Tailwind Nutrition Australia | Medical service
Tailwind Nutrition Australia
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25.01.2022 Waking up at the crack of sparrows every morning to put that training effort in for your next race, we all know that feeling.. Remember this and apply it to whatever your training for next. We love Courtney Dauwalters wise words. Just dont forget them! #tailwindnutritionaustralia #everymomentcounts #itsallworthitintheend
23.01.2022 Every day should be a good day! #gotailwind #tailwindsgotyourback #thegooddaystartshere
21.01.2022 We are so HAPPY today!! Spring is definitely here!! Summer is on its way.. @tailwindnutritionaustralia #springintotailwind
21.01.2022 Start with 100-200 calories per hour for shorter/less intense workouts and 200-300 calories (Maximum our bodies can digest) per hour for endurance workouts or races; adjust up or down as needed. Or very simply, mix 2 scoops in as much water as you’ll consume in 1 hour, for each hour of exercise. With Tailwind Nutrition, you can TRAIN HARD or RACE HARD, then get up and do it all again tomorrow. With Tailwind Nutrition's Endurance Fuel and Rebuild Recovery, you can!
21.01.2022 DOES TAILWIND CONTAIN WHEAT/GLUTEN/SOY/DAIRY? Nope. All of our products are free of wheat, gluten, soy and dairy. That includes Rebuild Recovery! (I know right, how can it be vegan if it tastes just like a milkshake!!)
19.01.2022 Remember to keep checking in with your local retailers for quick and easy Tailwind purchases. Many stores are open for in person shopping or have Tailwind available for online purchase. To find the retailer closest to you check out www.tailwindnutrition.com.au/retailers
18.01.2022 RACES ARE BACK - KINDA... YOU ASKED, IS THERE A RACE/WORKING EXAMPLE? The following is taken from a 100 km trail race with 3000m of elevation run recently, the runner (72kg male) completed the event in 10hrs49min with Tailwind as the only source of fuel, electrolytes, and hydration for the entire event. The temperature ranged from 16 degrees C at the start, to a high of 27 at midday, with a mild hot dry wind in the afternoon. Start: 2 X 500ml Bottles with 250 Cal (2.5 scoops... Tailwind) in each, one with Lemon and one with Berry flavour, as well as 1L Backpack with 5 scoops of Tailwind Mandarin Orange flavour- Total Calories carried 1000, enough for 4 hours running. Checkpoint1: 23.5 Km- Exchanged 2 X 500ml bottles, with premixed and prefilled 500ml bottles with 250 Cal naked flavour in each -Total time in checkpoint 20 seconds- "mainly due to the length of the shute" Checkpoint2: 53.4 Km- Exchanged 2 X 500ml bottles, with premixed and prefilled 500ml bottles with 250 cal in each, one with Berry, one with Lemon flavour - Total time in checkpoint 30 sec Checkpont3: 76.9 Km- Exchanged 2 X 500ml bottles, with premixed and prefilled 500ml bottles with 250 cal in each, one with Mandarin Orange, one with Naked flavour - Total time in checkpoint 30 sec The backpack bladder was used to sip on at various stages during the day (if it took slightly longer than expected to complete a leg or a flavour change sounded nice) and emptied in the last leg, making it a total of 2500 calories consumed (25 scoops of Tailwind), the equivalent of around 230 Calories/hour and a total of 5 Litres of fluid for hydration. #FuelledbyTailwind #TailwindZoomZoomZoom
16.01.2022 Another awesome Rebuild receipe! This time our very own favourite The Running Dietitian Sophie Brown has created this receipe just for you.. Tried and tested them and couldn't stop at one! Enjoy your weekend treat from us to you, You Deserve It! Yummy Coconut Rebuild Energy Balls #tailwindrebuildchocolate #itsallyouneedalldayreally Plant-Based Dietitian #Icantbeleiveitsvegan
15.01.2022 ATHLETES NEED COMPLETE PROTEIN By Art Zemach, M.D. What is complete protein? Only complete protein actually rebuilds muscle.... A complete protein is made up of all nine essential amino acids. Similar to baking a cake, in order to make a complete protein, you need the correct amount of each ingredient (in this case the ingredients are amino acids). Most natural foods that contain protein have at least some complete protein. Natural foods are rarely perfectly complete or not complete - more often they are somewhat complete. Soy protein, for example, is 30% complete. Whey protein is 24% complete. This means that the same amount of muscle can be built by either 25 grams of soy protein, or 31 grams of whey protein. Soy protein, gram for gram, will build a little more muscle than whey protein. Rebuild Recovery Delivers Quality Protein At Tailwind Nutrition, we did the science for you, so you can simplify your nutrition. When we designed Rebuild Recovery, we wanted to use the best protein possible for rebuilding muscle after a workout. We took rice protein, which is easy for many people to digest, and augmented it with the nine essential amino acids to make it as close to a perfectly complete protein as possible. Our protein is 76% complete! This explains why the 10 grams of high-quality protein in a serving of Rebuild Recovery will build as much muscle as 25 grams of soy protein or 31 grams of whey protein. The Importance of Timing For athletes, timing is important. Complete protein is most effective when consumed immediately after a workout. Most