Teddy Bear Early Learning Centre Vine Street in Hurstville, New South Wales, Australia | Education website
Teddy Bear Early Learning Centre Vine Street
Locality: Hurstville, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 9553 6006
Address: 33 Vine Street Hurstville 2220 Hurstville, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.teddybearelc.com.au
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25.01.2022 A beautiful nature walk with the younger children today collecting native Australian plants for a beautiful group collage . We have been talking about our custodians of Australia's land, flora and fauna as we recognise NAIDOC week. The children all worked together to incorporate these natural materials into a gorgeous collage which was a vision by our craft queen Miss Nicole . What an inspiring and lovely experience for the children.
25.01.2022 Today the children used some vintage wooden curtain rings on an upturned table to have a game if who can get the most rings. After playing the children compared the Columns and counted them to reveal the winner.. This is a great activity for fine motor and hand eye co-ordination as well as a great way to learn about value counting.
25.01.2022 Teddy bears now has a community library cutesy of the wonderful blokes at the stgeorge mens shed. If your in the area feel free to drop off unwanted books for others and take some for yourself .
25.01.2022 Today the preschoolers watched a live webinar on child protection aimed at reinforcing body safety . The teddy bears preschoolers have been looking at this topic for a few weeks now and todays live stream consolidated knowledge on the childrens right to feel safe all the time and being the boss of their bodies.
25.01.2022 On Wednesday Teddy Bears has its spontaneous council health inspection on its kitchen and received 5 stars Teddy bears supplys all meals delivered fresh every morning from mini meals kingsgrove , offering a cultural variety of nutrient packed healthy foods for growing bodies. Great work team maintaining this excellent standard of health and hygiene
24.01.2022 Beautiful remembrance Day experience today with the children making two wreaths from hand prints that the children created themselves . The end result was two stunning wreaths with each child's name to represent Teddy Bears respect for fallen soldiers that died for our freedoms. Also amazingly our red poppy plant in the garden finally produced its first real poppy yesterday right in time for this day of recognition and reflection. The older children in particular have explored war and it's trajedys in depth that extended beyond Anzac Day into artwork with messages for soldiers to email abroad . It was at this time our red poppy seeds were planted and it's taken a lot of gardening trial and error to find just the right spot for this eventual and glorious bloom
24.01.2022 Some preschool cutting and name writing practice today for our big kids heading to school .
22.01.2022 Today we had a new young child start kindy and to make him feel secure we sang in Mandarin for him which is his home language. Supporting the children emotionally is the biggest role we have when children start childcare and we involve everyone , including other chikdren to help develop this sense of security at the service.
22.01.2022 Today I had my first day off since starting at teddy bears as Director and Educational leader in February but popped in with flowers and lunch for the team . Yesterday was educators day but we were all so busy with our assessment and rating visit on Tuesday we never had time to organise anything.. The team all got a little box of flowers and some lovely Greek lunch from Paraea at Ramsgate. Your team is everything at a early learning service and from Mary the provider that ensures I have money to buy whatever I want to our trainee Miss Emma whose interactions with children are an example to all, I say thankyou Love you all
22.01.2022 Some school readiness today with the children demonstrating how they can recall letters and numbers and write them for the group from memory. Good job teddy bears, you learnt so many things this year .
21.01.2022 Our assistant director Miss Nicole comes in a little early everyday to prepare interesting craft for all the children including our infants. Art and craft develops fine motor and hand eye co-ordinatuin needed for big school as well as being an outlet for creativity and imagination.
21.01.2022 Story time is a fantastic opportunity to develop English,expand vocabulary and develop concentration. Using drama and intonation in our voice helps younger and non English speaking children maintain their interest in the story .
21.01.2022 Our monarch caterpillars have emerged as beautiful monarch butterflys and today we released them to the world to hopefully reproduce as they are near extinction around the world. Great job teddy bears for being part of the solution to our environmental impact on the world. Enquiries for this program to Michelle hing from cute as hatchlings .
