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The Ultimate Body Mummy's Personal Training

Locality: Gladstone, Queensland

Phone: +61 421 187 801


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25.01.2022 The female body! What a crazy amazing machine it is!! . I’ve been contemplating whether or not I wanted to share my post baby body journey and it’s taken me two days to bark up the courage to put it out there! I haven’t been undecided because of how my body looks in the photos but more because of the response or the emotions sharing such a journey can stir up in others. . I have always been very careful with what or how I share things on my social media platform specialising women’s health and pregnancy/post partum fitness. You won’t see me share my weight or body fat % because it leaves too much of a window open for women to compare themselves and their own personal journeys! Im not here to share my personal journey for others to compare but more for you to see what I do, how my body responds and how you could incorporate some things into your own post partum journey if it suits you and your lifestyle. . As a woman who takes the time and was fortunate enough to be able to stay healthy and fit before and during her pregnancy I will say that I haven’t had it easy as some would say, I put in the hard yards before my little gem arrived so my journey back into motherhood wouldn’t be so big and overwhelming. I’ve still got a journey ahead of me working on my pelvic floor and tightening little bits up but as for body fat I don’t have too much left to lose because I kept up my physical activity and ate nutritious wholesome meals the majority of the time (I won’t lie, Chocolate was my best friend on the daily though and hot chips were a staple in my first trimester ) . Each week I will aim to share something in fitness and something in nutrition to pass on my knowledge in the post partum world and to help make your post partum journey feel a little less overwhelming with some good quality facts and educational information. Obviously the fitness side of things are going to be simple over the next 5 weeks, but still so incredibly important, until I receive my doctors clearance and have a physio check. . What are some things you would like to see more of? Family meals, pelvic floor exercises, Diastasis rehab exercises, post partum supplements, etc? See more

24.01.2022 31 weeks! 10 weeks and Q turns 4, 7 weeks of work left, 1 week and Q starts Kindy and approximately 9 weeks and we meet our little sparkle. Everything seems to be a series of countdowns making this pregnancy go by so darn fast! One minute I think I’ve got all the time in the world and the next I’m near on having a panic attack because there really just isn’t much time at all Writing lists like they are going out of fashion and feeling like I tick one thing off and two... more things appear! . Trying my absolute hardest to really take in every kick and embrace every tiny bit of my changing body as we are pretty certain we will only be having the 2 children! I’m a mixed bag of emotions thinking this will be the last time my body creates life! I love being pregnant (it fascinates me) and I loved every bit of Quinn’s birth (hoping this birth will be the same). That euphoric feeling of sheer woman power after getting through 40 weeks of pregnancy and birthing your child is just absolute next level! Not to mention the hours/days post birth where you look at your partner and feel things you couldn’t actually put into words every single time they pick up bub, fall asleep with them, cuddle them, kiss them or jibber with them! I am so excited to feel all those feels again but so sad to think it will be the last time! How did you feel during your last pregnancy knowing it would be your last? #bittersweet #31weekspregnant See more

22.01.2022 I love that Q will happily go to the fridge or kitchen bench and her first choice for a snack is either a piece of fruit or vegetable Cooking up Bens lunches for the week; savoury turkey mince and then curried sausages for the family dinner tonight #healthyhappyfamily

22.01.2022 This one is for all the local Mumma’s! A great opportunity to share some special bonding time with your little one and meet other mums and bubs!

