Tammy Spiller Clinical Nutritionist | Nutritionist
Tammy Spiller Clinical Nutritionist
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25.01.2022 https://tammyspiller.com/blog/summer-slaw-recipe
25.01.2022 Do you have IBS and regularly just stop eating certain foods? Is the list of what you can eat getting smaller and smaller? Youre not alone. Research shows that 2/3rds of IBS sufferers commonly exclude or limit certain foods. This can lead to nutritional deficiencies that leave you feeling worse off in the long run. Most importantly, rather than exclude whole food groups, identify specific food triggers is one step in the right direction. ... Food triggers are not simple to understand and different foods can do one or all of the following - * Changing the water content in the bowel - so diarrhoea or constipation! * Changing the speed with which contents of the bowel are emptied - in a rush much? Altering chemical receptors in our digestive system - hungry or full and uncomfortable. Activating inflammatory molecules - pain. Altering the bacteria or microbiota balance in our intestines - bloating. Increasing the volume and stretch response in our intestines - discomfort. All of this in turn affects not just how our bowel reacts but also impacts our immune system, our energy, our mood and brain function. If you need to work out what is happening for you, reach out on the link in my bio. Photo by Javier García on Unsplash See more
25.01.2022 https://tammyspiller.com/blog/you-are-not-a-project
24.01.2022 I got this amazing message from a client recently and he gave me permission to share it. I love it when clients get great results using food. We have been focussing on reducing pre-diabetic markers and improving the discomfort of osteoarthritis by decreasing the glycemic load of the diet which also happens to limit foods that cause inflammation. To make this long term way of eating stick we have focussed on some core eating habits that follow the digestive patterns of our body and this lovely client has built them into his day. I'm so impressed by his willingness to wade into the change process.
24.01.2022 It was an absolute pleasure to 'train the trainers' @ #Core9westend on matching training and nutrition to female physiology last Thursday night. I'm so grateful to be invited back to present to all female members on the topic 'Women Are Not Small Men' 25th July @ 7pm. #Core9westend #nutritionalmedicine #can'twait
23.01.2022 Sleep...zzzz. Something we all want but often have trouble getting. I know that I fall into this category and some of my patients do too. Last week I listened to a podcast hosted by Dr Rhonda Patrick interviewing researcher and author Matthew Walker on how sleep impacts chronic illnesses, but also "how to get more of it". It can get deep with technical data at times, but the practical tips alone are worth it for the non-health geeks. Listen to it on 1.5x and slow down f...or the advice. Needless to say, I've got some blue blocking glasses but have yet to kick my evening Game of Thrones habit. I know I'm not alone in TV addictions. Google: Found my Fitness to find the visual podcast or use your podcast app to find the audio. https://www.foundmyfitness.com/episodes/matthew-walker
22.01.2022 Disturbances in our gut bacteria can lead to poor communication, inflammation and reduced chemical messengers reaching our brain. This is when we are at risk of unbalanced mental states. I've included the latest evidence about food, stress, ibs, hypersensitivity and the impact on our brain in the post. ** Food is only one factor to improving mental health. It is a multi-factorial issue requiring a range of approaches. Nutrition is one. Serotonin and GABA are key mess...engers involved in influencing our mood and the quality of our intestinal environment. Certain species are shown to be great aids in the creation of these neurotransmitters, specifically Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Clostridium. Find out about the key foods to encourage these species to flourish. https://tammyspiller.com/blog/food-and-our-state-of-mind #foodasmedicine #clinicalnutrition #foodandmood #microbiomeandmentalhealth #ibs #gutrepair #guthealth #brainhealth #nutritioninterventions #nutritionalmedicine #tammyspillernutrition See more
21.01.2022 https://tammyspiller.com/blog/nutritious-festive-feast
21.01.2022 #iso-eating Mmmm nut butter scooped onto dark chocolate.
