U3A Geelong in Grovedale, Victoria, Australia | Education
U3A Geelong
Locality: Grovedale, Victoria, Australia
Phone: 52445114
Address: Cobbin Farm - 231 Grove Rd 3216 Grovedale, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.u3ageelong.org.au
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24.01.2022 Direct inquiries to the office - addressed to Lyn or Gillian
24.01.2022 What clever, talented people we have attending U3A Geelong!! CONGRATULATIONS Julie Erwin!!! Julie, who attends our Monday morning Craft class won 7 prizes in the Handspun section at the recent Geelong Show with her 7 entries.... She won four 1st prizes for her knitted shawl; knitted beret in fairisle with Australian motifs; hand knitted Alpaca beanie and a skein of finely spun coloured fleece) She also won two 2nd prizes for her knitted scarf dyed in multi colours; and her naturally coloured knitted beanie with a row of Kangaroos decorating it. and - a third prize for a knitted and spun SILK scarf { which is very tricky to spin and knit because it has no stretch in the fibre}
22.01.2022 ZOOM SCHOOL.... Whilst we are all doing our best to beat down COVID 19, were pleased to say that we do now have some classes that have begun again online - unfortunately not all can be. Please contact your tutor In the meantime We are also excited to announce we have ZOOM School starting to help you keep in touch. ZOOM school is a series of lectures (and questions afterwards) to keep your mind engaged and ready to get back into normal classes when it is safe to do so.... Our first ZOOM SCHOOL session will be on Friday 28th August at 10.00 am to 11.30am. We are extremely lucky to have Dr Gordon Abraham, a retired microbiologist/ virologist as our first speaker. Gordon has worked with the WHO and CSIRO on the flu,Hendra, and polio viruses. Gordon has also been a TUTOR for U3A Geelong for several years and his experience will provide a fascinating insight into the COVID 19 era. Enrolment for this session will be capped at 20. If there is sufficient interest a second session will be offered. Other speakers coming up are David Sands: Let the Brass Bands play, Dr Daphne Sands: Iceland: Firer and Ice Dr Ian Warren: Deakin Uni Criminologist Associate Professor Dr Rohan Bastin: Anthropology Josy Palmer: French History Loretta Winstanley: Christmas Islandthe Gin and Tonic frontline of Australia. There will be more coming so we will keep you informed regularly. Please: Remember that the Office is closed so you cannot enrol by phone... please email or enrol online
22.01.2022 ZOOM SCHOOL: September 11, 9.30 11.00 am. VENUE - ONLINE : from home The Modernism and the Meldrum Circle ... Dr. Garry Kinnane is pleased to offer the following session: "The Meldrum Circle was a group of painters who studied under the combative Scot, Max Meldrum, a brilliant painter who developed and taught a strict theory of tonal realism in Melbourne from 1913 to his death in 1953. The Meldrumites, encouraged by their master, saw themselves as holding to classical values in art in the face of a corrupting modernism, and yet almost in spite of themselves, certain elements of modernity inevitably found its way into their work. I will be looking at pictures by Clarice Beckett, Colin Colahan, Percy Leason, Justus Jorgensen and Meldrum himself, and will discuss the modernity reflected in their life and work." There are 40 places available for this session: Please try to enrol online as the office is closed: {emails are monitored but not constantly}
22.01.2022 Wednesday, 28th October, 2020 Dear Member, This is an update on matters concerning enrolments and resumption of face-to-face classes.... The Committee met today with the aim of getting things back to normal operations as soon as possible, and specifically the beginning of Term One in 2021. Taking into account that Covid-19 risk will for the foreseeable future continue to demand the wearing of masks, strict hygiene procedures and social distancing, we have to face the fact that our use of Cobbin Farm for classes will have to be reduced, as some rooms are simply too small to meet the requirements. This means an increased dependence on external venues. Not all such venues are yet open for booking, and so it is difficult to make solid plans. Our Course Manager, Nanette Tunnicliffe, with the help of Committee member Pam Virgona, has been working hard to negotiate with venue managers, and as soon as we have all the required information, as well as the final list of Courses that tutors want to offer for 2021, enrolment procedures can get underway. We will inform you when that time comes, and will encourage you to enrol online. Due to timeline constraints and the increased demand it would put on office staff, there will be no preferential enrolments for 2021 classes. Once enrolments open it will be a matter of 'first-in-first-served'. Many classes will have to have size-limits, dictated by social distancing requirements. A number of classes will be offered via Zoom or email instead of face-to-face, and this will be spelled out in the Course Descriptions when they go up on the database. We are still hoping to have some form of Enrolment, or Open, Day but this won't take place now until the new year. It is very possible that Term One 2021 might get away to a late start. So we apologise for all these changes and departures from what we have long been used to, and for the note of uncertainty in this message, but it is all forced upon us by the arrival of the 'new normal'. Like any species, U3A has to adapt to survive, and survive we must. I will contact you again with something more definite as soon as it is possible. Garry Kinnane, President, on behalf of the Management Committee, U3A Geelong.