20.01.2022 Some of today's activity's including feeding our worms, investigating our changing tadpoles, watering our Daisy's and sunflowers that are growing on wet cotton balls inside, practicing our names and the alphabet, caring for our edible plants, restocking our community library with new books, cutting, drawing and playing with playdough . Such a busy day
20.01.2022 Today the Teddy Bears immensed themselves in the rich culture of Hinduism by making Rangoli for Diwali tradition. Rangolis are a welcoming gesture for guests during the festival of Diwali. It is also believed that making rangolis at the entrance brings positive energy and prevents evil from entering the home. It is believed to transform the mind of guests through patterns to bring comfort and peace to people entering. The children used coloured rice powder to create unique ...patterns and designs at the front of kindy and some children spent much time almost like in meditation swirling, sprinking and layering colours to create these lovely Rangoli. Miss Kathy also made a stunning pattern and revealed to us how calming the process was . Happy Diwali to all our Hindu families and friends See more
20.01.2022 Big skills coming together from our weekly free inclusion of soccer Joey's
20.01.2022 Yesterday we had the fantastic smile dental team come and treat the children at teddy bears Before the treatment the children learnt about the importance and processes of oral hygiene and some great tips were shared with educators and parents also to help protect the children's teeth. After the treatment the children got a great show bag to take home full of goodies to help promote teeth hygiene and the mums and dads got a detailed oral report . Thankyou Mr Bond and team for your very important visit !
19.01.2022 We love story time and today one of our storys was " grandpas slippers" .
19.01.2022 Today we explained to the children how our community library works as well as putting more books in for people to take.
19.01.2022 Today we counted the books in the community library again with a small group of children. The number has stayed the same in the last few days which is 18 and no books have been swapped. I asked the children what we can do to get more people to use our library and why they are not. Riley said that maybe they dont know its a community library and we should make a sign. Calvin, Rachel and Riley set to work on a sign .... "we need a picture of a big house with books in it " he said. "we need flowers out the front of the house in the garden" said Riley. The two children then made the sign together including the writing and then Riley and up put it underneath the community library out the front. if you have any books you dont want, childrens or adults, please feel free to bring them. if you would like to take some books home for your child also please take them. This is the concept of a community library and lets help the children see how their sign has helped give more information and improved the use of the library. See more
19.01.2022 Great first try for Vivian today joining our weekly ballet class with the wonderful Miss Amy from Miss fishers ballet academy that comes every Tuesday to teddy bears from her local studio .
19.01.2022 Warm up for the youngest childrens soccer Joeys session today and how good our the infants here following the program in their own way
19.01.2022 We are doing lots of big deals in our office play set up today
18.01.2022 The children today helped extended our flower beds by creating more tyre gardens for our foraging native bees. We have added so many natural elements to teddy bears this year as we recognise the important part nature plays in our world.. The children are helping daily to water the flowering and edible gardens , feed our compost worms and keep the soil in our childrens digging patch. Exposing children to nature helps build immunity to disease as well as the calming sensation nature plays in our mental health .
17.01.2022 Yesterday the preschoolers made a butter cake from scratch for a 3 year olds birthday. Cooking is such a great activity that builds fine motor and STEM skills ( science, technology, engineering, mathematics) . It was so yummy and greatly appreciated by the child who woke up to find a party set up for him.. Teddy Bears is taking enrolments for 2020 so call or message to arrange a visit or just pop in !
17.01.2022 It might be raining but we are still playing with rain coats and gum boots Rain play is great for connecting with nature, learning to manage to keep dry, negotiating slippery surfaces and building resilience. Our youngest arent up to the challenge yet but our preschoolers managed just fine and had a blast .
16.01.2022 After emerging from the crystallise, our monarch butterflys are ready to go off into the world and hopefully mate to keep this endangered species going. You can help by having milkweed in your garden which is the only food that monarch caterpillars will eat.
16.01.2022 Teddy bears currently has TWO WEEKS FREE for new children with limited vacancies aged 6 weeks to 6 years. Feel free to pop in anytime and see our beautiful ce...ntre and the wonderful things we are doing including~ *soccer *ballet *music *activate 8 exercise class *school readiness using extensive and gorgeous Montessori materials *huge outdoor environment with vegetable patches, large sandpit, cubby house and extensive gross motor climbing frames and boards *party room with disco and decorations for your childs birthday provided at no charge *modern , clean and warm environment *loving, highly qualified and experienced long term educators *bi- lingual educators *nappies and all meals provided including breakfast and a hot lunch *Emergent curruculum program following your childs interests to instill a love of learning Huge shade clothed areas providing extensive sun protection *Daily intentional teaching program covering science, gardening, life cycles, child protection, phonic /alphabet and number awareness, Aboriginal culture and arts and small group music/ language times. Message for any further information. *
15.01.2022 Our garden is blooming with fresh produce and flowers including sunflowers and red poppys grown from seeds with the children . The children observe the changes daily as they care for the garden and are part of all processes so that they fully understand the life cycle of edible and flowering plants. This week our butter lettuce that we have been eating is now propogating new seeds which we will be able to capture and store for next season. Its so interesting the watch a round ball plant suddenly develop a stalk and shoot up like a flower in the scientific process of making new seeds . At Teddy Bears we believe in hands on learning through the senses and the children are part of all the learning from beginning to end .
