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The Heart of Living
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25.01.2022 Challenged with emotions? Ready to clean them out and let them go? . To feel lighter and more joyful from within? . I’m available for 1-1 sessions! DM me or bookings via my website (link in my bio).... . . . #springclean #coaching #eft #beliefs #thoughts #emotions #joy #lettinggo #clearing #triggers #healing #evolve #love See more
24.01.2022 Letting go of FEAR and living from LOVE! . 1. What can I do to experience more joy and love in my life? . Think back to your childhood to a time when you played, laughed and approached life with a child-like sense of curiosity. You were completely present and experienced so much joy and love. As adults it’s often certain life experiences that can shut this part of us down. We become fearful and closed off. Imagine if you re-connected with this part of yourself. If there was ...anything you could do in the world what would it be? Write a list of things that bring you joy or make you smile. Maybe even include some of your favourite childhood activities. Begin to make your way through this list. Start right now by booking a music or dance lesson or make a time visit that museum you have always been wanting to go to. . 2. How can I let go of control? . Being controlling comes with a price and it can stop the natural ebb and flow of life. Control can show up as a form of protection of ourselves. I often ask clients what they need protection from or what is it that they fear will happen? When you notice yourself being controlling, ask yourself what do you gain from being this way? It’s important to recognise what you are actually missing out on through this process as well. It’s time to take a back seat for a day. Let family, friends and colleagues make the decisions you would normally make. Go with the flow a little more. List the positives that you experience from letting go..... . Read more of this blog on my website.... link is in bio or go to: . . . . #lettinggo #innerchild #love #fear #joy #control #happiness #play #connect #awareness #mindfulness #coaching #healing #transformation See more
24.01.2022 What if I told you that your emotions are to be embraced rather than feared??? A beautiful part of the human experience. . Emotions are quite literally energy moving through your body... carrying with them a message or lesson. . We can suppress and trap them in order to feel better in that moment through busyness, alcohol, shopping... (avoidance behaviours), yet that will only lower your vibration and impact your physical and mental well being. ... . So maybe next time you feel an emotion that challenges you, find the inner strength to lean into it. Name it, be with it, allow and accept it. And then release or express it. Cry, journal, breathe, tap or even just talk to someone. . Be compassionate to yourself and ask yourself what it is you need in that moment? . Tomorrow I’ll be teaching all about emotions to 14 beautiful kids on the I AM EMPOWERMENT WORKSHOP in Sydney. Lots of young boys coming on this workshop and @david_berriman is coming to help facilitate!! . . . #emotions #anxiety #grief #kids #empowerment #boys #friendships #expression #release #eft #tapping #perception #mindset #kidsempowerment #IAM #sydney #schoolholidays See more
23.01.2022 A REMEMBERING OF WHO YOU ARE 8 Years ago, I was miserable, I had been living in Sydney moving through a breakup, a lot of grief and the feeling like I just didn’t belong. I searched high and low to find my home and to make new friendships where I could be excepted as me....Continue reading
23.01.2022 SYDNEY PARENTS... school holidays are coming up! ONLY 2 SPOTS LEFT!! Excited for 2 jam packed FUN days with the kiddies teaching EMPOWERMENT!
22.01.2022 Understanding which part you often fall into and how to become more empowered through making different choices!!! A philosophy by Stephen KARPMAN
19.01.2022 LAST chance to sign up for next weeks school holiday EMPOWERMENT WORKSHOP Monday and Tuesday!! 1 Spot remaining!!!
16.01.2022 PARENTS! Are you feeling overwhelmed, run down and drained? Your kids aren't listening or doing what you ask?... Unsure of how to deal with constant emotional meltdowns? Sick of arguing with your kids? During this course you will learn 8 HIGHLY EFFECTIVE TOOLS for a harmonious home! Next course is commencing on the 21st October 2020. Early bird price of $299 available NOW! $399 after 13th October!
