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Sydney Sea Charters in Rose Bay, New South Wales | Travel and transport

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Sydney Sea Charters

Locality: Rose Bay, New South Wales

Phone: +61 426 223 772

Address: Rose Bay Wharf Rose Bay, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 G'day all, Sunday morning saw us with a mixed crew again on board. Not a great deal of swell around and a light sou' wester. Fishing again slow with us finding patches of fish here and there. Fish of the day was a double hook up of pearl perch. Water is beginning to turn over but there are still some pests around in the cooler patches. Not a bad day to be out though. Thanks to all that came aboard, we hope you enjoyed your day and join us again one day.

25.01.2022 G'day all sat mornings crew. Another mixed group on for us and another hard mornings fishing for us. Nice conditions for the morning except for the little jackets and barracoutta again. Still everyone enjoyed themselves and at least got to take home some fish. The afternoon saw Marty and his crew join us for one of the hardest arvos ever. Even though we went through some good grounds the fish were not playing. The nor easter got up and forced us in. We caught some great s...and flatties and one at 65. Southerly came through with a vengance and stuffed things write up, but thats fishing. Thanks to everyone that joined us we hope you enjoyed your day. See more

24.01.2022 Release of the pre tagged 76cm kingfish on friday

23.01.2022 G'day all, friday was party time with the boys from the bush celebrating a bucks day. Great bunch of blokes and a shame it only lasted 2hrs. Thanks for joining us and we hope to see some of you fishing with us soon!

23.01.2022 Gda'y all, sundays charters. Morning started off with a bit of rain which passed, not a great deal of swell and light nor east winds Few fish starting to show up which is nice. Great mixed bag for everyone to take home. Afternoon saw a bit off difference with the westerley showing up. Although it didnt really affect us to much. The fish were around but not to great expectations, some nice snapper and mowies in the arvo and a few flatties. Great crews with plenty of laughs on both the morning and afternoon. Thanks to everyone that koined us we are glad you had a good time and look forward to seeing you again.

23.01.2022 Gday all, apologies for the non posts, but there hasn't been a great deal to report on. Sydney has been quite hard for the last month and a bit. Weather, current and water temps have been playing havoc with us. There are fish around but they have been few and far between for us. The main thing is our clients have at least gone home with a feed. The weekend saw us with some great people aboard as usual. We managed to troll up some nice salmon and bonito. A few nice snapper..., morwong and some good sized flathead getting about. Also a new boat record for a red gurnard at 51cm. Hopefully fishing is on the improve. Thanks to everyone that has joined us lately, we hope you have enjoyed yourselves and will come aboard again. See more

23.01.2022 Bit of the marlin fight

22.01.2022 G'day all, Sunday mornings charter had us with a mixed crew on. Beautiful morning light winds and basically glass conditions. Things started well with a few fish coming up straight away, unfortunately that all ended up stopping due to hardly any drift due to the lack of wind. Still managed to scratch up a feed for all. By the afternoons charter which was a complete change to the morning, the nor easter had started up providing a nice drift, but a lack of fish. Moved around a bit to get a feed for everyone. Quite a frustrating day but nice to be out. Thanks to everyone that came aboard. We hope to see you again some time.

22.01.2022 G'day all, well the fishing sort of improved for one day. Beautiful conditions for Thursday and Friday. Swell picked up after Fridays change for Saturday and by Sunday had dropped again. Water is still playing games cleaning up one day and going green the next. Still being harassed by couta and leather jackets. But managing to find fish here and there. We hope everyone is doing okay through these trying times. We are still doing charters at the moment and have had some customers on board as usual. Not a great deal to show except for a beautiful pearl perch. There are fish there just gotta find them! See more

21.01.2022 New Years Eve, not a bad end to the year. Despite the southerly hitting very early it eventually calmed down for the main event. Great bunch of people on for the night and plenty of food to go around for everyone. Thanks to big kev kelly for organising everyone. Happy New Year to all of you that joined us for 2019.

