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True North Chiropractic in South Morang, Victoria | Medical and health

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True North Chiropractic

Locality: South Morang, Victoria

Phone: +61 422 865 170

Address: 112B / 2 Murdoch rd 3752 South Morang, VIC, Australia


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24.01.2022 Dear Patients of True North Chiropractic, At this stage, we are still open for our regular hours. But we are ready to implement the advice of the Australian Government Department of Health as it is updated.... Due to the continued development with the COVID-19 virus, we are urging all patients to please help us in minimising and chance of putting other patients, our staff or practitioners at risk of infection. We kindly ask you that you do NOT attend the clinic if you have: Fever Cough Shortness of breath Sore throat Been in contact with anyone with the above symptoms OR Travelled internationally recently (we urge you to adhere to the 2 week Isolation period now enforced by the Victorian government) PLEASE call us as soon as possible to reschedule your appointment. We have introduced additional cleaning; strict hand sanitising and alcohol based cleaning for all our reception staff and practitioners to use in between each patient visit. We have spaced out our patients’ appointments in order to allow time for us to enforce these new procedures. Please be patient with us! We have replaced our drinking glasses with disposable cups, however, we ask you to please bring in your own water bottles, as this too will have impact on our environment. Finally, please arrive at your scheduled time as to avoid any congregation in waiting room. Thank you for your co-operation and please stay safe! Yours sincerely, True North Chiropractic team x

24.01.2022 As an Allied health service, we are keeping with the Australian Government department of health recommendation to stay OPEN. We are continuing to work, in order to reduce the stress on GP clinics and our Hospital emergency rooms with anything Musculoskeletal related. All extra hygiene protocols have been placed in the clinic to ensure your (and our) safety.... If you are well enough to physically come in to the clinic, please do so. If not, but still need our help, please call us or email us so we can support you in anyway we can. #inittogether #wearehereforyou #flattenthecurve #thankstoourdoctors #southmorang #alliedhealth

20.01.2022 *** STAGE 4 LOCKDOWN UPDATE *** Hello to all our beautiful patients As we all try to navigate the next few weeks of stage 4 lockdown, in order to reduce community transmission and do OUR part for the sake of public health and safety, we have had to make a few changes to the way we practice. ... In line with the advice of the Victorian Government and DHHS, for the duration of stage 4 lockdown please note the following: 1) We ARE open to serve you 2) you do NOT need a medical referral to see us 3) you CAN travel outside the 5km radius to see us 4) ONLY come in if you are acute, severe or your treatment is considered essential. We will be communicating with all the wonderful patients who are booked in for the next 6 weeks to inform them if their visit is "essential" As always, we are available via email, phone, SMS at anytime to support you and answer your questions. Our sincere apologies to all of you that will have their appointments rescheduled. In the meantime, please; * Check in on all your friends and families. * Keep up with the exercises and stretches your chiropractor has prescribed * Keep up with your supplements * Get some fresh air * Eat healthy * Move well! Sending you lots of love TNC team x

19.01.2022 As the days are getting cooler it's harder to keep yourself hydrated Remember to drink 2-3L of water every day - and even more when exercising! #hydration #wellness #body #health #water #chiropracticcare #truenorthchiropractic #getadjusted #adjustments #southmorang

19.01.2022 Do you have bad posture Forward head? Rounded shoulders? Hunched upper back?... A sway back? Did you know some of these issues even cause you ... Neck pain Back pain Headaches If this sounds like you, or someone you know, we have great news for you! Our chiropractors are trained in postural corrective treatments and rehabilitative exercises to get you back on track Give us a call today. #posturecorrection #chiropractic #rehab #excerise #straightenup #getadjusted #kyphosis #lordosis #swayback #forwardhead #backpain #neckpain #painrelief #truenorthchiropractic #southmorang

