Terry Redman | Politician
Terry Redman
Phone: +61 8 9848 3171
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24.01.2022 SUPPORT TO STOP PALMER CASH GRAB The Nationals WA have backed the Premier’s attempt to halt Clive Palmer suing the State of Western Australia, voting to pass legislation introduced to Parliament less than 24 hours earlier. Leader Mia Davies said it was the duty of the Government and Parliament to protect all West Australians from the $30 billion claim and this issue highlights the need for a review of State agreements #RegionalAlWAys
24.01.2022 NATIONALS COMMIT FUNDING TO ADDRESS COASTAL EROSION The NationalsWA have announced a $50 million policy and funding package to help Local Governments, coast care and community groups fund programs and initiatives to manage fragile coastlines. Our policy will direct much-needed funding and attention to help management authorities preserve natural assets and protect private and public infrastructure.... The policy and funding commitment would prioritise locations at highest risk of erosion, inundation and deposition. A dozen iconic coastal hotspots in regional WA are at significant risk of coastal erosion and inundation if no action is taken in the next 5 years.
21.01.2022 SUPPORT TO BRING WA RESIDENTS HOME My office has received a number of calls and queries from families separated by the COVID travel restrictions, with some of these quite heart wrenching. This is certainly not an easy time for many families. In my discussion with people around the electorate, I have found there is unanimous agreement to keep the border closed - but support Western Australians coming home. A number of people have been in other states for valid work or family... reasons, and are now finding it difficult to get a travel pass back home. I believe the State Government should provide travel passes to people who normally reside in Western Australia, as long as they agree to comply with all quarantine rules. Is this a consistent view? Is this an issue we should be fighting for?
21.01.2022 REMEMBRANCE DAY On the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month we pause to remember those Australians who died or suffered in all wars and armed conflicts. At 11 am on 11 November in 1918, the guns on the Western Front fell silent after more than four years of continuous warfare, and the Germans called for an armistice. Since then the day has been universally associated with the remembrance of those who died in the war. We pause to remember all the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice. We will remember them. Lest we forget.
20.01.2022 SANDAKAN MEMORIAL SERVICE - BOYUP BROOK Well done to Boyup Brook for their commitment to remembering the tragic events at Sandakan in Bornea which claimed the lives of many Australians during WWII. The speeches were moving and respectful. Brooke Nield (student) who won the 2019 scholarship, gave an inspiring speech reflecting on the importance of continuing the Sandakan legacy despite not being able to travel to Borneo due to COVID. Guest speaker Alexander Hack acknowledged the suffering and hardships endured, and I had a good chat with WWII digger Norm Eaton. Congratulations to all involved.
20.01.2022 INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF HEALTH AND CARE WORKERS 2021 is designated as the International Year of Health and Care Workers This year, we can and should recognise the unsung heroes of the COVID pandemic. The dedication and sacrifice of the millions of health and care workers at the forefront of the pandemic has been nothing short of exemplary. They have worked tirelessly to keep us safe, care for those affected and nurse those less fortunate. As we all know someone who is in... the profession, let’s check they are ok and express our appreciation. Here’s hoping for a better 2021 as we continue to manage this pandemic See more
20.01.2022 BUILDING BETTER REGIONS FUND Councils and community organisations in my electorate: Good news! Applications for Round 5 of the Building Better Regions Fund are now open! A total of $200 million is available, with $100 million dedicated to tourism-related infrastructure projects.... This is a good opportunity and incentive to drive economic growth and build stronger regional communities. For more information on the infrastructure projects stream, visit here: https://bit.ly/37GAYjL For more information on the community investments stream, visit here: https://bit.ly/37BTGZJ Applications close Friday 5 March 2021.
19.01.2022 Thanks to GWN for picking up this story - the key message - book through the local Visitor Centre, local tourism operator or directly with the accommodation provider.
18.01.2022 It was an honour to officially open the Denmark Agricultural College Alumni Gazebo which has pride of place in the original school grounds. The gazebo displays plaques naming people who have had some involvement with the College over the years. In the photo is Don Causland - Chair of the Old Collegia with Wendy and Margaret - daughters of the first school principal - Charles Buckingham. It is good to honour the history of our towns.