people get complete protein in a normal diet through a combination of various foods, but the beauty of Rebuild Recovery is the efficiency and convenience of one bottle with the exact protein you need to recover. If you’re baking a cake, you don’t bake flour and eggs first and then bake butter and sugar later. The cake needs all the ingredients in the correct quantities at the same time to be effective. It’s the same thing with building muscle and the nine essential amino acids. Rebuild gives your body exactly what it needs, when you need it. If you drink a serving in the first hour after a workout (commonly referred to as the golden hour), your body gets the right amount of complete protein at just the right time. It’s a game changer! When to Use Rebuild If you’ve worked hard - make it count! Whether it was running, cycling, weight training, CrossFit, or power yoga, Rebuild Recovery will maximize any exercise session that leaves you tired or sore. You will feel better sooner and be more ready for your next workout. We’re your support crew! If you ever have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at
15.01.2022 HOW DOES TAILWIND WORK? Tailwind’s glucose/sucrose fuel takes advantage of how our bodies absorb nutrients. The combination of Tailwind’s fuel, electrolytes, and water has a synergistic effect, allowing the body to absorb more of each. Tailwind’s electrolyte profile mimics what you’re sweating out, once in the bloodstream, the glucose in Tailwind, fuels the muscles directly, allowing athletes to go longer at higher intensities while replacing valuable electrolytes lost through perspiration and effort. Its really that easy! #GoTailwind #TailwindNutritionAust #Tailwndsgotyourback
14.01.2022 WHAT IS IN TAILWIND? Have you wondered what is in Tailwind Endurance Fuel and Recovery? You can see for yourself that our ingredient list has no hidden nasties, nor huge chemical words you cannot pronounce. Tailwind Nutrition Endurance Fuel and Recovery Rebuild is GLUTEN FREE. VEGAN. NO SOY. NO DAIRY. NO ARTIFICIAL FLAVOURS. NO PRESERVATIVES and NO FAKE COLOURING. TAILWIND ENDURANCE FUEL - NON CAFFINEATED: Non-GMO Dextrose (Glucose), Non-GMO Sucrose, Sodium Citrate, Sea Sal...t, Citric Acid, Organic Flavor, Potassium Chloride, Calcium Carbonate, Magnesium Citrate TAILWIND ENDURANCE FUEL CAFFINEATED: Non-GMO Dextrose (Glucose), Non-GMO Sucrose, Sodium Citrate, Sea Salt, Citric Acid, Organic Flavour, Potassium Chloride, Calcium Carbonate, Magnesium Citrate, Organic Caffeine Gluten free/vegan/no soy/ no dairy TAILWIND REBUILD RECOVERY - CHOCOLATE and VANILLA: Non-GMO Dextrose, Non-GMO Sucrose, Coconut Milk Powder, Essential Amino Acids (L-Leucine, LLysine, L-Valine, L-lsoleucine, L-Phenylalanine, L-Threonine, L-Methionine, L-Histidine, L-Tryptophan), Non-GMO Organic Rice Protein Powder, Cocoa Powder, Sea Salt, Potassium Chloride, Calcium Carbonate, Magnesium Citrate TAILWIND REBUILD RECOVERY - COFFEE: Non-GMO Dextrose, Non-GMO Sucrose, Coconut Milk Powder, Essential Amino Acids (L-Leucine, LLysine, L-Valine, L-lsoleucine, L-Phenylalanine, L-Threonine, L-Methionine, L-Histidine, L-Tryptophan), Non-GMO Organic Rice, Protein Powder, 100% Arabica Coffee, Sea Salt, Potassium Chloride, Calcium Carbonate, Magnesium Citrate - includes 80mg caffeine
09.01.2022 Never regret a run! #tailwindsgotyourback Tailwind Nutrition Australia
08.01.2022 So, What is Tailwind Nutrition? Tailwind Endurance Fuel is our complete all-in-one fuel that contains all the calories, carbs, electrolytes and salt that you need during exercise. Our products are easy to digest, non-GMO, vegan, gluten, soy and dairy free and were created to support your fueling and recovery needs. If you have trouble digesting bars or gels, this is a complete replacement. It is easy on your stomach, mixes clear and simple to use. ... Tailwinds Rebuild Recovery is our recovery product for after exercise that contains organic rice protein. We supplement that with amino acids to make it a complete protein and add carbohydrates, some healthy fats from coconut milk and electrolytes. Nothing repairs your muscles more efficiently, restores your energy faster and makes you feel better sooner. It is recommended to consume Rebuild within 30-60 min post exercise. See more
07.01.2022 This is, hands-down, the simplest Coffee Rebuild Recovery Smoothie you can make, but that doesn’t make it any less delicious. Ready in under a minute, very few ingredients required! Ingredients 2 scoops Coffee Rebuild 1 banana 500 mls water... 1 cup of ice Directions 1. Toss everything in your blender and pulse until ice is thoroughly crushed. 2. Enjoy within an hour of exercise! Additions and Substitutions From this simple base, feel free to spruce up or substitute to your heart’s content. Here are a few of our favourite additions and substitutions: Use dairy or nondairy milk in place of water for added creaminess Add a scoop of nut butter for more protein and thickness Skip the caffeine and use Vanilla or Chocolate Rebuild Top with whipped cream (for obvious reasons) Have a suggestion? Let us know in the comments! See more