20.01.2022 Too cute not to share!!! Baby girl knows what she wants!

20.01.2022 Yesterday’s legs and glutes workout brought to you at 37+ weeks pregnant! Each of these exercises are considered safe during pregnancy keeping in mind weight load, core breathing techniques and staying within your own personal comfort zones and capabilities! There is no one size fits all pregnancy workout! . Please note that this workout has been sped up to fit into the 60seconds. Please always take your time and perform your exercises slow and steady! . After sharing this o...n my own personal page yesterday I got an inbox from a fellow mother asking why I am still exercising so close to the end of my pregnancy when I should be resting and taking it easy. . Exercise during pregnancy for me is not about keeping the weight off, keeping a toned body or getting ready to bounce back post baby. It’s about physically and mentally being prepared for the biggest challenge my body will ever endure; child birth! . Did you know according to a study done amongst a number of midwives and obstetricians the number one reason for most women wanting to give up during birth is because they haven’t physically and mentally built their bodies in preparation for birth? Your legs need to be strong to hold you during those intense surges (particularly if you birthed the way I did which was standing and kneeling for 11hrs followed by squat holds at birth). Your upper body needs to be strong to hold you up if you find your preferred birthing position ends up being on all fours or dominantly your weight on your arms! Your mind needs to be prepared to talk you through the surges 30 more seconds, I’ve got this, breathe.. all these things are exactly what I get from my training and what I teach my pregnant clients! I also exercise to keep my body strong during pregnancy to reduce a lot of those horrible pregnancy ailments and for a faster recovery post birth. . So if you are a soon to be mumma or you have a friend/family member who is beginning there journey through pregnancy! Support and encourage them to continue a healthy exercise regime during their pregnancy! It could be the difference between a fast strong birth or a long and tiring birth! #iamwoman #37weekspregnant #pregnancyexercisespecialist See more

20.01.2022 Just a little reminder before we start a new week

20.01.2022 Yep I am still in one piece We’ve got one stubborn little bubba baking away! So whilst I’m still in one piece I thought I would share with you all three variations for a deep squat hold to help open your hips and bring bub down further into your pelvis! The key to this movement is slow and controlled breathing 3-5 slow long deep belly breaths to encourage bub to travel down (diaphragm breathing not chest breathing). I won’t say that these will induce labor because honestl...y nothing but medical intervention is guaranteed to induce however they can definitely help move things along. Focus on knees and toes out, chest up and try to visualise bub traveling down as you breathe out. The third variation I have provided is amazing whilst in labor to help encourage bub to continue traveling down. It can be done on the end of the bed, in the shower holding the rail (if one is available) or holding your partners hands/arms (monkey grip), the suspended part to this variation helps take load off your knees and ankles and enables you to sit back into it more. I personally found squatting during my active stage of my birth really helped my birth with Quinn, without thinking my body just naturally and instinctively chose that position to birth. Who here also found squatting whilst birthing helped them? *Note* This video has been sped up, breathing should be approximately 3 seconds in and 3-5 seconds out.. #birthwithoutfear #40plusweekspregnant #squattobirth

19.01.2022 Connor Leslie Murphy 03/04/19 @ 9:41pm . We are on cloud 9 and can’t believe we have a gorgeous baby boy to complete our family of 4! Little Q is so in love with her baby brother My heart is so incredibly full!

19.01.2022 I’ve had my last chiro adjustment with my hips and back looking spot on And obstetrician appointment letting me know that this little gem is well and truly down and engaged (not that I couldn’t feel that already, holy pressure) Getting super excited to meet our little sparkle. Things I’ve been doing this past week are sitting on the fitball doing my figure eights, diffusing clary sage, drinking lots of raspberry leaf tea and a lot of pelvis opening holds (opening the and getting bub down). Now that I’ve had my final hips/back adjustment I won’t be doing any weights training and will be focusing more on walking, swimming and stretching to keep my hips in an optimal birthing state! What are some things you did to prepare your body for bubs arrival and try to get things moving a little faster? #boyorgirl #39weekspregnant #healthyfitpregnancy See more

19.01.2022 A mother’s joy begins when new life is stirring inside.. When a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone . And the countdown has begun! We are in single digits to meeting our little sparkle! The female bodies ability to grow, evolve and change both during pregnancy and post partum is incredible! I know every pregnant woman or new mum says it, but it is SO true! But with the forever changing body comes some no...t so pleasant aches and pains particularly as we hit these final stages of pregnancy! I took a little time out for self care yesterday and had a wonderful hour and a half spent releasing the tight tension that was causing me grief through my hips and feet! Last night I had the best sleep I’ve had for a while without the constant tossing and turning and today my body is feeling amazing! Big thank you to my gorgeous and very knowledgeable friend Kyra from KLB Massage for looking after my achy body and giving me some relief. . It is so important you listen to your body and take the little extra time out for self care as you approach the final stages of your pregnancy! Having a well adjusted, aligned and supple body in preparation for birth can make all the difference in your actual birth journey! Do your research and find qualified practitioners in your area who can help you keep your body aligned, it will be the best thing you did for yourself and remainder of your journey #30weekspregnant #pregnancyselfcare See more