21.01.2022 G'day all, friday morning had us with a mixed crew on. Conditiins out weren't to bad but again the fishing was extremely hard. After a nice start of a few mowies and snapper we again were harassed by barracoutta and small jackets forcing us to move. Fish are hard to find and the amount of red spot whiting around is phenomenal. Still managed a feed although it wasnt great. The afternoon we had Sam and the Camden crew on, although not worried about fishing too much they want...ed to try for some kingfish. After getting plenty of live baits we headed out. Very slow begining with a pan sized snapper and a decent leatherjacket. Finally at 4 pm on the dot and a tide change things hotted up. Double hookups and some nice fish all around 80cm and one ore two bigger fish lost busting line. Some very sore arms and plenty of smiles on board. Also released a pre tagged fish as we had plenty for everyone. Great end to the day after a hard morning Thanks to everyone that joined us. Merry Xmas to you all and we hope to see you again. See more

21.01.2022 Gda'y all, we finally got to go today. Bit chilly this morning with the nor wester and a little bit of mixed swell about. Not a great deal of current around and only a handful of fish. The whales are on the move up the coast, saw our first one this morning happily breaching, put on a nice show for everyone. Still nice to be back at it and a great bunch of people as well. We are glad you enjoyed your day and thanks to Patrick for giving his fish away to others.

21.01.2022 G'day all, a few charters during the week but again not much to mention. Although conditions have been good, fishing has still been hard with us just managing to scrape a feed up for those on board. Thanks to everyone that has joined us we hope you enjoyed your experience and hope to see you again.

20.01.2022 Friday night harbour cruise and bbq for Aecom. Great night good people.

20.01.2022 Gday all, Sundays charters saw us with two mixed crews. Beautiful conditions all day, light swell and winds. Mornings crew only managed a handful of fish. Moved around a bit to find them. Water is cold at around 16.5 and green. The afternoon team saw a few more fish around and light and variable winds meant we drifted every which way but loose. Still all went home with a feed and a smile. Thanks to all that joined us, we hope to see you again some day.

19.01.2022 G'day all, bit of a mix of charters last few days, xmas fishes, harbour bbq's and a few outside jobs. Weather actually hasn't been too bad with a few nice fish around. Notable going to the skinny little Asian boy James with a nice 66cm trag from Shameel's crew. Few little trips chasing kingies but nothing of size all rats with about 15 fish a trip. Big thanks to all that joined us, Wright Air and Electrical, Joe's crew from Artisan Kitchens and the DD Floors crew.... We hope you all had a great Xmas and have a safe New Year See more

19.01.2022 G'day all, saturday report. Great day on the water, nice conditiins throughout the day. Light winds and not a great deal of swell. Few nice fish around for the morning and a great mixed crew to start the day. Angelina nailing it with an equaling boat record of a 60cm marble flathead. Well done on a great fish and superb eating. Quite a nice mixed bag for all. Also had a juvenile minke whale around the boat which also joined us for the afternoon as well. First for many seeing one. Afternoon saw Benny and the mad Englishman on. Still a great arvo with conditions even better than the mornin. Again some nice fish around all mainly flathead. Quite a competitive afternoon especially after a few beers. Boys left with a nice feed. Thanks to all that joined us, nice to know you had a great day and we look forward to seeing you again.

18.01.2022 Gday all, bit late with things forgot to post with the long weekend. So the Saturday mornings crew were a mixed bunch and great people to have on board. Conditions were quite nice for the morning with light wind and swell. Plenty of flatties about and not much else has been an odd start to spring. The afternoon saw quite a change with a strong nor easter coming up and eventually forcing us inside the heads, due to being unable to hold bottom and the wind chop being rather uncomfortable. Not a great deal of fish for the arvo. Thanks to those that joined us we hope to see you again.

