Tasty Culture Bites | Education
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24.01.2022 REGISTER for a FREE VIRTUAL TALKSHOW on Global Soft Skills! Featuring: Nadya Victoryka | INTERNATIONAL GUEST SPEAKER Indonesia... Thanh Dat Nguyen | ENTERTAINING TCB HOST Japan DISCOVER perspectives on: EXPERIENCES working in EUROPE, AUSTRALIA & ASIA CHALLENGES settling into new living environments PERSPECTIVES on gaining international experience Click 'RESERVE A SPOT' in the event! https://www.facebook.com/events/286331562618888/
24.01.2022 Feedback like this makes us feel happy We're glad to see such great attitude from / TAKTOPIA & Co.'s students #tcbeducation #learnenglish
24.01.2022 When COVID-19 hit, our workshops on SETTLING INTO AUSTRALIA had to end But we had an idea We could teach ENGLISH & COMMUNICATION to a wider audience ... We could open our classes to the world See more
21.01.2022 Our teachers loved hanging out with / TAKTOPIA & Co. and introducing Aussie Animals! . Thanks Yuka Pualani Kitajima for being an amazing co-host . . Stay tuned for our next event!... . . #tcbeducation #internationalstudents #englishcommunication #englishworkshop See more
21.01.2022 Our recent Masterclass with two MANAGEMENT consultants taught us skills in 'Effective Interviewing' Want to learn more from Leon and Richard? They run a consulting and soft skills blog at https://lau-vernon-insights.com For the month of June, anyone wanting to attend their online classes can apply the code 'TCB40PERCENT' for 40% off! ... Message us for more details See more
20.01.2022 Global Citizenship is core to our values and we're proud to work with AIESEC Cambodia We're excited to run online workshops for their leaders of tomorrow #aiesecer #aiesec #heyaiesec #globalcitizenship #internationaleducation #entrepreneurship #socialimpact
20.01.2022 Our Masterclass is LIVE now! If you have registered, please jump on the Zoom link and join us!
20.01.2022 Did you miss our last 'Global Soft Skills' Masterclass? Watch the full chat with Nadya Victoryka on our YouTube channel! Please click 'Subscribe' for further videos about culture and education. ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rD81YETtPuk See more
20.01.2022 Our FREE virtual talk show is today! Don't miss out, register for your exclusive invitation https://calendly.com/tastyculturebites/tcb-masterclass
19.01.2022 English & Communication skills connect you to people. GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP skills connect you to the world We help our students succeed in English-speaking environments. For education, work or social purposes We host our classes VIRTUALLY. So no matter which country you are based in, you can still join ... #LEARNTOGETHERwhileSTAYINGAPART. See more
19.01.2022 Our Interview Skills Masterclass over last weekend . . Thanks to Richard Vernon (speaking) and Leon Lau delivering our workshop from Hong Kong! . . Find more of their insights here --> https://lau-vernon-insights.com/... . #effectivecommunication #softskills #internationalstudents #interviewskills #languageexchange See more
19.01.2022 Here's some inspiration from our next TCB Masterclass speaker, Victoria Ng! Register for our LIVE Zoom talk this Saturday at 5:45 PM UTC+11 https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/free-live-talk-show-emotion
19.01.2022 Two weeks ago, we held a workshop with / TAKTOPIA & Co.! We shared knowledge about Australian animals to Japanese university and high school students It was our pleasure to see so many inquisitive faces and answer interesting questions! ... #tcbeducation #internationalstudents #languagelearning
18.01.2022 Join us as we chat about Global Citizenship! We're stoked to run this event with WiME Indonesia (Women in Mining & Engineering) Register via https://bit.ly/WIME_TCB
16.01.2022 Are you a Japanese speaker keen to learn more English? We'll be learning about ACCENTS & SLANG Join our upcoming session with / TAKTOPIA & Co. Registration is FREE. Please sign-up via the event's Google Form! ... https://facebook.com/events/s/%E3%83%AA%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AB%E3%83%8F%E3%83%83%E3%82%AB%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B9%E3%82%AA%E3%83%B3%E3%83%A9%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E6%A0%A1%E9%96%8B%E6%A0%A1%E8%A8%98%E5%BF%B5-%E7%89%B9%E5%88%A5%E3%82%A4%E3%83%98%E3%83%B3%E3%83%88%E7%AC%AC%EF%BC%92%E5%BC%BE-%E3%82%AA/951966338609536/?ti=cl
16.01.2022 TCB Education teaches English beyond the Classroom Learn Communication & Global Citizenship Skills from English speakers Meet people & travel the world from your computer ... For more information about our 3 subscription types, check out https://tastyculturebites.com/tcbeducation/ See more
13.01.2022 LAST DAY TO SIGN UP FOR OUR FREE INTERVIEW SKILLS MASTERCLASS! It will be starting 5 hours from now! (5:45pm AEST, 2:45pm ICT) https://www.facebook.com/events/1413178322197931 Here is a preview of one of the topics of today's class.... With the current quarantine situation, almost all interviews are being held online. How do you prepare for a video interview? Why are some people good at in-person interviews and bad at video interviews? Learn these skills and more today by registering for our masterclass for FREE!
