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25.01.2022 Hey hey, enjoyed wearing this one today! . . . #sewjapaneseinjanuary ... #kimonofabric #selfdrafted #selfdraftedpattern #memade #memadeeveryday #memadewardrobe2020 #memadewardrobe #capsulewardrobe #imakemyownclothes #melbsewing #makersgonnamake #maker #brafriendly #sewing #sewconnected #sewing #sewingismytherapy #sewistsofinstagram #sewist #craftology #thecraftreport #vintagekimonofabric #imakemyownclothes #slowfashion #slowliving #happysewing See more

23.01.2022 Playing around with this semi circle design again but added some movement this time. I’m calling it - Choose Your Own Adventure - as I was punching away my son was reading me his collection of books . . . #punchneedle #craftology #yarn #yarnaddict #sockyarn #sockyarnscraps #craftologymakersjournal #thecraftreport #memade #makersgonnamake #maker #makersmovement #modernpunchneedle #fibreart #fibreartist #abstractfiber #punchneedlegang #isolationcreation #isolationart #semicircle #monkscloth #isitartorfashion

23.01.2022 I finished all the semicircles last night, and I’m very happy with it I changed the direction of one set of semicircles so you can see the little punch marks where the punch needle went in, but it will get stitched over when I do the background The great thing about punchneedle is that if you make a mistake or change your mind it’s really easy to unpick and change. I quite like it just as it is but I’ve decided to fill in the background so I can make it into a little I’m just waiting for the yarn to arrive by post . . . While I’ve been punching away I’ve been listening to some online courses from @coursera on #modernartandideas and #postwarabstractpainting instead of my usual Netflix What do you listen to or watch while your crafting? . . . Yarn is 2ply Marina yarn from @manosdeluruguay that I had in my stash - originally from @morrisandsons . . . #punchneedle #makersjournal #craftology #craftologymakersjournal #slowfashion #thecraftreport #memade #memadewardrobe #makersgonnamake #maker #makersmovement #sewing #sewistsofinstagram #indiesewing #modernpunchneedle #fibreart #fibreartist #abstractfiber #punchneedlegang #punchneedlepurse #isolationcreation #isolationart #10minofmaking #semicircle @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia See more

22.01.2022 I’m trying something different for my #makenine2021 this year Instead of committing to nine clothing patterns (cause I get distracted every time I discover a new pattern ) I’m going to try and explore nine different fabric enhancements, some I’ve done before, some completely new to me. All made into garments. #bojagi #botanicaldyeing #embroidery ... #patchwork #linoprint #applique #digitalfabricprinting #quilting #enzymewashing I’ve sketched out a few patterns I’ve been eyeing up already that I think would work as blank canvases for some of these techniques #thefielderdress #shadiknitskirt #seamworktacara #underwoodtank #phoenixblouse #peppermintpeplumtop #staleytop . . . #craftologymakersjournal #craftology #thecraftreport #makenine #memadewardrobe #memadewardrobe2021 #indiepatterns #sewistsofinstagram #sewist #sewing #capsulewardrobe #slowfashion #slowliving See more

21.01.2022 I’m planning out my next punch needle project today. I’m thinking of making a pencil case with a triangles punch needle design and hanging one of these wooden beads I made (with MrB’s help) on the weekend. As the hardware shops are still closed due to Covid we found some pine in the shed and used that. When I can buy some doweling I think that will be easier. Swipe to see how we made them . . . #punchneedle #makersjournal #craftology #craftologymakersjournal #slowfashion #thecraftreport #makersgonnamake #maker #makersmovement #modernpunchneedle #fibreart #fibreartist #abstractfiber #punchneedlegang #punchneedlepurse #isolationcreation #isolationart #10minofmaking #triangles #woodenbeads @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

20.01.2022 This little punch needle is not going quite as well as planned I was a bit slack on my set up.... I will however persevere and hope it all evens out in the steam press it will get when I’ve finished. I want to see this design to the end and finished into a #punchneedlepurse . . NOTES TO SELF for setting up punch needle always stitch around the outside of the fabric to stop fraying - especially monks cloth... make sure the fabric is pulled as ‘tight as a drum’ over the frame to avoid issues during punch needle . . #punchneedle #punchneedleproblems #punchneedlegang #punchneedlelove #fibreart #fibreartist #makersgonnamake #melbournemaker #slowstitching #eyes #craftology #thecraftreport #memade #slowfashion #slowliving #10minofmaking #masterpieceordisasterpiece See more

