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25.01.2022 #Uber #logbook #TaxReturn Nu nh bn dùng xe cá nhân (xe hi, xe gn máy, xe p) kim thêm thu nhp nh chy Uber Eat, Uber Taxi, Didi, thì tt c chí phí phát sinh liên quan n chic xe (xng du, thu ng, bo him, toll, sa cha, bo trì, tân trang) có th c dùng khu tr thu nhp. Nh vy thì thu thu nhp s gim. tính toán phn chí phí xe c liên quan n công vic, Australian Tax Office (ATO) quy nh 2 phng pháp có th c áp dng. ó là Cents Km và Logbook. Nu công vic cn dùng xe trên 5000km, thì phng pháp logbook có li hn. bài vit này, mình ch cp v dùng xe cá nhân chy Uber, Didi và Rideshare business thôi. FAQ: Phng pháp Logbook là gì? Logbook là mt nht ký ghi và lu li chiu dài qung ng xe chy liên quang n công vic. Ti sao phi logbook? Nh ã cp trên, Logbook là 1 trong 2 phng pháp mà ATO công nhn tính chi phí xe c liên quan n công vic. Phng pháp Logbook có li hn nu bn dùng xe chy Uber trên 5000km mi nm. Logbook bng tay hay app? ATO công nhn c 2 cách logbook. Nu bng tay, bn có th mua quyn s OfficeWorks hay tim tp hóa Châu Á. Bn cng có th t to Logbook trên Excel. Trên app store có rt nhiu Logbook app mà bn có th download và chy trên mobile. Vit logbook trong bao lâu? Theo quy nh ca ATO, bn phi ghi logbook ti thiu trong 12 tun. Mình có phi logbook mi nm không? Không cn phi ghi logbook mi nm nu cách s dng xe không thay i. D liu t logbook có th s dng cho 5 nm. Uber statement có thông tin v s km chy xe. Ti sao phi cn Logbook? ATO không công nhn s liu trên Uber statement. Hn na s liu trên ó ch ghi khong cách t ni nhn khách n ni tr khách. Trong khi ó, nhng quãng ng sau ây u c tính là liên quan n công vic: C 2 chiu t nhà n khách, n tim xng, car yard, car wash, tim xa xe, t khách này n khách khác Nu mình chy Uber và Didi, thì mình nên logbook nh th nào cho có li v thu? Nu bn ch chy Uber hay Didi thôi t lúc log-in n log-off, thì cách n gin nht ghi logbook là ghi li s km lúc log-in chy và lúc log-off khi kt phiên chy. Cách Logbook cho Uber Taxi có khác vi Uber Eat không? u nh nhau. Khi khai thu cui nm, tôi phi làm gì vi cái Logbook? Tax Agent cn Logbook tính t l % bn dùng xe riêng cho công vic. Nu không có Logbook, Tax Agent bt buc phi dùng phng pháp Cents per Km tính. Có cn gi tt c hóa n cho xe nu tôi có Logbook? Cn gi tt c hóa n Tax Agent có d liu tính chi phí xe c. Nu tôi ánh mt hóa n thì làm sao? Tax Agent có th da vào bank statement tính toán mt s chi phí nht nh nh thu ng, bo him, xng nht. Nhng cách này có th làm tng chi phí khai thu. Cách tt nht lu tr an toàn cho các hóa n là chp hình ngay, lu li trong cloud storage hay mobile, và chia s vi Tax Agent khi ti mùa khai thu.

24.01.2022 We can make tax return easy, from $99

24.01.2022 Super Guarantee Charge: Extension of time

22.01.2022 50% off MYOB for 12 months

22.01.2022 Best Practice JobKeeper Record Keeping: Employers need to satisfy record keeping requirements to be entitled to JobKeeper payments.