18.01.2022 G'day all, wednesday we had Gary and his mad crew on out to chase some dollies. The morning started with us trying to get some livebait but found things a bit hard, untill we hooked the culprit giving us grief.. a nice 71cm kingie. Headed wide to the Botany fad which showed no signs of life. Then moved north finding a private fad holding fish. Ended up with six legal fish and released many more just undersize. Looked around for some more privates but by that time the curre...nt had moved in pulling the floats under. Then we headed to the waverider boy and lost a dollie to it which spooked the school. Almost home time and the lures went out, pretty soon one rod started screaming and we had hooked up to a nice 50-60kg black marlin. After a good 20 minute fight and some acrobatics, the fish on its last jump spat the hook. Still the boys had some fun and a great day in perfect conditions. Pleasure to have a great bunch on board and we hope you enjoyed your day and fish with us again. Will put up some video later. See more

18.01.2022 G'day all, Saturday's charter same an all day job with Ollie and more mad Irish. Beautiful morning with light winds and a nice se ground swell around a metre. Fishing was pretty slow but the drinking was fast, ended up with more ice than beer at the end of the day. Few nice fish in the mix for the boys. Thanks for joining us lads, great crew to have on and welcome back anytime.

18.01.2022 G'day all, late post again. So Saturdays charters, morning saw us with Chris and more mad Irish. These blokes are always a pleasure to have on, day of laughing and beer. Beautiful morning, small seas and very light winds. Water starting to change over and temp at just under 18. Pretty slow on the fishing for us. Still the boys managed a feed and went home happy. The afternoon was much the same with the wind picking up as well as a bit of swell, making it a bit uncomfortable. Again only a handful of fish for everyone. Thanks to all that joined us we hope you enjoyed your day!

17.01.2022 G'day all, wednesday charters saw things improve slightly. Flat as a tack and not much wind. Mornings crew started off well with some nice fish including a nice snapper at 47cm. Things went downhill quickly when a seal decided to rear its ugly head forcing us to move a number of times. We were then smashed by barracouta again forcing us to move, but still managed a few nice mowies on our next drift. Afternoon still saw great conditions and some nice fish again with a 43cm pearl perch and a 45cm snapper. Fish continued to slowly appear and big thanks to our American couple who gave their fish to those less fortunate on the day. Great people on for both charters. We hope you enjoyed your day and look forward to seeing you again.

17.01.2022 Just an update on the kingfish we re- released with a DPI Tag already in it. I sent the info on the tag back to fisheries and have just got this back from them.. TagNo: A638876 Date Tagged: 16/08/2019... Release Location: 12 Mile Reef Release Length: 69cm Estimated Release Weight: n/a Date Recapture: 20/12/2019 Recapture Location: 12 Mile Reef Recapture Length: 76cm Recapture Weight: 3kg Time At Liberty: 126 Days Straight Line Distance Travelled: 0 nautical mile. Makes you wonder where it has been! See more

16.01.2022 G'day all, sunday morning saw another mixed crew. Conditions weren't ideal, light nor easter that got a little stronger then slowly dropped, bit of mixed swell which was a little uncomfortable. Few flatties around not much else. Quite a tough day. Thanks to all that came hope you had a good day despit the weather. Thanks for joining us.

16.01.2022 Gday all, wednesdays charter saw us with another mixed crew. Conditions were a bit sloppy after the southerly the night before. With the water starting to warm again on the bottom, the fish are slowly starting to come on. Still having to move around a bit to catch fish but in the end it is worth it as the fish are in patches still. Nice mixed bag for all. Pleasure to have you on board and you are welcome back anytime. Merry Xmas.

16.01.2022 Gday all, Sunday of the long weekend saw a huge turn around in conditions, with a decent swell and wind coming through. Spoke to everyone and they were happy to go. Very hard morning on the fishing again more flatties and the odd movie and plenty of undersize snapper. Still it seemed everyone enjoyed themselves despite the conditions. Great bunch of blokes and welcome back anytime. The rest of the weekend was a write off due to wind unfortunately.

15.01.2022 Gda'y all, sunday we had Elias and his crew on for a full day. Again greeted by a sou wester and a bit chilly for most of the day. Finally some fish started to show up for us. Some snapper and flatties were around and not much else. Luckily the southerly held off for us and only a few spots of rain towards the end. Great bunch of blokes and a nice feed of fish. Thanks for coming with us, be nice to see you again.

