TEKNIQUE Health & Rehabilitation in South Geelong, Victoria | Alternative & holistic health service
TEKNIQUE Health & Rehabilitation
Locality: South Geelong, Victoria
Phone: +61 421 413 277
Address: 36 Gravel Pits Rd 3220 South Geelong, VIC, Australia
Website: https://wholebodyhealthandwellness.com.au
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25.01.2022 Book online at www.wholebodyhealthandwellness.com.au. I look forward to helping you enjoy moving again. . . . #health #wellbeing#wellness #exerciseismedicine #progressnotperfection #exercisphysiology #stillopen #geelongsmallbusiness #geelong #exercise #exerciseforbeginners #exerciseforeveryone #exerciseathome #exercisefromhome
25.01.2022 REVERSE FLIES AND ROW- Easy to do with a can or jar of food, especially flies because the weight feels heavier when far from your body. Give this a go if youre having trouble finding an upper back exercise to do without gym equipment. Id love to hear what you think
24.01.2022 If your caesarean scar concerns or bothers you, I want to help. The MSTR scar tissue technique I use has been shown on ultrasound to reduce the size and the stiffness of the scar inside and out. By also improving blood flow back to the area women have reported improved sensation and even less pain relating to how the scar has influenced their muscle activation and movement. It is a gentle and pain free technique (this therapy does not involved lazers, creams or massage). . . . #scartreatment #scartherapy #wellness #wellbeing #health #geelong #geelongbusiness #geelongsmallbusiness #geelonghealth
24.01.2022 Our recovery from injury and pain is never linear like we hope. Hiccups are almost inevitable. So while you are healing don't stress if you are hurting today. Learn from it, keep following the process, ask for help and turn up everyday. It's your consistency that will influence your recovery overall. . . . #health #wellbeing #wellness #exercise #fitness #healthy #exercisephysiology #exercisephysiologist #geelongsmallbusiness #geelong #exerciseforbeginners #exerciserehab #exercise rehabilitation #recovery
23.01.2022 Again and again my clients show great improvements in hip and shoulder range of movement and get closer to touching their toes after a set of balloon breathing that I teach during their session. This means that if they continue to practise at home they will be putting less strain on their body everyday. So simple!!
22.01.2022 Funny! I love this guy even if he is my competition (language warning)
21.01.2022 Do you identify yourself as an injured or broken person? I used to after many years of carrying injuries and found I identified myself as always being broken. Understanding the impact my internal dialogue had on my experience helped me to decrease my pain and the limitations I put on myself. It played a role in my recovery. Unfortunately, I dont think this dialogue ever completely went away and after injuring myself again a year or so ago I noticed the belief that I will a...lways be injured and limited by pain, crept back in. I started to avoid exercise again for fear of pain. I decreased the intensity of my workouts just to be sure, which is ridiculous because I know what I need to do physically to help myself, Im an experienced Exercise Physiologist for goodness sake! I needed to acknowledge again my broken thinking and remember what helps me the most is working on changing that belief. It has worked before and I can work at it again. How? 1. Treat myself like I would my client (der) instead of doing what I always have done, start slow with just a few easy-peasy exercises and once I know how I respond repeat them for at least a week THEN progress. 2. Piggy back the new routine onto an existing habit to help create the new habit 3. Remind myself I can heal again and again and again 4. Remind myself that recovery is not linear, there will be ups and downs but if I am consistent the overall result will be up. Downs dont mean I have failed. 5. Repeat to myself that I am fit, well and capable not injured, broken and in pain. Last night I attended Craig Harpers free zoom session (@whiteboardlessons do yourself a favour, there is still space in a free session in a week or so) and I thought I would let you in on what I have been experiencing lately because Im sure there are a few of you out there that have felt the same way.
21.01.2022 Starting next week! I'm really excited about starting this new outdoor group for older adults. The focus is on creating confidence in moving outdoors. There will be strength, balance and coordination. If it can be balanced on or climbed over we may give it a go. But rest assured everything will be adjusted to suit all ages (60+) and levels of fitness. Starting Monday 12th October. Call me on 0421413277. Bookings required. 10am Mondays, Meet at the undercover BBQ area, cnr Casey Bvld and Monier Way, Fyansford (enter from main entrance of new estate).
