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Dog Trainer and Behaviourist

Phone: +61 406 724 942


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25.01.2022 Mochi and Gracie enjoying the weather. He is learning good social etiquette from my girls. (he gets beaten up a lot by the ladies for mounting them inappropriately).

25.01.2022 I have met so many clients who have been brain washed by "all positive" training. Here are some typical advice these so called "all positive science based" trainers give. "If a dog bites your hands, you should let it. Just turn your back. Ignore him. Reward him when he stops." "If your dog is jumping on you or your guests, just ignore him. Let him do it. Just turn your back until he stops. Then reward him when he stops."... "If your dog is barking loudly and belligerently at you to play with him. Just turn your back and just wait patiently until he stops. Even if it takes an hour. Once he stops, reward him." "If your dog is aggressive, play the victim card. Yelp and cry. He will feel sorry for you and will eventually stop. Then reward him for not being aggressive." To do anything else like telling him no is tantamount to dog abuse. This is the crap that they teach clients at puppy school and "certified trainers". It is all scientifically proven. All "science based" and peer reviewed by larkies who drank the same kool-aid. I had a client who had welts all over her arms because her dog has bitten her (out of play) and she was told not to never say no to the dog. She and her family were at their wit's end. Let me ask you this. If your child were to hit you with a stick every time he wants you to play with him but you were too busy, I mean, hit you till you had welts. What would you do? Would you not take it off him, grab his hands and tell him that you don't appreciate being hit and let him know that that behaviour was inappropriate? Do you need to use force? Most reasonable people would say no. But a stern and assertive verbal reprimand should be enough. So why the hell would you not do the same to your dog? For the love of Dog, please use some sanity. Don't swallow this "all positive" delusion. I don't know what "science based labs" they got their conclusions from, but it is not based on any reality you and I share. A dog in the wild would not put up with another dog abusing her, and then turn around to reward her abuser with a fat piece of choice steak once her abuser ceases to abuse her. And neither should you.

24.01.2022 This client has a beautiful dog. Unfortunately he gets mouthy when he gets excited and tends to bite. He has caused a string of welt marks on her arms. She had consulted a couple of trainers previously. One of them was an "all positive science based" trainer who advised her to yelp and ignore the behaviour. Turn her back to the dog. Which she has tried for months, judging by the welts was not really working.

22.01.2022 Yep. I make SIT happen.

22.01.2022 Look at Hunter now. He is such a sweetheart. He will be ready to go to his new home next week. He is a two years old, desexed cavadoodle. Good with dogs and should be fine with a cat (not tested).... Sweet temperament and just loves to cuddle. Ideally he should be homed with a family with an existing dog. I am taking applications.

21.01.2022 My small dog is a fierce guarder of anything I wear. George helped with a phone session and he gave me access to many videos. Progress already. No force required, he’s the only trainer that has got results for me and my dog.

21.01.2022 Happy Thor's Day.

20.01.2022 Jacqui had a very reactive dog. She signed up for my online video course...

20.01.2022 We had the best time with Hunter. He came up for intense cuddles and hugs. He is just so affectionate, it is just gorgeous. Absolutely no growling or any funny business at all. I even had my wife came over to touch him and all he wanted to do was to play with her. He is just an incredible loving dog despite his rough childhood....

19.01.2022 Larissa really struggled with her gorgeous girl, Jade. Jade would pull on the lead and be very reactive to dogs. We were able to get these issues addressed in one session without the use of force, threats or violence. It is like she got a completely different dog.

19.01.2022 Sandy recently adopted Ozzie from Jade’s Rescue. Ozzie is just gorgeous but comes with some dog reactivity issues and very disrespectful behaviour (where he has learned to bite his people if things don't go his way). Sandy is now able to help Ozzie be a lot more respectful and less reactive, without the use of force, threats or violence.