14.01.2022 G'day all, sunday's charters. The morning greeted us with rain and a bit of nor west wind which made things a little uncomfortable although there was not a great deal of swell, the wind chop didn't help. Pretty trying morning although by the end of it there were fish to take home. The afternoon's crew experienced different conditions again, the wind had dropped a little and we only saw one small shower of rain. Swell had tidied itself up as well. Some nice fish around al...though not a great deal, all were nice sized. Callum stole theshow with a nice 49cm pearl perch which put a smile on everyones face. Thanks to all that joined us. We hope you had a good day and gope to see you again. See more

14.01.2022 Well, the good news is we are back..Our restrictions have eased a bit allowing us to be back on the water again. Our first charter back was to be this Sunday unfortunately mother nature has sent us an east coast low and ruined our first day back. We hope you are all okay and safe. Can not wait to be out on the blue again fishing. Any enquires please dont hesitate to contact Julian on 0426 223 772. We hope to see you all again.

14.01.2022 G'day all, saturdays charters saw us with two private groups, Pearl and her team in the morning and Scott and the boys in the afternoon. Conditions all day weren't to bad. Light swell and a nice sound wester all day. Water temp still hovering around 17.8 Still some nice fish around, average sized fatties, some nice monies and the odd snapper with a few others mixed in. Thanks to everyone that joined us we hope you enjoyed yourselves and the fish and be nice to see you again.

14.01.2022 Saturday afternoon saw us with the crew from Newtown RSL. Went out for a quick fish then came back in for a bbq. Still a bit sloppy outside and the water still cold on the bottom. Great bunch to have on board and always welcome. Thanks for joining us and we will see you next year.

14.01.2022 G'day all, Monday morning I reckon its better to be on the water than at work. Nice light nor east wind and a little bit of swell from the same direction. Water temp sat at 21.6 and a little green. After the first fish came on, a nice 49cm snapper I thought it may be an ok day. Very soon a couple of double hookups of snapper, then a few more. Then instead of arriving at noon we saw the wind come across the water at 930ish and completely bugger things. Again the weatherman was out. The boys continued to fish and managed a few others. Still a nice feed for all, I'm sure it would of been better. Great mixed crew and a bit of laughter, stirring and plenty of roaring going on. Thanks guys hope to see you all again. Hope you enjoyed it.

14.01.2022 G'day all, thursday mornings charter with another mixed crew and some return customers saw us head out in what started of as nice conditions. Soon the storm front began to loom from the south west, luckily the rain belt was further south and gave us nothing except a brief period of wind that soon dropped as soon as it appeared. The swell and current was doing all sorts of strange things to us. Some nice fish around but even they are still playing games. At least everyone went home with a feed. Thanks to everyone that joined us, we hope to see you again.

14.01.2022 Gda'y all, last sunday saw Aaron and mates join us for a full day. Headed up to Long Reef to try for some kingfish. Only managed a rat and lost one good fish. Decided to go bottom bashing and of course the first fish that comes up was a keeper king. Moved around quite a bit looking for fish. Young Henry landed a nice snapper at 41, but the fish were few and far between. Thanks boys for the day hope you enjoyed it.

13.01.2022 Gday all, tuesday saw us with another mixed bunch on board. Conditions weren't to bad with a little bit of a mixed swell not a great deal of wind and the worst air conditions i have ever seen due to the bushfires. Water was a nice 20 odd degrees on top and has turned over again, with it warming up on the bottom. At least the fish have begun to play again. Fish are showing up in patches here and there so we had to move a bit to get them. Still a few leather jacket attacks a...round but not to bad. Not a bad day and glad most enjoyed themselves and took home some nice fish. Thanks to everyone that joined us, we wish you a merry and safe xmas and hope to see you all again. PLEASE if you are going to take seasick pills make sure you take 1 the night before and 1 at least half an hour before you come on. See more

13.01.2022 G'day all, saturday morning saw us with a mixed crew. Conditions weren't to bad, light sw and about half a metre of swell from the south east. Few fish around the place and some nice plate snapper just had to get through the plague of sweep to get to them. Afternoon saw us with Sharon's family and friends. Started a bit slow then as things picked up so did the sea sickness. Still a great bunch of people on board for the day. Thanks to all that joined us.