21.01.2022 https://tammyspiller.com/blog/immunesupportvirusupdate
20.01.2022 https://tammyspiller.com/blog/carrotpumpkinsouptwist
19.01.2022 Last minute lunch box prep on Sunday night. It's a fine line between making food so there are nutritious offerings and food prepping so I can pretend I have a handle on the week. Sooo many carrots left from last week that I managed these two slab cakes and muffins as well. I normally grate the carrot by hand for one cake, but this all went in the food processor. Recipe: Healthy Carrot Cake by Teresa Cutter. After cooking I cut up into squares and freeze. We pack them into lunch boxes in the evening and put the topping on in the morning.
19.01.2022 These seeded crackers will keep appearing over and over again as I never get tired of changing up the flavours. These contain multiple sources of fibre and can be used to carry everything from a slice of salmon to a bit of hummus. These are IBS-C, IBS-D and FODMAP friendly, however do not overdo them in one sitting. They are very effective. The original recipe is from Banting Foods. There are variations that blend all the seeds. This is not necessary and in my exper...ience dramatically increases the time it takes to cook and become crisp. The seeds work regardless. If you are dairy friendly then try it with some labne. Labne is a full fat greek yoghurt placed in some muslin and colander over a pot. Cover and place in the fridge to drain once it is set up. A kind of soft cheese remains. Recipe - www.tammyspillernutrition.com.au Go to Favourites and check out the celebration recipe guide. See more
18.01.2022 Even if it's not what you planned, how can you make today beautiful? I wrote this down yesterday as a message to myself. The year may not have started as I planned. My goals seem less straight forward than I'd hoped. Big goals can often stress and overwhelm me. To reduce this stress, I have a process which de-escalates it at the time. I check in to see if I really value something first and then ask myself what would the me in my imagination -- you know, the one with t...heir shit together -- do today? I start small and tell myself that she would get outside early because the day always throws curve balls if I put it off. After a week of sticking to that, I ask myself what a healthy me would have for breakfast? And so on. It sounds pretty basic but it is often enough to re-calibrate and get back into a routine that works for me. In a meditation class this past weekend, our guide Rebecca @CoreYoga said people always think you must have it together when you are a put whatever you like here/nutritionist/psychologist/counsellor/mother/partner, but we are all humans and suffering* is our common state. It doesn't spare us, even if though we have the tools to deal with it. Ive been doing lots of measuring in my head lately and when I do, there is no doubt that I come up short. It might be a NewYear thing -- or a February thing ;)-- but I thought I might share it in case there's more than one of us. I steal some good affirmations from @BreneBrown like "Love does not measure" or "I am worthy as I am" and refocus with little techniques like the one above. So, even if it's not what you planned, how can you make today beautiful? * suffering - physical or psychological stress, pain, hardship, grief, self-criticism etc.
17.01.2022 It was a much deserved feeling of success for my client GF this week. He has reduced his diabetes risk by dropping his waist circumference by 7cm!! Yes, you read that right. His weight is also down 2kg. He knows how to eat and what to eat and is not done yet! In fact, we've only just begun. At our consult he looked so energetic and was most happy with reducing his reliance on pain medication for his osteoarthritis. This style of eating is anti-inflammatory and manages blood glucose/insulin to achieve great results. High fives for GF who is implementing a range of food habit and movement changes.