20.01.2022 The following event has been organised by Mark Beasely (Manager, Geelong Heritage Centre) is being run by Geelong Regional Library (not by U3A) so you will need to RSVP via email to : [email protected]
20.01.2022 This is an update on the matter of resuming face-to-face classes at U3A Geelong. The Committee met yesterday, 22nd July, and in the light of the growing rate of Covid-19 infections have revised the current proposal to resume on the 10th August, choosing instead to remain closed for the remainder of Term Three. There will be no further face-to-face classes until the beginning of Term 4, starting Monday October 5th. The Committee will continue to monitor the situation, and you... will be notified of any change of plan. Classes conducted outdoors will continue to run as at present, observing strict distancing and hygiene requirements. I urge you to take advantage of classes running online via Zoom. Enquiries about these classes can be made through the office: [email protected], addressed to Course Manager, Nanette Tunnicliffe Again, I want to stress that your Committee is doing all it can to keep U3A Geelong operational as far as circumstances allow, and that we are determined that as soon as it is safe to do so we will have our classes up and running and back to the kinds of activities we all enjoy and rely on. Let us hope that it is sooner rather than later. In the meantime, keep yourself safe and observe all the regulations required by the authorities, including wearing masks when you are in social situations. Garry Kinnane, President, on behalf of the Management Committee, U3A Geelong.
20.01.2022 U3A Geelong Office opens on Monday February 3rd, and were thrilled to have a few more wonderful people joining our volunteer office staff. Were looking forward to an exciting 2020.
20.01.2022 OPEN DAY THIS FRIDAY OCTOBER 18TH 10.15 - 12.15 @ COBBIN FARM 231 Grove Rd., Grovedale... (Some members of Corio Bay U3a will also be in attendance to showcase some of their classes) A reminder that the am classes WILL NOT BE RUNNING Hope to see you there, bring a friend, meet our Wonderful Tutors and Committee members and find out more about the classes we run, and the classes we will be running 2020 Synopsis will be available (as well our Summer School Programme) A delicious light morning tea will be available at minimal cost
20.01.2022 As mentioned in the last newsletter when we notified members of the planned COGG works in the revamping of the MAIN car park at Cobbin Farm, we were hoping that majority of this would be concluded by the start of term 4 Apparently this hasnt progressed as far as we had hoped so we are asking members to take care. Parking on site will be limited.
