Passionate Living Tash Longden Brown in Sunshine Coast, Queensland | Personal coach
Passionate Living Tash Longden Brown
Locality: Sunshine Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 402 284 924
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25.01.2022 I have been cheating with my meal plans by getting Hello Fresh! I have to say I have really been enjoying the meals and the convenience! I had our groceries delivered this morning, so we have breaky and lunches sorted for the week ahead too... ... I’ve got clean sheets on the bed and heading out to gernie around the pool! Enjoy your Sunday xo. See more
25.01.2022 This roller is my saviour I absolutely love it! This month it comes free in the October Promos when you spend 250 PV or more ... Simply roll over your neck, legs after a run, back during that time of the month or anywhere needed... . . . #essentialoils #essentialoilswork #naturalliving #plantjuice #oilymumma #oilymum #oilymom #youngliving #younglivingeo #oilsshelf #momlife #mumlife #yleo #younglivingaustralia #nontoxicliving #nontoxicskincare #thejoyfulfrankietribe #organicbeauty #cleanliving #dailydetox #wellpreneur #healthhappylife #holisticliving #nontoxichome #nourishyourself #sunshinecoast #passionateliving #tashlongdenbrown
24.01.2022 We’ve been getting some outdoor cleaning accomplished this weekend... I love my gernie and I did the deck and carport roof! What’s the one thing that you LOVE to get done around the house before Christmas? . . .... #cleanhomehappyhome #cleaningisdone #getshitdoneday See more
23.01.2022 #tashscleanroutine Thursday’s is Kitchen!!! My favourite room in the home to keep clean, tidy & organised How’s your fridge looking? What about the microwave? Choose just one area to give some extra love by cleaning it and make it sparkle ... I love opening the door to the microwave to find no food splattered all over it, especially when I want to heat my heat pack to put on my body... It shouldn’t take you any longer than 10 minutes then you can get on with your day! . . . #cleaningtips #housecleaning #cleaningmotivation #cleanhome #cleanhouse #housekeeping #cleaninghacks #cleaningday #organised #organized #organise #organize #organising #tashscleanroutine #declutter #homeorganisation #homeorganization #thejoyfulfrankietribe #getorganised #getorganized #organisingtips #organizingtips #decluttering #simplify #homeorganised #homeorganized #cleanup #sunshinecoast #passionateliving #tashlongdenbrown
22.01.2022 So what’s stopping you? . . . #getorganised #declutteryourhome #getridoftheshit
22.01.2022 Do you meditate? I do... but I’m no yogi! I certainly don’t t sit for hours on end or even 30 minutes. It’s a quick 5-10 minute sit with my eyes closed, taking in beautiful breathes and trying not to think about what I’m going to have for breakfast or what I have planned for the day ahead... I find using my oils really helps to ground me and settle me into the space. Adding a drop or two into the palm of your hand and inhaling is all you need!... . . . #essentialoils #essentialoilswork #naturalliving #plantjuice #oilymumma #oilymum #oilymom #youngliving #younglivingeo #oilsshelf #momlife #mumlife #yleo #younglivingaustralia #nontoxicliving #nontoxicskincare #thejoyfulfrankietribe #organicbeauty #cleanliving #dailydetox #wellpreneur #healthhappylife #holisticliving #nontoxichome #nourishyourself #sunshinecoast #passionateliving #tashlongdenbrown
21.01.2022 I learnt how to make perfume today! It was so cool! There really is an art to it! There are top notes, middle notes and base notes... And it does matter in which order you add them to the bottle and how long you let them sit before you add your carrier oil! The longer they sit and mature the longer your perfume will last #homemadeperfume #smellssodamgood #essentialoilsrock #chemicalfreeliving
21.01.2022 How long has it been since you’ve cleaned out your mobile phone &/or iPad If you don’t have all of your apps organised into folders you will love it! Having an organised phone actually saves you time! To start go through your phone and delete all the 1-3 SOL value apps that you no longer use. ... If you love photos, make your favourites your screen lock & wall paper! I have my girls as one and my hubby and I as the other Keep like with like! Financial apps together, social media apps together, reference apps together etc... Go through your contacts and remove anyone you don’t need anymore! Go through your text messages and delete as many as you can, you’ll be surprised how much space this will clear in your device and help it run smoother! If you have Dropbox or iCloud store your photos and videos there! I pay for Dropbox and all 5 of our girls use it to store their photos and videos in! A great habit to get into is