Taroona High School Association | Community organisation
Taroona High School Association
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25.01.2022 The Taroona High School Association wishes all Taroona High School Support Staff a very happy National Support Staff week this week! As Support Staff, you play a vital role in our school, as Teacher Assistants, School Business Manager, School Psychologist, School Social Workers, Speech and Language Pathologists, Education Facility Attendants and others. We acknowledge and appreciate your great work supporting our children’s education not just his week but all year round ... THANK YOU!
24.01.2022 Hi everyone, I am posting to give notice of the Taroona High School Association's Annual General Meeting to be held at THS in the staff room on Monday 27 July 2020 from 6:30pm. The AGM will be followed by a short general meeting. Our last attempt at the AGM was rudely interrupted by COVID-19. If you would like to nominate for a position on the committee, please come along. The position of Secretary will become vacant this year. If you are interested in this position on the co...mmittee, please get in touch with me. I will send out the draft minutes and an agenda the week before. Hope to see you there, Kind regards, Martine Siltman (Vice Chair and Temporary Secretary)
24.01.2022 Hi Parents and Carers, The Taroona High School Association has decided to cancel the Annual General Meeting this evening. We will hold a committee meeting from 7-9pm for current committee members only.We are following government advice to schools and also to workplaces to minimise the size of meetings. We do apologise for any inconvenience. Clearly, we cannot say yet when the AGM will be held, and when we can nominate for the new committee including community members, but will let you know when we reschedule. Kind regards and stay well, Gabby Whitworth
24.01.2022 Dear Parents You are welcome to attend our next Association meeting on Monday 7 September 2020, 7pm High School Staff Room. If you wish to discuss an issue, please specify the topic for our meeting agenda via email to the Secretary at [email protected]. Thank you
23.01.2022 Hi everyone, A reminder that the Taroona High School Association's Annual General Meeting is next Monday 16 March from 7- 8pm in the staff room. The AGM will be followed by a short general meeting ending no later than 9pm. Again, if you would like to nominate for a position on the committee, please come along. The positions of Secretary and Treasurer will become vacant this year. If you are interested in either of these, please get in touch, I'm happy to answer any questions.... Please find attached the draft minutes from the THSA AGM 2019 and the draft minutes from our general meeting December 2019. Kind regards, Gabby
23.01.2022 Our 60th Anniversary celebrations are just around the corner, Nov 2-4 with a Cocktail party being held on the 3rd of November. Please go to our Website http://thsa.net.au/ to find out all of the information about this exciting event. Let any past Taroona High students aware of the night and celebrations!
22.01.2022 Congrats to Six Bars of Seb on a great live set on ABC Radio Hobart... Awesome job
21.01.2022 The Taroona Gift from above!
18.01.2022 A little snippet from Ember 2018. Another fantastic night. Congrats all round.
18.01.2022 Spread the word about this new service from The Conversation - Just So You Know - access to Australia’s top academic experts, unlocking their expertise to answer teenagers’ questions. If you’re a teenager and have a question you’d like answered: email [email protected] with your question OR submit your question anonymously through Incogneato OR DM us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/theconversationau/ OR tweet us @ConversationEDU and use the hashtag #jsyk OR get in contact through our education Facebook group.