20.01.2022 Four little #abstractshape paper studies that I will turn into #punchneedle wall hangings . . Created by using home printed #shippinglabels process idea from @rosepearlman .... . My printer was running out of ink and the colours came out all streaky and washed out which I love as it created some great texture and depth I couldn’t have produced easily myself. I love that they also look a bit rough where I needed to peel off the back layer . . To help me with my creative goals I also signed up for @micheleluminatoart @learnwithmicheleluminato inspiration room and am slowly making my way through her online deep dive course . . . #shippingsticker #abstractart #punchneedlegang #punchneedleart #punchneedledesign #fibreart #fibresrtist #deepdive #makersgonnamake #maker #craftology #craftologymakersjournal #modernpunchneedle #punchneedleart #punchneedlerughooking See more

20.01.2022 I’ve done lots of colour and shape exploration this year, and I think I’m finally starting to find a style and colour palette that I enjoy and feel confident with. I’m sure it will change and develop more but for now I’m really enjoying the process. . . Anyone got a colour palette they’re really digging at the moment? .... . . #memade #memadewardrobe #memadeeveryday #colourpalette #thecraftreport #craftology #makersgonnamake #maker #sewistsofinstagram #sewing #sewist #punchneedle #fibreartist #slowfashion #design #imakemyownclothes #imakemyclothes See more

19.01.2022 Another #lindensweatshirt another #sewingexperiment This sweater is all made from leftover fabrics from other projects. I really wanted to use this fine stretch fabric for the front, i just love the colour so much, so I quilted it to a scrap piece of fleecy fabric to give it enough body to go with cotton track. . . I used appliqué vilene to stick the two fabrics together as the outer layer was a bit shifty. And I used a triple stitch on the quilting .... . . #lindensweatshirt by @grainlinestudio All fabricsfrom @wearethefabricstore . . . #madebymewardrobe #quilting #memade #memadeeveryday #indiepatterns #slowfashion #slowfashionmovement #handmadewardrobe #sew #sewing #sewistsofinstagram #sewist #makersgonnamake #maker #makersmovement #imakemyownclothes #imakemyclothes #scrapbuster #nowastesewing #nowaste #craftology #thecraftreport See more

16.01.2022 All ready to stitch this up. I get really nervous stitching in purse zips I want them to be perfect and get really annoyed if they don’t sit just right! . . . #punchneedle #craftology #yarn #yarnaddict #sockyarn #calico #sockyarnscraps #craftologymakersjournal #slowfashion #thecraftreport #memade #makersgonnamake #maker #makersmovement #sewing #sewistsofinstagram #indiesewing #modernpunchneedle #fibreart #fibreartist #abstractfiber #punchneedlegang #punchneedlepencilcase #isolationcreation #isolationart #10minofmaking #triangles

15.01.2022 These cut out printed shipping stickers in #abstractshapes are all ready to go . . I’m going to create some small #abstractcollage studies using the @rosepearlman design process for some new #punchneedle designs. If your new to punch needle I highly recommend her book #modernrughooking .... . To help me with my creative goals I also signed up for @micheleluminatoart @learnwithmicheleluminato inspiration room and am slowly making my way through her online deep dive course . . . #shippingsticker #abstractart #punchneedlegang #punchneedleart #punchneedledesign #fibreart #fibresrtist #deepdive #makersgonnamake #maker #craftology #craftologymakersjournal #modernpunchneedle #punchneedleart #punchneedlerughooking See more

13.01.2022 Creating abstract shapes with yarn today . . . #punchneedle #makersjournal #craftology #yarn #yarnaddict #sockyarn #sockyarnscraps #craftologymakersjournal #slowfashion #thecraftreport #memade #makersgonnamake #maker #makersmovement #sewing #sewistsofinstagram #indiesewing #modernpunchneedle #fibreart #fibreartist #abstractfiber #punchneedlegang #punchneedlepurse #isolationcreation #isolationart #10minofmaking #abstract #abstractshapes

