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The Woof Pack in Sydney, Australia | Pet sitter

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The Woof Pack

Locality: Sydney, Australia

Phone: +61 438 654 175

Address: Tempe 2044 Sydney, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Happy little Pepperoni all snuggly and relaxed on the lounge

25.01.2022 Little Boogles was very happy to get out for his walkies and "doga in the park" this breeze blowing through his locks and flapping his ears around Cooled off his paddy paws in the river too...we moved along quick before he turned himself into a mud monster Played some fetch and did his signature snappy turtle manoeuvres at the water station Such a happy little chappy this beautiful boy

24.01.2022 Monday funday with these happy little smiley face puppers Sunshine and making friends...what more could we possibly want Pops was very excited to meet a little CKC puppy who looked like a smaller version of her...soo cute

24.01.2022 Such a happy little bunch goofing around today...lots of bitey face fun and games Silly Lily seemed very happy with herself prancing around with her fave sausages We had to do a bit of moving around to find the perfect spot for games...bindi and bee free with lots of shade Council needs to do some mowing and weed killing in our usual spot!

23.01.2022 These little wacky Woof Packers melting hearts, making friends and running a muck all over Callan Park today It didn't take long for little Mr P to forget about his windy worries and get his Friday frisky on He always finds the biggest fluffiest dog in the park to play with...soo cute Zacky brings soo much excitement and happiness to the gang...his little mates can't get enough of him Such a well behaved little boy too...he hasn't forgotten his good manners in the pack He had a bit of a love affair with a huge G.Dane x puppy today too Mr Confidence (Duggles) brightened up everyone's day strutting around and breaking into song...everyone wants to take him home Pops has mastered the art of sliding into hearts by rolling over at everyone's feet and paws...the floppy Poppy manoeuvre works every time

23.01.2022 Evil Aunty Renee took us out in the rain today and made us all wet and cold...worst Aunty ever! We made sure she knew we weren't impressed by refusing to play with toys or sticks...that will learn her It was like some kind of puppy pact going we shall sniff and nothing more I'm pretty sure Max wasn't meant to break the agreement by playing chase and tumble with Pepper...his friends kept looking at him like *this was not the plan Maxo Pepper meshed in with... the puppy gang very well considering the weather...I'm sure there would have been a lot more excitement and smiles had it been a sunny day We met a few nice big fluffy doggos through the fence in the big bruiser section but then they left and a guy turned up with a couple of agro dogs who were growling and lunging at the pups...our two youngest Pops and Percy didn't quite realise the seriousness of the situation and kept running back thinking it was a game, giving Aunty Renee a mild heartattack Poppy can almost squeeze through the fence so I had to keep a close eye on things...the owner warned me they are aggressive, which was very obvious Little Percy did a full perimeter check to see if he could find an exit point so he could run back to the car away from the horrible wetness...he was very dissappointed with the fence situation They are such an entertaining bunch...never a dull moment, even when they are in grumpy rain mode Love these kids See more

23.01.2022 S-s-s-salt and Peppers' here I couldn't resist Just thought I'd post about Pepper's first slumber party at his aunties house before loading up today's photos...he is settling in very quickly and found the toybox within minutes of arriving Soo cute!!! I can't wait for sausage snuggles on the lounge tonight

21.01.2022 Much mischief and sandmonster action at the beach today Maxo and Percy completely forgot their names again and kept running off on seperate little solo adventures through the bush...the beach seems to trigger off some sort of Boston temporary deafness They were having a great time...I do love their independence and sense of adventure We made friends with big bouncy 6mth old puppy who got the gang all in for chase and splashy fun...Duggles refereed from the side lines as he didn't have much left in the tank His sister wears him right out some days...exhausted little Puggy

21.01.2022 Happy little hotdoggos goofing around together It got pretty warm this afternoon so we had to stop for rests and refreshments in the shade a few times We had much furry fun but missed our Ziggy zooms...poor little sausage has got an eye infection that flared up overnight It looks soo sore but lucky for him he has a wonderful mummy who got onto it quickly and he is now on antibiotics and on the road to recovery He should be all better and ready to see his buddies next week...there will be much excitement I'm sure!

20.01.2022 Little Zacko brought the wacko to Wednesday Such a funny little guy and soo popular with his mates!!! I can only imagine the mischief that will unfold when Maxo returns to find his big buddy is back There was much flappy frisby frenzy fun and games going on today...Zacky was living the dream with all his little friends chasing him around Mr P was all smiles and confidence again back in one of fave parks today He's not a big fan of saltwater and sand so I thought I'd give him a day off the beach...such a happy little chappy on the grass goofing around Duggy still can't believe his bestie Zack is back...I kept catching him staring at Z all stary eyed...puppy love Pops thinks Zacky's chubby cheeks are perfect for bitey face fun...she gave Duggy's tail and skin rolls a few rests today

17.01.2022 What a social walkies for the puppy squad today!!! Hanging out in the sunshine with a great bunch of doggos and their times!!!