18.01.2022 40 weeks with at least a few days to go (was 6 days over with Q). Feeling really good and doing everything we know to get this little bean moving. We are so eager to meet our little bundle and find out if we have a little prince or princess! I’m keen to know, did you go before/on/after your predicted date and by how far with your bub/s? #letsgobub #boyorgirl #40weekspregnant

18.01.2022 29 nearly 30 weeks this past week I have felt so incredibly exhausted! A mixture of being back at work for a full week since having a holiday break, juggling Q and frantically trying to prepare myself, Q and the family for Kindy and the fast approaching arrival of baby Murphy #2 (not even remotely close to having anything ready for bub ). . This week is the first week in my pregnancy that I’ve actually felt completely wiped out and thought wow I need a massage or a fa...cial or some type of self care pampering Up until this point I’ve felt great! Now the pelvis is aching, the feet and ankles are starting to ache a little more, I’m beginning to feel a little more restricted than usual and the urge to have a little daily nap is beginning to get harder and harder to fight. It’s time to add a little more self care into this Mumma’s routine starting off with a massage with a beautiful friend this week . What’s a little something you do for yourself weekly/fortnightly to bring a little self care into your life? #mummaneedsabreak #blessedandtired See more

16.01.2022 What an amazing image The female body is simply amazing!

16.01.2022 18 - 28 - 38 weeks! Nearing our 39th week and I’m lost for words with where the time has gone and how fast this journey has flown! We wanted this so bad for 2 whole years and now the first stage of our journey is nearly over! I’m a mixed ball of emotions! So darn excited to think this bub will be with us any time now (are you a little boy or little girl ) within the next 2 weeks and so sad that each day could be the last time I ever feel a little life growing and kicking in my belly! Taking every day as it comes and feeling so incredibly blessed to have grown another little human to bring earth side The human body just blows my mind! #18weekspregnant #28weekspregnant #38weekspregnant #boyorgirl

16.01.2022 100% on point!

14.01.2022 What a beautiful service we now have available to our local community of new Mumma’s! A 5 week course to learn the skill and technique to connect and bond with your bub through massage

13.01.2022 You are pregnant and you are powerful. You are bold and you are beautiful. Go forward in your boldness, in your beauty and your connectedness. Trust your body to birth and know that the collective power of women worldwide will be with you .... The female body is simply amazing! A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform! #iamwoman #birthwithoutfear #36weekspregnant See more

13.01.2022 We did our first workout together today! This little guy decided to be a bit grumpy mid way through my second round so we decided to move together. I got to finish what I had started and Connor got the mummy cuddles he was looking for! He really loved moving with me (just like his sister)! . Mumma’s, remember that a little bit of something is better than a whole lot of nothing! Our babies/children can either be our excuse or our reason! Keep moving and find fun ways to work ...them in! It might mean you have to change what you had originally planned but you can still get a great and effective workout in! . I finally got to video my workout too! I will share today’s workout tomorrow; both the original version and my mum and bub version, once I’ve put it altogether . Keep moving Mumma’s #lifeofafitmum #9weekspostpartum See more

12.01.2022 MOVE MUMMA It’s a day late (sorry mum life ) but better late than never, right? . This workout hit me as soon as I finished. Legs were shaky and by Thursday evening my quads, hamstrings and booty were getting tender! Needless to say, today it hurts to sit down and heaven forbid someone touches my legs .... This workout is easily modified to suit all fitness and strength levels. Add weight or stick with body weight, do 2 rounds or 4 rounds, scale it to suit your current strength and fitness levels. . Complete 2-4rounds 20 squats 20 walking lunges 10 Bent over rows 10 hand release push ups 10 tricep dips 20 stiff leg deadlifts 20 glute bridges . Remembering to draw up through your pelvic floor when squatting and do not go below parallel if you are currently working on a weak pelvic floor. . Clingy bub version coming next! I managed to get 2 rounds in only holding Connor for lunges but by my 3rd round he wasn’t having a bar of his bouncer so I worked him in with me. My goal is to do 4 rounds next time. See more