18.01.2022 In light of today's announcement by the Victorian premiere and the restrictions coming into effect, we would like to inform you that #truenorthchiropractic will still be operating throughout the next 6 weeks of lockdown as we are an essential service. Thorough cleaning and disinfecting and social distancing protocols are still in full effect for your, and our safety. We still maintain our request, that if you feel at all unwell with cold or flu symptoms, please postpone your... appointment. #staysafe

18.01.2022 It's #schoolholidays Perfect time to get the kids' spines checked. Did you know chiropractic can help school-aged kids with:... Postural imbalance Sports injuries Back and neck pain Headaches Concentration issues Call us for an appointment for your little people these school holidays

16.01.2022 Are you suffering from any of the following: Jaw pain? Trouble chewing? Headaches... Poping or locking of your Jaw? Then you need your TMJ checked out! Your Chiropractor will be able to align the major joints, release the surrounding muscles and give you advice on how to best get rid of your symptoms.

14.01.2022 The clinic is still operating. We are reducing our capacity, maintaining social distancing and implementing strict sanitization and hygiene requirements. We are still waiting to hear from our professional association on operation beyond tomorrow. We will update you as we are informed. ... Please note: If you are unwell, or any of your family are unwell, unfortunately, we can not see you in the clinic at this stage. Thank you for your understanding. We are here to support you, so please feel free to call or email us if you have any questions. Please look after yourselves and each other. X

12.01.2022 #tuesdaytips We can all agree that work can get pretty stressful for most of us. Here are some great tips to help you combat your work week. Good luck. You got this ... #stressrelief #getadjusted #work #rest #play #priority #organised #truenorthchiropractic #truenorthmassage #getamassage #southmorang

06.01.2022 ****COVID-19 UPDATE**** True North Chiropractic will remain open during the Stage 4 restrictions. We will continue to serve our community's health care needs to the best of our abilities. We are still working diligently to keep you, and us, safe by the following measures.... - Updated PPE - Spaced out appointments to avoid congregating in waiting room. - Rigorous cleaning of contact surfaces before and after consultation. We ask you to please assist us by attending your appointment on time to make the schedule run smoothly. - If you have any symptoms at all, please call us for cancel your appointment, get tested, and self isolate at home. We will happily reschedule your appointment! - Please wear a mask when presenting to the clinic and use hand sanitizer at the front desk. It is uncertain times for all of us, but WE WILL GET THROUGH IT TOGETHER! Much love, TNC team X #staysafe #truenorthchiropractic #covid19 #stage4 #melbourne #southmorang

04.01.2022 DRY NEEDLING Just what is it You ask.... It's a procedure where a solid (very thin) filament needle is inserted into the skin and muscle to help deactivate and resolve active trigger points. The needle contains no medication at all.... TRIGGER POINTS, are those pesky irritable spots located in bands of muscles and can be responsible for significant discomfort and pain referral. We use Dry needling in conjunction with our chiropractic treaments to give you the best outcomes for your condition. Common conditions that dry needling can assist with include: Neck pain and tension headaches Shoulder rotator cuff problems Tennis or golfer's elbow Low back pain Gluteal or hip pain Knee problems Shin splints or plantar fasciitis Ask us about dry needling at your next appointment!

03.01.2022 #product profile! #Arthrex by Metagenics is an amazing, comprehensive Joint nutrition. Combines Glucosamine, MSM and Gelatin to help those experiencing symptoms associated with mild arthritis. ... Great for: Joint mobility Joint inflammation Cartilage protection And as a's CHOCOLATE flavoured Our patients have been racing on about it. Ask us about it at your next appointment!

02.01.2022 Now stocking Magnesium in tablet form Why should you take Magnesium daily? 1. Can help prevent migraines 2. Relieves muscle spasms and cramps ... 3. Has anti-inflammatory benefits 4. It boosts exercise performance 5. Can lower blood pressure 6. Fights depression 7. Benefits against type 2 diabetes 8. Improves PMS symptoms 9. Calcium absorption for bone health 10. Improves sleep #magnesium #supplements #health #wellness #migraines #recovery #headaches #muscle #sleep #truenorthchiropractic #chiropractic #southmorang

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