20.01.2022 I have finally officially received my McLaughlin Scar Tissue Release (MSTR) qualification . I took my time with the case studies but as soon as we are back stepping within 1.5m of each other I can start treating your scars. The MSTR technique has been shown under ultrasound to improve blood flow to the area as well as decrease the size of the scar (below the surface too). Gentle and pain free. If this sounds like it could help you please feel free to contact me to talk about it further . . . #health #wellbeing #wellness #geelongsmallbusiness #geelong #exercise #exercisphysiology #scar #scartissue
19.01.2022 Whether your scar is 1, 10 or 100 years old the MSTR technique still works! As long as the scar is over 8 weeks old we can get started
19.01.2022 My new service - Scar Tissue Release. Check out the post below for more info on how it can help you or someone you love.
19.01.2022 This weekend take the stairs. If you've been walking the same path every week change things up and find a hill, some stairs or sand to walk on to give your body a different stimulus. If you continue to repeat the same thing over and over you're not giving your body a reason to change. Where are you going this weekend?
16.01.2022 Faye and the Osteos at Whole Body Health & Wellness are wonderful people and great osteopaths too! I love this initiative enabling all of us to access health support
16.01.2022 Chest Opener, great for those who are sitting at a desk all day
15.01.2022 Just asking....... . . . #health #wellbeing #activewear #lovemyjob #geelongsmallbusiness
15.01.2022 Exercise no 5 - STEP UP. Basic version but get this right and you can add weights, use a higher step, speed it up or sloooow it down. Just change one thing at a time so your able to use your legs the next day. . . . #openforgeelong #stillopen #onlineappointments #onlineappointment #health #wellbeing #wellness #geelongsmallbusiness #geelong #exercise #exercisphysiology #exerciseismedicine #progressnotperfection #exerciseforbeginners #exercisefromhome #exerciseathome #homeexercises #bodyweighttraining #bodyweightexercises #exerciseforbeginners #exerciseforeveryone
15.01.2022 I always enjoy writing for Ponderings and love the titles they come up with. Here is my latest installment
14.01.2022 Great news - Worksafe Victoria have come to the isolation party and supplied Allied Health Practitioners with funding for Telehealth appointments (online video sessions). This means if you have had a workplace injury and need help with your exercise rehabilitation I can help. You will need pre-approval so chat to your GP and/or case manager about how Exercise Physiology can help you get back to work or at least dominate lockdown sooner.
14.01.2022 Posture. What did you imagine when you read that word? Chest up? Shoulders back? Instead try using this image attach a helium balloon to the top half of the back of your head. Imagine that it is gently lifting the weight of your head up off your neck and shoulders. You may feel you chin come in gently or the back of your head lengthen but focus more on how light your head feels. This technique is far more effective and flattering then jamming your chin back to create a doub...le chin . Practice moving in and out of this position. "Balloon on, balloon off" can you feel the difference? . . . . #health #wellbeing #wellness #exercise #fitness #healthy #exercisephysiology #exercisephysiologist #geelongsmallbusiness #geelong #exerciseforbeginners #exerciseathome #homeexercises #exerciseforeveryone #exerciseismedicine #posture #ipreview via @preview.app See more
14.01.2022 Its coming to the end of Endometriosis Awareness Month. Unfortunately much of our attention has gone to Covid-19. However did you know that 1 in 10 women of child bearing age suffer from Endometriosis? Many of those also go undiagnosed. Exercise can help with the symptoms of Endo and i have included some options to try in the article below. Start small and keep trying until you find something you enjoy. All the very best.