17.01.2022 This funny little bundle didn't want to get his sausage belly wet on the long grass today so we stuck to the paths At least we got some sunshine...I decided to wait out the heavy rain this morning as I was afraid Ziggy may never speak to me again if I took him out in that Such a good little boy he has been this weekend...I miss him already and I only just dropped him home He has been my little sidekick following me around everywhere and giving me soo many snuggles and kisses Heart melter

16.01.2022 Welcome to The Woof Pack Ziggy!!! What a total heart melter this fluffy little bundle heart almost exploded today Brace yourselves for the puppy cuteness overload One can never have too many Ziggys I reckon He was such a good little boy and amazed me with his recall...clever little kid He absolutely loves his new pack mates and fit in soo well!!! They all think he is hilarious Pepper was soo excited to have a new bitey face friend...he has a thing for the Ziggys We are all soo happy to welcome him into the gang

15.01.2022 Aww little Baggies, why so cute Such a good boy too

15.01.2022 This frisky little bunch of smiley face poopers It was all pawty pawty pawty today...not sure what they were celebrating, but who needs an excuse Artie Partypants even threw in some handstands

14.01.2022 Evening walkies with this handsome little lad Still soo hot outside but at least a few degrees cooler than today

14.01.2022 Monday shenanigans in the sunshine with these handsome little lads...lucky me

13.01.2022 This little ray of sunshine brightening up our Saturday Such a sweet funny little fella I'm struggling to get any chores done today...totally distracted by cuteness

12.01.2022 Saturday afternoon sausage snooze sessions after our big day of games, walkies and goofing around getting not much done I did manage to do my weekly woof pack vehicle cleanout but that's about it for the day...Ziggy is the perfect excuse to put my feet up and chillax Ziggy said everything else is soo unimportant

11.01.2022 HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY ZIGGY!!! He seemed very excited with the celebrations...not sure he knew why it was all about him today but he definitely was loving the extra fussing and treats Humphrey wasn't overly enthusiastic about the celebrations until he realised extra treats were involved We had special party clown performances from Lily and Pepper which brought much entertainment to the birthday boy

09.01.2022 Delicious biteable chubby cheeks

08.01.2022 What a lively little bunch today!!! All smiles and sillyness in the sunshine Little Mr P was soo excited I thought he was going to pop...such a funny little pupper

08.01.2022 The kids all had their rain faces on today but Pops was particularly cranky about it The boys tried all of their best moves to cheer her up but she told them both right off They decided to give her space after that I kept all leads on today to avoid any runaway rain fugitives Maxo and Mr P didn't let the weather ruin their frisky Friday fun Btw Duggles had to have a trip to the vets for his leg turns out he has had some kind of reaction under his paw to something, maybe a bee sting...his mummy is taking very good care of him as always so I'm sure he will be better soon Poor little potato

08.01.2022 So Maxo packed up his little bags and headed off on a roadtrip up north with his daddies...lucky little boy!!! But guess who's back with much enthusiasm Zacky decided, while the Maxo is away the Zackman will play I really don't know who was more excited about his return...we could have all burst!!! Duggy couldn't believe his bestie was back!!! Percy and Pops think he is totally pawsome Such a popular little bundle little Zacky I have missed this funny little kid so much and am soo happy to see him all recovered He had the bestest time with his little mates

08.01.2022 Puggy pawfection and sensational smiley Sausages I keep the best company...they make me soo happy I could burst Bestest sunshiney afternoon with the bestest of friends Pepper had such a big day before heading back home to his mum and dad...we miss all the laughs and snuggles already...he is a real character this kid

08.01.2022 Poor little Percy pups was a bit out of his comfort zone at the beach places can be a bit spooky for the baby boy He tried to make a run for it up the steps a couple of times so I kept him on leash and gave him lots of cuddles After Duggy finished howling at all the big dogs swimming we decided to head back to our usual play spots so Percy could let loose As soon as his little paws hit the grass he suddenly sprung to life...all frisky and happy again Such a sweet sensitive little guy We made lots of friends today

08.01.2022 My baby girls Dolly and Froggy 12yrs ago I miss them soo much

07.01.2022 I have to ask Ziggy's mum if this is a normal event...2nd time today I have seen him try to feed the toys Sharing is caring He grazes on his meals like a cat this kid

07.01.2022 Pawfection Like a little teddybear paw

07.01.2022 Bagels weather forecast: It's woofin hot out there fellow fourleggers!!! Stay indoors and tell hoomans to keep that cold air blowy thing some games if you must, but keep it sensible kids Drink plenty of water but make sure to tell your hoomans when you need to go wee wees...rugs aren't for peeing on you know If real hot tell hoomans to give icecubes...they is slippery little suckers so you may have to tell hooman to hold it for you while you licks it Might be best to wait for walkies til sky goes dark, as much as it sucks to wait Make sure to tell hoomans to put their paws on the pavement first to make sure not to hot for your paddy paws Have a pawsome day, love Bagel aka Boo Bear Soo much wisdom for his age I know!!!