06.01.2022 CAN I ADD OR REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF TAILWIND REQUIRED? Absolutely, in fact we encourage you to experiment and test to see what works for you, that is the only way you can get the most out of your event. However, please bear in mind that the maximum our stomach can digest per hour is between 200 and 300 calories. Here's what some say about Tailwind and how they mix/change it around: Try mixing some of the Naked with some of the flavours! When it’s hotter I like 2 scoops of... naked to 1 scoop of Berry or Orange. For marathons I mix 4 scoops of Tailwind with 600ml of water and carry it with me in a handheld bottle, and then just supplement with water from aid stations as needed. The biggest thing I've learned with Tailwind is to allow it to be flexible. When the day gets super hot, I change to about 200 cal per 700ml rather than my regular 250 cal 700ml. That way I can consume more water and stay on top of my hydration while still getting the caloric intake. Tailwind gives you so much flexibility that you're able to adjust for race conditions. You just have to trust the product. When performing high intensity training sessions, I mix Tailwind into a "Gel" like substance in small bottles and sip regularly throughout the session. Topping with water #anothergreattipfromTailwind #gotailwind See more
06.01.2022 By Tyler Barrett The morning of race day is stressful. Months and months of preparation have gone into this one event. Your mind is wondering if you prepared enough Did I get enough long runs in? Did I taper adequately enough? Did I fuel properly? The only thing you want to be thinking about on race day is enjoying the race, so taking the guesswork out of prepping is key. Whether you are getting ready to run your first race or you are a seasoned runner with hundreds o...Continue reading
05.01.2022 IT'S ALL ABOUT THE PLANNING! Stephen Redfern (aka Shaggy) ultra runner extraordinaire, all round nice guy and Tailwind Trailblazer tells us his training and planning to run the Coast 2 Kosci 240km Ultra 2020 With such a successful C2K first time run in 2016, I have been happy to keep the training for C2K 2020 very similar. Having quite a few great Ultras under my belt this year (despite the dreaded COVID) including: ... HK4TUC (Honk Kong 4 Trails Ultra Challenge)- 300km in February Quarantine Backyard Ultra (24hr)- 160km Garage Isolation Ultra - 360km Anzac 100 100k in April. 2 x solo FKT runs (135km & 100km) in May and Oct Canberra 100 Trail Ultra Adelaide 12hr With consistent racing my fitness and strength base have allowed me to focus my training for the final 2 months leading into the race. My weekly training schedule has been an average of 140-160km per week. With long training runs ranging between 50 to 100km in between the normal daily runs of hills and steady paced runs, but still having recovery days between them to keep the fatigue down. With the race now less than 3 weeks out it’s all about resting the legs as the main strength base is now there, dropping back on the long runs and focusing on normal days to keep everything hopefully at peak fitness. My Fuelling - Calculating Tailwind Endurance Fuel for the 240k Ultra. Having crew with you every step of the way looking after you alleviates the need to carry much whilst running. For a race like C2K, I apply my nutrition system as I do for my 24hr track races. I have my Tailwind premixed with 4 scoops to one litre of water. My crew fill a 250ml bottle that I pick up each 5km as I pass. This way I can slowly sip and intake my required amount of 200 calories per hour that I am used to taking. With this system I am able to average my intake of Tailwind to 500ml per hour and can rehydrate with extra fluids if required when I pass my crew. Even though this system was designed for a 20min schedule on the track, the 5km at C2K is basically the same but done on a 30min cycle. Through training I have worked out this system is very comfortably over that time period and longer. My Training plan I have basically used the same training plan that I used from my 2016 C2K race which I put together myself, without the use of a coach. With a successful Sub 30hr 3rd place finish In 2016, I decided to stick to the same plan. With more experience this time round, I’m hoping to match or do better this year if all goes to plan.
04.01.2022 Are you interested in joining the Tailwind Nutrition Australia Team? We are currently taking applications for a Sales Customer Service position. Location: Hornsby, NSW Email for a full description Days: 2-3 days... Hours to suit: 9/9.30am - 2.30-3.30pm Please submit a cover letter and resume to [email protected] See more
04.01.2022 How to carry Tailwind in a Marathon? Using the example of a 3:45 -4:00hr marathon where 4 stick packs (200 calories per hour) will be consumed. Mix these 4 stick packs with water in a 500ml bottle which can be carried in a waist belt or pocket or vest. As you reach the water station, take a mouthful of the concentrate mix then at the water station grab water to wash it down. This avoids the need to mix mid-race. For further advice please be in touch.. ... Simple solutions... See more
04.01.2022 Schedule it NOW! #gotailwind!
01.01.2022 What is your favourite Rebuild receipe.. Do you love it just mixed with water? Or do you have your own special way.. Grab a pack and try out some yummy new recipes. Rebuild - the recovery sent by the heavens! #gotailwind
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