The Fit Factory Gold Coast- Burleigh Heads | Gym/Physical fitness centre
The Fit Factory Gold Coast- Burleigh Heads
Phone: +61 7 5535 3033
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24.01.2022 Day 16 - 189 push-ups Today’s target is 189 push-ups. People living with a severe mental illness are also at much higher risk for lots of physical diseases, including obesity, lung disease, heart disease, and stroke. In fact, one study in the UK estimated that people living with severe mental ill health are 189% more likely to have a stroke. Why? Probably a number of factors, including the side effects of medications used to treat mental illness, higher rates of cigarette smoking, and the social isolation and stigma that can accompany mental illness. In Australia, this has contributed to a life expectancy gap of between 14-23 years of those living with severe mental illness and those without
22.01.2022 Day 10 - 150 push-ups Today’s target is 150 push-ups. Low vitamin D levels have been consistently associated with a higher risk of depression and increased severity of depression symptoms. There’s even an illness similar to depression, called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which shows up in winter when vitamin D is harder to come by. However, supplementing vitamin D doesn’t necessarily improve someone’s mood. While we aren’t quite sure how the relationship between vitamin D and depression works yet, research is ongoing. Target levels for vitamin D are approximately 50-150nmol/L. People at risk include the elderly, those with dark skin tones, and people who wear clothing covering most of their body. If you think you might be at risk, you can ask your doctor about checking your vitamin D.
21.01.2022 From the entire Fit Fam we would like to wish the beautiful Leanne Howe a fabulous Birthday for today! Leanne, we are so proud of all your efforts in the gym over the last 12 months. You have achieved some absolutely wonderful things and keep going from strength to strength. We hope you have a wonderful day today and that Pete spoils you rotten
20.01.2022 Day 21 - 120 push-ups Today’s target is 120 push-ups. Research has shown that doing between 60-120 minutes of exercise per week can improve symptoms of depression or maybe help prevent it in the first place. There is also some evidence that it’s extra helpful to do your exercise in a group and get yourself a social boost as well.
20.01.2022 One of our favourite parts of what we do is seeing how far our members have come Both Stace and Rach pack a punch now in boxing (and have for a while) but they have certainly come a long way since they first started. Exercise, just like many things in life is a skill and to improve you need to practice. The more consistent you are, the more likely you are to improve faster ... ALWAYS remember how far you have come and NEVER compare where you are to others.
20.01.2022 Who loves the TRX burn Incorporating suspension exercises into your training is a great way to progress and regress depending on your needs. What is your favourite TRX exercise?
19.01.2022 There have been lots of awards and milestones this week at TFF so let's kick it off with congratulating Matt who has joined the ranks of Club 500 We are so glad to see this champion reach this milestone as he has always been a big part of the TFF community
19.01.2022 DAY 5 - 200 Push-ups Today’s target is 200 push-ups. The burden of mental ill health is especially felt by our First Nations people. Currently in Australia, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are over 200% more likely to die by suicide than non-Indigenous Australians. They are also 270% more likely to be experiencing mental distress. The mental health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders has been identified as a priority by the Mental Health Commission. Resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people can be found here:
19.01.2022 We love helping our Griffith University Exercise Science students with their practical component! We have been lucky enough to now help three incredible young women with their studies and assist in developing their skills! There is something special about passing on knowledge and providing a safe space for people to learn, ask questions and grow
16.01.2022 Just like that week 2 is here DAY 8 - 160 Push-ups Today’s target is 160 push-ups. Rise and shine, coffee lovers, because today’s fact is for you. There is some evidence of a small protective effect from caffeine against developing depression. One study estimated that the optimal amount of coffee to drink to capitalise on this effect is 400mL, which contains approximately 160mg of caffeine (depending on how you like your coffee). However, everyone is different, and there is absolutely no need to be forcing down espressos to try and hit this level daily. Find a level of caffeine that works for you. Just make sure you thank your next morning coffee for doing more than just tasting divine.
16.01.2022 TRX session this morning with the whole team all dressed in ALL black
14.01.2022 DAY 7 - Rest & Recharge
13.01.2022 Who loves boxing!? At TFF our boxing sessions have a focus on boxing combinations designed to improve your technical skills and coordination while getting that heart rate UP!