13.01.2022 Our congratulations to Yan Fang, a former TCB Education student. She recently received her offer letter at PwC Australia! Here, she speaks about how our classes helped her achieve her goal Like and subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay updated on our activities ... If you'd like to improve your English Communication and Global Citizenship skills, register for a free 1-hr class here https://tastyculturebites.com/tcbeducation/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcFE4xjWxag See more
12.01.2022 Want to join an ONLINE ZOOM SESSION with an INTERNATIONAL DRAGON BOAT competitor? Diana has also worked across different continents advising entrepreneurs and businesses REGISTER in the event ticketing section ... https://calendly.com/tastyculturebites/tcb-masterclass See more
11.01.2022 Massive thanks to everyone who came to our event today, espeically to Nadya who had prepared and shared with us amazing insights on global soft skills! Our masterclass series will continue in the near future, so stay tuned for more info! In the mean time, please like and share our facebook page, as well as leave us some feedback and reviews so we can continue improving our services for you.
10.01.2022 Our esteemed talkshow guest speaker has a few advice for us on how to attain success in life... 3 DAYS until our FREE VIRTUAL TALKSHOW on Global Soft Skills! TUNE IN on Sunday 19 July 2020, 5 pm GMT+10 ... 'RESERVE A SPOT' in the event. Only 12 spots left!! https://www.facebook.com/events/286331562618888/
08.01.2022 Turn on your sound to hear Yuka from / TAKTOPIA & Co. start our 'Australian Animals' Workshop! Along with TCB teachers William, Thành t and Garry, we shared amazing facts about cute and dangerous wildlife to Japanese students #learnenglish #tcbglobalcitizens #japanesestudents
08.01.2022 What is the hardest interview question you've faced? We asked this to our Interview Skills Masterclass guest speakers and these are their answers. What's your answer? Feel free to share your interview experiences in the comments below!... REGISTER for the Masterclass here (registration is FREE): https://www.facebook.com/events/1413178322197931
06.01.2022 Back to the days when COVID-19 didn't keep us locked in Check-out our Sydney Harbour Tour! Wonderful cinematography courtesy of William. Like his video and subsribe to his channel ... #tcbtours #globalcitizenship #sydneyintro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luMcseVNXPo
06.01.2022 Nadya Victoryka on the importance of soft skills TUNE IN on Sunday 19 July 2020, 5 pm GMT+10 for a FREE VIRTUAL TALKSHOW on Global Soft Skills! ... Click 'RESERVE A SPOT' in the event! https://www.facebook.com/events/286331562618888/
06.01.2022 Have you registered for our TCB Masterclass this Saturday at 5pm (Sydney time)? Join a Zoom chat with Victoria by registering: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/free-live-talk-show-emotion
05.01.2022 Watch Diana's preview of her upcoming Masterclass Talk Show If you want to spend your time #safeathome valuably, join to meet and chat with Diana! Register for your exclusive invitation ... https://calendly.com/tastyculturebites/tcb-masterclass https://youtu.be/EGYyyUIy-Os See more
03.01.2022 CLICK 'RESERVE A SPOT' in the event link! We will send you the event link afterwards. --- Teamwork, communication and problem solving are valuable in life, and in work.... Our guest speaker is Nadya Victoryka. She is: An urban designer creating better cities all over Indonesia An international citizen, having worked and studied in Asia, Europe and Australia A passionate advocate for social issues, having participated in global conferences The event will be formatted as a talk show, with a short QnA space for the audience to ask questions. --- CLICK the 'RESERVE A SPOT' button! We will send you the event link afterwards.
03.01.2022 At TCB, we want to open international doors for our students. Being able to live, study or work around the world necessitates good communication skills. Learning English is not just a matter of reading and writing. It's being able to speak and listen in a range of situations, from interviewing for a job to meeting a foreigner. To develop and enjoy English, you need to place yourself in practical situations where you can practise pronunciation skills and comprehension ability.... TCB Education teaches English in a unique way, we like to call it 'Beyond the Classroom'. By this, we mean embracing the more complicated situations that everyday life would challenge your English skills with. We believe that's where our native English speakers can help. During our classes, you'll learn skills in English speaking, comprehension, presentation, interview and more. We teach in a way that enhances your sense of 'Global Citizenship', equipping you with the knowledge and confidence to chat with different people. #internationaleducation #englishnativespeakers #communicationskills
02.01.2022 Detailed Info: https://tastyculturebites.com/tcbeducation/ FREE CLASS: bit.ly/tcbfree TCB is passionate about creating experiences for people from different backgrounds ... But language is often a big barrier when it comes to cultural exchange So, we've built something on top of our communication and soft skills workshops We're launching something NEW See more
02.01.2022 Victoria Ng moved from Sydney, Australia to Berlin in Germany to pursue her further education and career. She has won awards for her creative work, and has started her own business - 'Extra Pinata'. More than her success, Victoria is passionate about helping people improve their ability to be emotionally resilient. One of her mantras being 'mind over matter', Victoria believes that our thoughts can influence our daily outlook and decision-making. Join our upcoming TCB Masterc...lass to chat with Victoria! She will be sharing her experiences adapting to a foreign environment, and tips for living abroad. REGISTER HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/free-live-talk-show-emotion
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