14.01.2022 ROYALTIES FOR REGIONS Our commitment to Royalties for Regions and what it means to regional West Australians has never wavered once while in Opposition, or in Government. The same cannot be said for the two major city-based political Parties.... Regional WA deserves better than the two major Perth-based political parties pretending they care about Royalties for Regions just before an election. The Nationals WA have been clear and upfront about our intentions to restore the integrity of Royalties for Regions - it is non-negotiable. Only The Nationals can be trusted to protect and deliver Royalties for Regions the way it was designed and intended.
09.01.2022 NATIONALS WA PLAN TO UTILISE RENEWABLE ENERGY The Nationals WA have a $35 million plan to address the poor reliability of power to regional communities through using and storing renewable energy. Renewable energy, such as solar and wind helps reduce emissions and with new battery technology, can be stored for use in non-producing hours.... Too often our regional communities experience power outages resulting in loss of mobile phone coverage, radio and the inability to pump water. We need a way to fix this in a responsible and sustainable manner. Households and communities can be part of the solution by installing ‘behind the meter’ batteries and the Nationals WA will assist if returned to Government. We propose a $35 million Royalties for Regions package to assist regional residential and commercial customers install a battery, co-fund community batteries, and support local governments expand electric vehicle charge stations Read our detailed Discussion paper at https://www.nationalswa.com/2021-/policy-discussion-papers/
08.01.2022 WILLIAM BAY UPGRADES COMPLETE The long awaited $4.4m upgrades to William Bay and Greens Pool will make a massive difference to locals and tourists using the park this coming summer season. I am impressed with how well the works fit with the natural surrounds and will assist with easy access to both parking and amenities. (Well done to contractor Tim Palmer - pictured) The bitumen road to Madfish Bay and Waterfall Beach will attract people to these equally impressive coastal ...experiences, while taking the pressure off Greens Pool. While I remain disappointed the full $10.55m project, with $9m from Royalties for Regions, was not forthcoming to give the area the facelift it deserves, it is pleasing the upgrade is a step in the right direction. William Bay is a tourist hot spot and is now more able to accommodate the over 300,000 visitors a year. A great boost to the Shire of Denmark (picture with Shire representatives) See more
08.01.2022 MIDWIFERY PROGRAM COMES TO THE WARREN HEALTH SERVICE I welcome the establishment of a Midwifery Group Practice in the Warren-Blackwood region that will lessen the need for pregnant women to travel to a major regional centre for the care and medical attention they need. The service will provide a valuable one-on-one relationship between a low risk pregnant woman and the same dedicated midwife, with experience from other areas showing this model increases the confidence of wome...n resulting in more choosing to give birth in their own regional town. A great service for a growing town.
06.01.2022 SHOP LOCAL FIRST This Small Business Day we want to celebrate the versatility and adaptability of businesses in regional WA. This year more than ever the 54,000 small businesses based in regional WA need your support. Many, particularly in the agriculture, horticulture, tourism and hospitality sectors are struggling with worker shortages and have been working overtime to meet the needs of their customers. By shopping at a small business, you support the heart of our towns and the WA economy.
06.01.2022 NATIONALS WA VOW TO INCREASE VALUE OF PENSIONER FUEL CARD If the Nationals WA form Government next year, we will boost the value of the Country Age Pension Fuel Card from $575 to $600 from next July, and then re-link it to the Consumer Price Index. We will also replace it with a permanent card that can be recharged, saving an estimated $2.3 million in production and distribution costs per year. We want to support our seniors in getting to appointments, travelling to the shops and visiting friends and family.
04.01.2022 NAIDOC WEEK 2020 Today marks the start of the annual celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, their history, culture and achievements. This year the NAIDOC theme is Always Was, Always Will Be. Take the opportunity to participate in local activities as we acknowledge and support our local Aboriginal community.... #Regional AlWAys #NAIDOC2020
01.01.2022 HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY On this Australia Day it is timely to reflect on how well we have come together and selflessly committed to battling the COVID virus. Our willingness to do the right thing to protect others is an extension of the mateship Australians are known for. We respect and acknowledge the Indigenous people who have lived here for over 40,000 years and embrace the changing of attitudes, the desire for genuine reconciliation and share a hope for the future.... At Australia Day ceremonies across the electorate we congratulate people for their contributions and witness new Australians being welcomed to this country. Australia Day is an opportunity to reflect on our past and celebrate all that is good and wonderful about this country our people, our produce and our future.
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