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Sculpture Clinic

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25.01.2022 It can be frustrating when youre working hard at eating healthy and getting moving, maybe going out for a run and some yoga on the regular. But there are some areas of the body that just hold on to the deposits of fat, no matter how ardently you try. Liposuction for resculpting your shape is a great option.

23.01.2022 Dr Paraskevas carrying out laser liposuction in our world-class day procedure clinic.

22.01.2022 A mothers love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dates all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path. Agatha Christie. Sending love to all mums today, near and far.

20.01.2022 Liposuction is used to reshape one or more areas of your body, not as a method of reducing body weight. Liposuction & liposculpture is typically used on body areas that have not responded well to diet and exercise. These areas can often be the outer thighs and hips on women, and the waist and stomach on men.

20.01.2022 This patient came to us for treatment of her visible periorbital veins (ie: prominent veins surrounding the eye). Our phlebologist treated the veins with Direct Vision Sclerotherapy. The after picture is from a month following treatment, where you can see some temporary bruising and swelling, but the veins in question are no longer visible. The bruising and swelling will continue to heal.

20.01.2022 As lipoedema is resistant to diet and exercise, tumescent liposuction is often used to treat the symptoms. Before this can be done, a detailed ultrasound examination of the blood vessels in the lower legs needs to be conducted to rule out or treat any underlying venous disease. After that, direct treatment of lipoedema can begin.

19.01.2022 Before and 10 weeks after laser liposuction to the abdomen, back and hips.

19.01.2022 Beach weather, please!

19.01.2022 Lets bust a myth. Does liposuction get rid of cellulite? No. Liposuction does a great job at what it was intended for, but not cellulite. Bonus myth-busting here: Many treatments claim success in treating cellulite, but they lack evidence of results. And thats what matters! You may hear of mechanical massage, drugs, creams or laser and radio-frequency methods to treat cellulite, but there are no truly effective treatments for cellulite. If they do anything at all, none are more than mildly and temporarily effective.

19.01.2022 Dont steal my sunshine.

18.01.2022 There are many different types of anaesthetic used by medical practitioners; from general anaesthetic that completely puts the patient to sleep, to local anaesthetic and tumescent anaesthetic which is used to numb large areas of the body. In todays blog, we discuss tumescent anaesthetic and its use in liposuction.

17.01.2022 What is lipoedema? First described in 1940, Lipoedema literally means fat swelling and refers to a chronic body fat disorder involving the incurable build-up of fatty tissue. It is mainly found in women around the thighs, buttocks, and lower legs and is sometimes associated with significant tissue enlargement, oedema (swelling), and varying levels of pain.

17.01.2022 Our clinic is closed from Tuesday 24th December. We reopen at 9am on January 20th. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at The Paras Clinic!

16.01.2022 Youre stronger than you think.

16.01.2022 It is confidence in our bodies, minds, and spirits that allows us to keep looking for new adventures. - Oprah Winfrey

15.01.2022 To help better educate the public on the causes and treatment of this common condition, Sculpture Clinic has composed this very informative guide on cankles.

15.01.2022 How can you ensure youll get the best medical care when considering liposuction?

15.01.2022 I was made for summer days!

14.01.2022 Summer holidays are calling! Were almost there!

13.01.2022 How does eyebrow transplant work? Some of us would love to be able to have fuller brows, but an eyebrow transplant can also improve brow location and contour. The donor hair for the eyebrow transplants is obtained from areas of the scalp with thick, healthy hair. We perform a highly specialised form of Follicular Unit Extraction (or FUE), whereby individual hairs are extracted using a 0.7 mm punch. An LED stereo-microscope may be used to divide hair follicles into single hair shafts if required. The eyebrow hairs are placed at a very tight angle with the curl in the right direction. Only single hair follicles are placed in the eyebrows, to create a completely natural look.

12.01.2022 the aim of a fat transfer is to restore sections of the face and body that have lost volume due to aging. In the face, areas that commonly need treatment include the cheeks, lips, eyes, corners of the mouth, chin and the fold between the mouth and the nose. In the body, a fat transfer is most common in the hands and breasts. Fat can also be grafted into areas where there has been a loss of fatty tissue due to trauma such as burns or scarring. Replacing fat in these situations not only helps fill the area of deficiency but also provides a rejuvenating effect in and around the affected area.