13.01.2022 Day 12 - 166 push-ups Today’s target is 166 push-ups. This represents up to 16.6% of Australian mothers who will experience post-natal depression. That’s one in six. Symptoms of post-natal depression can include feeling overwhelmed or scared, getting unusually irritable, blaming yourself excessively, and not feeling able to look forward to things. Post-natal depression is also common in men - up to one in ten will experience it. You can find more information and help here:
12.01.2022 WALK OUT PUSH UPS If you are wanting to challenge yourself a little bit without any equipment, give these walkout push ups a try. These are a fun one to add into your next workout. Set Up: The walkout push up begins by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and perform a toe touch, allowing the knees to bend so you can reach the floor with flat hands. ... Action: Then walk your hands out to a stable plank position, keeping a stable back and not hyperextending. From here perform a push up, lowering down onto your knees for the push up if you need to. Return: Maintain a stable plank position, hinge at the hips and walk the hands back toward the feet and return to a standing position. Benefits: It’s an excellent way to work out your core, your shoulders and upper torso don’t escape either, and it also stretches out your legs, glutes and lower back. See more
11.01.2022 How is your day going today use as many emoji's as you like!
10.01.2022 Day 13 - 90 push-ups Today’s target is 90 push-ups. Not all therapies require talking. There is some evidence that 90 minutes of pet therapy per week can be used on top of standard therapies to assist in the treatment of mental illness. Want some more good news? Music therapy can also be used alongside regular treatments for depression. Break out the puppies and playlists.
09.01.2022 DAY 4 - 124 Push-ups Today’s target is 124 push-ups. Under Medicare, Australians are entitled to six to ten visits to a clinical psychologist for mental health counselling every year, covered up to the value of $124.50 per session. You can access these sessions under a Mental Health Care Plan, which can be put into place by your GP, so don’t feel like help is out of reach.
09.01.2022 Day 11 - 230 push-ups Today’s target is 230 push-ups. Improving mental health in Australia is good for business. One publication estimated that for every dollar an employer puts into improving the mental health of their employees, they can expect a return of $2.30. That’s a 230% return on investment, which is huge. Improving the mental health of employees can mean less sick days, more engagement, and higher productivity for businesses. Some examples of programs to boost mental health in the workplace include mental health first aid training, worksite physical activity programs, resilience training, and Cognitive-Based Therapy-return-to-work programs.
09.01.2022 Day 17- 216 push-ups Today’s target is 216 push-ups. Two hundred and sixteen is the number of studies published in scientific journals between 2013-2015 that investigated the benefits of mindfulness. Mindfulness is not new- techniques we call mindfulness have been practiced by followers of Buddhism for centuries. However, the incorporation of mindfulness into Western medicine has taken place very recently: in 2004-2006 only 11 studies looking at mindfulness were published. Whether old or new, they have been largely positive: yes, mindfulness really can work. You can learn more about mindfulness and the benefits here:
08.01.2022 Our team have smashed week 1 of the push up challenge Many are looking forward to a day of rest tomorrow before we head into week 2!
08.01.2022 Day 20 - 123 push-ups Today’s target is 123 push-ups. Online mental health resources have come to the fore in recent years as an accessible and effective way to provide quality mental health care. One way we have seen this in action is the explosion of online mental health apps available to Australians. There are apps that can teach you mindfulness, take you through behavioural therapies, or simply help you breathe. The Black Dog Institute recently reviewed 123 mental h...ealth apps associated with suicide prevention. They concluded that, while there are some excellent resources out there, it can be hard to know which apps are based on the evidence. Luckily, the Australian National University have done a lot of the work for us. They’ve created a free portal called Beacon where you can find online health resources. Each resource has been given a ‘smiley’ rating out of five for the strength of the evidence behind it, so you know you’re getting the real deal. You can find it here: See more
07.01.2022 Last week we made an announcement within our TFF community that the time has come for us to end our chapter at TFF. It was an incredibly hard decision to make as we have spent 4 years pouring our hearts and souls into building something that we are so proud of. We know there is nothing like the TFF community out there and it has been evident over the past few days with the touching messages, phone calls, conversations, hugs and tears that we have had with our members after sh...Continue reading
07.01.2022 Day 19 - 240 push-ups Today’s target is 240 push-ups. Think that sounds tiring? When somebody has severe sleep apnoea, they can be dragged out of deep sleep more than 240 times every night. This has a huge effect on the body’s ability to rest, and can lead to a number of medical problems over time. However, another thing sleep apnoea can do is dramatically lower your mood. Undiagnosed sleep apnoea can feel an awful lot like depression. If you find yourself waking up in the morning feeling unrefreshed or with a headache, or if you have been told that you snore loudly or stop breathing in your sleep, consider talking to your doctor about sleep apnoea.