17.01.2022 Come along and see a fantastic production!
16.01.2022 Hi everyone, I am emailing to give notice of the Taroona High School Association's Annual General Meeting to be held at THS in the staff room on Monday 16 March 2020 from 7-8pm. The AGM will be followed by a short general meeting. If you would like to nominate for a position on the committee, please come along. The positions of Secretary and Treasurer will become vacant this year. If you are interested in either of these, please get in touch, I'm happy to answer any questions.... We have three Community member positions on the committee. If you haven't already expressed an interest in becoming a Community Member and would like to know more, please contact the Principal Matt Bennell directly at [email protected]. gov.au I will send out the draft minutes and an agenda as usual the week before. Hope to see you there, Kind regards, Gabby
16.01.2022 Kingborough Awards 2019 - Nominations are open! Recognising Kingborough’s outstanding volunteers is a highlight for Council and nominations are now open for the 2019 awards. Council will be presenting the Kingborough Awards on the 5 January 2019. This date was selected in celebration of the anniversary of the first Kingborough Council meeting, which was held on 6 January 1908.... There are three categories for nominations: Citizen of the Year Young Citizen of the Year (for people under the age of 27 on 6 January of the current year) Community Group of the Year Nominations from the community are now welcome. If you think someone deserves recognition for their hard work in the community or there is a group that benefits Kingborough community, please consider nominating them for an award. The closing date for nominations is Monday, 8 October 2018. Awards information, criteria and online nomination form are available on the website at Kingborough Awards 2019 online nomination form A printable form is available here - https://www.kingborough.tas.gov.au/awards-online-nominatio/ If you have any questions please contact me at the number below or via email. Julie Alderfox | Community Development Officer | Kingborough Council Phone (03) 6211 8170 | Fax (03) 6211 8211 Address Civic Centre, 15 Channel Hwy Kingston TAS 7050 Email [email protected] | Web www.kingborough.tas.gov.au
16.01.2022 52 million people have watched this talk. What do you think of it?...
12.01.2022 Follow the link to donate and show support for the Taroona Relay for Life team.
11.01.2022 Well done to our Taroona High team who won the 5km race.
10.01.2022 WORKING BEE- TAROONA HIGH SCHOOL GROUNDS SUNDAY 26th August, 10am-12pm An invitation to all THS parents to join some parents involved in the care of the grounds. We are replanting the school turning circle bed after the recent road widening. No experience or equipment necessary.... Just come and enjoy a morning outside, and a chat to other parents! Children and young people welcome Tea, drinks and morning tea provided Meet near the gym at 10am. Contact Nicky Price with inquiries or just turn up - [email protected] 0409514900
07.01.2022 After the road widening to allow better bus access and parking, a dedicated band of volunteers planted the school turning circle out on Sunday 26th with a variety of low growing native plants. Nicky Price, Bec Johnson and Pip Watson were assisted by an able group of Taroona Environment Network (TEN) members (Nigel, Jane, Gustaaf, and Simon). Over 150 plants went in to replace those removed with the road works, this included replacing 4 gums. The gums are white peppermints- Eu...c pulchella which are local native and are the same species as the mature trees around the school gym and entrance- pics attached of what they will look like to 15 years! Many thanks to all those who helped, the school who paid for the plants, TEN for not only labour but the always important tool trailer and planning of the working bee (Nigel), and Plants Tasmania (John Gibson) who provided the plants at a low cost. It was a lovely morning with good conversation, tea and home baked biscuits, and better still that it was all finished before some pouring rain. Anyone interested in joining us for the next working bee, or to join the ground sub-committee let me know. If interested in the grounds sub-committee- you don’t have to be able to come to the school association committee meetings, just help out around grounds matters/works when available. Nicky Price [email protected] (Grounds sub-committee- THSA)
05.01.2022 Taroona High Welcome BBQ 14th February - 5pm Year 7 Parents meet in the gym - Matthew Bennell and Grade Coordinators (Adam Van Sant, Roxanne Pritchard) to speak.... - 5.15-5.30pm parents move to year 7 home group rooms and have a discussion and question time with home group teachers. All teachers will be at the BBQ and are able to meet New and Old students alike. The THSA hope to see you there!
02.01.2022 Great to see one of our past students receiving a Rhodes Scholarship; https://www.themercury.com.au//73c338072b1a6bf48df5b7d8690
01.01.2022 A reminder that the next Taroona High School Association meeting will be on Monday 19 Oct 2020, 7-9pm, all welcome. This will be held in the THS Staff Room. Hope to see you there!
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