19.01.2022 Places still available in our "Better latte than never!" Class Join Sam the coffee man as we roast the baristas & grind our way through their trendy jargon this coming Friday (11th Oct) 09:30am-11:00am at Cobbin Farm. Book Online or at the office ... Bookings close on Thursday ... Bean there done that, or so youve always thought. Perhaps your coffee experience has bean just like life, full of froth & bubble but no substance. Are you confused about pods v brand v ground coffee & the ever increasing variety & price range of coffee machines? Ristretto? macchiato? beetroot latte? turmeric latte? Ill have mine hot & in a cup thanks! Please bring $2.00 to contribute to costs
19.01.2022 NEW CLASS Singers of Renown on Video A delightful course for the music lover. No Pop, no Rock, no deadly Highbrow music. Watch and enjoy the great singers from the Concerts, Musicals and a few familiar Opera moments. The melodic, the spectacular, the romantic and occasionally the comic; and all entertaining and accessible for those who enjoy great music. Performances introduced by Ron Hedgcock and digitally projected in glowing colour for the greater part. Music out of movie...s, studio and stage, from the 30s through to the present. Fri 13 March 10:00am-12:00pm Leopold Community Hub Meeting Room 31-39 Kensington Road Leopold
19.01.2022 New class Term 2 Fit n Fun - low impact aerobics with Karen Svendsen This class is inclusive of the following: Warm up. Simple easy to follow aerobic routines. Cool down. Stretches, relaxation and breathing exercises.... AIM: to enjoy a safe, effective and fun class. PHYSICAL PURPOSE: to improve co-ordination, balance, muscle tone and general physical fitness. MENTAL PURPOSE: to enhance self-confidence, motivation, sense of rhythm, left/right brain function, general mental fitness and overall wellbeing. Mondays starting April 20th, 1:00pm-02:00pm Grovedale Neighbourhood/Community House Banskia Room 45 Heyers Rd: Enquiries: 0499 998 984 Book online or at the office
18.01.2022 THE DOG CLASS Its Sunday the 19th of July and The (new and improved) Dog Class met for the first time. As members will know, the outdoor classes have resumed this week under strict U3A COVID protocols. We were blessed with the weather the most beautiful clear blue sky, no wind, and a temperature that required me to divest myself of my muffler and beanie helping me to look a little less like Michelin woman!... The dogs were beside themselves with excitement and the owners were also beside themselves with excitement. Our instructors Colin and Carolyn soon realised that the owners were more unruly and needed more training than the dogs! Who knows how long we will be able to continue, hopefully we will not go into lock down. It was just a lovely morning in the park with people who brought the spirit of caring and sharing. Nanette Tunnicliffe
17.01.2022 Lets Do Lunch! February Friday 28th 12.30- 2.00 This is an opportunity for members to enjoy a simple home cooked lunch. This is our first one back for the year! The menu for this lunch will be quiche and salad and sweets (of course). Vegetarian and gluten free available. BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL! Cost: $5.00 book online or through the Office as soon as possible. If you have enrolled but find you are unable to come, please let the office know so that we can get the catering pretty right.
16.01.2022 The 34th Annual General Meeting of U3A Geelong Inc (Reg. No. 12137) will be held on Wednesday 25th March 2020, at 11.00 am, in the Chapel at Cobbin Farm, 231 Grove Rd, Grovedale.... Any member of U3A Geelong Inc, who may wish to nominate to stand as an Officer of the Association (ie President, Vice President, Hon Secretary, Treasurer etc) Or as an ordinary member must be entitled to vote at a general meeting and complete in writing, a nomination form and have it signed by 2 members of the Association accompanied by the written consent of the candidate. This form must be received not less than 7 days before the AGM. Any queries please contact the office
15.01.2022 Book online at u3ageelong.org.au, or contact the office on 5244 5114 A Reminder that U3A Office will be closed and Classes at Cobbin Farm will NOT be running on the day
14.01.2022 Newsletters will be sent out this week .. and DONT FORGET ... if you have something youd like to share wed love to hear from you.
14.01.2022 As part of the GEELONG SENIORS FESTIVAL 1st - 31st October and "Get Online Week"... Eastern Hub Community Centre are running a "GET ONLINE fun session 16th October 11am - 2pm With mobile and digital devices to explore, as well as the computers in the computer lab, participants can learn everything from creating a safe password, making online calls, shopping on the internet to banking online or creating a photobook. Get Online is free with refreshments provided For more information please contact Eastern Hub Community Centre P: 5249 6128 www.easternhub.org.au
14.01.2022 I am so very proud of my U3A Quilting class. Imagine going from a simple pot holder to this stunning appliqu quilt. Marie, you are an absolute STAR!!!... {Nanette} See more
13.01.2022 Fancy a trip to PARIS? Forget passports, COVID, suitcases and that enormously exhausting flight. You can join us for this adventure right from your own home. Sorry, no duty free available! PS please remember to mute yourselves during the presentation, the slightest sound you make - blowing your nose, coughing or slurping your coffee can be heard and is distracting. Likewise, remember that the minute you join and if your camera is ON , we can see you!!!!!
