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The Mind's Playground

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to load big map

25.01.2022 What would your ultimate job title be?

25.01.2022 Not sure what to do this Saturday night? Saturday Night Fever is calling.....

25.01.2022 Its story time peps. As we experience some strange times on what may feel like a strange planet, why not have some fun??? Stay tuned for some story time with meeeeeee :-)

24.01.2022 WARNING, CONTENT MAY OFFEND SOME! After watching a YouTube video, I read a comment that I got stuck on because there was a part that said something like: I think a lot of people are comfortable in their bucket of shit....." ... I had to giggle, as to an extent, I have to agree. I say this because I have many times chosen to remain in my bucket of shit. So why when we know something stinks do we still go on and on and on and hope that one day it will magically clean itself up? I cant speak for all, but for me, it is usually because I am either too lazy (comfort zone) or too scared to make the change. In some cases shits been my friend for such a long time I wouldnt know what to do without it. As good as a friend I thought it was, at some stage that shit had to go! Shit aint pretty, and its usually pretty dirty work cleaning it up, but no one else is going to do it for us. Here is some good news, we all have the power and tools to tip that bucket over, get rid of that shit and start fresh with a squeaky clean bucket that can be filled with more beautiful aromas! Got a bucket that needs tipping out? Photo credit to Jessica-Johnston unsplash

23.01.2022 In lockdown? Dont lock your mind down! The current situation around the world is without a doubt going to test the strongest of minds, bodies and souls. Now more than ever is the time to understand the power of your mind and how creative humans can be! Your mind is your key to your freedom, regardless of the situation. Lets plan your great escape. ... As these are some very tough times for a lot of us, I am offering free 1-hour coaching sessions as two heads a better than one! Let the great escape begin!

23.01.2022 Seeking that Sweet Spot! Life is full of magic and monsters that challenges us to find that sweet spot. I think it's to help us find that sweet sweet thing called balance!... Balance can (and will) occasionally tip to one side and cause our emotions to flare. How do we achieve the perfect balance; when life is full of good and bad experiences, and we need both to appreciate life? Appreciation! Life is full of the good and the unpleasant, by pushing ourselves to the edges of our comfort zone, we find that sweet spot, that balance, between the things we want to do, the things we have to do, and the sweet spot where we appreciate both!

23.01.2022 Whats your story? We all have a story to tell. If you look around you can see it playing out in front of your very eyes. Here is a quick exercise to see what your story is telling you, take 5 min to sit still, look around you, what do you see? feel? hear? smell?... Believe it or not, humans are walking, talking, breathing storytelling machine creating stories every day and those stories are most often than not played out in our daily lives. As the authors of our stories, we have the power to edit, change or re-write anything we dont like about the scenes weve created. Heck, we can even start a fresh new chapter or a whole new novel if we so choose. We have the power, to give ourselves the gift of telling a story we would be proud to have published and shared with the world. We all love a happy ending, why not make that your ending?

23.01.2022 It will cost you..... 5 min & 16 sec of your time as I share a thought during at moment of boredom ! Its an interesting thought if I do say so myself. May save you a whole lot more later.

22.01.2022 Pain follows us..... As do the feelings of being lost, confused, sad or unsettled. I had a headache, and for some reason, I thought moving from one spot to another would magically fix the problem. It did not. ... It is much like any dissatisfaction in our lives. We try to move away from it but at some point or another, we realise it too followed. Why? Because like a headache, it's internal. But unlike a headache, we can't just take a pill and make dissatisfaction go away. It will keep coming back till we investigate what is causing it. If you're looking for a magic pill here are 2: 1. Mindset 2. Coaching The only side effect....... a new look on life.

22.01.2022 Training your body? Why not train your brain too?

21.01.2022 They're no longer scared of humans! Have you noticed pigeons (and seagulls) are getting braver and not scared of us? The other day I had to move out of the pigeons' way! ... They're evolving, they know what they want and no human is going to stop them from reaching that crumb on the floor. So what is stopping us from getting what we want? The fear I hear you say? If a pigeon can reach its goal and not let us humans get in their way, what is stopping us? Now imagine you're a pigeon, the target is in sight, now we just need to walk towards it with confidence!

