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Embassy of Timor-Leste in Canberra | Government organisation

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Embassy of Timor-Leste in Canberra

Phone: +61 2 6260 4833


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20.01.2022 Ambassador Inês was honoured and proud to attend the graduation ceremony of Fellow of the Defence and Strategic Studies course Certificate, Lieutenant Colonel Helder da Costa, from F-FDTL today at the Australian Defence Academy. His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Ret’d) was also in attendance and addressed the graduates, accompanied by spouse Linda Hurley. Congratulations to Lt Col Helder da Costa and thank you for your service to the nation. - - ... Onra no orgulho bo'ot mak ohin, iha Akadémia Defesa Australia S. E. Embaixadora Inês partisipa iha seremónia graduasaun entrega Sertifikadu ba kursu Estudus Estratéjikus Defesa ba Tenenti Koronel F-FDTL Helder da Costa. S. E. Hon. Governador Geral Australia, Sr. David Hurley AC DSC (Ret’d) ne'ebe mak mai akompanhadu ho nia espoza Madam Linda Hurley hato diskursu ba graduadu sira. Parabeins ba Tenenti Coronel Helder da Costa no obrigadu ba ita bo'ot nia serbisu ba nasaun.

19.01.2022 The delegation also visited the Menzies School of Health Research, where the Ambassador thanked the team for their longstanding support. The delegation enjoyed a lunch and discussed current cooperation and opportunities for the future. The Ambassador met with impressive young Timorese making their country proud, Nevio, Merita and Lucendar working in health research and studying with the support of Menzies. The Ambassador was delighted to present a Certificate of Appreciation... and a gift in recognition of their outstanding support. - - Delegasaun mos hetan oportunidadi vizita Eskola Menzies ne'ebe halao Peskija ba iha area Saude, iha okaziaun ida ne'e S. E. Embaixadora agradese ekipa ne'e nia apoiu longa data ba Timor-Leste. Delegasaun partisipa iha almosu konfraternizasaun ida ho ekipa ne'e hodi diskuti tan kona-ba oportunidadi koopersaun iha loron oin mai. S. E. Embaixadora impresionada tebes ba hasoru malu ho foin sa'e Timoroan ne'ebe orgulhu ba Timor-Lesta, Nevio, Merita no Lucendar ne'ebe mak serbisu no estuda liu husi apoiu Menzies nian. S. E. Embaixadora kontenti tebes ba entrega Sertifikdu Apresiasaun no Prejenti hanesan rekonhesimentu ba sira nia apoiu esepsional.

17.01.2022 This morning, the Ambassador and delegation met with Chief Health Officer of the Northern Territory, Dr Hugh Heggie. The Ambassador congratulated the Chief Health Officer for the great outcomes achieved in the NT thus far with regards to COVID-19. The Ambassador raised the prospect of Timorese seasonal workers being allowed to re-enter the Northern Territory to help fill shortfalls, particularly in time for the busy melon season in March next year. It was a positive meetin...g with progress made on these matters. At the end, the Ambassador and Dr Heggie did a socially distanced 1.5m staying alive handshake. - - Ohin dader, S. E. Embaixadora no delegasaun hasoru malu ho Xefe Exekutivu Servisus Saúde Northern Territory, Dr. Hugh Heggie. S. E. Embaixadora kongratula Xefe Executivu Servisus Saúde ba rezultadu diak ne’ebe mak konsegue too agora hodi kontrola no prevene transmisaun COVID-19 iha NT. S. E. Embaixadora solisita atu trabalhador sizonal timoroan bele tama hikas mai NT hodi ajuda prienxe vaga serbisu, espesialmente iha époka kú pateka, iha fulan Marsu tinan oin. Soromutu kona-ba assuntu ne’e produtivu tebes. Hafoin sorumutu remate, S. E. Embaixadora no Dr. Heggie komprimenta malu kumpre regra distansiamentu sosial 1.5m.