12.01.2022 This 67-year-old came into our clinic with varicose veins of the right lower leg. She complained of many years of heaviness, discomfort, swelling and tiredness in the right leg. At night she would get leg cramps and restless legs. She finally decided to have her leg investigated. Duplex Ultrasound revealed a 7 mm incompetent Great Saphenous Vein feeding the large lower leg varicose veins. She was treated with Endovenous Laser Ablation of the Great Saphenous Vein and Ambulatory Phlebectomy of the lower leg varicose veins. The smaller tributaries were injected with Aethoxysklerol Sclerosant. 2 years later, she reports that all her symptoms have resolved and she is extremely happy with the aesthetic outcome. Treating varicose veins can help prevent further deterioration and possible irreversible skin changes and venous ulceration.

11.01.2022 In todays blog: all about Lipoedema. Lipoedema is a chronic, incurable disease that can have a significant impact on patients wellbeing, both physically and psychologically. Despite the seriousness of this disease, Australian lipoedema sufferers face significant challenges even getting recognition.

11.01.2022 In today's blog: all about Lipoedema. Lipoedema is a chronic, incurable disease that can have a significant impact on patients’ wellbeing, both physically and psychologically. Despite the seriousness of this disease, Australian lipoedema sufferers face significant challenges even getting recognition.

10.01.2022 Liposuction to the neck or chin area can be used to treat heavy jowls and help to reshape the jawline.

08.01.2022 We treated this 50-year-old patient with direct vision sclerotherapy to the periorbital vein. The after pic on the right was taken just seconds after the treatment. Learn more about periorbital vein treatment:

08.01.2022 Love this before and after view of the upper arm. Laser liposuction was used to remove excess fat deposits from our patients arm. This is done via two simple incisions, one in the elbow area and one near the armpit.

08.01.2022 Anti-wrinkle injections are a great way to enhance your natural features.

08.01.2022 "I regret taking such good care of my skin" - said no one ever

07.01.2022 It can be frustrating when you're working hard at eating healthy and getting moving, maybe going out for a run and some yoga on the regular. But there are some areas of the body that just hold on to the deposits of fat, no matter how ardently you try. Liposuction for resculpting your shape is a great option.

06.01.2022 Upper arm tumescent liposculpture can give excellent results. Through two simple incisions in the elbow area and one small incision near the armpit, the size of the fatty deposits in the upper arm can be reduced.

05.01.2022 Non-invasive treatments for varicose veins can help relieve symptoms such as heaviness, discomfort, and swelling. Learn more about varicose veins here:

05.01.2022 Many women carry fatty deposits on the hips and in some body shapes, it gives a square shape to the torso. For people who wish to sculpt a new contour in this area, liposuction can do just that. By removing subcutaneous fat from the region of the hips and above the buttocks, liposuction can help create an arched transition from back to buttocks and smooth the form of the hips. For more information about Hips & Waist Liposculpture:

05.01.2022 Glowing skin is always in.

04.01.2022 All dressed up with all the places to go! Its party season!

04.01.2022 As usual, we uphold our high clinical and infection control standards at our clinics. This includes disinfecting of treatment surfaces after each patient interaction, thorough cleaning and sterilisation of equipment and rooms, thorough, frequent cleaning of all high touch areas with high-grade disinfectant, including reception surfaces, door handles and treatment areas, and use of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) during all appointments. We have introduced additional precautionary measures: We are advising patients to let us know if they are potentially high risk for infection or have been exposed to anyone who is high risk. We are requesting all patients to use the hand sanitiser provided upon entry into our reception areas.

03.01.2022 What is lipoedema? First described in 1940, Lipoedema literally means 'fat swelling' and refers to a chronic body fat disorder involving the incurable build-up of fatty tissue. It is mainly found in women around the thighs, buttocks, and lower legs and is sometimes associated with significant tissue enlargement, oedema (swelling), and varying levels of pain.

02.01.2022 Our patient had laser liposuction to the abdomen and flanks. Heres a side view from before the procedure and 9 months after. He was really pleased with the outcome.

01.01.2022 Both men and women can suffer from eyebrow hair loss. For women, the most common cause of reduced or absent eyebrow hair is either over-zealous plucking, or laser hair removal. Genetic factors and various skin and medical conditions can also lead to eyebrow hair loss. Dr. Paraskevas says To give you the most natural look through eyebrow transplant, we are very precise in the angle and orientation in which we place each and every eyebrow hair. It is essential that you see a surgeon who is highly specialised in this procedure.

01.01.2022 Lipoedema will appear as obvious fatty deposition in the lower legs that does not affect the feet.

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