20.01.2022 It's so interesting how the most obvious signs are right in front of our faces however we cannot see them. I'm in the process of rebranding and what I thought I wanted vs what was meant to be was staring me right in the face. Through a short coaching process with the founder Summer Fox The Lioness Society and a little inspiration from my watch, we found my new brand design.... I was so excited and yet at the same time, I was shocked at how I didn't see this before. Thanks to Summer and my watch, my business and I are on a new journey and I am more excited than ever before! Coaching is a truly powerful tool. It cuts through the BS by supporting you in seeing what is most important to you and giving you the power to make any goal achievable.

19.01.2022 Caged or free range? My mum, brother and I had a conversation over messenger about how I dont like to be caged in and how much more I prefer to be a free-range Reka. Depending on our situation, life can feel like a prison sentence. We count the days, longing for the moment we are released so we can finally live the life we want to be living.... Freedom can mean different things for different people. In my humble opinion, to be truly free, is to admit when something isnt working, doesnt feel right anymore or is just not the right fit. There is no shame in wanting to break free from the shoulds and live the life we were born to live. When you accept something is no longer working, you give yourself the key to the door, the door that opens new opportunities that can break down the walls around us. EVERYONE, yes everyone has something to offer the world. We are all born with unique values, strengths and talents that when used constructively, will free us from our cage forever. Be honest with yourself, what do you want. And I mean truly want? If you want it so badly, why havent you gotten it yet? I am a professional freedom fighter so if you need some tips on how you can go free-range, give me a call. Photo credit: Daniel Jerico - Unsplash

19.01.2022 "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution." Albert Einstein

16.01.2022 I am not a fan of setting GOALS. Truth be told I have a dislike for the word. I thought goals were only for those super achieving humans that set out to become millionaires. For me, it was just two stupid white polls that didnt do anything but look back at me waiting for something to be kicked through it but never really had the skill to achieve that result. Through my personal and coaching journey, I realised I have and always will be setting and achieving goals. Most ...are just small or routine ones. So guess what? I am a goal setter, better yet I can achieve them. I dont have to call them GOALS. Simple!!! When I set a plan for myself, I sit and prepare in this way: I want to get to X or Y. So I ready myself mentally, I meditate, journal, do a little research and then take small steps to move forward. I try not to hold onto the idea of X or Y too strongly so to give myself space to what may come. This mindset gives me the freedom to explore and allow the experience to take me where it needs me to go.

16.01.2022 What comes to mind when you read this: Okay look, you can craft yourself to some degree....? What did my brain conjure up:... How much do we bend to complete a degree in hopes of a fulfilling career? Does the degree bend to us, or do we bend to the degree? For a very long time, I felt I needed a degree to be successful. However it took me a while to complete one because of the idea of having to learn to work/think and behave to get a degree didnt always sit well with me. That was till I found my inner voice who taught me over time life is as flexible as we make it. I completed my degree in Human Resources and continue to study to better my knowledge and be the best coach I can be. I also choose how I use that knowledge and how I implement it into my life to make it successful in the way that feels right for me.

16.01.2022 Dont be fooled! What looks and feels like freedom can very much be a prison cell. What looks like prison may be pure freedom.... Comfort can be very deceiving and fool us to think were happy and life is perfect. But is it? Take a closer look at your comfort zone, what makes it so comfortable?