15.01.2022 Today, the Ambassador participated in the first working group meeting with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Department of Education, Skills and Employment and the Pacific Labour Facility on the topic of welfare and wellbeing in the Seasonal Workers Programme and Pacific Labour Scheme. The working group was attended by representatives from Pacific missions and sought to gauge input from Heads of Mission on how to address welfare and wellbeing needs and improve... engagement with stakeholders. This working group will continue discussions to agree on priorities over the next coming months. - - Ohin, S. E. Embaixadora partisipa iha sorumutu ba dauluk grupu trabalhu ho Departamentu Negosius Estranjeirus no Kooperasaun, Departamentu Edukasaun, Abilidadi & Empregu ho Viabilizador Emprego Pasifiku hodi diskuti kona-ba tema Programa Trabalhador Sizonal no Program Trabalhador Pasifiku. Hola parti iha Grupu Trabalhu ne’e reprezentantis husi Misaun Diplomatika Pasifiku ho finalidadi atu rekolha pontu de vista Misaun refere kona-ba oinsa hadia kondisaun bem-estar no medidas ne’ebe presija atu hadia interkambiu efektivu ho stakeholders. Grupu trabalhu ida ne’e sei kontinua diskuti too hetan akordu kona-ba perioridadis iha fulan hirak oin mai.

14.01.2022 Today we commemorate the 45th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Independence. On this milestone, we remember the sacrifices made in pursuit of independence, honour our history which has shaped our national identity, and look forward with hope to the future. - - Ohin ita komemora tinan 45 Proklamasaun Independensia. Atu marka momentu istoriku ne'e, ita foo hanoin sakrifisiu ne'ebe mak halo hodi alkansa independensia, ita foo onra ba ita nia istoria ne'ebe foo forma ba ita nia identidadi no esperansa ba futuru.

12.01.2022 It was a privilege for the delegation to visit the Royal Darwin Hospital on Wednesday afternoon to meet with Professor Rob Baird, Director of Pathology, and his team. The delegation was given a quick tour of facilities including the equipment used in rapid COVID-19 testing. The Ambassador thanked Professor Baird and all the staff in the pathology for their support in testing COVID-19 samples from Timor-Leste from the outset of the outbreak, and their long-standing partnersh...ip with the lab in Dili. As the Ambassador remarked, it is those individuals working behind the scenes that make the biggest impacts on people’s lives and health. The Ambassador presented Professor Baird with a certificate of appreciation and a gift in recognition of their support. - - Previlejiu bo'ot ba horiseik delegasaun vizita Hospital Royal Darwin hodi hasoru malu ho Professor Rob Baird, Director Patholojia ho hia ekipa. Kometiva halao vizita ba hospital nia fasilidadis inklui ekipamentu ne'ebe mak uja ba halao teste no rezultadu hetan kedas iha tempu badak ba COVID-19. S. E. Embaixadora uja oportunidadi ida ne'e ba agradese Professor Baird no nia staff iha patholojia ba sira nia apoiu ba halao teste ba amostras COVID-19 husi Timor-Leste, iha momentu ida ne'ebe surtu ne'e hahu tama iha Timor-Leste, no mos apresiasaun ba hori uluk kedas halao parseria ho laboratoriu iha Dili. S. E. Embaixadora realsa, individuo hirak ne'ebe serbisu iha kotu-kotuk mak sei foo impaktu bo'ot ba ema nia saudi no ba ema nia vida. S.E. Embaixadora entrega ba Professor Baird sertifikadu apresiasaun no salenda/tais hanesan jestu apresiasaun ba apoiu esepsional ba Timor-Leste.