17.01.2022 The details for our walking nutrition tour. xx
17.01.2022 If you've been suffering from IBS you will have been told to increase the fibre in your diet. It's easy to think that fibre is only bulk for our bowel movements, but the real magic of fibre is that our bacteria love it. Including fibre like oats can increase the total number and species of beneficial gut bacteria. It's their metabolised waste -- the short chain fatty acids -- that improve intestinal health and our IBS symptoms. Oats contain a fibre called beta-glucan that has shown benefits in improving not only IBS, but lowering cholesterol, helping to manage our weight and our blood sugar following meals. I discuss tips on how to successfully introduce oats if you've had long term IBS and may have been reacting to them over on my blog. Don't write oats off just yet. tammyspiller.com/blog
17.01.2022 A few clients have been wondering lately if their caffeine is an IBS trigger. Research hasn't revealed it to be a common trigger. However, we do know that it can increase bowel emptying rapidly after drinking and increase stomach acid and the flow of bile. Both of these can be good responses depending on what is happening for you. It doesn't necessarily need to be removed from your diet but consider a trial with different doses and stopping intake well before lunch. ... Being a multifactorial condition IBS can be improved by lowering stress responses and restoring sleep patterns. Coffee rather than caffeine (so that includes decaf as well) can increase nervous system stress responses and raise BP. Again, limiting intake and stopping the afternoon coffees may be the solution. Most of us keep drinking it for the cognitive benefits. While it has been shown to increase the energy used by our brains it actually causes a slight reduction in blood supply to the brain! See more
17.01.2022 I was so moved when I read this earlier in the week.... Be healthy, be strong and be happy in yourself. Have a lovely weekend xx More of Kate's Poetry in case you're interested......... Like A Wife The week before my wedding, my friend's dad said: Just don't get fat, like other wives do. And so I brined him in a deep salt bath, added thyme and celery. Devoured him whole, in one big bite, so he could see jus how hungry a woman can be. & again, because I can't resist.... Robyn Hood Imagine if we took back our diets, our grand delusion, the time spent thinking about the curve of our form. Imagine if we took back every time we called attention to one or the other: her body, our body, the bad shape of things. Imagine the minutes that would stretch into hours. Day after day stolen back like a thief. Imagine the power of loose arms and assurance. The years welcomed home in a soft, cotton dress. Kate Baer, Poet - Book: What Kind of Woman Quote from interview on @cupofjo
16.01.2022 https://tammyspiller.com/blog/excessiveimmunereactions
16.01.2022 "What can I say. . . thanks to Metabolic Balance I have lost 80 kg! I can clearly feel the increase in my quality of life through more activity. " Isabella M. ,... 36 years old. No matter if you want to lose only 8 or 80 kg - Metabolic Balance helps you to achieve your personal goal with ease! #weightloss #nutritionist #healthylife #eatright #personalisedmedicine #balancedmetabolism #personalnutrition #metabolicbalance #metabolicbalanceaustralia #nevergiveup #youareworthy #healthychoicesmatter
16.01.2022 https://tammyspiller.com/blog/quarantineroutineday1
15.01.2022 It can be controversial posting images of bread when you're a nutritionist. Personally, I tend toward a low refined carbohydrate diet not just because I have a strong family history of illnesses like Type 2 diabetes, but because most modern bread is rubbish. However, my family have no such problems and with growing teenagers, in my house, I could go bankrupt if I didn't add both nutritious and FILLING foods to their plate. So in the interests of keeping it real, I thought...Continue reading
14.01.2022 Basic guidelines to get enough protein on your vegetarian diet.
14.01.2022 Eat and Train for Fitness not Thinness.
13.01.2022 Evidence based guidelines on when to eat for weight loss, optimum digestion and absorption. https://tammyspiller.com/blog/the-you-experiment-2
13.01.2022 #fridaynightfeels #mocktailsandmovies #dontjudgemydrawing
12.01.2022 I designed this smoothie with my IBS sufferers in mind. Enjoy it post workout or as a breakfast smoothie with specific fibres to promote gut healing. The result is rich and creamy like a thick shake. If you have it as a breakfast smoothie remember to consume 3-4 serves of fresh greens, veggies and fruit at both lunch and dinner. Guar gum is a pre-biotic that supports healthy gut bacteria and normalises the amount of water in your - great for IBS-C and IBS-D sufferer...s. Don't overdo it though. Oats are also a fibre and source of beta-glucans. They support gut cell health and our gut derived immune system. 1/4 cup of rolled oats (gf if required) 1 level tsp of guar gum (purchased from @thesourcewestend) 1 scoop of vanilla grass fed protein powder (or pea protein) 1 tsp of chia seeds 1/2 cup of almond milk 1 long black - decaf optional Ice to blend Place all ingredients in a high speed blender. If you'd like to dial back the IBS symptoms and get relief reach out -- link in bio. tammyspillernutrition.com.au See more
12.01.2022 As Ive gotten older I have developed a tool-box of skills and actions I can take when stress builds up or depression kicks in. But I often think how cool it would have been if Id developed these when I was younger? This leads nicely into my week. Ive been to three parent-information evenings in the past two weeks and Ive noticed that each of the schools my kids attend have included a wellness part to the evening. Its fantastic + yet they often dont quite give enou...Continue reading
11.01.2022 Sometimes you just need to eat more so you can get through a busy day. I've seen a few clients recently who - in all honesty - had fabulous diets filled with fresh whole foods. However, they just weren't eating enough to provide the energy for their busy lives. Don't forget when you eat a diet where 3/4 of your meal comes from vegetables and the remainder is a portion of protein with healthy fats you are likely to need more. This is especially so on days where you want to work optimally and exercise. Fatigue can sometimes be about nourishing yourself and fueling adequately. So eat up! Almost everyone could do with more plants in their diet (+ more self kindness in their lives) xx.