06.01.2022 Day 18 - 125 push-ups Today’s target is 125 push-ups. 1.25 million Australians experience a substance misuse disorder every year. Substance misuse is closely linked to mental health difficulties. In fact, of those people living with a substance misuse disorder in Australia, it’s estimated that around 25% have another mental illness. When you have a mental illness, using substances like alcohol or other drugs may make you feel good in the short term, but almost always make symptoms more severe in the long run. It’s a chicken and egg situation - using substances can also precipitate the beginning of a mental health problem.
06.01.2022 As we head start a new week and you set your mindset up, we encourage you to take a moment to think... What can you do today that you couldn't do 12 months ago? Far too often we are focused on the future and how far we still have to go that we forget how far we have come. For many of you where you want to get to in terms of goals would have shifted over the past 12 months as you got closer. For a lot of you, when you stop to think about it chances are that you are already past where your goal once was
05.01.2022 As you may have seen yesterday in a few weeks The Fit Factory chapter will be coming to an end. We are leasing our 260m2 studio (200m2 gym floor and 60m2 downstairs foyer and upstairs office space) out which has full council approval to be a fitness centre. It is available with or without all the flooring and equipment which is all in excellent condition. If you would like to view the property or discuss further please contact our agent.
04.01.2022 Day 3 of the push-up challenge and this is how we feel about the chest... so sore! Only 18 days to go haha
04.01.2022 The push up challenge is getting us gooood at TFF ONE day to go? Who else is doing it?
04.01.2022 DAY 6 - 105 Push-ups Today’s target is 105 push-ups. It’s possible that getting 15 minutes of bright sunlight each morning could reduce levels of distress. Fifteen minutes, seven days that’s 105 minutes of sunshine per week! There are a lot of factors that could be at work here to make sunlight a mood booster, including effects on your circadian rhythm, vitamin D, or just being outside. Getting into nature for a few hours per week can also help out your mental health. Whatever the reason - just be sensible! Sunburn doesn’t improve anything.
03.01.2022 Day 14 - Rest & Recharge
03.01.2022 Don't let the smile fool you... this was a nasty finisher for Liana and Kat! Give this a go for yourself with a friend... PARTNER TAP OUT ... Set a timer for 3 minutes. Choose two exercises... we usually choose two static exercises such as a plank hold and a wall squat or a static and a dynamic/explosive exercise. Each person does one of the exercises until they need to tap out and switch. Change as many or as few times as you need to in the 3 minutes. This particular time we had a wall squat as the static exercise and Liana had half Hindus and Kat had jump squats as she has a shoulder injury. Always modify to suit the client
03.01.2022 Day 9 - 235 push-ups Today’s target is 235 push-ups. This number represents almost 2,350 males who lost their lives to suicide in 2017, which is approximately 75% of deaths due to suicide in Australia. Females experience mental health issues at higher rates than males, but males are less likely to seek help for them. Some spaces within our communities exist especially to support the mental health of the males in our lives, like the Men’s Shed. Men’s Shed provides open workspaces where males can socialise, work, or help out their communities. Check out their website here: Or, if you or a male you know needs to talk to someone about mental health, Mensline is a national service for males providing referrals, counselling and support. Call 1300 78 99 78 (24 hours a day).
02.01.2022 Day 15 - 150 push-ups Today’s target is 150 push-ups. In recent years we have started to better understand the enormous role our gut plays in our health. Mental illness is no exception. Studies have shown that following a Mediterranean-style diet might help prevent depression, and possibly help treat it too. Mediterranean diets have high levels of fruit and vegetables, whole grains, and the omega fatty acids found in oily fishes like tuna and salmon, as well as in nuts and olive oils. 150g of vegetables is equal to about two serves. Aim to eat vegetables with as many meals as you can. The Australian Eat for Health guidelines can be found here:
02.01.2022 Sammy-Jo taking the team through a warm up before Factory Fit We are so proud of how far our Griffith students have come over the past few months
01.01.2022 From the entire Fit Fam we would like to wish Dionna Hall a wonderful Birthday for today Dionna, we hope you get spoilt by your beautiful little family and are surrounded by your favourite people/things Enjoy your day today
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