15.01.2022 It must be tuesday cause I see lots of beautiful ballet dancing Every Tuesday Miss fishers ballet comes to teddy bears as part of our program and included in our daily fee. Its one of many professional weekly inclusions here at teddy bears including soccer joeys and hey dee ho music and movement classes. Teddy bears is now taking enrolments so call, message or just pop in to see our beautiful enviroment and friendly team.
15.01.2022 The children are learning about native bees so today we created a learning space and drawing area to explore this topic.
15.01.2022 Beautiful ballet work today from the children with our weekly ballet class from Miss Fishers Ballet which is part of our free inclusions program.
14.01.2022 Our baby's and toddlers enjoying a visit to the park today under the watchful eye of their primary educators . Smiles all round
14.01.2022 Nails by Ian Some nail polish we have been using this week as requested by some children turned into the children becoming the nail artist today when Ian decided he would paint miss Nicoles nails. He did such a good job his work was recommended to others who came to get their "nails by Ian" make over too
14.01.2022 The children learn through concrete hands on experiences so this week we made this super cool return and earn machine just like the ones you see in the community.
14.01.2022 Today the children noticed the native bees we had delivered to kindy Wednesday are out foraging for food today.. The little bees only forage when the temperature is above 18 degrees so this afternoon it got a bit warmer and they were seen to crawl around the hive entrance tubes and fly around the veranda area. We have lots of flowers for our bees here at kindy but they also will go up to 500 metres in search of food around the centre. We are super excited to see a bee go on a flower but we will just have to be patient and observant to capture this .
14.01.2022 It's that time of year. A huge Christmas tree painted by groups of children today that will be decorated with unique art by everyone set up by our craft queen Miss Nicole . Miss Nicole has been working at teddy bears a whooping 9 years and has interesting craft prepared everyday for all of the children across all rooms. Arts and crafts provide the foundations of fine motor skills for children that are needed for school as well as being an outlet for creativity .
14.01.2022 Show and tell is part of our preschool program and today Jayden talked about his turn of our visiting teddy called jimmy . Show and tell builds language and listening skills and builds social and emotional resilience to stand in front of peers to talk.
13.01.2022 August and Septembers educators of the month Miss Nicole and Miss Emma. Miss Nicole receives the award and voucher for learning new approaches and incorporating them into the program. Miss Emma receives the September award for going well in her studies. Great work girls Teddy bears appreciates your hard work
13.01.2022 Today our little stingless native bees arrived The children were so excited to see these little bees that cannot sting or bite you. The European yellow honey bee is an introduced species to Australia but these little natives are natural to Australia. After a big trip here the little bees were a bit confused and will take a few days to settle down as they find the flowers in the garden and the way back home to the new hive which we have up high on a shelf on our back veranda.... Native bees help pollenate native plants which is what every country needs for sustainability. It will take some time to see honey but with patience we can build up our hive and even split it into another one if the population increases. Teaching the children about the environment empowers them to be a part of the solution to global warming https://www.facebook.com/sydneystinglessbeesaustralia/ See more
13.01.2022 Who dosent love spagetti? Yesterdays lunch from our catering that delivers fresh in the morning from kingsgrove, "mini meals", provides delicious, healthy hot meals everyday that cater to allergy and religious requirements such as a no beef version. No matter what's for lunch we encourage the children to be independent to help serve themselves, feed themselves and scrap and wash the bowls . Teddy bears just received its final assessment and rating report from The Australia...n Children's Education & Care Quality Authority and met 5 quality national standards and exceeded in two which were Educational program and practice and partnerships with families and the community. To celebrate being the FIRST and currently ONLY service in Hurstville to get ANY exceeding areas under the new quality standards introduced in July 2018, we are offering new customers TWO WEEKS FREE to join now or book for 2021 . Call , message , email or just pop in to see how Teddy Bears can provide a warm, safe and educationally nurturing service to your child. See more
12.01.2022 Happy fathers day, grand fathers or specials persons day. Whoever your male mentor or support person is we hope you have a lovely day with them or let them know you care. Our children created lovely picture frames with the effort all going to miss Nicole our craft queen. Thanks miss Nicole, teddy bears has been very busy with assessment and rating this week so that was a big finish.