10.01.2022 The me that has my shit together - ;) previous post - had kindly booked me into a training course on Mindful Self Compassion led by the beautiful psychologist and yogi Rebecca Deacon @CoreYoga. This last weekend was the first session and it was so wonderful I'm looking forward to tomorrows practice. Heading into a new clinical practice year, its time to nurture the nurturer and give back to myself. The good thing about this training is once I have finished I can bring sm...all informal practices of self-compassion to my own clients. Caring for your physical body through nutrition and movement is already an act of compassion but these skills will help facilitate acceptance of thoughts and feelings without the harsh self-criticism or struggle. First however, I am very excited to experience this process myself. It is 8 weeks and includes a four hour silent retreat. If you've met me then you know that this is a challenge I have to work up to. Self-compassion is linked to becoming more connected, coping, resilience, motivation, healthy behaviours and being mindful. If you havent tried @CoreYogas other meditation classes I urge you to give them a go. Last year I had the pleasure of doing a couple of other short meditation courses with Rebecca and they formed part of my self-care each week and encouraged me to meditate (or at least dedicate time to small mindfulness activities) regularly. I write this as I complete the activity of soothing touch as shown in the picture with a hand over heart. #coreyogawestend #nuturing #mindfulness #functionalnutritionalmedicine #integrativemedicine #self-care #mindfulselfcompassion
10.01.2022 R u ok? I like to check in with friends regularly, especially if they've been having a difficult time. The R U OK? organisation has more details for learning what to say if you struggle with this convo. https://www.ruok.org.au/join-r-u-ok-day 1. Ask... 2. Listen 3. Encourage Action 4. Check in See more
08.01.2022 Homemade rye and spelt sourdough with curried egg and greens. #sundaysandwichclassics I use this recipe and substitute spelt for the small amount of whole flour. https://breadtopia.com/sourdough-rye-bread/
08.01.2022 I'm super excited to meet some local's and chat all things food, walking and eating. It doesn't really get any better than that! Send through an email: [email protected] ... Let me know you'll be coming and if you have any questions you'd love answered. It's optional, but we can end the stroll with a coffee and bite to eat somewhere locally that will fit us in. Cheers, Tammy
06.01.2022 Pistachio Tumeric Dip - Recipe
04.01.2022 Food isn't the whole picture when it comes to our health. Although food is quite literally a direct message to our body about what to build and how to function it isn't the only thing that brings wellbeing. Being engaged socially -- in the real world -- fulfills the human need for connection. Shared experiences decrease our physical and mental stress responses, improve learning and reduce loneliness. Who doesn't want that? I'm up for more joy and a better quality of life.... That's why I am super keen to read this book. I've read Cal's previous books -- Deep Work and So Good They Can't Ignore You -- and I wish I was skilled at implementing his techniques. I'm always learning though and this new book has my attention, especially as I have tech focussed teens. I've tried many times to just do the weekend tech detox, so I am hoping there is a sustainable solution in this resource. Praise is even coming from people who rely on tech based media (but use it wisely). Youre not the user, youre the product. Hang up, log off, and tune in to a different way to be in the world. Bravo, Cal. Smart advice for good people. Seth Godin.