14.01.2022 COSMIC ACTIVATION . Join Tanya @thespiritualsanctuary and Angela @the_heart_of_living for Cosmic Activation Transmission Saturday 3rd October @ 4pm @transformhealthsydney . As we come together embodying the sacred feminine energy to activate healing and connect with women to amplify our desires, release and awaken.... . . We will be working with Powerful high dimensional energy to upgrade and activate healing, raise your vibration and bring you into alignment with your highest self and activate your light body. . . During the session you will also receive a channeled light language activation , clearing and releasing old energies and opening up to higher frequencies. . . The session is one of relaxation, surrendering and opening up to the divine, allowing you to witness the magic that is within. . The session will include . Energy Healing & energy work Light Language activation Energy upgrades Releasing and intention setting Channeled Light codes Channeled message . To purchase tickets and further details head to @thespiritualsanctuary and link in her bio! See more
12.01.2022 I’m so excited to be heading to CANBERRA this coming week!!!! And I’ll be available to see clients both in person and online... . I haven’t been down there since June due to Covid. So I am looking forward to seeing clients and also my beautiful family. . I am available for sessions Monday-Wednesday. ... . Offering energy healing, timeline rest, eft sessions and coaching. . Reach out and book a session, if... . You’re feeling emotional and need to ground and rebalance You’re experiencing challenges in your relationships, family, work etc and wanting to get clarity or have support to make decisions and move through things in an empowered way You’re noticing that you’re being triggered emotionally by people around you You want to let go of negative emotions and/or thought patterns from the past You want to create long lasting change in your behaviours or life . . DM me if your interested in a session or want to have a chat about how I can be of support to you or even your kids! . . . #anxiety #stress #emotions #energy #healing #coaching #eft #canberra #canberracommunity #healingsessions #parents #kids #reiki See more
11.01.2022 Read that again... . Everything in our life we give meaning to. And the perception that we may have is not always completely accurate. Our ego is very good at making everything be about us and drawing on our unconscious belief systems to create bulls#*t stories... . Maybe a friend cancels on a catch up... and because you have an unconscious belief that people don’t want to spend time with you, you are completely triggered, emotions rise up through you and you make them ...cancelling all about you... . OR . You don’t get the job you desired and applied for... because you have an unconscious belief that nothing ever works out for you you make it mean that this always happens to you and you go into your victim and absolute blame mode... . What if.... your friend was just quite literally tired... the job wasn’t the right job for you and another better one was coming! . When we clear our old stories... other people’s behaviours and the life experiences we have are less likely to trigger us! . We can be certain we have created change when there is no longer an emotional response within us and/or our reality changes... you don’t get cancelled on anymore and maybe you get the job you desire... . Have the courage to look within when you are triggered. What meaning are you giving the situation? Is it the truth? How can you create a new meaning? . And if you need help clearing the emotions or beliefs... reach out! I love working 1-1 with my clients on creating new empowering stories that soon become reality!!! . . . #triggers #emotions #meanings #beliefs #innerwork #shadows #awareness #responsibility #change #heal #transform See more
10.01.2022 Love love love this feedback from one of the parents from my Creating Harmonious Homes parent course!!! This beautiful Mumma made it her mission to heal the relationship with her son this year and I love seeing videos from the then laughing together and playing!!! Next course is starting in a few weeks time, head over to my website for more details ...
07.01.2022 Very excited to be holding this event, this weekend!! One for all the men out there! If you want to feel lighter and freer within yourself, come see what this is all about!
07.01.2022 Being BUSY can often be a trauma response, maybe even an avoidance strategy or where we get our self-worth from. How do I know?? I have been the busiest and fullest person I know. I have always had an end list to do list, an inability to sit still, a constant need to catch up with people, or work incredibly long hours, filling my time with doing don’t get me wrong I always had A LOT OF FUN! Yet I always burnt out I lived off adrenalin and cortisol BECAUSE... The very thought of actually sitting still in my own mind, body and with my inner self may actually mean that I have to feel or acknowledge what is there Have you ever noticed your resistance to Stop and rest? Can you love and accept yourself if you’re not currently striving or achieving?? What stories have you attached to the way in which you’re doing life currently? And what might be possible if you decided to change some of those stories? Once I realised, I had the POWER all along to change how I view myself and the world around me life became incredibly FULFILLING AND JOYFUL!! Want to know how??? I have already filled my last 2 coaching client spots on my 12-week transformation program HOWEVER I love coaching private clients so much that I’ve decided to take on 2 more!! DM me for details or to have a chat about what it involves. The only thing standing in the way of you and the life you desireis your commitment to yourself! . . . . #commitment #selfempowerment #transform #heal #change #beliefs #perceptions #stories #emotions #freedom #innerworld #peace #coaching #trauma #healing #joy #fulfillment
05.01.2022 This coming Saturday afternoon. I am co facilitating an incredibly powerful event with Tanya Hodgkinson from The Spiritual Sanctuary for MEN only... Guys, If there is 1 thing you can do for yourself at the moment on this planet, it’s to raise your vibration. All you have to do, is come lay down on a yoga mat and receive. ... Tanya and I will be working with your energy to help you to feel lighter, freer and more connected to yourself. This Saturday - 4:30 until 6:30pm - click the link for more info and to grab your ticket!
04.01.2022 What a year!!! So many challenges... yet so much GROWTH!!! . Just imagine for a moment... if instead of giving your power away to a challenge, you were able to possibly get excited!! . Ok, ok... I get it, it may not feel amazing when your down and out or feeling stuck... in fact you could feel that your holding on by just a thread! I’ve been there... ... . Yet what this truly means... is your about to grow, let go of what no longer serves you and create more and more freedom within yourself! . Now if you ask me, that’s pretty dam exciting! . So instead of focusing on healing... what if we focused on growing and evolving! . Who’s ready to move towards their best life??? One where all your dreams and desires can come true??? . . #evolution #change #growth #light #transformation #excitement #freedom #challenge #love #coaching #eft #nlp #mindset See more
02.01.2022 What does it truly mean to live in love? . How can you be more loving towards yourself and others? . Imagine a world where we all embodied love. We probably wouldn’t experience war, climate change or poverty. ... . It all starts within you! The love is already there. Then it’s up to you and your openness to give and receive love! . . . #love #happiness #fear #suffering #compassion #kindness #selflove #worldpeace #belove #healing #change #climatechange #poverty #war