12.01.2022 Hey dee ho music class today which is one of 3 free weekly inclusions at teddy bears.
11.01.2022 Happy 5th birthday to this beautiful 5 year-old who has shared her special day with us at kindy.
11.01.2022 Today the children used a scrabble board to find and create their names and connect it using shared letter tiles.
11.01.2022 School readiness time in the afternoon on Friday for the preschoolers. Teddy Bears has a fully equipped room full of beautiful Montessori materials that help children to grapple the concepts of literacy and maths through exploring . Great job challenging yourselves children
10.01.2022 Our director and educational leader Miss Belinda loves saving cool things from street cleanups . Today some preschoolers helped get from Miss Belindas car the trucks , diggers , milk crates, hard hats and road cones that were saved from a council clean up in Penshurst yesterday . These resources are fantastic to add to our digging patch and the children really understand the concept of saving things when they are involved in the process like adding it to the environment .
08.01.2022 This morning we did the healthy lifestyle song and dance which the children are learning in Mandarin , our community language. With COVID being an issue at the moment this song is great reinforcement for healthy eating, exercising, washing our hands to ward off germs and staying healthy . Our director and educational leader Miss Belinda who works with the children , not in the office has aced the star jumps here
07.01.2022 Today on a visit to the Park we introduced the concept of climbing trees.. Climbing trees has so many benefits including developing gross motor skills and co-ordination, developing upper body and core strength and developing emotional resilience from pushing our limits. The area underneath the tree is quite soft abd the educator's supervise the children as they calculate risk and step in if needed . The children absolutely loved this today and we will include this in part of our regular park visits now.
06.01.2022 Tricky work today using our school readiness materials as we get our big kids super ready for school. The chilldren have the opportunity to develop resilience through persisting in challenging and structured activities and take responsibility to care for the pieces so we don't lose them. This room is fitted completely with math , science and literacy activity's to extend on the children's learning . When we offer lots of unstructured free and creative play the children can c...oncentrate when they need to like in these experiences.. Teddy Bears is taking enrolments and is celebrating being the first service in Hurstville to be rated "exceeding" in Educationial program and practice under the new standards by the NSW department of education. Call our director Miss Belinda today on 95536006 or 0472728024 to arrange a tour or just ring our bell. See more
06.01.2022 Its that time of the year again when we look to give our oldest children a grand and fitting send off after your to 5 years here with us at teddy bears. Today we began to learn the going to school song and dance which the preschoolers will do for graduation in the beginning of December. Every day we will practice as well as learning how to walk up and get a diploma which can be quite daunting in front of an audience. Over time the children become very confident and they can enjoy their day and be celebrated for their journey to school. These graduations are not a serious thing as really, how do you graduate from play? But they are a chance to have a party for the children and say good bye and i can assure you many of the teachers will have tears in their eyes as they see the little birds leaving the nest for big school.
06.01.2022 Another party today , this time for Vicky who turned 3. We love sharing the journey with our families and it's why we are rated EXCEEDING in partnership with families and the community ! Happy birthday beautiful Vicky! Your friends loved your 2 ice cream cakes , Chips and juice poppers
06.01.2022 Sometimes superheroes wear polo shirts and are covered in paint.... Saving 4 of 7 little native bees from our bee hive today at kindy that were seduced by vibrant paint to land and subsequently get stuck in the paint pots after promptly sinking in! My reading glasses revealed madly swaying arms and legs much like swimmers drowning and I went in with gentle hands and paper towel for a native bee rescue. Happy to report 4 of the 7 seemed to be getting around ok and were left at the entrance to the hive to no doubt recieve community help including being cleaned and fed by the relevant worker bees till they recover . If only our society could be as advanced as insects
05.01.2022 On today's walk to the park with the preschoolers we stopped to talk to a lovely couple whose garden we often admire. We were so grateful to be gifted a gorgeous succulent straight out of the garden bed after Miss Belinda commented on how lovely they are. We thanked the couple in Macadonian , their home language and next time we might share some of what we grow in our garden with them ! Community involvement and learning about kindness in this way is such an important part of an educational program .