04.01.2022 Usually it's the 3pm slump when the worst cravings occur. You can't stop thinking about ducking out from work for a slice of cake (or realistically that extra hit of coffee). So why do we crave something sweet? Cravings for food tends to be either driven by our physiology or emotions. ... Physiological cravings are generally the result of either: a) the body needing nutrients it's missing ie. not enough protein, fat or healthy carbs at meals so it creates chemical messages that push hunger; or b) eating foods that set us on the blood sugar rollercoaster so your body starts craving sugar hits regularly. Emotional cravings are more about the comfort that food provides than the nutrient value of the food. For eg. eating half a block of choc to either avoid, distract or soothe intense emotions. In my experience, cravings -- especially the 3pm ones -- can often be a result of both. Rather than respond to cravings and deal with the inevitable harsh mental discussion that follows, ask yourself "What am I really hungry for?" If it's a break, take it. If you decide you are actually hungry, first check if you've had enough water for the day (35ml per kg of body weight) as it often masquerades as hunger. If after checking in and drinking water, you decide that it's really hunger go for something that will satiate with protein and a small amount of fat. Good choices are nuts, carrot and hummus or a boiled egg. The truth is though, that if we get our meals right, with the right foods for us with a balance of protein, fat and carbs at each meal we don't need to snack. After we've fixed meals, dealing with snacking is about emotions and re-thinking our environment so we can develop new habits like a stroll in the sunshine. As a clinical nutritionist, I use Metabolic Balance to identify foods that get these internal signals right for you. We work together over 7 appts to implement routines that support you for life so you know how to eat for you. This isn't a diet, but uses 35 different blood biomarkers to identify the right foods for your body for life. I'm taking appts now for Jan/Feb so reach out if you'd like to learn more.
04.01.2022 https://tammyspiller.com/blog/walking-tour
03.01.2022 BIG SHARE -- Awesome Recipes from an amazing farmer. http://dishingupthedirt.com//farm-di/local-thirty-trailer/ I've been following this couples blog off and on since 2008. They are organic farmers from the States who share all the details of their lifestyle and ALL the best recipes. Recently they made a film about the food they sourced in a 320km radius of their farm. The trailer link is above. I recommend scouring their recipes for ideas when you have specific ingredients on hand. You can look by meal or you can search by ingredients. Enjoy and let me know if you find something good that I should try. In case the link doesn't work: Dishing up the Dirt is the website. xx
03.01.2022 https://tammyspiller.com/blog/ibs-part-one
02.01.2022 Umm yeah... of course! I know that's what you're thinking. . . I know you aren't stupid. The people I see most often are looking for sustainable ways to be energised, get rid of or lessen chronic health problems naturally or to support other medical interventions. It isn't always as straightforward as it seems. If you'd like to gain back control of your health then targeted food interventions can work for the long term. I'm thorough in investigating what's happeni...ng for you. A diagnosis is just the beginning. Link in bio. tammyspillernutrition.com.au See more
01.01.2022 This is actually a mango smoothie.... but, yes it's green. If you're in Queensland at the moment you know why I'm downing cold liquid breakfasts. My daughter and I went running two mornings this week and even at 6am it was pretty much 30 degrees I like to get in a couple of serves of vegetables early in the day so it's green. Try it and let me know what you think...... Sunshine Smoothie 185g mango (sub frozen if you don't have fresh) 1 banana (I often only use 1/2 a frozen banana) 20g rolled oats 1 cup/250ml unsweetened almond milk (or milk of choice) 20g hemp seeds (optional) 1/4 lemon juiced 2 cups/90g baby spinach Place it all in the blender and mix until smooth. I also add in a cup or so of ice and extra water if necessary. Substitutes - banana for 2 soaked dates; protein powder instead of oats and hemp or nut butter (extra fat); flax seeds for fibre. Extra's: 12g fibre (1/3 daily req's), 15g protein, 12g fat & 70g of complex carbs. Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium, Folate, Magnesium, Zinc and Selenium See more
01.01.2022 I really am very grateful for my family, my community and that we are safe, employed and well fed during this time. However, while I was counting my blessings it occurred to me that I was in equal measure incredibly frustrated by them as well. Does anyone else feel like this as well?
01.01.2022 Inflammatory Bowel Disease [IBD] https://tammyspiller.com/blog/ibd-part-one
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