12.01.2022 It’s been 4 beautiful, tiring, eye opening weeks since our little man come earthside! To be completely honest it feels like he has always been here and has been an absolute gem feeding and sleeping so well (still early days though, a lot can change ). And little Q has settled into her role as Big Sis better than we could have ever imagined! She adores him and is forever wanting to help wherever she can . It’s been a crazy hectic 4 weeks with the harbour festival, Easter, o...ur first family holiday away and hubbys birthday. Now we are settled back in, with a little routine beginning I will start to share more on this platform! . Beginning with this super easy and delicious recipe I come across at @bubs2bikinis a while ago! . Coconut and pineapple slice 1 cup wholemeal flour 1 cup desiccated coconut Half a ripe pineapple, crushed (chuck in the blender) 2 eggs 2 Tbs honey (optional- pending how ripe, sweet and juicy the pineapple is) . 1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and line a square baking tray. 2. Mix all the ingredients together and put in the tray. 3. Place in the oven for 20-25minutes until the top is golden and the slice is firm. 4. Once cooked, pull it out and allow to cool for 10minutes before removing from the tray and placing in the fridge for 30minutes. 5. Slice and serve . This has been a great little go to the past 2 days for an afternoon snack with a protein shake! See more

11.01.2022 A great read for all you Mumma’s! Your body, regardless of how great you may feel, needs time to recover post partum! There is a lot going on internally that you obviously can not see or feel, but it’s happening!

08.01.2022 Sunday evening in the studio with the family after a day well spent at the Mt Larcom Show It was a race against time to squeeze in a workout before starting the night routine with the kids. And as simple as this workout is, sometimes it’s the simplest of workouts that give us the unexpected swift upper cut to the chin! Needless to say I wasn’t looking this enthusiastic by the end. Start your week with this short but very effective workout and challenge yourself weekly to se...e if you can do better each time. . Complete 10 rounds for time; 10 push ups 10 squats Ben completed it in 5:00mins and I wasn’t too far behind with 5:08mins. Follow it up with 3 rounds of 300m sprint rows (partner 1 rows 300m, partner 2 rests. Partner 2 rows 300m, partner 1 rests etc until you have both done 3 rounds each). The rows is what completely slaughtered me . Goals for the week ahead are to get at least 3 workouts in and 2 walks and to hit my daily water target! What are your workout plans or goals for the week ahead? #familyworkout #sundayfunday See more

07.01.2022 You are the brightest star in my sky, you are the only moon to which I would fly, you are each tiny ray of sun that shines upon my skin, you are the soul who chose me to be your mum, to carry you within : poem by @_tarasea @thenamenest . Maternity shoot with a beautiful friend @lisa_burst . The little peaks I have received are beyond what I had envisioned and have captured this stage of my family’s lives in the most natural and beautiful way! I wanted raw, natural and earthy. Lisa you well and truly have delivered, I can not wait to see the rest!

05.01.2022 The struggle is real! Who else is completely exhausted yet can’t get to sleep?

04.01.2022 Taking a moment to soak, rest and relax with a delicious hot tea, row of dark chocolate and an episode of MAFS.. Thanks hubby for distracting Q and giving me this time out #selfcare #soaktheachesaway

04.01.2022 Oh goodness this hits home!

03.01.2022 A MUST READ!!!! I am frustrated weekly with the amount of women who go back to high intensity exercise (CrossFit, F45, aerobics, Bootcamp etc) or any exercise in general once they have received the 6 week all clear from their doctor without also seeing a women’s health physio! A doctor will ask you the basic borderline questions but there is no physical check for pelvic floor weakness/tearing or abdominal separation done with a doctor. I personally had to rehab my pe...lvic floor from 3rd degree tears during birth plus a 4 finger abdominal separation. Thankfully I knew I had to see a women’s health physio to have everything checked before returning to exercise. My doctor gave me the all clear at 6 weeks because everything I answered appeared normal, I then went on to my physio and find out that in fact nothing was normal. Had I of not seen my physio and returned back to my normal exercise based off my 6 week doctor check up I could have caused a lot of short term and/or long term damage! I always wanted to study pregnancy and post partum fitness but wanted to wait until I had experienced it myself to be able to relate to my clients. After having Quinn and experiencing it all it became an even bigger reason for me to complete my studies to specialise in pregnancy and post partum fitness and work along side local health professionals. I am equally as frustrated seeing trainers/businesses advertising mums and bubs classes with no qualifications and not screening their clients with all the right post partum questions or asking for medical clearances. This is why I run my active pregnancy and mummy and me classes to help educate women and make them aware of what they should and shouldn’t be doing at this very vulnerable time of their lives! You might feel fine and ready to go but it doesn’t always mean you actually are! Get checked and do as your physio says no matter how long it might take before you can get to the high intensity workouts! Your pelvic floor, sex life, back and core will thank you for it in the long run

03.01.2022 I’m forever telling new Mumma’s to take it easy and allow their bodies the time it needs to rest and recover! Look after your body and it will look after you!