05.01.2022 A little bit of a disco after we put on a birthday party for a special boy that turned 3 . Check out these moves
04.01.2022 Today Pam Brown representing the Bidjigal people and Laperuse Womens netball club came to collect the $128 we have raised so far this last month through return and earn for the club. We showed Pam our return and earn machine we made to help everybody understand what we are doing collecting bottles and cans from home. We also sang our acknowledgement of country song which is respect for Pam and all traditional owners that we recognise as the owners and caretakers of this gr...eat land. Pam had a great gift for us of a huge map of Australia which shows all the Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander tribes across Australia according to region. Pam discussed with us the wonderful calm energy and connection she feels here as a visitor as a result of our own connection with the natural environment here. The Aboriginal people believe that we should be connected to nature as it heals us and lets us know of things coming like ants swarming means rain. Such a supreme compliment for us at Teddy Bears as we have worked very hard to include natural elements this year like a digging patch, flowers and many edible garden beds. In the next week or too our native Australian stingless bees will arrive also which will again provide opportunities for learning about Aboriginal culture as these are the traditional bees in Australia for honey. So much learning from this great connection we have now with our traditional owners. Next visit Pam is going to bring some Aboriginal Ochre which is a traditional form of paint which will be collected her visit to Central NSW, The use of this paint and with red material to tie across the forehead is a traditional way to ward off evil spirits . What a rich cultural share we have now from this authentic connection. See more
03.01.2022 Today Miss Belinda dropped into the stegeorge mens shed in Carrs park to take the guys a case of beer for making us a community library. The stegeorge mens shed is a place where men can go to talk about their problems or life in general with other men whilst using their skills to create things for the community . Such a wonderful community resource that is available 5 days a week in the carpark area of the Carrs park . We are very blessed to get this community involvement in the midst of pandemic and thank these gentlemen, especially Brian Turner for organising this great community resource for Teddy bears. If your in vine street Hurstville please feel free to drop off unwanted books or take books you would like.
03.01.2022 Yesterday the big truck from stgeorge recycling came to collect our bottles and cans. The children have been bringing bottles, cans and cardboard poppers with the 10 cent symbol to collect for redemption through return and earn . The money we raise goes to the la peruse girls netball club to help the girls and young women in a variety of ways . This club has a large percentage of players who are Aboriginal and Teddy Bears is very proud to partner with this club in the long range goal towards our RAP ( reconciliation action plan) We will find out Monday how much this particular pick up raised and will be straight back saving up the bottles and cans again, reducing waste, recycling responsibly and promoting social justice .
02.01.2022 Continuing to learn about our native stingless bee hive today our book arrived called " lovely" which is written by Melissa Ballantyne who supplied us our little bees. It was such an interesting read and informed us all about the ways of native bees, how they make sugar bag honey and what various roles they have in the hive. After the story we went to check to see the guard bees who stand at the front of the entrance to protect the hive and zooming in close we could see one t...here watching us. Native bees are the traditional bees of Australia and the european bee was actually introduced here . One of the preschoolers also found a dead honey bee in the garden and carefully transferred it onto a piece of bark so we could all investigate and we could see the pollen on the bees legs . Nature is so interesting! https://www.sydneystinglessbees.com.au//lovely-a-story-ab/
02.01.2022 A little bit of fun this afternoon making fresh popcorn for the children
02.01.2022 Our trainee educator Miss Emma came in Saturday to set up a science experimenting table. We love educators that go that extra little bit in their enthusiasm for the chikdrens learning. I know your scared of balloons Emma so this was a scary set up
02.01.2022 One of our regular game's to help build language skills is "grandma went to the market ". The children need to repeat the shopping list in the middle as it gets longer and longer and this repetition also builds memory skills . Intentional teaching small groups like this are a constant part of our program ,offering children guidence through difficult and new challenges .
01.01.2022 Welcome little Cruz who started today and had an awesome day at Teddy Bears playing with friends and being comforted by educators when he felt he needed support. Our infants at Teddy Bears have full range of the service both indoors and out under the watchful eye of their nursery educators and this provides extensive learning opportunities.
01.01.2022 Musical chairs is such a great game to develop social skills , listening skills and resilience. Its a little bit pushy, a little bit shovy and your heart races with the pressure to get a chair. This group had made some special rules of theyre own which sometimes we can make room for. A big sister felt she had to include her younge brother on the same seat and looked at me with pleading eyes. Another younger child worked out sitting on a table outside of the chairs was the ...safest bet to get a sit down spot when the music stops. It doesnt matter how they get there or how we bend the rules for younger children, over time the children learn how to lose when they are old enough and to understand the concept of the game and what is fairness . .
01.01.2022 Babies are very capable when you trust them to explore their potential
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