Triple S Silver | Businesses
Triple S Silver
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23.01.2022 SSS - High Quality 925 Gothic Sterling Silver Ring With Skull, Snake And Oak Leaves Thames. With It's Rich Detailed Work And Perfect Fine Polish This Ring Is Undoubtedly The Most Popular No.1 Ring I've Got. Over 150 Sold Already. Available In Sizes 8, 9, 10, 10.5, 11,11.5, 12 &12.5. AUS $ 39, Free Postage. Well balanced ring, very comfortable to wear. No wonder, that this Master Piece became popular on eBay. This ring will be noticed, admired and remembered by anyone who see...s it, and cherished by the lucky owner. Supplied in 8 sizes, makes it also available to broad range of eBay customers. SSS - Vysoce Kvalitni Goticky Prsten z Praveho 925 Sterling Stribra s Lebkou, Hadem a Dubovou Haluzi. S bohatym zpracovanim detailu a fajnovym konecnym vylestenim je tento prsten nepochybne nejpopularnejsim cislem 1 ze vsech prstenu co mam na prodej. Prodano jiz pres 150 kusu. Dostupne na eBay ve velikostech 8,9,10,10.5, 11, 11.5, 12 & 12.5. Velmi dobre vybalancovany a komfortni prsten. Neni divu, ze se toto mistrovske dilo stalo popularni na eBay. Tento Prsten bude rozhodne vsimnut, obdivovan a pamatovan kazdym, kdo ho spatri a opatrovan svym stastnym majitelem jako oko v hlave. V 8. velikostech ho dela dostupnym siroke vrstve zakazniku.
20.01.2022 SSS - 925 Gothic Sterling Silver Ring, With Pirate's Skull Theme. Rich And Well Detailed Work Must Amaze All Fans Of Pirates Of The Caribbean Sequel. The Final Shiny Polish Underlines Already Well Crafted Appearance. Available Also On eBay In Sizes 10, 11 & 12. AUS $36, Free Postage. SSS - Goticky prsten vyrobeny z 925 Sterling stribra s piratskymi motivy, vzhledove pripominajici styl vintage. Pevny a velice komfortni na noseni. Vhodny pro motorkare, rockery a fanousky Gotiky. Dostupny na eBay ve velikostech 10, & 11.
19.01.2022 SSS - 925 Gothic Sterling Silver Ring With Demonic Winged Skull Theme. This ring is slightly heavier than the others. Suits Bikers, Rockers Or Simply Gothic Fans. Heavy And Solid With Fine Polishing, Available Also On eBay In Sizes 10, 11 & 11.5. AUS $39, Free Postage. SSS - Goticky prsten vyrobeny z 925 Sterling stribra s motivem okridlene lebky. Tento prsten je trochu tezsi, nez ty ostatni, pevny a s vynikajicim dolestenim. Vhodny pro motorkare, rockery a fanousky Gotiky. Dostupny na eBay ve velikostech 10, 11 & 11.5.
18.01.2022 SSS Ring Of Reliability - High Quality 925 Sterling Silver Ring With Special Handmade Hair Stone, Black Gold Plated. Heavy & Large With Unique Fantasy Shape, Representing Patience, Modesty, Certainty & Order. Available Also On eBay In Sizes 6,7 & 8. Possibility of resizing for slightly bigger size. AUS $49, Free Postage. SSS Prsten Spolehlivosti - Vysoce kvalitni prsten vyrobeny z 925 Sterling Stribra se svym specialnim rucne delanym srstnatym kamenem, cernym pozlacenim a unikatnim fantastickym tvarem reprezentuje trpelivost, skromnost, jistotu a poradek. Dostupny ve velikostech 6,7,& 8. Moznost nastaveni i maloucko vetsi velikosti.
16.01.2022 SSS - 925 Gothic Solid Sterling Silver Ring, Brand New, With Snake on Vampire Skull in 3D Thames. Re-sizable, Large And Heavy. Suits Bikers, Rockers Or Simply Gothic Fans. Only 1 Left, Available Also On eBay. AUS $69. Free Postage. SSS - Goticky prsten z 925 Sterling stribra zobrazujici upiri lebku s hadem ve 3D. Je pomerne velky a tezky (viz foto) s nastavitelnou velikosti!! Vhodny pro motorkare, rockery a fanousky Gotiky. Posledni na sklade, dostupny na eBay.
