Sunshine Coast Tongue Tie Clinic at Wattle Street Dental | Health & wellness website
Sunshine Coast Tongue Tie Clinic at Wattle Street Dental
Phone: 54477669
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24.01.2022 Research has shown that myofunctional therapy may reduce the symptoms of sleep disordered breathing (such as snoring), and ameliorate mild to moderate OSA (obst...ructive sleep apnea) #MyoMondays #MyofunctionalTherapy #SleepDisorderedBreathing #Sleepapnea #OSA #PediatricSleepApnea #TheBreatheInstitute #Wholehealth #Wholefamily See more
23.01.2022 Tongue tie release seems to help relieve tightness in some people who have suffered with chronic head, neck and shoulder pain. For those who suffer with chronic pain, this is really great video that explains fascia- a connective tissue that connects the muscular and skeletal systems. It offers a very clear demonstration of how the whole body posture and function is affected when one area of fascia is restricted. New research by ENT surgeon Nikki Mills published within the las...t month, found tongue ties dissected from cadavers contain a fold of floor of the mouth fascia. The release of restricted fascia during tongue tie surgery can help to explain the release of tightness in other parts of the body patients are experiencing. The demo can also help people to visualise how a person can report touching their toes for the first after tongue tie release. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
23.01.2022 Today I want to highlight the important role that chiropractic work can play in helping breastfeeding babies. This mum and baby presented two weeks ago for ton...gue tie assessment by referral from their child health nurse. I confirmed tongue tie but suggested the option of chiropractic treatment first to relieve neck tightness as he had a head turn preference to the right side. They returned today to proceed with tongue tie release and I asked mum to share her experience. Listening to the collective experience of many parents and babies like this pair is the reason why I am open to this treatment, and collaboration with many chiropractors and osteopaths across WA.
19.01.2022 Medical professionals should stop judging parents for wanting tongue tie treated I wrote this a year ago and it’s worth reposting. One of the most annoying thi...ngs I encounter professionally is when a medical professional describes tongue tie as a diagnosis du jour and tongue tie release as a fad. I’ve written about it before ( but I want to expand on some of those thoughts. Parents are not stupid. They are not gullible sheep, waiting to be exploited by conniving lactation consultants and doctors/dentists who are in cahoots, trying to pay for a yacht or fancy car. Parents come to doctors and lactation consultants because something is wrong and they need our help. To the medical professionals who utter these idiotic words: take a step back and assess the situation. 1) infant feeding problems are SERIOUS. Stop patting moms on the head and say that X, Y or Z is hard and that It’ll get better. 2) when an infant doesn’t feed well, it affects MUCH MORE than just the infant. It causes whole-family stress. Parents wring their hands in concern. Obviously, doctors will focus on poor weight gain, but there are plenty of symptoms related to tongue tie that have nothing to do with weight gain. Adequate or good weight gain does not trump other symptoms that can affect breastfeeding success. 3) Here’s the important point: patients do not seek out surgical options for ailments without exhausting all reasonable nonsurgical options. This holds true for tonsillectomy, sinus surgery, and tongue tie release. This point is even more magnified when a parent is making the decision on behalf of their child. Can you imagine the stress involved with the first-time mom of a 10-day old who can’t feed well being asked to entertain a surgical procedure for their infant? If you as a physician or lactation consultant use words like fad to describe the release, you are completely disrespecting those parents. You are disrespecting the thinking and the agonizing and the trying of all other things to get to the point of considering the surgery when you say such words. Stop it. I had a pediatrician email me recently when I dared to do a frenotomy on a child who she didn’t think needed one. She wrote: Babies thriving at > 90%tile with mothers who present no supply issues and no nipple issues should not be asked to accept any surgical risk at all. Keep in mind that this baby was marathon nursing, ingesting tremendous amounts of air, popping on and off the breast continually and then getting frantic and fussy to the point of rejecting the breast altogether. This mom, who was NOT a first-time mom and didn’t have issues nursing her previous children, was almost to the point of quitting. But according to comments like these, we should not perform a release because the baby was chubby (because of Herculean efforts by mom) and didn’t have nipple issues because the baby had low muscle tone and wasn’t able to cause nipple damage? See how oversimplifying your paradigm looks dumb? I understand how convenient it would be for doctors and lactation consultants to be able to look at just 1 or 2 symptoms in deciding whether a tongue tie release was warranted or not. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. We as a medical community are going to have to grow up and learn. We’re going to have to be ok with the responsibility of determining if a procedure is warranted or not. It’s called being a doctor. I hold lactation consultants to the same standard. Gone are the days where we can just blame the latch or the position or flat nipples or the other myriad of baseless claims that are used to deflect attention away from the matter at hand. Stop disrespecting moms and babies. When you as a doctor or dentist or lactation consultant dismiss a diagnosis out of personal dogma/attitude, then you have failed. If you want to help, then help, even if that means looking for something that you don’t believe in.
19.01.2022 Busy day doing reviews for baby tongue tie release today! Baby Lily, baby Winter and baby Clover are all doing amazingly!! You are all super stars!! --------...---------------------and Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioners. Wattle Street Dental The gentle dentist you will love! Phone: 54477669. ----------------------------- #wattlestreetdental #dentist #cooroy #smile #dentists #noosahinterland #sunshinecoasthinterland #dental #noosa #visitnoosa #noosaheads #noosabeach #noosa_qld #laser #noosaville #noosamainbeach #sunshinecoast #visitsunshinecoast #breastfeeding #tbt #happy #instamoods #braces #frenectomy #tonguetierelease #tonguetie #baby #instagram #laser See more
16.01.2022 Information on posterior tongue ties from myofunctional therapist Sarah Hornsby.
16.01.2022 Review tongue tie release after 5 weeks, new video in comment.
11.01.2022 This is my WHY! The passion that I have for prevent/control/resolve in airway disorders comes from a very personal place. It is my mission to bring awareness to... this growing epidemic so that others can learn to see the signs. #airwaytrumpseverything #disorderedbreathing #nomorebandaids #treatthecausenotthesymptom See more
10.01.2022 Little James is back for a review after tongue tie release few weeks ago. He is doing so well! Packed on heaps of weight! ----------------------------...----------------- Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. --------------------------------- Wattle Street Dental The gentle dentist you will love! Phone: 54477669. --------------------------------- #wattlestreetdental #dentist #cooroy #smile #dentists #noosahinterland #sunshinecoasthinterland #dental #noosa #visitnoosa #noosaheads #noosabeach #noosa_qld #laser #noosaville #noosamainbeach #sunshinecoast #visitsunshinecoast #breastfeeding #tbt #happy #instamoods #braces #paleo #tonguetierelease #tonguetie #baby #instagram #instamood
08.01.2022 Adeline: Tongue tie release - 16 month old. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
06.01.2022 Sometimes babies need a bit of extra help when latching on. Here is one method that gets more of the breast tissue into baby’s mouth!...the flipple
06.01.2022 Warning: graphic images It’s never too late to release a tongue tie. This 67 year old patient finally got her tongue tie released. No bleeding or pain. Just some stitches to hold the wound together until it heals completely. Just look at the improvement in range of movement already.