. I'm going hard at it this year. Pat, book me in for a #Valuetainment interview 01/01/2022. I'll be ur first interview of the year (of course I'm available now if U need ) #BeBrutal #HealthWealthRelationshipSelf #CommitCompeteComplete
05.01.2022 How to build intent #BeBrutal #HealthWealthRelationshipSelf #CommitCompeteComplete
04.01.2022 It's time for a change When I stared Gary Phase Life my intention was to share parts of my own story, my own journey in the hopes that they may have helped others who might have been struggling. Over the past year that process has evolved and I am excited to announce the recent launch of Strong Men'd - the evolution of Gary Phase Life from one man's story to a business practise for public speaking, accountability coaching, education and support for men who may be (or about to... be) facing struggles in their life. In doing so, this page (and all of our material) will reflect that name change. Strong Men'd understands that Strong Men Struggle, often in silence and often alone, and our vision is to create a practise of lived experience that not only understands, but has been there and is willing to share what it takes to pull through and thrive. Over the next few weeks I will be announcing the launch of my book, online and in person coaching opportunities, a (not so world) tour of speaking/interviews and, Covid permitting, our Evolution camp. Strong Men'd is a no holds barred, brutally honest, pull no punches approach to coaching that not everyone will respond to - but those that are ready to Stop the Fight in their mind will be able to turn their broken pieces into Peak Performance. Just remember, if you are struggling, don't know why and know even less about how to fix it, reach out. I know how it feels, I've been there and I can help. #StongMend #StrongMenStruggle #BeBrutal
03.01.2022 We are all this person at one time or another, and often much more than we care to admit. Don't be that guy #BuildTheNewU #CommitCompeteComplete... #Brisbane
03.01.2022 You do this because it's easier..... But where has that got U? #BeBrutal #HealthWealthRelationshipSelf
03.01.2022 Shit, or get off the pot. Let’s not kid ourselves, far too often ALL of us sit for too long without doing what we came for. Stop pointing the finger because it’s U. How many times have you committed to getting fit? How many times have you committed to changing your diet? Giving up the beers (even for a month)? ... How many times have you passed judgement on others because of their lack of action, their conditions or their place in life? Has that made you feel better? How many times have you promised to change your behaviours? Promised to be a better partner? Study more or work less? How many times have you made a commitment to yourself and then failed to follow through? Even worse maybe never even started? Instead of focusing on what you think is the misgivings of others especially when you have no sense of context regarding their lives just to help yourself feel like you’re ‘crushing it’, just get out there and CRUSH IT. If you’re not prepared to help others be better constructively, at least take action yourself. Stop wasting time arguing about what a good man should be (or what type of good man you will be). Marcus Aurelius may have said it more eloquently but at some stage you gotta shit or get off the pot. #BuildTheNewU #CommitCompeteComplete #BeBrutal
02.01.2022 There might be a better way than battling to stay in the fight #BuildTheNewU #CommitCompeteComplete #Brisbane
02.01.2022 Do yourself a favour.... And while you're at it, do one for ur mates #BeBrutal
01.01.2022 The impHARSHal Truth - Impartially harsh but honest Victimb or volunteer? One serves and one saves... #impartialtruth #impHARSHalTruth #StrongMend
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