13.01.2022 I picked up some beautiful #naniiro linen from @theclothshopivanhoe this morning via their new online shop I went all out and bought three metres of the #naniirojardin in charcoal and thought it would be interesting to see how many items I can make from one large piece. I’ll be planning and tracking it so as to make sure not one scrap is wasted! The goal is a whole summer outfit + accessories. . . .... #buylocal #naniirofabric #naniirosewingcloset #craftology #peperomia #sewing #memade #memadewardrobe #memadeeveryday #imakemyownclothes #imakemyclothes #sewist #sewistofinstagram #makersgonnamake #slowfashionmovement #slowfashion #craftologymakersjournal #nowastesewing See more

12.01.2022 I’m all ready for after-drop-off-morning-catch-ups again!!!Guess we are going to have to wait a little bit longer.... In the meantime I’ll be making stuff like my little purse here . . . #punchneedle #craftology #craftologymakersjournal #slowfashion #thecraftreport #memade #memadewardrobe #makersgonnamake #maker #makersmovement #sewing #sewistsofinstagram #indiesewing #modernpunchneedle #fibreart #fibreartist #abstractfiber #punchneedlegang #punchneedlepurse #isolationcreation #isolationart #10minofmaking

11.01.2022 So I ended up punching away all weekend and this is the end result I was just planning on doing a sample square but couldn’t let it go to waste, so I turned it into a little purse. . . . I think my sock yarn might have be a tad heavy for the hook and and cloth I used as my stitches are a bit tight but I still love it so much. While I’m waiting for my larger hook to arrive I’ll do some more experimenting with thinner yarn and embroidery thread.... . . . #punchneedle #makersjournal #craftology #craftologymakersjournal #slowfashion #thecraftreport #memade #memadewardrobe #makersgonnamake #maker #makersmovement #sewing #sewistsofinstagram #indiesewing #modernpunchneedle #fibreart #fibreartist #abstractfiber #punchneedlegang #punchneedlepurse #isolationcreation #isolationart @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia See more

11.01.2022 I made this #seamworkadria a while back but I’ve been waiting for the weather to warm up to wear it. I’m in love with the colour, am very happy with the fit around the shoulders and the neckline is just perfect but the next one I make will be about 5cm longer so I can wear it all year round . . . Pattern from @seamwork ... Linen fabric from @gjsdiscountfabrics . #memade #memadeeveryday #memadewardrobe #imakemyownclothes #imakeclothes #linen #slowfashion #slowfashionmovement #sewingcommunity #sewing #sewingpatterns #craftology #thecraftreport #maker #sewistsofinstagram #sewist #melbournesewist #melbournemaker See more

11.01.2022 Making punch needle frames This is how MrB makes my punch needle frames . . Measuring - once you have worked out your inner frame dimensions, remember to add two times the thickness of your wood pieces to the side lengths (see diagram).... Cut to length your four sides. We use 42 mm x 19 mm. Pine is soft, cheap and easy(ish) to remove staples from. Drill pilot holes for screws: 2 x screws in each corner. We use 8G 40mm timber screws. Countersink screw holes on the outside of the frame, so your screw heads won’t protrude. All ready for glueing and screwing! Add a little wood glue to the joints. Screw in screws. Wipe up any glue that has squeezed out from the joints. Optional- use a hand plane or orbital sander to smooth down any unevenness in the joints. Finish with a quick hand sand to take off any sharp corners and your frame is ready to use! . . . #modernpunchneedle #modernpunch #husbandsarethebest #punchneedle #punchneedlecommunity #punchneedlegang #punchneedleframe #punchneedleframes #diypunchneedle #pineframe #rughooking #fibreart #frame #artframe #woodwork #makersgonnamake #maker #makersmovement #makerofinstagram #slowliving See more