14.01.2022 Proud supporter of @geelonggaelsgaa and their grasshopper kids program. Kids 6 and above every Sunday at 10am Hurst Reserve, Herne Hill or join me in the 'Gaelic 4 Mothers Others' group for casual training Sundays @ 9-9:45am. Suitable for anyone who has no idea how to play Gaelic Football but wants to give it a go . . . #geelong #active #gaelic4mothersandothers #exercise
14.01.2022 Its Exercise Right week this week and the focus is MOVEMENT IS MEDICINE, which I love. However, how motivated are you when you are given a medicine that tastes like youre licking a compost bin? To make medicine more palatable and marketable to parents, companies have designed their vitamins to look and taste like lollies. Im not saying you should go out and buy these lollies to improve your health but perhaps look at your exercise with the same marketing eye. Is your ama...zingly beneficial exercise also palatable? Some exercise like the rehabilitation kind that I prescribe just needs to be done and I work with you to help you find ways to create the habit however if you want the lifelong multi layered benefits of exercise then aim to find something that you enjoy. You are more likely to continue participating for the long term if you are having fun too. However, if you dont enjoy the exercise at least find someone you enjoy doing the exercise with. Try a walking group, dance class, fitness challenge and team sport or hiking in nature. I even saw that they were playing old episodes of Aerobic Oz Style! Whats not entertaining about that! See more
12.01.2022 Let’s use our feet more then we do. Our amazing feet are designed to give us so much information and help the rest of our body work together to move efficiently. Next time you do an activity even as simple as standing up from a chair focus solely (see what I did there?) on your feet. Before you stand feel the ground with your feet, spreading your weight evenly left to right, toes to heels. Keep focussing on your feet and pushing down into the ground as you stand. No need to s...queeze your glutes or your abs. Give you body the chance to listen to what your feet are saying. Try Increasing your awareness by first tapping on the bottom of your feet to wake up the nerves. Attempt this with any exercise where your feet touch the ground: glute bridges, squats, lunges, step ups even upper body exercises. I’d love to know how you go! . . . #feet #health #wellbeing #exercisephysiology #geelong #geelobgsmallbusiness #exercise #wellness #fitness #exerciseismedicine See more
11.01.2022 Our body is very clever at telling us what we need, we just need to listen. If you feel stiff after sitting at your desk all day it’s your body sending you a message to move more often. If you are dehydrated your body will send a message via a headache as a reminder to drink more. Pain is a request to change what is currently not working for you. Start listening, without fear or judgement it’s just a message. It’s your choice what you do with it. Ignore it and the message wil...l get louder until you listen. . . . #movement #health #wellbeing #wellness #listentoyourbody #geelong #geelongbusiness #smallbusinessgeelong #exercisephysiology #exercisephysiologist #exerciseismedicine #movementismedicine #exercise See more
11.01.2022 Please don't think your are stuffed for life just because you have been diagnosed with a disc herniation. Your body is built to heal itself. Movement and education can help this process along.
10.01.2022 Video cut short but you get the gist....Im keen to see you through a screen to keep you moving and pain free. Easy transition to online, just need a phone, laptop or desktop. Activewear not compulsory, PJs are fine. I promise Ill be dressed and professional. Tues/sat, book online www.wholebodyhealthandwellness.com.au . Keep active and pain free! Some face to face appointments are still required in many industries but Im grateful for the technology that allows me to stay connected with you but from our homes. . . . #openforgeelong #stillopen #onlineappointments #onlineappointment #health #wellbeing #wellness #geelongsmallbusiness #geelong #exercise #exercisphysiology #exerciseismedicine #progressnotperfection #exerciseforbeginners #exercisefromhome #exerciseathome #homeexercises #bodyweighttraining #bodyweightexercises #alliedhealth
09.01.2022 Exercise no.2 SIT TO STAND (then squat). Even if you already squat try this at least once. This technique helps to ensure you are maintaining a good position and using your glutes (backside) along with leg muscles. If you are unable to maintain a straight back position when leaning forward use a higher chair or place cushion on it. . . . #exercise #health #wellness #wellbeing #exercisephysiology #exerciseismedicine #exercisefromhome #exerciseathome #homeexercises #bodyweighttraining #bodyweightexercises #exerciseforbeginners #exerciseforeveryone
08.01.2022 No masks required for online appointments . Tues 5-8pm and Saturday morning telehealth appointments available. Dont put up with painful movement, its not because youre getting old its because you havent come to see me yet . Learn how to use the right exercises to help yourself and move with more confidence and less pain.