15.01.2022 BREAKING, SOCIAL DISTANCING, DONT DO THIS, DO THAT, SELFISH, DEATH, PANDEMIC, LOCKDOWN, VIRUS, VIRUS, VIRUS! Words are powerful. The words we choose to use can change our perception of reality. What is breaking news is that people are broken or breaking and we dont need to break them any further.... Now more than ever is the time to be more mindful of what we are saying, seeing, reading and talking to each about so we dont have fear, hatred and anxiety take a permanent seat next to us. Here are some other words we can try using instead. Can you feel the difference in their power? ENDURING, COVID-19 DISTANCING, DO, SELFLESS, BEGINNINGS, RARE, LIBERATING, MICROORGANISM. Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

14.01.2022 Do you like running? lately, Im mesmerised by the sheer number of runners. Im a fan of keeping fit, but running was never for me, even now with gyms closed I avoid running at all costs. Today as I attempted to run home and I was telling myself you can do this, dont give up, youve gotten through this pain before and with this self-talk came a massive realisation.... I may not be a fan of running but I certainly had a love for it at times Ive deemed life to be too hard or too uncomfortable. Then I became an Olympic sprinter. Running for fitness is great - for some - but running from ourselves will only delay our personal and professional growth and inevitably we end up back at the starting line facing the very thing we tried to run away from. There are many ways to win at life, it starts by examining what we are running away from in the first place. Its not easy to face the uncomfortable moments in life, but that is what needs to happen to overcome lifes challenges so we can start running towards something we do want and love. Message us for a chat about what youre running away form and how we can help you run for fitness instead.

14.01.2022 What is your drug of choice? How much time, money, energy have you spent chasing feel good moments? I, for one, have spent loads of time, money and energy into travelling. I LOVE seeing the world, meeting people, seeing, smelling, eating and getting lost in the unknown countries of the world.... I laugh at myself as I write this because you could say travel is like my drug of choice because every good high eventually has to come down. As my travel life has taught me, all good things do eventually come to an end and it sees me back into my old routines quicker than I had wished for it to be. That routine eventually leaves me unfulfilled to a point I find myself searching and planning my next fix. Depending on my situation and my finances, that fix may not come for weeks, months or years leaving me restless, anxious and depressed. Ive been into self-development for as long as I can remember, however, its not been since the last 4 years or so that Ive invested in finding a more permanent fix for my restlessness. Over the years, I have slowly realised I can have all the good feelings I want no matter what the situation is. Ive been working towards tapping into my very own bank of feel-good feelings when and where I want to. My goal now is having travel not as a short term fix, but as a bonus to an already fulfilled life. How many of us have invested time, money and energy into something that will offer so much more than a fleeting feel-good moment? I can promise you this, you wont have to travel far, you dont even have to leave your room but allow me to get real with you, it does take time (aint we lucky the current situation has given us that very thing), it does take being present and patience with oneself. Oh and it can hurt, but once you do give yourself this opportunity, you will find your treasure and youll never need to search for those happy pills again. So what is your drug of choice? And if I was to take those away from you, how would that make you feel?

14.01.2022 Read this and then tell me what you really want: There is a story told about a young man who asked Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher, the secret to success. Socrates took the young man to a river where, to the young mans surprise, Socrates put his head underwater. ... When Socrates released him, the first thing the man did was take a big breath in. Socrates asked, What did you want the most when you were under the water? The man replied Air. Socrates said: Thats the most secret to success. When you want success as badly as you want air, you will get it. There is no other secret.

13.01.2022 F**k YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, can it get any simpler?

13.01.2022 Walking on the edge of fear! Have you ever taken notice how fear moves you? I know fear exists yet never taken the time to observe how it affects me physically. ... As I walked along the edge of a sea wall, I started thinking about the worst-case scenario - falling into the water or onto the rocks! This thought made me tense up and shortly noticed my body swaying to one side. I didnt want fear to take over so I did a bit of an experiment that saw me going from trusting to not trusting myself. When I told myself I am safe, my body found its balance. When I started getting scared again, I tensed up and got off balance. A healthy mindset starts with trusting yourself. Trust that your internal guide will always find the balance. For me, walking along the sea wall brought a lot more excitement than the path I usually take. If I let fear take over, it would have robbed me of trying something new or get the opportunity to see something different.