19.01.2022 Shirlyn struggled with her dog Neo as he was super reactive to other dogs on the walk, even from 30-40m away. Neo also pulled really heavily on the lead. Shirlyn tried many different contraptions from a number of different harnesses and halties, none of which worked. In just one session, we were able to get her to lie comfortably near TWO dogs, all without the use of force, pain, threats or violence.

18.01.2022 Many vets and pet shops (as well as TV commercials) will tell you that it is essential that your dog eat this type or that brand kibble to maintain a "scientifically balanced" diet for optimum health for your dog. What a load of crap. So basically, dogs in the wild are eating the wrong foods for the last hundred thousand years.... Kibble was only invented in the last 60 years or so. Before then dogs basically ate what we ate. They typically got food scraps and leftovers. Yet somehow, they were able to thrive and coexist with humans for hundreds of thousands of years. People buy kibble because they are convenient. I feed my dogs some kibble with the majority of their diet being raw meats and vegetables. Anyone who see my dogs will tell you that they look absolutely gorgeous, healthy and have beautiful coats. Asking a vet about diet is often akin to asking an architect about plumbing. Unfortunately, many of them are also influenced by sales reps from dog food manufacturers. Do your own research. Personally, I have found that feeding my dogs raw is cheaper and healthier than kibble. Beating premium brands by a far margin.

17.01.2022 I often encounter owners who get angry and frustrated with their dogs. They start yelling at them. Hitting them because the dog is not doing what is expected of them. Please. For the love of Dog. Stop doing this to your dog. Let me ask you this. Do you see leaders of industry lose their cool? Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, etc? No. No one respects a leader who lose their cool.... And neither will your dog. So if you are finding that you are struggling with your dog, then you are doing it wrong. Approach it differently but whatever you do, never use anger or violence to your dog or your children for that matter. As a parent, our job is to be our dog's biggest advocate. Be a soccer coach. Guide them. Lead them. Help them to succeed. If you struggle with getting your dog to do what you are asking of them... Chances are, you are asking too much of them. Take a step back. Break it down for them. Ask for less. Set the situation up to help them succeed. If I was your fitness coach and I asked you to lift 100kg on day 1 and you failed, should I yell at you? No. I should probably start you at a lower point and help you succeed. So do the same for your dog. Set up the situation to help your dog succeed. If they fail, break it down into simpler tasks for them ... Repeat. For more training tips and advice, join my free Dog Leadership program at Please SHARE.

16.01.2022 Hey guys, check out Benji. Benji came to me a very scared little boy. Very shy with poor listening skills. His focus was very poor. This is day 3 of working together with Benji. Look how happy and relaxed he is, and consequently how amazing his listening skills has become.

16.01.2022 Hunter has been adopted. This is Hunter. He needs your help to find him a new home. He was surrendered to me and I am helping him find his way home. He is a 2yr old desexed cavadoodle and is now available for adoption. Located in Merrylands, near Parramatta, NSW. ... Hunter is extremely affectionate and will not leave your side. He is very playful and loves his toys. Hunter is good with other dogs. He should be good with cats (untested) He should ideally be homed with a family with an existing dog as a playmate. He needs to go to a home that has assertive parents. Hurry. A gorgeous dog like Hunter will be snatched up very quickly (just like a good looking eligible bachelor). If you would like to have a loyal and cuddly life companion, please contact me at 0406724942. Please help Hunter. Please SHARE this post.

16.01.2022 Here is Benji day 2 being introduced to Ginger. Benji was previously dog aggressive and would lunge at other dogs he encountered. He was also very fearful so I have had to wait until he is more settled before introducing him. Look how respectful he is with Ginger. He is deferring to Ginger.

14.01.2022 Happy Wednesday. Have a Dog blessed day.

11.01.2022 Hunter is doing great and should be ready for adoption next week. I disturbed him last night deliberately to see what he would do, knowing that was his trigger. He gave me a little growl that I quickly corrected. Otherwise, he is a perfectly sweet loving dog.