08.01.2022 Are you expecting your practitioner to fix you forever? You might be disappointed. When you are in pain and go to see your allied health practitioner what are you expecting? Do you expect them to work their magic over a few sessions and you are pain free forever? Or do you see them as a part of your recovery? As an Exercise Physiologist I often see clients when they have already started their rehab journey and have seen a hands-on practitioner to treat their condition. The ...individuals that are getting the best out of their treatment are the ones that understand that it is the responsibility of themselves to recover completely and not put all their improvement potential into the hands of just one person. Manual therapy works well when we are in pain or experiencing symptoms that are effecting our body and mind however if you arent also looking at yourself and how you live your life you may be missing out on a major part of your recovery. Our mental health can increase our experience of pain, our lifestyle such as stress levels, lack of movement, working positions, diet, purpose, and contentment all influence on how well our body is working and healing. What tools do you have to assist with your healing process? Its how I explain to my clients my job, I provide the information and education about the things they can add to their toolbox but it is up to them to draw from it when required. For example, keep the basic conditioning exercises you are given early on because they are a great way to retest yourself down the tract or utilise if you have a hiccup along the way. Our recovery is never linear, it always has ups and downs. Another tip is to ask your manual therapist what else you can do at home to assist with your recovery. It may include hot baths or heat packs, stretches and strengthening exercises, meditation or an improved desk set up. Everything you try can speed up and improve your recovery for the long term and your ongoing resilience. At the end of the day your practitioner is only as good as you are at looking after yourself or you will be funding their holidays for years to come. . . . #rehabilitation #exercisephysiologist #healyourself #exercise #wellbeing #wellness #health #recovery #exerciseismedicine #geelongsmallbusiness #geelong #exercisephysiology #manualtherapy #conditioning
08.01.2022 New service now available!! Gentle and efficient scar tissue release therapy helps improve blood flow and reduce the impact your scars have on you. DM me for more info. . . . #health #wellbeing #wellness #geelongsmallbusiness #scartissuerelease #therapy
08.01.2022 The most common goal a client has coming to a session with me is to reduce pain and improve function. But it doesnt have to stop there! The right exercise for you influences you physical and mental health. Happy to chat if you feel I could help you too
07.01.2022 First Older Adults Outdoor Movement class was today and how about this weather!! On again each week 10am in Fyansford, bookings essential. Contact me on 0421413277 or book online, link in bio
07.01.2022 Are you ignoring, fighting against or working with your body. At the end of the day it's yours, it's you. Your choice.
06.01.2022 Call/DM me if you want to know how this can work for you . . . #health #wellbeing #wellness #exerciseismedicine #progressnotperfection #exercisphysiology #stillopen #geelongsmallbusiness #geelong #exercise #exercisphysiology #exerciseforbeginners #exerciseforeveryone #exerciseathome #exercisefromhome #move #fitness #homegym
06.01.2022 Exercise no.4 - BIRDDOG HOLDS. Odd name but a great exercise for everyone. Often performed poorly (sorry no offense!) so pay close attention to the technique. It requires some concentration to get the best out of the exercise. Tense everything while you do it and you definitely feel it working - hold 5-10 seconds and repeat 5-10 times on each side. If you want a more personalised program you can book in to see me - in person or now online!! Stay connected, healthy and active ...All the best Sarah Healy Exercise Physiologist See more
06.01.2022 When we breathe out for longer than we breathe in it sends a signal to the brain to increase the use of the parasympathetic nervous system which helps our body and mind to calm down. During times of stress the opposite is occurring so our brain activates the fight or flight mode perceiving danger. We feel more tension and pain too. Studies have shown that with the right type of breathing practice can reduce our perceptions of pain and our response to stress. Try 3-4-5 breathing - breathe in for 3 sec, hold for 4 and breathe out for 5 seconds. Or - 1 Min, 6 breaths - use a timer and consciously take 10sec for each breath a few times a day to remind yourself to slow your breath! Let me know how you go
06.01.2022 Keep it simple and remember its easier to get a habit to stick if you piggy back it onto an existing habit like your morning coffee
05.01.2022 With gyms opening soon now is the best time to check in with your body. How well are you moving? Have you stayed active over last few months? Is your fitness, strength and flexibility the same? Has your working posture changed working from home? If the answer is no to any of these questions book an appointment to come and see me. We can assess how well you are moving and I can give you exercises and areas to focus on to make sure the transition back to the gym is a successful and enjoyable one. Not long now!