when chatting via text message, once you’ve finished the conversation delete all the messages, especially if they have pics or videos in them Keep these things in mind when decluttering an electronic device... Do I want more space in my device? Do I want to stop getting stuck down the rabbit hole of social media? Do I want more time away from it? Do I want to be able to find apps quickly and easily? Have fun and get it done! . . . #declutter #decluttering #clutter #declutteryourlife #cleartheclutter #guidelines #purpose #decluttered #selfcare #closetoorganization #reduce #organizing #organising #organised #organized #reuse #recycle #decluttertips #patience #mydreamhome #getorganised #getorganized #stressfreeliving #lovetopurge #tashscleanroutine #tashssolvalue #passionateliving #tashlongdenbrown #tashsdecluttertask
21.01.2022 Made this today... Smells so good! I love curries, but my hubby is a meat and three veg kinda guy. So my idea is make myself a yummy curry to have in the freezer to eat whenever I feel =) And of course you can't beat the taste and flavours of freshly made pastes to create tasty and satisfying meals! Mmmmmmmmmmm
20.01.2022 If you want a beautiful home... Create it! If you want space and flow... Create it! If you want more time and energy...... Create it! Whatever it is you want more of... Create it! . . . #happinessisaninsidejob #happyhome #happyhomes #happyhomestyle #happinessisachoice See more
19.01.2022 Thinking you are the only one who can’t find the time to tidy, get organised and declutter your home is like thinking that everything you see on social media is real! I would love to see YOU, yes YOU remove all your overwhelm because you have it in your head that you’re not good enough! It’s not black and white, it’s not all or nothing! Small simple steps, small simple changes over a period of time is what gets you there! Start decluttering a small area of your home this wee...kend... You will love it when it’s done! Contact me for help, that’s what I’m for! We’re all in this together Tash x See more
18.01.2022 Oh my gosh... Yes!!! Bloody passwords can be Sooooooooo frustrating can’t they!!?! Happy Hump Day ... xoxo
18.01.2022 Gaining Clarity is the first step in your Decluttering process! When you know what you want in all areas of your life, it makes it SO much easier to remove clutter for good! Imagine having complete focus on your dreams... setting goals to make them happen, and creating your most favourite life!... Sit down today for at least 20 minutes & write down 3 things you’d love to accomplish! It can be anything, a new partner, to loose 10kgs, to move house or a new car... Really set the intention and start today with just one small step towards clearing the clutter of what you don’t want! This then creates space for what you DO want! Small steps in the right direction will get you where you want to go! . . . #visionbook #visionboard #clarity #vision #motivation #mindset #mindsetiseverything #organised #organized #listoflife #acceptnothingbutthebest #traveltheworld #healthandfitness #savingsinvestments #familyandfriends #specialevents #goalsanddreams #manifestyourbestlife #passionateliving #liveapassionatelife #massiveshifting #lifechanging #lifecoaching #getyourlifeontrack #sunshinecoast #passionateliving #tashlongdenbrown
15.01.2022 Oh my gosh... This is the yummiest, creamiest sweet potato mash I've ever had! Can't wait to try it with white potatoes too! I am loving my thermomix that's for sure =)
13.01.2022 How long has it been since you decluttered your photos? I store my photos in a nice box with those anti moisture sachets you get with new shoes or in your supplements! They really help to stop the photos sticking together (especially in sub tropical climates) If you prefer albums - make sure the plastic slips don’t stick to the pics as it wrecks them big time!... Now... you will need time for this exercise! Allow double what you think it will take! Using a large area like your dining table, get all your photos out and look at each and every one. If you want to get rid of them you can take a photo of the photo and store them in Dropbox or iCloud etc... if you can’t even get your head around throwing them away simply store them as you desire... Like I said, I store mine in a nice box because that’s how I like them! . . . #declutter #decluttering #clutter #declutteryourlife #cleartheclutter #guidelines #purpose #decluttered #selfcare #closetoorganization #reduce #organizing #organising #organised #organized #reuse #recycle #decluttertips #patience #mydreamhome #getorganised #getorganized #stressfreeliving #lovetopurge #tashscleanroutine #tashssolvalue #passionateliving #tashlongdenbrown #tashsdecluttertask
