The Moonlight Quill in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Book shop
The Moonlight Quill
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Address: melbourne 3000 Melbourne, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 New blog post! this time round I take a look at Gilgamesh by Joan London. One of my favourite reads.
25.01.2022 And this Sunday, for the first time over @footscrayfinds from 9 till 2. In the heart of Footscray, or Franco Cozzo Land as I like to call it. Hope to see you there! #sundaymarket #footscray #footscrayfinds #footscrayfindsmarket #marketsofmelbourne #melbournemarkets
23.01.2022 I know that toilet paper is all the rage right now, but if you’d like to come and fight over some of my books here Footscray Finds that would be much appreciated. On the plus side, if you don’t like the book you buy well that’s your toilet paper problem sorted! #twobirdswithonestone #melbournemarkets #sundaymarket #footscrayfinds #footscrayfindsmarket #footscray #melbourneswest #westernsuburbs #bookstgram #bookstalls
21.01.2022 The number one rule of book nerd club is you always carry a book with you. Even if you know you’ll probably be busy having to have actual interactions with people, you never know when you’ll get a couple of minutes to sneak in a few pages @lucytreloarwriter #bookstagram #beachreads #booknerd #bookjunkie #sarurdayreading #booklovers #amreading #bookstagramshare #auslit #australianliterature #auswriters #australianauthor
20.01.2022 Current read in preparation for an upcoming trip to Japan which thankfully, for now at least, has not had to be postponed or worse, cancelled. There are many roads to knowing a country, and one high road runs through literature. I do not mean only travel books. I mean the kind of book that leaves you fretful, surly, or exalted, the kind that does not leave you at all. It remains often tacit, a bother somehow, even as you flip page after page. If you let it, it can take over your life. Pg23. #amreading #bookstagram #travelmemoirs #travelmemoir #japan #travelliteraturejapan #ihabhassan #tracesofjapan #travel #currentread #bookhoarder #booknerd #quotes #literaturequotes
20.01.2022 Join us this Saturday for the first of our Christmas markets at CERES Makers & Flea Market. Lots on offer as always.
19.01.2022 Bookshelf goals #Repost @penguinclassics with @get_repost Our kind of #BlackFriday
19.01.2022 And that’s a wrap for 2019 folks. Playing bookseller for a few hours on the weekend can be a hard slog, but it has been a lot of fun and overall a fulfilling experience. A big thank you to everyone who stopped by my stall this year to either buy, browse or to have a conversation about the power of literature. Hoping everyone has a safe and happy holiday season full of peace, love and all that gooey stuff. See you in 2020, and now if I may borrow the famous quote, Mate, i’m k...nackered Peace out #offtothepub #booksellersofinstagram #bookseller #bookstoresofmelbourne #donefortheyear #2019 #goodbye2019hello2020
18.01.2022 I’ve been away from all bookselling related activities for a while but i’m hoping to be a little more proactive from now on. So stay tuned for weekly blog posts (Motivation permitting)
14.01.2022 When you hear that @ceresmakersandfleamarket is back on. Well it’s been back for a couple of weeks but tomorrow will be my first one for 2020. Looking forward to it! 9 till 2. #saturdaysatceres #marketstalls #marketsofmelbourne #bookstalls #bookstallsofmelbourne #secondhandbooks #usedbooks
12.01.2022 It’s great to be back after a three week abscence thanks to Melbourne’s crazy and unpredictable weather. Group hugs and high fives were the order of the morning after being away for what felt like an eternity. Lot’s to see and do as always. Do join us @ceresmakersandfleamarket here till 2. Photo credit: @theofficialponty #marketsofmelbourne #melbournemarkets #saturdaysatceres #brunswickeast #3057 #marketstalls #marketstallsofmelbourne #bookstagram
12.01.2022 When in Ancient Greece, do as the ancient Greeks did. I do however, draw the line at sacrificing an ox, wrapping it’s thighs in fat and throwing them over hot coals then roasting the organs so the aroma can delight and appease the gods of Olympus...but hey, there’s always next time. The wine will do for now. #amreading #isoreads #readingtheclassics #homer #theiliad #thesongofachilles #theodyssey #readingduringlockdown #ancientgreece #wineandbooks #booksandwine
12.01.2022 My trip to Japan had to be postponed due to you know what so I decided to set aside the travel memoir I was reading, which I was enjoying, but thought would enjoy even more while experiencing the subject matter first hand. Instead I have decided to re-visit something a little more relevant. @rhizomevintage #plaguebookclub #amreading #albertcamus #camus #theplague #oran #bookstagram