20.01.2022 More money in your pocket. Deadline to submit tax return is end of October.

19.01.2022 EVERYONE'S A BOOKKEEPER (Taken from another Facebook Page) - Me - I think you've been paying too much GST. Client - (ears pricked up good and proper)..Our old receptionist did the BAS for us every month. Me - you paid the IAS quarterly?... Client - yes. Me - looks like she paid the GST twice Client - how? Me - she paid the GST January in January. February in February. Then the IAS. She then added the figures for January and February to March. That's what she paid each quarter. Client - turned white and stayed silent. Mouths opened wider until they reached the floor. Me - I continued to tell the same story for each quarter. Seems like she did this every quarter for about the last five years... or actually, this is the way she did the BAS since it began in 2000! See more

19.01.2022 *This message has been sharing around business community* Very important message from both lawyer and banker friends: While writing a date in the upcoming year 2020, we should write in its full format, e.g. 31/01/2020 and not as 31/01/20, because anyone can change it to 31/01/2000 or 31/01/2019 or in between any year to suit his convenience.... So be cautious about this. Dont write and also dont accept it in any documents, lest it could lose its importance. This problem will persist only during the year 2020.


18.01.2022 The ATO collects so much data from Airbnb, Stayz... It is logical to declare income from properties.

18.01.2022 If you use your own vehicle (car, scooter, bicycle) to earn additional income from operating rideshare or food delivery business, proportion of vehicle expenses (such as fuel, registration, insurance, service and maintenance, interest, depreciation, rental fee, cleaning cost, tolls) are tax deductions. Australian Tax Office (ATO) determines that there are 2 methods that drivers can use to work-out the proportion of car expenses related to the business. They are Cents per Km...Continue reading

18.01.2022 Balance Sheet of Life

17.01.2022 VICTORIAN BUSINESS SUPPORT FUND - STREAM TWO On 1 May 2020, the Victorian Government announced that the Business Support Fund of $10,000 will be expanded to include businesses who are participating in the Commonwealth Governments JobKeeper program (except non-employing sole traders) regardless of the sector they operate in. Now all businesses that applied for Business Support Fund and got rejected on the ground "your Australian Business Number (ABN) Registration indicating industry classification which does not meet the Business Support Funds eligibility requirements" are invited to complete "JobKeeper Enrolment Declaration" for the assessment of Stream Two. How do you know that your business is eligible for Stream Two? Your business is eligible if you receive the invitation email (image).

15.01.2022 ATO now has the power to disclose to credit reporting agencies when a business has a tax debt of $100,000 for 90 days or more. The implication of it is financial institutions and suppliers are more informed about the business creditworthiness. If you would like any advice and assistance with tax debt, setup debt payment arrangements and/or negotiations with the ATO, please get in contact with us today.

15.01.2022 JOBKEEPER MONTHLY REPORTING Doanh nghip/Sole Trader no lm ng k xin Jobkeeper ri, th bt u t hm nay cn khai bo GST Turnover cho thng 4 v 5 cho ATO qua cng Business Portal. y l giai on cui ca th tc xin Jobkeeper. Doanh nghip c n ngy 31/5 hon thin h s xin hon li tin jobkeeper tr cho nhn vin vo thng 4. Doanh nghip phi tr tin jobkeeper/payroll cho nhn vin trc, ri xin ATO hon tin sau. Khi tr tin cho nhn vin, doanh nghip phi report n ATO qua cng Single Touch payroll. ATO da vo d liu ny thanh ton tin li cho doanh nghip.

14.01.2022 JOBKEEPER MONTHLY REPORTING Doanh nghip/Sole Trader nào ã làm ng ký xin Jobkeeper ri, thì bt u t hôm nay cn khai báo GST Turnover cho tháng 4 và 5 cho ATO qua cng Business Portal. ây là giai on cui ca th tc xin Jobkeeper. Doanh nghip có n ngày 31/5 hoàn thin h s xin hoàn li tin jobkeeper ã tr cho nhân viên vào tháng 4. Doanh nghip phi tr tin jobkeeper/payroll cho nhân viên trc, ri xin ATO hoàn tin sau. Khi tr tin cho nhân viên, doanh nghip phi report n ATO qua cng Single Touch payroll. ATO da vào d liu này thanh toán tin li cho doanh nghip.