12.01.2022 The balancing act! Life has a way of throwing an egg or two to challenge us. How we manage those eggs can either build us or turn us into a scrambling mess. As I grow and try new things, I am finding little nuggets of wisdom to support me in rolling through the tough times. ... My thoughts below!

12.01.2022 LOOK AT ME GROWWWW! A hear many of us say I cant or I dont know how. As an example, I thought I didnt have a green thumb. I thought I was one of those who could kill a kill proof plant.... As I was watering my plants, I got super excited at how much theyve grown and how healthy theyre looking. Theyre growing because I can and do have the ability to look after them and today I was reminded of that very fact. Just like plants, we humans require the same attention. We too can grow to be the best version of ourselves if we only were to give ourselves the time, love, nutrition, physical and mental attention. It can start by simply saying I CAN or YES I will give that a go. What are you saying to yourself right now??

12.01.2022 Don't compare your X We may or may not know it, but we're all born with an internal map that leads us to our own treasure. Most people call it 'intuition' or an 'inner calling'.... Over the past two years, I've made it my mission to learn how to listen to my inner guide. To this day, this guide has led to the most incredible places and opportunities. It's very tempting to look at someone's path and either judge or compare, however, it's best we learn to trust our wisdom and knowledge and allow it to lead to us to where we are meant to be. If you're having trouble hearing or seeing your map, let's look at your mindset. Who and what is taking the wheel of your life?

11.01.2022 I love the little subtle hints that tell you how it is. But I'm guessing most of us are not so pleased to hear the truth. Is it so bad to say we're not normal? After all, what is normal?

11.01.2022 You are so lazy! When I heard an interview with Julia Cameron the author of The Artists Way hearing her say laziness is just another word for fear got me off the couch pretty quickly. I admit, more times than not, I had used laziness as an excuse for the fear I felt. ... Whichever way we mask our fears, to move past it we need to be honest with ourselves. There is nothing wrong with admitting were scared but ignoring it isnt going to get us off that couch any faster. Recognise your fear and get to know why its there and how you can work with it. Dont be a couch potato, message me if you need support getting past the fear and enjoy those lazy days without regret.

11.01.2022 Make life great again...... Can I get a HELL YEAH or a HELL NO!!! My work colleague posed this question to me after recommending me to read Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown.... If you answer this question with either a HELL YEAH or HELL NO it will make your life great again!

11.01.2022 I am a fluorescent light. I shine the light on parts of you that have always been there but never really seen in normal conditions. 'I hate those fluorescent lights I hear you say'. Yeah, me too! However, these lights serve a great purpose, it reveals more than just the parts we don't want to see. It shows us all the beauty we have and so much more. ... Don't be scared to stand under this light, get to know all of you and you will soon live a brighter and more beautiful life than any fluorescent light.

10.01.2022 Christmas Day everyday! I became a coach because I LOVE seeing peoples worlds open up. Coaching is a partnership that sees you grow and where you can have someone support that growth. Even though I can see when you get excited when you find your inner wisdom or a newfound talent or skill, I still get so excited when I receive a message like this. ... As I watched this message, I thought a happy dance was in order because there was a time I too thought I had no path to call my own or any gifts to share with the world. Everyone has a gift, sometimes all it takes is having a look at some of the hidden spots within us. Remember the days we couldnt wait to open our Christmas gifts on Christmas morning? Yep, finding your inner gift is just as exciting. Christmas day can be everyday!!!

08.01.2022 Want to know your future? Sorry, no, the fortune cookie will not tell you you will land you dream job, get married, have 6 kids and live happily ever after. However, you can certainly create the future youve always wanted.... It starts by cracking open and seeing what is stopping you from achieving your most desired goals. As you move through your journey of self-discovery, you will find unimaginable powers within you that will bring trust, security and peace of mind. We all have our inner fortune cookie, for some of us, it may take some practice to find exactly where it is. With the help of your powers, your future will be looking sweet. Photo credit: Elena koycheva - unsplash

07.01.2022 I choose Jail! Which would you choose and why? Write down your answer and take a look at your WHY!... Your response may give you fascinating clues to how you view your life, time and space. More importantly, it will reveal whether your mind is working with you or against you. Take some time, be honest with your response, see what clues you find. Love to hear your why!