13.01.2022 SSS Ring of Recognition - High Quality 925 Sterling Silver Ring With Freshwater Pearl & Black Gold Plating. Large And Heavy With Unique Fantasy Shape And Vibrant Warm Colors Represents Relaxed Temperament, Femininity, Tenderness & Loyalty. Available Also On eBay In Sizes 6,7 & 8. Possibility of resizing for slightly bigger size. AUS $49, Free Postage. SSS Prsten Uznani - Vysoce kvalitni prsten vyrobeny z 925 Sterling Stribra s sladkovodni perlou a cernym pozlacenim. Tezky a velky s unikatnim fantastickym tvarem a vybrujicimi barvami reprezentuje relaxacni temperament, zenskost nehu a oddanost. Dostupny ve velikostech 6,7,& 8. Moznost nastaveni i maloucko vetsi velikosti.
08.01.2022 SSS - 925 Gothic Sterling Silver Solid Ring, With Skull and Snake Thames. Suits Bikers, Rockers Or Simply Gothic Fans. Heavy And Solid With Fine Polishing, Available On eBay In Sizes 10.5 & 11.5. AUS $36, Free Postage. SSS - Goticky prsten vyrobeny z 925 Sterling stribra s motivy lebky a hada. Tezky a pevny s fajnovym dolestenim. Vhodny pro motorkare, rockery a fanousky Gotiky. Dostupny na eBay ve velikostech 10.5 & 11.5. Cena AUS $39, postovne zdarma.
08.01.2022 SSS - 925 High Quality Gothic Solid Sterling Silver Necklace With Cross And Angel's Wings Pendant - Red Natural Zircon Jewelry and 10" Signed Sterling Silver Chain. This Pendant Symbolizes Faith, Vitality, Strength Of Life And Energy. Available also on eBay. AUS $27, Free Postage. SSS - Kvalitni Goticky Retizek z Praveho 925 Sterling Stribra s Priveskem Zobrazujicim Kriz s Andelskymi Kridly - Vysazen Cervenym Zirkonem a 250 mm Dlouhym Retizkem Taktez z 925 Sterling Stribra. Privesek Symbolizuje Viru, Vitalitu, Silu Zivota a Energii. K Dispozici Na eBay.
03.01.2022 SSS Ring of Purity - High Quality 925 Sterling Silver Ring With Shell Pearl & 18K Gold Plating. Heavy And Large With Unique Fantasy Shape, This Ring Is Symbol Purity, Brightness & Innocence But Also Desire For Perfectionism. Available Also On eBay In Sizes 6, 7 & 8. Possibility of resizing for slightly bigger size. AUS $49, Free Postage. SSS Prsten Cistoty - Vysoce kvalitni prsten vyrobeny z 925 Sterling Stribra s lasturovou perlou a 18 karatovym pozlacenim. Tezky a velky s unikatnim fantastickym tvarem reprezentuje cistotu, svetlost a nevinnost, ale take touhu po perfekcionismu. Dostupny ve velikostech 6,7,& 8. Moznost nastaveni i maloucko vetsi velikosti.
01.01.2022 NEW !!! SSS - 925 Signed High Quality Gothic Sterling Silver Ring With Raven On Skull Thames. You'll find not many of such designs on the market. And the best part of all - it's RE-SIZABLE!! This ring with it’s carefully sculptured design will definitely deliver impression upon your mates whoever they are. Made from Signed Sterling Silver this item will enrich collection of your valuable possessions. Available also on eBay. AUS $39, Free Postage. NOVINKA!!! SSS - 925 Vysoce ...Kvalitni Prsten Ze Sterling Stribra V Gotickem Stylu S Tematem Havrana Na Lebce. Mnoho Takovych Desingu Na Trhu Nenajdete. A Nejlepsi Na Tom Je - Velikost Nastavitelna!! Tento Prsten S Peclive Vymodelovanym Desingem Definitivne Zapusobi Dojmem Na Vase Pratele, At Uz Je To Kdokoliv. Vyroben Z Praveho Sterling Stribra Tento Predmet Obohati Vasi Sbirku Cennosti. K Dostani Na eBay.
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