07.01.2022 This morning, the Ambassador participated in a roundtable meeting hosted by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Department of Education, Skills and Employment. The meeting was also attended by Pacific and Timorese diaspora, and High Commissioner of Vanuatu, His Excellency Samson Fare. The Ambassador and High Commissioner offered observations on labour mobility from their recent visits to workers around the country. This is the first time Timor-Leste has been r...epresented in these discussions and the Embassy looks forward to greater engagement of diaspora members in the labour mobility programs moving forward. - - Ohin dader, S. E. Embaixadora partisipa iha sorumutu ida ornanija husi Departamentu Negisius Estrajeirus no Kooperasaun no Departamentu Edukasaun, Abilidadi no Empregu. Sorumutu ne'e hola parti mos reprejentantis husi Pasifiku no Timor-Leste ne'ebe mak hela iha diaspora no S. E. Alto Komisariu Vanuatu, Sr. Samson Fare. S. E. Embaixadora no Alto Komisariu hato observasaun kona-ba implementasaun programa mobilidadi laboral husi sira nia vizita foin lalais ba trabalhador sira ne'ebe mak agora dadaun serbisu iha Australia. Foin ba dauluk mak reprejentatis husi timoroan hela iha diaspora hola parti iha soromutu ida hanesan ne'e no Embaixada iha expektativa atu iha futuru oin mai bele iha ona involvimentu ida ne'ebe aktivu husi komunidadi diaspora ba iha programa mobilidadi laboral.

06.01.2022 The Ambassador got the chance to meet with more seasonal workers at two different locations in Darwin before they headed back home to Timor-Leste. The Ambassador was able to hear feedback from them in relation to working conditions, pay, accommodation and communication with SEFOPE, and how we can improve systems in the future. The Ambassador encouraged them to give the same feedback to SEFOPE once they return to Dili. The Ambassador told the workers that she is proud of thei...r commitment, representing their country well. - - S. E. Embaixadora hetan oportunidadi ba hasoru malu ho trabalhador sizonal balun iha fatin rua molok sira fila ba Timor-Leste. Iha okaziaun ne’e S. E. Embaixadora aproveita atu rona husi sira komentárius relasionadu ho sira nia kondisaun serbisu, saláriu, alojamentu no sira nia komunikasaun ho SEFOPE, ho ida ne’e bele iha idea ba atu oinsa hadia sistema iha loron oin mai. S. E. Embaixadora enkoraja sira atu transmite ba SEFOPE lia fuan hanesan bainhira sira too iha Dili. Ambassadora hato’o ba trabalhador sira katak nia orgullu ho sira nia komitmentu hodi reprezenta ita nia rai.

05.01.2022 Today on International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people, Ambassador Ines and Embassy staff and family showed solidarity by participating in a 5km ‘Run for Palestine’ around Lake Burley Griffin in Canberra. Congratulations to the organisers and Ambassador Izzat Abdulhadi for a highly successful event raising awareness of the plight of the Palestinian people. The Ambassador also attended a reception in the evening hosted by UNIC Canberra, followed by a film - - Ohin loron Solidariedadi Internasional ho emar Palestina, S. E. Embaixadora Ines, staff Embaixada no familia manifesta sira nia solidariedadi ba loron ne'e liu husi sira nia partisipasaun iha sirkuitu Maratona 5Km ba Palestina trajetu maratona ida ne'e nian halai haleu Lagoa Burley Griffin, Canberra. Parabein ba organizadori sira no mos S. E. Embaixador Sr. Izzat Abdulhadi ba eventu ida ne'ebe susesu tebes ba sensibilija publiku kona-ba situasaun emar Palestina nian. Iha parti kalan, S. E. Embaixadora partisipa iha resepsaun no tuir kedas hare filme ida ne'ebe mak organiza husi UNIC Canberra.

04.01.2022 The Ambassador and delegation met with The Hon. Paul Kirby MLA, NT Minister for Veterans’ Affairs. The Ambassador provided an overview of the successful Timor Awakening program which started in 2016. This has led to the establishment of Riak retreat in Same, including an English language centre for the rural area. The Ambassador also raised the prospect of a partnership with the Royal Darwin Hospital to transport Timorese veterans who require medical care. - - S. E. Embaixa...dora no delegasaun hasoru malu ho Hon. Paul Kirby MLA, Ministro Assuntus Veteranus. S. E. Embaixadora hato pontu de vista jeral kona-ba susesu programa Timor Awakening, projektu ida ne’ebe hahu iha 2016. Rezultadu balu husi programa ne’e mak hari’i Sentru Retiru Riak iha Same, inklui sentru ba formasaun dalen Ingles ba area rural. S. E. Embaixadora mos koalia kona-ba posibilidadi ba halao parseria ho Hospitál Royal Darwin hodi lori veteranus Timor-Leste ne’ebe mak presija tratamentu médika atu mai simu tratamentu iha fatin ne’eba. See more