12.01.2022 A quick update and thanks to some of our amazing tutors who are in the midst of trying to keep class contact via skype, zoom, emails etc
10.01.2022 A reminder that the U3A Geelong Office and classes are now closed for the Term and will reopen from Oct 7th. Enjoy the break, (and heads up....weve got a full and exciting term 4 coming up) Preferential enrolments start the week after OPEN DAY and General Enrolments for our 2020 classes open November 4th.... A massive thanks to our amazing TUTORS, our wonderful OFFICE STAFF and dedicated COMMITTEE for all the work they do behind the scenes and to YOU... our MEMBERS. THANK YOU!!!... without you we wouldnt be U3A Geelong See you in Term 4
10.01.2022 #COVID19 spreads through close contact with an infected person; mostly face-to-face or within a household. Washing your hands is the best method of preventing ...infection. See our poster & get the most up to date advice: https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus #COVID_19 #Coronavirus#Australia
09.01.2022 DUE TO situation with COVID-19 ALL U3A CLASSES ARE CANCELLED as from Monday 23rd March, 9.00am... No classes are running in Term 2 At this stage the Office at Cobbin Farm will be open from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm Mondays throughout Term Two. Emails will be responded, phone calls may be a bit more difficult We will keep monitoring the situation, and send information and update you if things change in the meantime. For the sake of your general wellbeing, and to help deal with your isolation, please make the effort to stay in touch with one another, your tutors and the office.
09.01.2022 As part of an RACV drive to facilitate health and community connectedness amongst the senior sector RACV will be giving a talk and presentation to help older Victorians remain safe on the road. Im sure we can all benefit from some updating and refocusing of our behaviour on the road. Bookings can be made online or at the Office Save the Date : Friday 24th July at Cobbin Farm 11.00 - 12.30
09.01.2022 The Management Committee met yesterday, 24th June, and after a productive discussion on the matter of resuming classes in Term 3, and the current rise in numbers of infections in Victoria, passed the following motion: That U3A Geelong postpones its full operations at Cobbin Farm currently scheduled for 13th July until Monday 10th August, 2020. This will mean that no face-to-face classes will take place either at Cobbin Farm or at other venues hired by us until the rescheduled... date; this situation will be regularly monitored and members will be immediately notified of any change of plan. Please note that these arrangements do not apply to courses conducted outdoors, such as Walking and Dog Handling; they will continue as usual. Any tutor willing to move his or her course to an outdoor setting, providing the type of activity is appropriate and that such a setting is available, is welcome to do so. Please contact the office. Note also that classes currently conducted online are encouraged to continue. The COVID-19 pandemic has created considerable difficulty for all of us at U3A Geelong, and if not acted upon threatens to affect the activities and morale that has been generated amongst members over many years. We must continue to function under the present restrictions, and look for solutions to the problem of delivering courses. To this end, we are planning action to educate members who want to learn how to access classes online via Zoom and similar programs; more on that in the near future. We are also open to other suggestions from members as to how we can maintain the wonderful service and spirit that U3A Geelong provides for members and the general community. Garry Kinnane, President, on behalf of the Management Committee, U3A Geelong.