05.01.2022 Exercise no.3 - CLAMS if done properly these can be harder then they look, you definitely want to give these a try. In sidelying you can easily watch TV at the same time . If you feel you want something more specific to your needs I am now offering ONLINE EP APPOINTMENTS!!! Contact me for more info. Stay healthy and active . Sarah . . . #exercise #health #wellness #wellbeing #exercisephysiology #exerciseismedicine #exercisefromhome #exerciseathome #homeexercises #bodyweighttraining #bodyweightexercises #exerciseforbeginners #exerciseforeveryone
05.01.2022 Exercise no. 7 - AROUND THE CLOCK. Tests your balance in a full circle not just forward, back and sideways. Can be progressed to suit all levels of fitness.
05.01.2022 From today I will also be offering online appointment options via a video call (eg Whatsapp/Skype). I want to ensure you can stick to your health, fitness and rehab goals. We dont know how long our way of life is going to be affected over the coming months and any way we can stay connected and stay active is going to help! Bookings can be done online www.wholebodyhealthandwellness.com.au choose Manifold Heights for Tuesdays and sth geelong for sat times and the online option... will come up. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. All the very best. Sarah Healy. . . . #health #wellbeing #wellness #geelongsmallbusiness #geelong #exercise #exercisphysiology #exerciseismedicine#progressnotperfection #exercisefromhome #exerciseathome #homeexercises #bodyweighttraining #bodyweightexercises #exerciseforbeginners #exerciseforeveryone
04.01.2022 "There is overwhelming evidence that nature has health benefits for body and mind," says RSPB community engagement officer Karen MacKelvie. Those behind it expect the scheme to improve patients blood pressure, reduce their risk of heart disease and strokes, plus give their happiness and mental health a boost. https://www.sciencealert.com/
04.01.2022 I'll be there! Learn to play Gaelic football in a fun and non-competitive environment with @geelonggaelsgaa . This program was created in Ireland to encourage ladies including the mums of junior players to train and get fit on the field. No experience necessary, not even a little bit . Starting on October 11th. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Would love to see you there!
03.01.2022 MSTR is a scar tissue release technique that I am excited to be offering. The technique can address scars such as those from cesarean and abdominal surgery, joint replacements, spinal surgery, trauma, accidents and underlying scar tissue from laparoscopic surgery just to name a few. Research results have shown under ultrasound that after just 1 treatment an improvement of blood flow to the scar area and a reduction of the size of the scar internally and externally. Your range of movement can also be restricted by scars and this approach has been seen to improve this too. Gentle and pain free approach. Contact me to find out more
02.01.2022 Another great reason to add some movement into everyday
02.01.2022 Slight change of location today for my Older Adults Outdoor Movement class due to noisy trucks, lucky we have so many parks close by to choose from . Spaces still available
01.01.2022 Cant wait to see your beautiful faces again, in the same room! From this coming Tuesday Im back to working 9:30am - 3pm @wbhwhealth Manifold Heights and from Sat 27th June @omalley_fitness. So excited . Ill still be offering telehealth appointments for those preferring to attend their session from home, for whatever reason.
01.01.2022 Sometimes we just need a casual stroll around the block or the park to calm our minds. Or maybe a walk up a big hill because it takes your mind away from the mental loops you are stuck in that are making you dizzy. Take the pressure off at the gym and go in and do your favourite exercises, the fun ones, the ones you are good at or the ones that give you a high once you are done. No counting calories burned, kilograms lifted or miles run, just move.for you.
01.01.2022 Exercise no. 6 - PUSH UPS. There is a variation that suits almost everyone. Once you have mastered the techniques mentioned then make sure you keep your head still unlike me . No need to hit the ground with your forehead before your chest.
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