09.01.2022 Happy Anniversary weekend to us Ride around the Brisbane River Luxury Hotel Champagne Great Views... Awesome company Love you so much xo See more
08.01.2022 Happy Anniversary to us! I love doing life with you
08.01.2022 Sunday’s... Usually our sleep in day and a slower morning! I have an event to go to this afternoon so I changed the sheets yesterday! And did my meal prep on Friday when I finished work early. This is why I love having a routine because it gets you into the habit of knowing what you have to do each day, and when you’re busy (like I am today) you can get organised beforehand .... . . #getorganised #tashscleanroutine #knowwhatyouwant #anorganisedlife See more
06.01.2022 The key to getting organised is not to get fancy storage solutions for the things you already have, it is to remove ALL of your low SOL value items and THEN organise all the things you absolutely love and use regularly! Because organised clutter is still clutter! . . .... #declutter #decluttering #declutteryourmind #declutteryourlife #cleartheclutter #declutteringsolutions #decluttertips #declutteryourhome #declutterlikeamother #declutter365 #declutterchallenge #decluttermylife #declutteringmylife #declutteringtips #decluttercoach #declutterqueen #declutterwithme #declutteryourspace #declutterlagos #declutterexpert #declutteringmyhome #lovetopurge #tashscleanroutine #decluttermyhome #passionateliving #tashlongdenbrown #tashsdecluttertask #decluttersolutions #decluttered
04.01.2022 #tashscleanroutine Today is bathrooms/laundry! I do one bathroom one week and my other one the opposite week with the laundry! It’s also time to change the towels to keep them fresh... ... Keep it quick and simple, and only spend about 15-20 minutes doing this! I use my favourite plant based thieves cleaner and a microfibre cloth, they both work beautifully
03.01.2022 My name is Tash, and I have an addiction to essential oils! I have a stash in my bedroom, a stash in my living room and of course there’s shit loads in my home office/studio! They smell yummy, help me feel uplifted when needed or relaxed at the end of a long day...... Each morning I use a few different favourites as perfume. As much as I LOVE the smell of some store bought fragrances, I simply can’t use them because I am a migraine sufferer from way back, and they give me horrible headaches! It’s a win win all round! . . . #essentialoils #essentialoilswork #essentialoils101 #plantjuice #essentialsoilsrock #essentialoilsforhealing #essentialoilsforhealth #youngliving #essentialoilsforlife #essentialoilrecipes #essentialoilsforkids #essentialoiltips #essentialoilsdiy #younglivingaustralia #essentialoilsph #essentialoilssupplies #thejoyfulfrankietribe #essentialoilstyle #nontoxichome #passionateliving #tashlongdenbrown
02.01.2022 Even if it’s only something small, yet significant to you
01.01.2022 I would love to know... Do you?
01.01.2022 Me and my new gernie had a fabulous weekend! I managed to clean the whole deck, around my pool and under the stairwell! Prioritising a task or job is the way to actually complete it! Focus on one thing at a time and get the job done! Always allow more time than you think it will take! This is my number one rule, doing this reduces stress, overwhelm and any arguments... When you don’t fill your day to the brim, life is so much nicer... . . . #cleaningtips #housecleaning #cleaningmotivation #cleanhome #cleanhouse #housekeeping #cleaninghacks #cleaningday #organised #organized #organise #organize #organising #tashscleanroutine #declutter #homeorganisation #homeorganization #thejoyfulfrankietribe #getorganised #getorganized #organisingtips #organizingtips #decluttering #simplify #homeorganised #homeorganized #cleanup #sunshinecoast #passionateliving #tashlongdenbrown
01.01.2022 Yay! The weather is warming up... Today hubby and I are bringing the pool back to life and I am going to gernie all the black off the concrete... Last weekend my gernie shit itself so he bought me a new one! Woohoo!... I love getting outside cleaning the yard after winter, we have a bar area, a pool table, table tennis table & outdoor couch that hasn’t been used during the colder months... So it’s going to be awesome to freshen them up! What is your Saturday looking like? Are you doing chores? Taking kids to sport? On holidays? Or just relaxing? . . . #cleaningtips #housecleaning #cleaningmotivation #cleanhome #cleanhouse #housekeeping #cleaninghacks #cleaningday #organised #organized #organise #organize #organising #tashscleanroutine #declutter #homeorganisation #homeorganization #thejoyfulfrankietribe #getorganised #getorganized #organisingtips #organizingtips #decluttering #simplify #homeorganised #homeorganized #cleanup #sunshinecoast #passionateliving #tashlongdenbrown
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