12.01.2022 G'day all, no charters on Saturday, just an afternoon Buck and a few M8's cruising around the harbour and drinking beer! Good luck to Dave

12.01.2022 Gday all, Sundays charters saw us with mixed crews for both the morning and afternoon. Sunday morning was beautiful with almost no swell and very light winds. Some nice fish for everyone best being a 55cm snapper that came out of nowhere. Nice mixed bag with the flatties dominating. Water has gone green again and cold on the bottom. Still everyone went home with a good feed. The afternoon saw a bit of current come in as well as the nor Easter deciding to show its head, making it impossible to hold bottom. Wind swell also kicked up but everyone handled it quite well. Again another mixed bag with Hailey's grouper the best of the lot. Thanks to everyone for a great day and your welcome back anytime!

11.01.2022 G'day all, sundays charters saw us with two mixed groups on. Conditions had changed overnight, with a small increase in swell and winds from the se, making it a little uncomfortable for some.Water temp up around 16.8. Fishing seems to be on the improve with patches coming up here and there. Morning saw plenty of flatties around, biggest being last fish on a nice marble at 57cm. Still a nice morning to be out. Afternoon saw us with the same conditions as the morning. Qu...ite a variety of fish throughout the trip. Thanks to all that fished with us, we hope you enjoyed your day and we will see you again. Not a bad Fathers Day feed. Trust all the dad's out there had a great day. See more

11.01.2022 Saturday, was a quiet arvo trip for Yiannis Bday. Great bunch of mad Greeks, always a pleasure to have on board. Quick trip around the harbour then onto a mooring out of the wind. Plenty of beers and laughs to go around. Thanks fellas hooe you had a great day.

11.01.2022 G'day all, tuesdays charters wern't the best with sloppy conditions and not a great deal of fish around. The morning faired way better than the afternoons crew so much so was not even worth taking a photo. Fishing has still been hard but there is the odd decent one around. Thanks to everyone that joined us for the day we hope you enjoyed yourselves despite the conditions.

10.01.2022 G'day all, sundays charters saw us with a mixed group on in the morning and Peter and his mad crew for the arvo. Light northerly for the morning which got stronger throughout the day and a small .5M nor East swell which also picked up a bit as the daywent on. Hard days fishing for both groups and only a handful of fish for everyone. Mix of flathead, red spot and a few mowies. Water was cold at 16.6 and green. Thanks to everyone that joined us. We hope you enjoyed the day despite the tough conditions. Look forward to seeing you all again.

09.01.2022 G'day all, thursday morning saw us with another mixed group on. Conditions weren't to bad with the water up to 21.8 and quite warm on the bottom. Only a little bit of swell and not much wind. Fishing was extremely hard untill the last hour when everything came on. Some nice fish around if you can find them. Quite a few little makos around and one pesky seal that stole some great fish. The afternoon we had Wade and Francis and the boys from ETS electrical trade services. Great bunch of blokes who managed a few flatties and something ive never seen before a common gurnard perch. Southerly hit around 4pm and got quite sloppy. Boys called it a day and went home rather happy. Thanks to all that joined us. We hope you enjoyed your day and be great to see you again.

09.01.2022 G'day all, fridays charters saw us head out in beautiful conditions, with a mixed crew on. Almost no swell and a small breeze greeted us for the morning and not a great deal of current to contend with. Water is still green and not appealing at all. Fishing started well with a few snapper and mowies untill we were harassed by things with sharp teeth forcing us to move. A few flatties and other mixed fish around as well. The afternoon we were joined by Lewis and his crew. C...onditions almost the same just with a little more wind from the nor east. Some nice fish were bought on board but i think everyone was more concerned with just socializing and drinking then fishing. Thanks to everyone that fished with us we hope you enjoyed your day and will come again. Looks like the weekend is a write off due to weather again. See more