07.01.2022 You can call me..... Lady Boss! Ive known for a long time I am meant to be the boss of my life. There is something incredibly powerful and character-building when one takes full ownership of everything one does in life. For me, it has and continues to bring countless lessons, builds strengths and lets be honest; the odd hissy fits when sh*t gets real. ... I do respect why people dont dare to venture out of their comfort zones. It took me a long time to trust myself as its not an easy road; I most definitely have my moments where I think I am not made for this and want to give it all up. So what keeps me going? This undeniable knowing I am doing what Im supposed to be doing. Its this inner pull (not a push, there is a HUGE difference) that never goes away and so giving up isnt an option. My inner lady boss knows what is best for me; it doesnt allow me to give up. There is going to be sacrifices I can assure you, but you will gain so much more than you ever imagined. Have you met your inner boss yet? Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

06.01.2022 Are we in the same boat? Dont worry, were all in the same boat is a phrase Ive read, heard or been told countless times these past weeks. Its got me thinking, if we are all in the same boat, what kind of boat are we all in? ... During times of uncertainty, change or confusion it brings comfort to know were not alone. Yet no matter how I hear it or read it can sometimes feel like Im alone in my little wooden boat with a hole in it while others are in their super yachts. Life can be a bit like the ocean, beautiful, powerful yet unpredictable and stormy. So when the seas do get rough, what is the better option? How does one go from a sinking boat to one with 3 bedrooms and a hot shower? How we view our boat comes down to how we think. Our thoughts dictate how we perceive reality and ultimately how we live our lives. We may not always have control of lifes stormy conditions, but we do have the choice to upgrade our boat to one we would be happy to weather the storm in. If were all in the same boat, which boat will you choose?

06.01.2022 Past + Present = Future Can we compare what was and what will be? Have you ever looked at your past and thanked it for what it has and could give to your future?... It is said when we look to the past we tend to get depressed and if we look too much into the future we tend to get anxious. I dont believe it needs to be that way. From my experience having dealt with both depression and anxiety for many years, and through many personal challenges, I was fortunate enough to be able to find a happy medium - living in the present moment. NOW is the ONLY moment we have. NOW is what bridges the past and the present and gives relief to you from the depression and anxiety. Since NOW is the only time we have, and something that can go in a blink of an eye, its super important to use it to the best way we can. The present moment provides me with the opportunity to reflect on my past so I can make my future even more amazing. The present moment also allows me to make peace with my past and not fear the future. Life can be messy at times but on the flip side, it can be just as beautiful. We decide how much we want to suffer. Suffering just ads to the mess so why not make peace with our past and present selves. We have everything to gain for the future if we use our present wisely.

05.01.2022 How is your world looking through the time of COVID-19? Has it forced you to review a possible career or life makeover? A few days ago I was talking to a client about their situation during COVID-19. Less then a day later, I was sent an article. After reading it and then later reflecting on our conversation, I couldnt help but get excited because I felt it was a sign telling me I am on the best career path for me and I get to help others do the same. ... If youre in a state of confusion, frustration or uncertain of what is happening now and into the future, be assured there is always ways to get through it. This may not be the most ideal, pleasant or wanted situation, but I have to agree with one of the statements made... "Its a necessarily messy journey of exploration" and in my humble opinion, its well worth it. At the Minds Playground, my mission is simple, use every situation to better oneself and create magic no matter what life has thrown at us.