03.01.2022 On Tuesday, 1 December, WWII hero Edward ‘Teddy’ Sheean will be posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross, the highest award in the Australian Honours System. The Victoria Cross investiture will be live streamed from the Governor-General of Australia’s Facebook page at the link below, from 1030 hours GMT+11. The ceremony where the handover of the medal will occur will be livestreamed on the Australian War Memorial Facebook page 1640 hours GMT+11. Sheean died onboard the HMAS Armidale, after it was sunk by Japanese bombers in the Timor Sea. The story of HMAS Armidale offers an appreciation of Australia’s deep historical links with Timor-Leste. The purpose of HMAS Armidale’s final voyage was to evacuate and relieve the Australian 2nd/2nd Independent Company guerrilla forces, who had been assisted by Timorese locals. Read more about Teddy Sheean’s story at the link below: - - Tersa-feira, 1 Dezembru, éroi funu Mundiál Darua ‘Teddy’ Sheean postumamenti sei simu konekorasaun ho prémiu Victoria Cross, kondekorasaun ida ne’e konsideradu hanesan atribuisaun a’as liu iha Sistema Ónra Australia nian. Seremónia Investidura ba Sr. Teddy Sheean sei halao liu husi transmisaun direkta live streamed iha S. E. Governador-Jeral nia pajina Facebook liu husi link iha kraik, hahu husi tuku 1030 GMT+1: Seremónia investidura ba entrega medalha sei mos transmiti direktu husi Australian War Memorial nia pajina Facebook 1640 GMT+11. Sr. Sheean mate iha roo funu HMAS Armidale, roo ne’e mout iha Tasi Timor baihira hetan bombardiamentu husi aviaun funu Japonés. Akontesimentu Istóriku roo ahi HMAS Armidale nian sai istória markanti no apresiasaun profunda ligasaun istórika Australia ho Timor-Leste. Ojektivu husi roo ahi HMAS Armidale halao viajen ba dalikus atu evakua no alivia Forsa Guerrilha Komandu Australianu husi Kompanhia Independenti 2nd/2nd ne’ebe mak halao funu iha Timor ho apoiu populasaun lokál nian. Favor bele hetan tan informasaun kona-ba istória Sr. Teddy Sheean liu husi link iha kraik:

03.01.2022 The delegation attended a presentation by the NT Department of Trade, Business and Innovation, who provided an overview of the NT trade outlook, including oil and gas, agribusiness, defence and education. Given the strategic partnership agreement between the NT and Timor-Leste, the Ambassador suggested the formation of a working group to follow up on discussions. The Ambassador suggested an increase in Pacific Labour Scheme numbers and expanding vocational training opportun...ities for Timorese in important areas such as mechanics, electricity and plumbing. - - Delegasaun partisipa iha aprejentasaun husi Departamentu Komersiu, Negosiu no Inovasaun NT, iha okasiaun ne'e sira aprejenta prespektiva komersiu, inklui gas no oleu, agrokormersiu, defesa no edukasaun. Tuir akordu parseria estratejiku entre Timor-Leste no NT, S. E. Embaixadora sujere atu forma grupu de trabalhu ida hodi akompanha diskusaun sira relasionadu ho assuntu ne'e. S. E. Embaixadora sujere atu aumenta numeru ba Programa Trabalhador Pasifiku no alargamentu ba oportunidadi iha formasaun vokasional ba Timoroan sira iha areas importantis hanesan mekaniku, elektrisista no kanalizador.

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