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Transitioning Mumma

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22.01.2022 As I Farewell November and Welcome December, there is a part of me that feels sadness, However most of me is filled with Joy. I am grateful for the end of this month and hopeful that the new one brings such Joyous times. I've come to realize that although I want to be able to not just provide such festivity filled times but enjoy them myself as well. I have come to be aware that others just may not....and that has to be ok.. this is where the saddens sits however this is not ...where I have to be. So I will prepare myself to be just like the great star in the sky and no matter what may be happening around me, I Must continue to shine brightly & Joyously. For if i was able to continue in this way would this not be a great example ? It can be very challenging to me the thought of a year ending and a new one beginning the concept of a whole year has gone by and a new one has started but last year was only yesterday and a new day is only for today (clearly speaking when it is on the 1st of January).... I find myself beginning to feel somewhat anxious at the thought, thinking about things that need to be done that haven't been thought about all year... etc etc but than i have the contentious dialogue that says hey, it's ok, it truly should make a difference when it is literally only hours apart stop freaking yourself out.. LOL. needless to say i am looking forward too celebrating DECEMBER, and then Welcoming January 2021. May December bring you all much Joy and comfort and if your being faced with challenges may you have the strength to seek the beauty beside it and find your way through xox much love and many blessings S.A. See more

21.01.2022 Tonight as you slept I held you close, embraced you in both my arms as I pressed my cheek, up against yours as tears welled in my eyes... Moments like these are priceless, and Ive spent weeks lately with the Sads, irritations and just plain Jane depressed! But in this moment as I held you tight your body laying nestled on mine and my cheek up against yours. I slipped into a space of pure comfort, pure bliss, pure love. Yes I felt sadness as I savoured this moment only because you are truly growing into such a tiny Tot, the years are truly going to fly by and before I know It you will be wanting to go to school.... Thank you for loving me, choosing me to be your mother, Thank You for your precious gift (sharing your life with me ) I will always Unconditionally Love You Baby no 5

21.01.2022 Somedays are harder than others, But somedays can be so cruel, Somedays you sit and wonder what Can I do, Somedays you think the problem is just compounding and the solution is not being seen..But ultimately, You just keep bouncing back no matter what You have been through, no matter what you have seen Because one day you won't be here to take another breath.. to keep pushing through, to keep on supporting to keep on keeping on... Their lives will be whatever they choose it to be regardless, Just love it Mumma, Love them and Love Yourself

16.01.2022 It's happening again...... Another transition feelings of sadness lingering around feeling like it's drowning me from the inside out. Perhaps it dosent even belong to me, perhaps i'm just weighted down by the sadness of others.... that is a possibiliy right ? Of course it is, but it's also normal for a continually over the top invested mother to feel weighted at times. I can say i switch off & I do actually, perhaps to those calls of the word mum , especially when i know a q...Continue reading

16.01.2022 There are moments in life where as a parent we feel lost, helpless, unsure etc etc as we navigate through challenging circumstances. However if there is anything that my life as a mother has taught me is that those moments will only serve their time for awhile, then things will be sailing smooth again before the next tidal wave hits. this can happen very frequently with some and not as often with others, however as the parent the same feelings of "what am I suppose to do" Alw...ays haunts your mind. WHY IS THAT ? Is the first reaction always the best one? Is it better to listen to those before us & what is written in the books ? not likely, you know the answer you just doubt it too much.... See more

08.01.2022 I can feel it happening again, another transition, I know it happens regularly but they have been a bit a part. Maybe it's the new bed, he has his own new bed, and it's great and all but tonight I just need to be with him. The bed is right near mine but I want to feel his skin against mine, I want to hold my baby close.. I wish I could hold all my babies close, but that's not the way life is any more, they have others holding them closer, or they are in their own individual ...journey that does not involve cuddling up with mum anymore .. My baby no5 is growing up so fast he has his quirky ways, and indifference, his not interactive with others unless it's on his term, he will blantly just ignore others or straight out tell them no or just look past them and say nothing... But that's ok he will & does mingle, interact etc Most of the time and when he wants too.. Life is so magically mysterious, the way things are how a newborn processes all of its surroundings, the energy all of it... Then they are thrusted into the chaos of life seperation, independency, pain, etc etc something's U just can't have control over so just be assured you do with what you can.. I just wish I could hold all my babies together at once all of us sleeping in the same room, same bed, all together See more

05.01.2022 It brings such peace over me when I stumble upon writings to which I can relate how I've been physically feeling, it brings me comfort to know that during those moments although at the time I was in a bundle of confusion of why I was feeling the way I was I still just went with it... Yesterday was a huge Healing day for me and it was only untill I spoke with my mum and for no real reason I was crying and so was she, than I got off the phone and cried some more, I felt broken..., lost, in a ball of confusion, sadness and felt as though I was shedding apart of myself.. she sent me a pic of my younger self and I burst into tears crying for that younger me that once was I think I was about 13/14 in the picture.... It was then I realised ohhhh I'm having a healing moment, my spirit was transitioning & and there was a shift happening, I didn't know what or why or what it even would bring forth but I just let it flow and let it be, I took myself away from others stayed outside and cleaned up whilst listening to music... And than as the moon was rising and the sun settled I was ready to go back inside and be mum & wife again. Honour yourself and the transitions that are trying to occur, you are important just as much as who you are for others, Your spirit needs your attention, nurturing, acknowledgement just the same.. Allow yourself to be when your spirit is in need xoxox #AutumnEqinox #Transitions #ForeverTransitioning #LoveMySpirit #LoveMySelf #IMatterToMeToo See more

04.01.2022 Somedays you just want everything to freeze and stay right there in that particular moment, where things just feel nice. I'm honestly back and forth in my emotions, it is just as simple bas being in a boat out at sea. Some moments are sooo rough I nearly capsize, some days are smooth drifting, some are fast pace, some are full blown smashed up against the rocks man gone overboard somedays it's all of the above ..... One thing is for sure I start questioning myself, is it... important ? Does this need my real attention? And I'm super greatful for my mindfulness that is strengthening everyday to get rid of the crap that consumes me at times . Now there ain't no time factor here but one thing is certain that eventually I will and I do move on , move up and continue on my merry way.... Somedays I wish that certain people could see my juggles, but than I think nahhhh I don't need others too see how much I do, try to do, etc etc because I know it within myself and I'm allowing that to be enough. I know I will master all that I dream of in one way or another but my biggest master is to be the one my children needs that's individually and as a whole.. It's meeting them where they are at. It's bending myself to show up for them.. all I succeed at in life is not just for me but for my children, to give them more & to inspire them, it's not easy I'm not perfect and heck I fail alot ...but I will always get back up brush myself off wipe my tears and push right back on See more

01.01.2022 The thought that postpartum is over in 6 weeks is absurd, What do you think happens after that ? You are no longer the same person you were during pregnancy heck even before conception, Although there are elements obviously that are the same your just not.. I believe that transitions postpartum is lifetime although in the first 12 months your transitions are very fast as years pass by transitions still occur sometimes rapidly but also spaced out...a bit more sporadic ..... Motherhood is just as unique as it is similar, the journey into motherhood imprints on us all in one way or another. And once our baby is born the mother within us is born too and we begin to grow together Forever transitioning Because we are mother's Spiritually guided, through the journey of Life Postpartum is forever

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