09.01.2022 New TaiChi Class at LEOPOLD COMMUNITY HUB 31--39 Kensington Rd, Leopold
08.01.2022 The first of our Deakin Lectures for the year Friday February 21st 11:15am-12:30pm The vicious worm. Veterinary, medical and educational approaches to tapeworm control in southern Africa Dr Emma Hobbs (CSIRO AAHL) Geelong has recently returned from undertaking a PhD in Belgium,working in the field in Africa. She has met and overcome many of the challenges that are inherent in tackling such a disease in poor undeveloped societies.We are fortunate to have her further our education on her contributions to an overseas aid programme
06.01.2022 Thankyou to everyone who joined us for our Melbourne Cup Luncheon on Tuesday, and a special Thankyou to the wonderful people behind the scenes (Nanette, Maureen, Len, Pat, Marlene and Chris)
06.01.2022 Guest Speaker: Alexandria Jones Im so embarrassed that this is happening to me. Do you think ageism is a problem in our community? Do you believe that older people have the right to make decisions and to be safe? Come and join an engaging and interactive discussion with the Barwon Elder Abuse Primary Prevention (BEAPP) Network on how we can work together to strengthen the rights of older people to be safe. This interactive workshop will involve working together to discuss how we can change the story of elder abuse in our community and prevent it before it happens. Friday FEBRUARY 28th, Cobbin Farm Chapel 11.15 -12.30 Book online or at the office
03.01.2022 An update on resuming face-to-face classes at U3A Geelong. The Committee met 26th August, and decided in the light of the continuing government and Geelong Council emergency measures that U3A Geelong will remain closed for the remainder of this year. There will be no further face-to-face classes until the beginning of Term 1, 2021 in the meantime: ZOOM classes (one offs) are starting to take off .......our first with Dr Gordon Abraham was booked out within 10hrs... upcoming.... David Sands: Let the Brass Bands play, Dr Daphne Sands: Iceland: Firer and Ice Dr Ian Warren: Deakin Uni Criminologist Associate Professor Dr Rohan Bastin: Anthropology Josy Palmer: French History Loretta Winstanley: Christmas Island the Gin and Tonic frontline of Australia. There will be more coming so we will keep you informed regularly.
03.01.2022 ONLINE CLASSES via our ZOOM SCHOOL Sept 17: 1.30-2.30 Water for Gold: the fight to quench Central Victorias goldfields... presented by Dr Geoff Russell Few recent topics have generated as much public debate and emotion as our changing global climate and its impact on the availability and use of water. Some might think our concern over water is a fairly recent development, but as historian Dr Geoff Russell will explain in this illustrated lecture, fights over drought and water have erupted in Victoria ever since European settlement in the 1830s. 30 places available : please try to book online
03.01.2022 Were still in interesting times.. wonderful that some our amazing tutors are still conducting classes using zoom, Skype, and other methods and other tutors are taking advantage of training in how to. We have three classes that are up and running again outdoors (within guidelines of course) Thinking of you all, stay safe, stay well
03.01.2022 Today we have made the difficult decision to close our U3A Geelong office effective Monday 3 August until further notice: Well keep you posted as to when we reopen. The office voicemail will not be able to be checked during the closure, however emails will be responded to as soon as practical. We appreciate that the majority of our membership understands the difficulties Committee members, Tutors and Office staff are under (and recognise that we are ALL volunteers) ... I personally would like to take the opportunity to thank all our Office volunteers, Tutors and committee members 2020 was not what any of us expected Stay safe and healthy and thank you for your patience and understanding during this very difficult and unprecedented time Our Office is thus closed until further notice. Back soon Mary
02.01.2022 The last of our Lets Do Lunch for 2019. There are still a few places available and bookings will close on Wed 23rd
02.01.2022 Restoring Old Films Dr Wendy Haslem is an expert on the subject of restoring old films at the University of Melbourne. She will give an illustrated talk to us about the history, art and technology of the restoration process, followed by questions from the floor. May 8th 11.15-12.30 Cobbin Farm Chapel Book online or at the office
01.01.2022 Re Cobbin Farm Carpark UPDATE Thank you to all our members attending Cobbin Farm last week, frustrating as it was, you all took it in your stride!!! There will still be a few more minor disruptions, as ... * the lighting goes in, * bollards, or similar to stop parking on the moved bike/ walking path (which is now on the edge of the carpark and not through the middle) and slightly a bit more minor, (ok its probably not proper English) but council will try to create as little disruption to classes as possible *asphalting (in about a months time) In the meantime were helping compact the ground by using the area *line marking.
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