10.01.2022 Lovely Ollie was very fearful aggressive and would lunge at dogs during the walk. In just one session, we were able to get him to be comfortable to relax next to Gracie without having to use force, threats or violence.

09.01.2022 Every dog is a lap dog.

09.01.2022 Here is Benji with his new family. He is settling in great. I am so grateful to be able to help make life better for the dogs that come into my life. ... Most of all, I am grateful to you, my community, for your kind support. Without your help, Benji and his family would have been in a much more stressful situation. So thank you.

09.01.2022 "It's OK, his tail is wagging" One of the biggest misconception about a wagging tail is that the dog is happy. This is only true based on context. More often than not, a fast wagging tail simply means excitement. Especially when it is pointing straight up.... Most dogs are emotionally immature. They can not manage their emotions and excitement can turn into aggression in an instant. When meeting a new dog, never approach it or put your hands for it to sniff you, even if they are wagging their tail. Let them come to you. When doing a dog to dog greeting, excited fast tail wagging can often lead to problems. Back off, wait till they are settled before allowing them to meet. Yes, you will need to be patient.

08.01.2022 The Shocking Truth About Dog Obedience Training Congratulations, you have a new puppy. You want an obedient dog, so you enroll him into obedience class. What people soon discover is that the class is mostly about how to use a clicker to train your dog to do cute tricks. They learn how to get their dog how to SIT and STAY. And other basics but not specifically how to teach your dog to actually be "obedient". Many people call themselves doggie parents and their dogs their furbabies. Like real parenting, most people need to learn parenting skills to properly teach their children right from wrong without resorting to violence. So too, does this apply to dogs beyond just teaching them how to sit and stay. Out in nature, when a puppy does something inappropriate, a mamma dog would growl and nip at her puppy to tell it that she does not approve of such behaviour. Unfortunately, many doggie parents don't know how to properly tell their dogs their disapproval. Instead, they focus on positive only to reward their dogs for the desired behaviours while never correcting for undesirable ones. When a child punches another child, any adult would swiftly come in and teach the child that the behaviour is unacceptable. When your child insults or become disrespectful to an elderly person or guests, you would quickly reprimand them to teach them that it is inappropriate. However, if your dog growls and lunge at another dog, you ignore it or just let it happen. When your dog growls or bark aggressively at your guests you put the dog away and never correct it by telling it that you disapprove of the behaviour. Proper parenting involves teaching a child right from wrong. Likewise, you don't just use positive only rewards to train your dog right from wrong. Positive rewards should be used to teach a dog NEW BEHAVIOUR, while (like in nature) you use a correction to deter a dog from doing inappropriate behaviours. Many people are aghast that I should dare to even suggest the use of a "correction". A correction is simply a way of expressing your disapproval of your dog's actions. The key to proper correction is: 1. Timely. Dogs live in the moment. Never punish your dog for something they did two hours ago. 2. Intensity appropriate. You match intensity to intensity. A quiet "no" is not enough when your dog is about to bite someone. A correction does not mean you hit or cause harm to your dog. It does not mean you become angry, shout or intimidate your dog. It requires you to be firm, assertive and consistent. No means no. Again, just like parenting a human child. There are many positive only, "force free", "Science Based" trainers with university degrees and studies out there who will disagree and ridicule this approach. Calling this a "barberic and outdated method". They will go to great lengths to argue that balance train has been "debunked". Yet few of these have actually rehabbed human and dog aggressive dogs. The thing is. I have been doing this for years and have treated hundreds of dogs with remarkable success. I have treated mankiller dogs that would otherwise be destined for the pound and ultimately be murdered. I have lots and lots of testimonials to back this claim. Good trainers have been using this "balanced method" of training for years. It is only recently that the positive only movement has taken over. Now anyone who even dare to suggest a training method other than positive only are automatically labeled as cruel and uneducated. Dogs, like people, respond well to good leadership. If you want an obedient dog, be a leader worthy of your dog such that it will want to follow you. Good leaders know that respect is not bestowed but earned. Learn to be a good leader for your dogs. Leaders are calm and give clear instructions in any crisis. Leaders don't freak out and lose their cool. A leader would not ask of his followers what he would not do himself. A leader protects his followers through his actions. If you want to have an obedient dog, be a leader worthy of your dog's respect. Teach your dog as you would a child about both rewards and consequences. Please SHARE. For more training tips and advice, join the Dog Training and Support Group. Dog Training Support for Sydney, Australia

