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The Open Mind Space

Phone: +61 2 4031 8784


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24.01.2022 FEBRUARY 27 Join Tara on February 27 to celebrate the Full Moon, creating Mandala shapes on your mat. This session will harness Virgo’s deep earth stability to travel through February’s lunar vibes. We share in ancient Chandra Nadi (moon channel) practices giving you the space to develop your relationship with lovely lunar herself. Sat February 27 // 11.00am - 1.30pm... Investment: $65 Unlimited Members $70 Non Members This is an in person workshop at our studio in Newcastle, NSW

23.01.2022 So your little one is picking up on something beyond and you may feel way over your head. Here are four ways you can easily support your intuitive child; 1- Believe them. Just because you can’t sense it doesn’t mean you can dismiss it. Listen to them and ask them questions as if what they are experiencing is very real. ... 2-Create a safe space. Physically: together imagine their room filled with bright white light so only the good stuff can come in, or pick a special crystal to stay by their bed to protect them. Energetically: ask them to think of someone who they feel safe with, it could be someone real or imaginary (like their favourite superhero character), together imagine that someone standing guard next to them all the time and protecting them, let your child know they can ask for their guardians help whenever they want. 3-Teach them. Teach them how to energetically protect themselves like above with a white bubble or a guardian. How to take deep breaths to calm down (or even to meditate if they have the attention span). To talk with what they are seeing or that they can tell them to go away. 4-Reach out to a professional. Reach out to an energy healer/intuitive that works with kids. Book in a session so your child can ask all the questions they want to and have someone else who gets it explain and teach these things to them, to you as well! It is honestly invaluable. I (Renee) have been intuitive since I can remember, and I am so grateful that my parents, even though they didn’t really know much about it all, didn’t dismiss what I was saying, they reached out to other intuitive adults to teach and guide me through and it helped me understand what was happening and to hone my gifts in. If you think you have an intuitive child, start with the above and encourage them to grow what is going to be one of their most invaluable life skills. If you want to know more you can always reach out to us here at The OM Space!

21.01.2022 Ready to begin a practice that will support you now and into the future? Good plan. But check in with yourself here. Are you setting a New Year's Resolution to exercise, or meditate, or {insert anything related to 'should' here......} because you feel like you are somehow expected to? Or are you ready to plant the seeds for how you really honestly want to FEEL moving forward? There's no right or wrong reason to start a practice that makes you feel better. But there's also not...hing wrong with being curious about WHY you're doing the things you're doing. We want to meet you and to share these life-changing practices with you. So, if you're ready, come on in and give us a try with our Intro Offer that gives you 2 full weeks of UNLIMITED timetabled classes for $25. There's a link below to sign up

21.01.2022 Anxiety serves a purpose. It lets us know something is out of alignment. It can be a little niggle or an overwhelming landslide. Here’s a thought; what if anxiety was a sensation representing the distance between where you are in this moment and an attachment to where you think you ‘should’ be? You’re working a job that isn’t fulfilling, feeling disconnected in your relationship and by this age you thought you would have that 6-7 figure biz and be married. There is a gap bet...ween what is and an attachment to what ‘should be’. That underlying anxiety may be telling you something is off, perhaps you are so focused on the story of where you ‘should be’, you are missing the magic in this moment. P.S. the magic can sometimes be sticky and uncomfortable, still magic though. What to do? You may seek help from a professional, reach out to a friend, move (hey yoga) or you may thank it. Yup, thank your anxiety for showing up. Don’t push it away, welcome it in with open arms and say ‘thank you for showing me something is out of alignment, there is something I am not paying attention to and I need to take stock’. You are exactly where you need to be, anxiety serves a purpose if you take a moment to listen.

21.01.2022 'Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer' ~ Maya Angelou

13.01.2022 It's the story that many of you have been waiting for. 4 weeks later and we are ready to share with you the story of our natural birth. Yes we are tired, but we are in awe of the absolute wild nature of birth. Click the link below to watch on YouTube, or listen to the podcast ...

09.01.2022 Have you been on our website lately? It's basically a treasure trove of cool things, including blogs that have super specific, actionable info on things like plant power, meditation, chakras, spiritual business and MORE. PLUS, you can check out the Online Yoga Classes & Courses we have available, see all of our upcoming in-studio events, read about our classes and see the latest timetable updates. Check it out, read the blogs, leave a comment and enjoy! ... See more

08.01.2022 The last in our series discussing the Yamas (the first of the 8 limbs of yoga), we’re having a look at the concept of Aparigraha. This Yama is generally translated as ‘non-greed’ or ‘non-attachment’. The lesson associated with Aparigraha is pretty simple. It doesn’t mean we can’t or shouldn’t want nice stuff. The moral guideline this is asking us to remember is that we should only take what we need and what serves us in the moment and to know when to let go. This honestly me think of Australia’s great toilet paper fiasco. Anyway. Knowing what we need in any given moment means that we need to be mindful of both ourselves & others. We need to be able to be discerning and aware enough to be able to make decisions that serve us. This can be seen both on and off the yoga mat. When we begin our yoga practice, are we attached (and do we have expectation) around where the practice will end up? And are we pushing ourselves towards that outcome even if our body is saying ‘please, not today’, or are we listening along the way and adjusting the way we move based on that open and aware discernment of only offering ourselves what we need? In his yoga sutras, Patanjali says ‘when non-greed is confirmed, a thorough illumination of the how and why of one’s birth comes’. That’s no small thing, right? So perhaps this idea of being aware, open & discerning and not simply filling up our space with more stuff is also allowing us to have the clarity to see our purpose. That sounds pretty delightful to me. What’s your interpretation of this Yama?

08.01.2022 Let’s have a look at the second of our Niyamas (inner observances): Santosha. This Niyama is all about becoming content and being able to come to a place where we feel no sense of lack. We can sit with gratitude for all that we currently have, or all that we currently are, and feel completely at ease. Iyengar says that ‘contentment and tranquillity are states of mind’. When we consciously or sub-consciously are constantly wanting for ‘more’ or ‘what’s next’ then can we sit w...ith contentment? Can we enjoy each moment as it passes? Can we simply be? In this world we live in there is a huge focus on self-growth, of leaving behind what we have been and stepping into the next part of who we are becoming. This is AMAZING. We love growth and we love watching people shake off their stories and their limits to become lighter and more joyful versions of themselves. BUT: What if we could just be happy with who we are right now? What if we could be happy with all we’ve achieved and all we’ve lived through and all we’ve offered the world right up to this moment? What might it feel like to know, even just for a moment, that we don’t need to strive for more? It might feel something like contentment

08.01.2022 REMINDER: Our timetable will be a little lighter between December 24 and January 3. Scroll across to see the classes that will be ON and don't forget to book into your classes online or through the Glofox app Have a Happy Christmas everyone!

06.01.2022 We're running on a reduced timetable for the rest of this week! Read on below to see what's on: MONDAY 28/12 7am OPEN with Jacqui 5.30pm YIN with Cat... TUESDAY 29/12 7am OPEN with Brooke 5.30pm YIN with Cat WEDNESDAY 30/12 7am OPEN with Jacqui 5.30pm YIN with Cat THURSDAY 31/12 7am OPEN HEATED with Jacqui CLOSED NEW YEAR'S DAY! SATURDAY 2/1 8am OPEN with Jacqui 5.30pm YIN with Cat SUNDAY 3/1 8am OPEN with Brooke 5.30pm YIN with Cat Keep using the Glofox app to book into your classes and we'll see you through the week

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