09.01.2022 Merry Christmas all!!! . . Just sneaking in a few rows while the pav’s in the oven .... . . #diagonapples scarf by @sweaterspotter - it’s made up of 40 x different diagonal stripes, all different colours. . . #pavsintheoven #christmasdayknitting #knittersofinstagram #knitting #knittingismytherapy #knittinginspiration #memade #memadewardrobe #10minsofmaking #sockyarn #scrapyarn #miniskeins #slowfashion #slowfashionmovement #makersgonnamake #maker #makersmovement #imakemyownclothes See more

09.01.2022 How good are the pockets on the #peppermintpocketskirt ? I’ve had #pocketenvy watching everyone else make this skirt since it came out, I couldn’t wait a moment longer! I really enjoyed making it and I’m already planning the next one. . . We have soooo much silverbeet growing in our garden at the moment! Any good recipes for #silverbeet ? I’m thinking I could do more with it than just boiling it? ... . . . #peppermintpocketskirt from @peppermintmagazine x @paper_theory in #japanesedenim from @theclothshopivanhoe Top is a slightly ill-fitting make from a #japanesesewingbook that I wear regardless of this all the time . . . #memade #memadewardrobe #isolationcreation #peppermintpatterns #freesewingpatterns #slowfashion #slowfashionmovement #sustainablefashion #sewistofinstagram #capsulewardrobe #10minofmaking #posingwithproduce #maker #makersgonnamake #sewing See more

06.01.2022 All dressed up in a freshly made #staleytop and off to buy some lettuce to go with lunch - exciting times here in Vic! Carrying my #punchneedle purse which feels so lovely to hold . . . Fabric from @wearethefabricstore and #staleytop pattern by @elbe_textiles - such a great pattern! ... . . . #memade #memadeeveryday #memadewardrobe #punchneedlegang #slowfashion #slowfashionmovement #sew #sewingproject #sewing #indiepatterns #imakemyclothes #imakemyownclothes #armadillofacemask #maker #makersmovement #fibreart #fibreartist #craftology #thecraftreport #isolationlife See more

03.01.2022 What are you working on over the weekend? I’m trying to finish off a few projects to make room for some new ones in the new year. . . I have swapped out the colours on this punch needle piece sooo many times but think I have finally found colour #colourharmony ... . . . #abstract #punchneedle #craftology #yarn #yarnaddict #sockyarn #punchneedleart #sockyarnscraps #punchneedlegang #rughooking #craftologymakersjournal #slowstitching #thecraftreport #memade #makersgonnamake #maker #makersmovement #modernpunchneedle #fibreart #fibreartist #abstractfiber #isolationcreation #abstractart #abstractpunchneedle #linen #ultrapunchneedle #tempuradesign See more

02.01.2022 While I have been waiting patiently by the letterbox (okay, I’ve been checking it every 10 mins ) for more yarn to arrive so I can finish off my other pieces I’ve been playing around with some new pattern ideas for smaller a #punchneedlepurse and trying to restrain myself to just two colours! Although I think this would also look great in multiple colours too. . . . #punchneedle #makersjournal #craftology #yarn #yarnaddict #sockyarn #sockyarnscraps #craftologymakersjournal #slowfashion #thecraftreport #memade #makersgonnamake #maker #makersmovement #sewing #sewistsofinstagram #indiesewing #modernpunchneedle #fibreart #fibreartist #abstractfiber #punchneedlegang #punchneedlepurse #isolationcreation #isolationart #10minofmaking #diamonds

01.01.2022 This frame that MrB made me is a game changer I can easily punch through, and the weavers cloth is as tight as a drum This time I printed out my design onto some stick n stitch wash away. It’s a little tougher to get the needle through but I’m loving how precise I can be compared with my hand drawn lines. . . .... Yarn is 2ply Marina yarn from @manosdeluruguay that I had in my stash - originally from @morrisandsons . . . #punchneedle #makersjournal #craftology #craftologymakersjournal #slowfashion #thecraftreport #memade #memadewardrobe #makersgonnamake #maker #makersmovement #sewing #sewistsofinstagram #indiesewing #modernpunchneedle #fibreart #fibreartist #abstractfiber #punchneedlegang #punchneedlepurse #isolationcreation #isolationart #10minofmaking @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia See more

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