08.01.2022 Taken in an abused or neglected rescue dog? Be sure to watch this video to avoid common mistakes that can lead to ruining your dog.

08.01.2022 We just finished our morning session and are chilling out. This is part of Mochi's training is the social aspect. He had very poor dog social skills and would dominate other dogs, which led to fights. My girls have been showing him acceptable play parameters and he is learning to be a lot more respectful.

08.01.2022 Caption this...

06.01.2022 Eliza and Warren's dog, Boofy is very friendly but sometimes his fearful side gets the better of him. He can be "selectively deaf" which can be a problem when encountering other dogs in public.

05.01.2022 I went to lie down for some rest. Can you spot Hunter? He is inseparable to me. Just launches himself at me for love.

05.01.2022 Good morning everyone from the morning crew. Ginger, Gracie and Tommy.

04.01.2022 Fatima and Asalan struggled with their little girl, Candy who became dog reactive. She would launch herself quite violently upon seeing another dog on the walk. In one session, we were able to help her be c with Ginger, without the use of force, threats or violence.

02.01.2022 Happy Halloween

02.01.2022 This is how most people walk their dogs. And they wonder why their dogs don't listen to them when they are out. Here is a simple trick to make yourself more relevant.

02.01.2022 Here's a simple and healthy treat for your dog. Go get a cow hoof from your pet store or online. Smear the inside with peanut butter (unsweetened). Avoid fake sugar like Xylotol. For extra special, stuff it with mince and freeze it.... Give this to your dog for crate training or separation anxiety training. It keeps them occupied for ages.

01.01.2022 Goober is a really nice dog. Unfortunately, he has an uncontrolled prey drive. When his parents are excited, his prey drive kicks in and he would bite. In one session, we were able to teach him how to behave more appropriately in the presence of excitement.

01.01.2022 Hello everyone. My name is Hank. I am a 1 year old desexed staffy mix and I need your help finding a new forever home. Besides being a good looking hunk, I have a beautiful personality to boot. ... I am always happy, smart and eager to please. I love playing with other dogs so I want to go to a home with another staffy type. My tail never stops wagging. I should be fine with a cat (not tested). I love children, but I can be a bit of a boofhead so no small children please. I am a high energy dog so I need an active family or a dog sibling who can keep up with me. My mum needs to rehome me because I have too much energy and have knocked over my toddler sister one too many times. Now she is afraid of me, which makes me very sad. I just can't help myself as I am exuberant with life. Otherwise, I am just the best dog ever. No separation anxiety, no aggressive tendency, I am made for loving you. Did I mention that I love cuddles? If you would like to have me join your family, please contact George Tran at 0406724942. He has kindly taken me in until I find a worthy family. Hurry. With my unforgettable ears, dashing good looks and charming personality, I will be snatched up quickly. Located in Merrylands, near Parramatta. NSW. Call 0406724942. Please help me find my new home. Please SHARE.

01.01.2022 Last night, I tried to trigger poor Hunter again by approaching him while he was resting. Instead of launching at me, he turned his back to me. I complimented him and left him alone. Yay Hunter!

01.01.2022 Classical Conditioning is based off the work of Pavlov conditioning. Basically, you positively reinforce your dog precisely at the time of compliance. This way, your dog not only knows what he is supposed to do, he is also rewarded for doing it. Note; you can also use this technique to train husbands. Just give him a beer instead.... Here is an excellent example of classical conditioning in action.

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