09.01.2022 G'day all, Sunday saw us joined by Phillip and friends. Conditions started off ok, nice se ground swell at around a metre and still these sw winds which gradually got stronger throughout the morning. Water temp came up to 18.9. Quite a few above average flathead today, but not much else to be found. I think they did quite well for novice fishos. At least all went home with a feed. Great bunch of people to have for the morning and welcome back anytime. PLEASE remember if you take sea sickness tablets. Take one before you go to bed and one at least an hour before you get on

08.01.2022 G'day all, saturday we had Faz and the boys back on for another all day charter. Conditions weren't to bad for the whole day, light northerly wind and about a half metre swell all day. The boys wanted to chase some kingies so we spent a bit of time trying for livebait and then headed up to Long Reef. No great success and it looked like the other boats around had no luck either. Decided to go for a bottom bash and get the boys a feed. Stumbled across a bit of bait and a small school of kings. Two just legals made it onto the boat and we lost a few others. By the end of the day we had a nice mixed bag for everyone. Always great to have these guys on board. Hope you enjoyed the day and be great to see you again. Thanks Faz and crew!

08.01.2022 G'day all, Sunday morning saw us with a mixed crew on. Great conditions with a little nor east swell and a light NNW wind. Water still a little cool on top at 16.5but the green water we have had the last few months seems to be turning. Fishing wasn't to bad and seemed consistent throughout the morning. Nice feed of flatties for the guys and a few mowies to throw in. Not a bad morning out there. Great to have everyone on and we hope you had a great day. See you all again at some stage.

08.01.2022 Gday all, unfortunately we are still grounded due to this virus. We do hope you are all safe and well and arn't going mad like us. We took the boat out for a run monday and had a little fish to break the boredom. Beautiful conditions nice blue and warm water and variable winds for the day. Still being harassed by leather jackets and barracoutta . Julian and i managed to take home a few mowies and snapper and threw back plenty of just under size pannies. He also lost a... cracker of a fish to linebreak. Well hopefully the restrictions end soon and we can all get back to normality. Stay safe and be happy, we look forward to seeing our customers again and wetting a line. See more

08.01.2022 G'day all, saturday mornings charter another mixed group on. Nice conditions outside with little to no wind and swell. Morning started well untill the barracouta moved in and decimated lines forcing us to move Water has gone cold on the bottom again yet we managed a few nice fish including a nice pearl perch at 49cm which had a chicken wing bone in its gut that i had thrown overboard about 10min earlier! a few snapper around as well. Not a bad day considering the water. Thanks to all that came with us we hope you had a good day and hope to see you again.

08.01.2022 G'day all, monday we had the boys on from Camden Concrete. Great morning for a fish with light wind from the south west and again not much swell. I explained to the boys that fishing has been hard but had to eat my words as things changed overnight and fish came aboard as soon as they dropped. Can't work this place out sometimes. Some nice fish around in the morning for everyone and a great bunch to have on, just leave tangles out next time Afternoon saw us with a mixed ...crew on and the same conditions as the morning. The wind dropped making us drift in all sorts of directions. Fishing had slowed a little by the afternoon but still some good sized fish around Thanks to everyone that came with us, we look forward to seeing you again some time. From all of us we wish you all a Merry and safe Xmas. See more

07.01.2022 Gday all, sorry very slack on reports, do apologise. Weather has been all sorts lately, one day great the next hard going., much like the fishing. Big congrats to young Noah who nailed a nice 50cm snapper on Sunday morning and Jacob nailing a nice 53cm snapper on Sunday arvo. Different days have seen different fish, from flathead one day to a mix the next. Hopefully we can improve on things soon. Thanks to everyone that has joined us and put up with the conditions. We hope to see you again. We have had some great groups on the past couple of weeks.

07.01.2022 Gda'y all, saturday proved to be another hard day on the water. A nice cold sou wester greeted us for most of the morning. Although not a great deal of swell the wind chop across the top made things a little uneasy. Fishing again was tough with only a handful of fish bought up. By the afternoon the wind had died and the sea had settled to almost glass. Not a great deal of fish around, at least most went home with a feed. Thanks to both crews for the day we hope you enjoyed it despite the weather.