11.01.2022 Did you know that January is national buy a book month? Well actually I don’t think that’s a thing, and if it isn’t, I just invented it here at the @vicmarket till 4. #melbournebookmarket #sundaymarket #bookstagram #bookseller #newbooks #usedbooks #secondhandbooks #bookstall #bookstallsofmelbourne #melbournebooklovers #reading #ilovetoread #melbourne #whatsoninmelbourne
11.01.2022 There is always that moment, just after you’ve finished setting up, when you look at your stall and you think to yourself...what am I even doing here? Nobody’s gonna wanna buy this crap. Anyway, if you’d like to come by and prove me and my defeatist attitude wrong then please do so. It would make me and my fellow stallholders very happy here till 2. #marketsofmelbourne #melbournemarkets #books #melbournebookshops #bookstagram #christmasmarkets #christmasmarket #saturdaysatceres #brunswickeast #moreland #morelandcity #bookloversofmelbourne @ CERES Makers & Flea Market
09.01.2022 New stuff up on the site. Please buy them so I don’t have to haul them around on the weekend. Thanks in advance #onlinestore #bookstagram #booksonline #website #booksforsale #onlinebookstore #onlinebookshop #usedbooks #secondhandbooks #classicliterature #fictionbooks #melbournebookshops #melbournebooks
09.01.2022 First official book blog post The Plague by Albert Camus
08.01.2022 See you on the other side folks #staysafeeveryone #seeyousoon #marketlife #marketsofmelbourne #Repost CERES Makers & Flea Market with @get_repost... Well, it was certainly lovely while it lasted! Sadly our little market is now closed again for 6 weeks. Stay safe, be well and we look forward to seeing you at the end of next month - all ready for spring! . In the meantime, Ceres Grocery and Nursery are both OPEN, as is Grocery Cafe (takeaway only) See more
05.01.2022 Join us today from midday for the @inflatableregatta. A variety of stalls by the good folk from @footscrayfinds. Plus food trucks a bar and live music. Fun times! #Repost @footscrayfinds with @get_repost T O M O R R O W:... Find us at Grimes Reserve at the @inflatableregatta's after float party! We'll be there with a few of our favourite stalls on the banks of the Maribyrnong! . FREE ENTRY SAT 29 FEB Noon - 6pm . Food trucks + Bar plus our old mate @joeylightbulb on the decks too! . Head on down, parking available on Moreland St (near Footscray Community Arts + @licketysplitmelb) See more
03.01.2022 Don’t you just love it when a plan comes together at the last minute. Had not booked any markets this weekend but then this opportunity presented itself so it looks like i’ll be hauling my books to banks of the Maribyrnong river. Please come and buy some, they’re very heavy! Will be a fun day and the weather is looking perfect. 12-6 tomorrow. #Repost @footscrayfinds with @get_repost S A T U R D A Y... Find us at the @inflatableregatta on the banks of the Maribyrnong this Saturday 29th February! . We'll be at the end of the float at Grimes Reserve with a few of our favourite stalls from Midday - 6pm! . Haven't booked a boat yet? Don't worry there's still time! Head on over to @inflatableregatta website! . P.s interested in a Last Minute stall? DM us for more info! . . . . #inflatableregatta #maribyrnong #footscray #melbourne #events #ahoy #paddle #saturday #booknow #imonaboat #boats #paddling #regatta #melbourneevents #footscraylife #fun #friends #marimoments #cityofmaribyrnong #happening #thisweek #party #boatlife #ahoycaptain #captain #boatsboatsboats See more
02.01.2022 Aaaaand i’m back! For now at least. I will miss my Saturday sleep ins but am so looking forward to having my stall tomorrow at CERES Makers & Flea Market. Do join us if you’re about. #Repost @ceresmakersandfleamarket with @get_repost Another great line-up of stalls at tomorrow's market - beautiful and useful things to keep you warm, cosy and relaxed on these winter days. See you there, 10-3 ... . With @moonlightquillbooks @pelicancrafts @kunturmacrame , Vicki's Vintage, @merricreeksoaps @rhizomevintage , Wire Guy, @hair_extension_n_sowing_studio , Roaring Retro, @timeless.petals @reebeemelbourne & more . #wintermarket #madeinmelbourne #prelovedmelbourne #melbourneartisans #thingstodoinmelbourne #96tram (last stop) #coffeemelbourne #shoplocal See more
01.01.2022 It’s business as usual here at CERES Makers & Flea Market with still plenty of time to come down for a wander. #saturdaysatceres #brunswickeast #ceresbrunswick #marketsofmelbourne #melbournemarkets #books #usedbooks #newbooks #weekendmarkets @ CERES Makers & Flea Market
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