07.01.2022 Poor little Mr Potatohead (Duggy) had to stay home today as he has a sore leggy...we missed him soo much Pops was a bit lost without her big bro there to beat up She is usually oozing confidence but she was quite reserved today Maxo and Percy were little social butterflies making lots of friends and running a muck...soo cute They were all on their best behaviour good little puppers...too hot for mischief Such happy little smileypants these kids

06.01.2022 Get your tongues and teefs out kids, it's Tuesday!!! Maxo couldn't contain his excitement and took off on 20 lap solo zoomie mission around us with the biggest smile on his face...soo ridiculously cute! Much rolling, rumbling, running, frisby fun and sticky monster action today...such funny little furry friends

05.01.2022 Happiness is a sausage roll in a pile of toys Such a sweet funny little guy! He has decided the rug is his toilet and sleeping in bed with me at night is a must...clearly he is feeling quite comfortable here With puppy eyes, stumpy little leggies, flappy ears and stacks of personality, you can get away with anything Cute goes a long way in this house!

05.01.2022 What's better than a red rubber ball ...a red rubber ball with feet of course!!! Needless to say the kids had an absolute ball today I love my Monday muppet show...I look forward to seeing them all weekend!

05.01.2022 Damn people trying to ruin our wacky Wednesday Some days just don't go to plan, but no matter what, puppy squad always keep it interesting and eventful We turned up at the beach to find people picnicking so we had to stick down one end of the beach, which was not ideal...muddy low tide and oysters everywhere. Once they left we headed up to our fave spot to then find a woman sunbaking...the kids proceeded to jump all over her and her things (all wet and sandy) She fine about it the first time but after the 3rd time she started to get annoyed so I put Maxo and Mr P on the extension, but then Pops and Duggy kept running back and doing it again...lots of apologies today Maxo then found a dead fish and I ended up in a game of tug-o-war trying to get it off him At this point I decided it might be best to go back down the other end again so I could let them free leash, but then a guy with tourettes syndrome turned up which totally freaked poor Percy out...he then shot off up the hill while Maxo ran in the opposite direction towards him Aunty Renee was running in all directions today I finally bundled them all up and we headed up the hill for some grassy fun away from all the distractions and chaos Aunty Renee might need a nap now I love them soo boring would it be without all the cheekiness See more

05.01.2022 I hope all the doggo daddies out there are having a fantastic father's day with their furry faced kids!!! I hope all the doggo daddies out there are having a fantastic father's day with their furry faced kids!!!

05.01.2022 Woohoo Mr Ziggy is back for another sausage slumber party!!! Let the games and snuggles begin Btw I got the steps out for easy jump free sausage access to the lounge (Dachshunds have a predisposition to spinal issues due their long backs), but no amount of coaxing will get him to use them Infact none of my pack have ever used them...stupid steps I think I may invest in a more sturdy safe ramp, so if anyone thinks their doggo might use these steps they are looking for a new home? to take

04.01.2022 Lily and Pepper both decided to put on their best outfits today I think there is a bit of a love affair going on between them...getting dressed up for each other, putting on their best googly eye faces, all the bitey face action and falling over each get the picture Ziggy be like..I'm always dressed up and soo ridiculously cute and handsome, I don't need bright colours to get attention...soo true little Zigs! He totally rocks the leopard print!!! Such a good looking bunch We had soo much frisky fun in the sunshine today!!!

03.01.2022 Soaking up the sunshine at Sydney Park with our silly Lily and her fave sausages We were hoping for a bit more splashy fun at the pool but the little ones were getting a bit intimidated by some big doggos romping around and standing over them, so we moved along and found some shady spots for games Ziggy's eye is still a bit sore (allergies) but he sure didn't let it hold him back from all the action with his buddies

02.01.2022 What started as an innocent game of chase turned into a mad dash back to the car as the rain started to get heavy...Percy was soo disturbed by the weather that he took off with Max and Pops after him Aunty Renee ran for her life to catch them all...wasn't planning on a running race with my endometriosis pain today but you can't plan with puppies Luckily their leads were still attached so once I caught up to them I could quickly grab them all before they got to the road!!!... Duggles wasn't sure what all the fuss was about...he just stuck with me the whole time probably wondering why we were all running so fast It wasn't the most ideal weather for Maxo's return but we were soo happy to have him back again...missed this adorable little bundle heaps and am very relieved to see he is all better Once the rain eased up a bit they were all happy to play some games In future I may have to stick to enclosed parks or keep them onleash on the rainy days until we have nailed the recall See more

01.01.2022 We had that summertime feeling this arvo We stuck to the shade so the sausages didn't sizzle and potatoes didn't roast in the heat ...little H Bear is already charcoaled There was much showing off for Aunty Sharon today...such a cute little smiley bunch

01.01.2022 No yard games with Bagel today...things flying around, pots smashing...what a wild day!!! Glad I spent all that time tidying up the garden and waterfeature and sweeping yesterday Also just cleaned out the gutters Branches fallen all over the nearly smashed through the skylight Poor little B is wondering what all the banging and smashing noises are It's times like these I wish we lived in an apartment Guess what I'll be doing next Sat before getting ready for the Woofmas Pawty..oh the joys

01.01.2022 Rain and frowns one day, sunshine and smiles the next The kids couldn't have been any happier today!!! Pepper brought the perfect amount of seasoning to the puppy lunch pack...such a popular boy! I could just gobble them all up...I'll take one of each please

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