02.01.2022 Here’s to strong women. May we know them, May we be them, May we raise them! .... Happy International Womens Day! Let’s share the love for the women who inspire, motivate or who we think are just pretty darn amazing today! . I want to know what women inspire you? For me it’s my friends and family! Each and every one of them has inspired and motivated me in many ways! Comment below those who inspire and motivate you, share the love #iwd2019 #wearewomen #hearusroar See more

02.01.2022 You are a woman! You are a mother! You are so incredibly strong and beautiful!

02.01.2022 My last day of work Thank you to each and every one of my clients who has made my journey to bub number 2 a memorable one! For being so understanding on the days I’ve been a little achy or tired and for always giving me a good laugh! Today I close my doors for the last time (but not forever) while I wait ever so excitedly for my next journey to begin. It’s a bitter sweet feeling and one that leaves me with a lump in my throat and a little tear in my eye as I watched my las...t lot of clients drive off for the day! I have loved being apart of every clients journey watching so many of you go through your pregnancy’s, birth and post partum in a healthy, fit and educated way! Watching so many beautiful families grow and creating special friendships along the way Please don’t be strangers and remember my inbox is always open and I’m just a call or message away if you have any questions or need some advice! I look forward to coming back and sharing with you all the new rebrand and restructure I have planned for my return! #maternityleave #37weekspregnant #letthenestingbegin

02.01.2022 A must read for all

02.01.2022 The Belle Method a page all pregnant and post mums should be following! This here is what I talk about ALOT with my Active Pregnancy class women, one on one pregnant clients and all post partum clients! I always get asked what can I do in the first 6 weeks before I get medical clearance? My answer is always this It’s boring AF and so mentally challenging BUT so freaking important! Forget the bullshit post partum hiit workouts and the terribly marketed exercise progr...ams to rapidly burn the baby weight and get back to the basics of healing and creating a healthy functioning core and pelvic floor! Leaking or wetting yourself when you cough, sneeze, laugh or jump is NOT normal after you have a baby despite what our mothers or grandmothers tell us! Yes it is something that happens but it’s something we can fix as well! See your local women’s health physio or pregnancy and post partum fitness specialist and get back to the basics! Heal and strengthen your body from the inside out! Baby steps ladies

01.01.2022 I am so excited! Today was the day I got back into my studio and did my first official post pregnancy workout! Ive been doing my walking and low impact upper body workouts along with my pelvic floor and rehab core work for the past 8 weeks. I have received full medical clearance from both my women’s health physio and my doctor to return to exercise with directions of no running or jumping for the next 6 weeks until I have my follow up check! (I will post about the reasons for... this soon).. But my goodness it felt good to be back in there elevating the heart rate, getting my muscles moving and challenging myself a little (or a lot ) and even better with my old gym buddy, gosh I’ve missed you and our sessions girl! It’s like history repeating itself all over again! Two women with bubs 4 months apart working on their physical, emotional and mental strength together through exercise! So happy to be on this journey with you again . Today’s postpartum workout: Set the timer 40sec working 10sec rest Pulsing squats Stationary lunge with back leg raise Modified burpee Stationary lunge with back leg raise DB shoulder press DB front punches DB bicep curl to tricep overhead extension Prowler push laps Take a full round for rest (or longer if needed) and repeat another 2 times CORE 40sec working 10sec rest- do 2 rounds side plank raises left side plank raises right bird dog left bird dog right

01.01.2022 Just over 33 weeks growing this special little bump! Getting so excited to meet you! My mind has been wondering a little more lately. Are you another dancing ballerina or are you about to change the dynamics of our family with dinosaurs, trucks and footballs? In approximately 6 short weeks we will know Oh the suspense . Still weights/circuit training 3x a week with 2 days of stretching and every second day focusing on pelvic floor and TVA. Feeling really good with energy levels still nice and high! #girlorboy #countdownison

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