12.01.2022 #CashFlowBoost HAVE NOT RECEIVED CASHFLOW BOOST SUPPORT YET? If you already lodged March Quarter BAS, your business is less than 1 year old and is qualified for the support, ATO has confirmed that it would take up to 20 days for the payment to come. In the meantime, my suggestion is:... # Escalate the issue with the ATO # Hang on Mar BAS payment as it is not due until 26th May, be patient and wait for the fund coming in. See more

12.01.2022 Victoria State Government provides $10,000 support to each eligible small business

10.01.2022 Please declare all income generated from social media.

10.01.2022 Wages in leap year

08.01.2022 The Government will review Jobkeeper scheme in June. They may stop the program earlier than expected.


06.01.2022 #Uber #rideshare #Didi #Ola To all friends considering driving Uber/Ola/Didi..., this forum is a good place for sharing, seeking support and information


01.01.2022 #Uber #logbook #TaxReturn Nu nh bn dng xe c nhn (xe hi, xe gn my, xe p) kim thm thu nhp nh chy Uber Eat, Uber Taxi, Didi, th tt c ch ph pht sinh lin quan n chic xe (xng du, thu ng, bo him, toll, sa cha, bo tr, tn trang) c th c dng khu tr thu nhp. Nh vy th thu thu nhp s gim. tnh ton phn ch ph xe c lin quan n cng vic, Australian Tax Office (ATO) quy nh 2 phng php c th c p dng. l Cents Km v Logbook. Nu cng vic cn dng xe trn 5000km, th phng php logbook c li hn. bi vit ny, mnh ch cp v dng xe c nhn chy Uber, Didi v Rideshare business thi. FAQ: Phng php Logbook l g? Logbook l mt nht k ghi v lu li chiu di qung ng xe chy lin quang n cng vic. Ti sao phi logbook? Nh cp trn, Logbook l 1 trong 2 phng php m ATO cng nhn tnh chi ph xe c lin quan n cng vic. Phng php Logbook c li hn nu bn dng xe chy Uber trn 5000km mi nm. Logbook bng tay hay app? ATO cng nhn c 2 cch logbook. Nu bng tay, bn c th mua quyn s OfficeWorks hay tim tp ha Chu . Bn cng c th t to Logbook trn Excel. Trn app store c rt nhiu Logbook app m bn c th download v chy trn mobile. Vit logbook trong bao lu? Theo quy nh ca ATO, bn phi ghi logbook ti thiu trong 12 tun. Mnh c phi logbook mi nm khng? Khng cn phi ghi logbook mi nm nu cch s dng xe khng thay i. D liu t logbook c th s dng cho 5 nm. Uber statement c thng tin v s km chy xe. Ti sao phi cn Logbook? ATO khng cng nhn s liu trn Uber statement. Hn na s liu trn ch ghi khong cch t ni nhn khch n ni tr khch. Trong khi , nhng qung ng sau y u c tnh l lin quan n cng vic: C 2 chiu t nh n khch, n tim xng, car yard, car wash, tim xa xe, t khch ny n khch khc Nu mnh chy Uber v Didi, th mnh nn logbook nh th no cho c li v thu? Nu bn ch chy Uber hay Didi thi t lc log-in n log-off, th cch n gin nht ghi logbook l ghi li s km lc log-in chy v lc log-off khi kt phin chy. Cch Logbook cho Uber Taxi c khc vi Uber Eat khng? u nh nhau. Khi khai thu cui nm, ti phi lm g vi ci Logbook? Tax Agent cn Logbook tnh t l % bn dng xe ring cho cng vic. Nu khng c Logbook, Tax Agent bt buc phi dng phng php Cents per Km tnh. C cn gi tt c ha n cho xe nu ti c Logbook? Cn gi tt c ha n Tax Agent c d liu tnh chi ph xe c. Nu ti nh mt ha n th lm sao? Tax Agent c th da vo bank statement tnh ton mt s chi ph nht nh nh thu ng, bo him, xng nht. Nhng cch ny c th lm tng chi ph khai thu. Cch tt nht lu tr an ton cho cc ha n l chp hnh ngay, lu li trong cloud storage hay mobile, v chia s vi Tax Agent khi ti ma khai thu.

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