07.01.2022 G'day all, its that time of year when the xmas parties trips begin. Wednesday we had Lauren and her crew on for a bit of fishing then a bbq in the harbour. Headed out to chase a few kingies, lost a few and got a few on the plastics only rats mind you. Decided to head off and do a bit of bottom bashing. Fishing was slow only managing a small feed with not a great deal of wind the drift was almost non existent. Still a great day out on the water. Thanks to everyone that came along we hope you enjoyed yourselves and have a merry and safe xmas.

07.01.2022 G'day all, Saturday saw Allan and the Midlands Irish boys on board for the morning. Nice conditions greeted us. Not a great deal of swell around and light winds. Peter managed a nice snapper at 47 and was the last fish of the day. Nice bag for the boys who left the boat quite happy. The afternoon was the polar opposite with the mornings conditions again the same but only a handful of fish caught still a great day on the water. Thanks to all that joined us we hope you had a great time and will come again.

07.01.2022 Gday all, hump day charter. Again beautiful outside the heads with a gentle ground swell from the south east and a light nor wester which turned to the nor east a bit later in the morning. Ran over a huge school of bonnito on the way out which resulted in one grabbing a lure and was soon in the boat. Some great mixed fish around for everyone including a nice goatfish at 40cm. Again we had to move around a bit to find them, not a bad day on the water We hope everyone enjoyed themselves and hope to see you again at some stage.

07.01.2022 G'day all, taco Tuesday charter. Beautiful day on the water, light sou westerley and not a great deal of swell again. Quite a slow day on the fishing front this morning. Moved around a bit managing to scratch up a feed here and there resulting in a bit of a mixed bag for all. Thanks to all that joined us, we hope you enjoyed your morning.

06.01.2022 Sundays saw us a bit sceptical about the day so we decided to have a look. Quite a strong swell with a little left over chop greeted us in the morning with a light southerly. Little uncomfortable but fishable. Not a great deal of fish around, yet we managed to scrape up a feed for those on board. Handful of flatties, some mowies and a couple of snapper. The afternoon saw conditions begin to settle down quite alot. although a few battled the motion. A bit better on the fish front than the morning, with flatties dominating the day and red spot smashing everything that went down. Thanks to all that joined us for the day. We hope you enjoyed it.

06.01.2022 G'day all, Sunday arvo crew saw a mixed crew on. Conditions weren't to bad contrary to the weatherman. Nice nor east swell and light breeze for the afternoon. Not a great deal of fish but a feed for all. Thanks for the day.

06.01.2022 G'day all, Monday morning was a complete change. Beautiful day, bugger all wind and a nice gentle nor east swell. Had Adam who joined us solo and became the nannying king and Anthony and the boys from Austech Home Improvements as usual great bunch of blokes and a morning of bagging and laughs. Not a great deal of wind to help us Found some nice snapper, pretty sure we would of snared a few more but no wind and tangles played a little havoac as well as contending with the dreaded leather jacket and plenty of pesky banded perch. Few mowies to throw in as well. Not a bad day and thanks to you all. Be nice to see you all again

06.01.2022 G'day all, todays charter saw the boys from Wright Air and Electrical join us for a friday xmas fish. Nice conditions outside with both a nice se swell and light wind. Started the day on sun up which in hindsight was a good move. The fish were on the chew quite early in the morning and dwindled on and off throughout the day. Some great fish around as well as some good ones lost and many sized fish thrown back. Thanks to Johno, Corey, Mikey and Johny for a great day. We hope you enjoyed yourselves and have a merry and safe xmas. Be great to see you back.

05.01.2022 Gday all, few late posts. The weather has still been playing havoc with us but our last few charters have been great days. Few fish starting to show up for us which is finally good to see and a couple of good sized things amongst them. The water is still green out there and the current's are still playing havoc. One minute your drifting north to south, then south to north, then east to west. We have had some great people on board lately and we thank you for your patience. We hope you have enjoyed your day and would be great to see you all again.