05.01.2022 Where and what is happiness? I read a passage written by Herman Hess about trees: According to Herman, trees are great teachers and have much to teach us. If we knew how to listen to them, they would reveal where happiness lies. Reading this passage hit a chord with me, I find trees fascinating as I do human behaviour and how the mind works. As I combine my learnings, I am beginning to understanding happiness has a home very close to us. Happiness is available to everyone if we are ready to listen. As Herman writes, a tree has a seed. I believe humans do too. This seed is within all of us. It does not come from money, power or a job title, it comes from learning to trust oneself and what is best for us at the very core. Nurturing your seed will strengthen and ground you, it will show you where your happy lives. There are many ways to find your seed and if youre stuck on how to find yours, I know a few tricks to help you find your seed and start the growing process :-)

04.01.2022 Did you know that purpose doesn't have to be about having or doing something that's outside of us? I was talking to a friend about a time in her life when she felt she had no purpose, but at the same time, was practising self-love and care! It sounded to me like she found a new purpose, self-care!... If you're feeling purposeless outside yourself, take some time to go within and give some purpose into finding what you are all about! Who knows, you might even find something in the unexpected that leads to something beyond anything you thought was possible. #purpose #purposeinlife #unexpected #itstartswithyou #itspossible #personalgrowth #careercoaches # #mindfulness #timetochange #possibilities #explore

04.01.2022 Yeah, you know it! When someone tells us something and we get all fired up and angry or pissed off so we tell the other person they have no idea what theyre on about and walk off! HAHAHA, Ive had many moments when Ive been told something I didnt like and my instant reaction was to huff and puff and tell them they dont know anything. Its not till later when I realise there was merit in what theyve said and it was time for me to face the truth and set myself free. And the truth will set you free, but first, we have to go through an uncomfortable period. It isnt easy, but when you get the hang of seeing the truth for what it is, you will be a pro and you will no longer need to react.

04.01.2022 How old are you? You don't have to be five years old to imagine a future you would love to have. You don't have to be 10 to believe you can be a nurse, a painter or be superhuman. ... Whatever your age, your wanted future will only come when you believe and make it happen. Believe it or not, your mindset creates your now and eventually creates your path to the future. Look around you, are you at peace with where you are now and what you've created to this point?

04.01.2022 Do you have time for you? As we go through some pretty significant changes, a lot of us are given a rare gift in this current world: Time. How do you see this gift? A friend? Enemy? A waste of time maybe?... Time is precious and it can be taken away in a blink of an eye and hey presto, its 2021, 2022, 2055 and before we know it were on our death bed asking ourselves where did all that time go? What we do with the time were given is solely up to each individual. Lets take a moment to look at it from another angle, lets say you werent entirely fulfilled in the old world, how could you use this gift to your advantage in starting to create a life you would prefer to have? It may feel like a lot more has been taken away from us, but weve been given something very precious, a rare moment in our busy lives could be the ideal gift to make or create something even better.

03.01.2022 Does it matter if we think differently? Recently, I was doing a course. I shared the answer to an assignment we had to complete. When the instructor asked if anyone else had the same answer, it was soon evident they did not. I felt a little embarrassed, and my first reaction was to change my answer. I felt my way of thinking was not good enough and didn't like the idea no one agreed with me!... I decided not to change it because I'm proud I think differently as this difference is what is going to set me apart from others! Don't be afraid to think differently; it may take you to places no one else has thought off! #thinkbeyond #thinkdifferently #careerclarity #careercoach #inspiration #mindset #thinkingoutsidethebox #personaldevelopment #braintraining

03.01.2022 Something truly amazing is happening! Can you feel it? When our routines or life patterns are disrupted or disappear, so can our feeling of security. This can leave us feeling exposed, naked and even vulnerable. For some, this can feel liberating and joyous for others downright terrifying. ... Having our lives disrupted and our patterns challenged can be both a gift and a challenge and if youre ready to receive both, youre in for an amazing ride. To begin your journey, take some time to be still, present and mentally tell yourself you accept the gifts and the challenges of this unknown. Take your time to feel and accept all the feelings and thoughts that come to you. Write them down if you wish to get a better perspective. What is happening? What is your body, mind and soul trying to tell you as you sit there and allow it to speak to you? If you are ready to take the challenge but not sure how to start, I would love to support you in accepting your gift of transformation.

01.01.2022 Who knew eating your greens can be so insightful!

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