05.01.2022 Gday all, sunday we had Colin and m8's on for the day. Nice conditions in the morning that continued all day. Fishing has been a bit slow with the moon and even though water temps have risen to over 21 there are still cold patches through the bottom. Still some nice fish around including a nice 50cm snapper. Some thumper slimy mackeral as well that are great to eat or smoke up. Even though fishing was slow the boys managed a nice mixed bag. Thanks for joining us and we hope to see you again.

05.01.2022 G'day all, friday morning another mixed group on. Conditions outside again not to bad. Fishing is still a bit on and off, although there are some nice fish about they are hard to come across. At least everyone went home with a feed. The afternoon turned pretty hard for us, the nor easter began to come up and the current decided to run making it almost impossible to fish as no one could hold bottom. So we decided to move in to north head. Turned out not to be a bad move. Sometimes it provides and it did for once. Thanks to all those that joined us, we hope you enjoyed yourselves and will join us again next year.

04.01.2022 G'day all, few late posts do apologise. Some interesting days out fishing. Conditions have not been to bad. Some nice fish around although we are moving quite a bit to find them. The weekend saw a few fish on the chew probably due to this low we are in the middle of. Should clear for the upcoming weekend. Some nice fish for those that have been with us lately, pearl perch, snapper, mowies, trevally, some nice flatties and pig fish. Still some pesky fish around but thats fishing. Thanks to all those that have joined us, we hooe to see you all again soon.

04.01.2022 G'day all Saturday was a full day with Brett, family and friends. Not a bad day to be out on the water, little bit of mixed swell left over from the last couple of days strong winds. Light south east wind, and nice water reaching up to 21.8. Did a bit of moving around but managed a nice mixed bag for everyone, snapper, flatties a few mowies,some good sized slimies and a couple of pigfish. Too bunch of blokes and welcome back anytime. Glad you enjoyed the day and the fish. Thanks fellas!

04.01.2022 G'day all, saturday we had the birdwatchers on for their last trip of the year. Beautiful conditions all day, virtually no wind or swell which isnt ideal. Not a great deal of birdlife out on the shelf unfortunately. We managed to see some sunfish, 2 marlin just lounging on the surface, a huge pod of common dolphins and a small pod of pilot whales which cruised past the boat and we followed for a while. Great and knowledgeable people to have on board and we have learnt alot from them over the year. Look forward to having them back onboard next year.

04.01.2022 G'day all, today we had Josh and the boys from Opps Stainless Steel for their xmas fish/party. Beautiful day out the front not much swell or wind and still alot of smoke haze around. Again finding it hard to locate the fish but the boys managed a few with Jake catching a great 59cm snapper at the death. Great bunch of bloke and good fun having them on for the morning. Thanks for joining us and we are glad you enjoyed the day.

02.01.2022 Sorry all very slack again. Last week saw us fish both Saturday and Sunday. Saturday still saw some large leftover swell from the low. Quite a bit of time in between the swell meant we were able to fish. Still pretty hard on the catching scene again having to move around a bit to find fish. Sunday saw a few fish around then the day before. Conditions had improved quite a bit. The mornings crew doing quite well, compared to the afternoon again only a handful of fish to be caught. Thanks to all that joined us we hope to see you again

02.01.2022 Saturday saw us again with Patrick and the mad Irish. Beautiful day on the water, almost flat calm and not a great deal of wind. Still had to move a bit to get a feed but the boys were happy at the end of the day. Special mention to Thomas Groarke who managed to outfish everyone and landed a nice 53cm mowie as well. As usual more beer drunk than fish caught. Thanks boys for the day, always a pleasure to have you on.

01.01.2022 Gday all, some late posts. The start to the new year hasn't been to crash hot on the fishing front. Things have been rather slow out there for us. The weather gods have been playing games and so have the fish. Although there are some nice sized fish around, most notable being Kathryn's 57cm mowie. They have been hard to find. Big thanks to those that have been giving their fish away and also great to see some people returning fish back to fight another day. Hopefully this week sees some better fishing.

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