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Locality: Port Macquarie, New South Wales
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25.01.2022 One of the most widely used units in our secondary resource is 'The introduction to the Catholic Faith.' This unit helps students to 'catch up' so that they can navigate the rest of the secondary curriculum. In the last 12 months, this unit has had over 148 thousand page views!!
25.01.2022 Saturday is the International Day of Charity. Read our blog for more details about this day. https://understandingfaith.edu.au/united-nations-internati/
24.01.2022 Our Sacramental titles in Primary are extremely popular. Do you teach any sacramental programs? Title 22: Sacrament of Reconciliation Title 30: Sacrament of the Eucharist Title 38: Sacrament of Confirmation ... https://understandingfaith.edu.au/
23.01.2022 The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary https://www.franciscanmedia.org/queenship-of-mary/
23.01.2022 Today, we celebrate the Ascension of our Lord. For those celebrating mass at home, resources are here: bit.ly/ACBC_ascension2020 The resource includes the praye...r to Mary Help of Christians, to whom Bishops entrust Australia today, her feast day catholic.org.au/entrustment Reign over us, Mother of God, and teach us how to make the Heart of Jesus reign and triumph in us and around us, as it has reigned and triumphed in you!
21.01.2022 Love your enemies Fr Paul reads from Matthews Gospel (5:43-48), which presents the last of six contrasts delivered by Jesus during the Sermon on the Mount. Thi...s one is about loving your enemies. Jesus reflects early in this Gospel that weve learned to love but that weve also learned to hate. He challenges us in this Gospel to love ALL people because that is what overcomes hate. We need to love all people not just our own hence the reference to Gods sun shining on the good and the bad, and Gods rain falling on the honest and dishonest. Jesus is teaching that, as hard as it may be, our love must be for all people. Jesus practiced what he preached think of him on the cross when he says, Father forgive them they know not what they do. It is worth reflecting that if the early church had loved no more than its own little group, would we have even heard of Christianity. Would we have even heard of Jesus Christ? Again, Jesus is challenging us to love if we love all those we meet then we are practising what Jesus taught us. In our prayer time today, Fr Paul invites us to personal reflection with the question How well do I love others in my life at the moment?
19.01.2022 Today is World Environment Day. Understanding Faith has many resources to support this topic. Check out: SECONDARY Christian Stewardship 5 Bringing About the Kingdom 25... Ethical Issues 42 PRIMARY The World Around Us 9 Creator God 17 Gods Marvellous Creation 41 Created in Gods Image 57 PRIMARY TITLE NAME TITLE NUMBER The World Around Us 9 Creator God 17 Gods Marvellous Creation 41 Created in Gods Image 57
18.01.2022 Do you know someone who is participating in the Vinnies CEO Sleepout?
18.01.2022 The Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
18.01.2022 The Exaltation of the Holy Cross, https://www.franciscanmedia.org/exaltation-of-the-holy-cro/
17.01.2022 Tomorrow is the Feast Day of St Ignatius of Loyola. https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=56
16.01.2022 Today is National Sorry Day. https://www.reconciliation.org.au/national-sorry-day-an-im/
16.01.2022 Happy Father's Day!
16.01.2022 The Feast day of Saint Andrew. https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=109
16.01.2022 Tomorrow is the Feast of St James https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=59
15.01.2022 The Feast of Saint John Paul II. https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=6996
15.01.2022 Feast of Mary Help of Christians Fr Paul reads from the Gospel of John (19;25-27) for the Feast of Mary Help of Christians. Our Lady Help of Christians has alwa...ys had a special place in the heart of Australian Christians with many turning instinctively to Mary for help in the early years of our colony. In those very early days, the lay people would gather for readings, hymns, the rosary and other devotions while waiting for priests to arrive to minister to the fledgling community and to establish the hierarchy of the Church. Right back at the beginning of our church in Australia, the first provincial synod of the church took place in September 1844. It was at this small gathering that Archbishop Polding of Sydney and the new bishops of Adelaide and Hobart met with other pioneering priests, making the decision to place the Church of Australia under the patronage of the Virgin Mary invoked with the title Help of Christians (a decision confirmed by the Holy See in 1852). Fr Paul concludes todays reflection by praying the Prayer of Entrustment that our current Australian Catholic Bishops Conference recently sent out to the churches of Australia to again entrust our country to Mary Help of Christians during the Coronavirus pandemic.
15.01.2022 The Immaculate Heart of Mary
15.01.2022 Jesus: Peace I leave with you Todays Gospel from John (14:27-31) opens with Jesus giving a greeting of peace to his disciples. Fr Paul explains that the type o...f peace Jesus means is not just the absence of war. Peace, here, means peace within ourselves: Do we have a clear conscience type of peace? Do we have a peace with others? Do we have peace within our hearts? Are our hearts untroubled? Unafraid? Fr Paul says thats the type of peace Jesus wants us to have in our lives. He asks us to reflect on how we can have the kind of peace Jesus offers and to pray for the strength and courage to achieve it in our lives.
14.01.2022 Today is the Hindu Festival of Diwali. https://www.natgeokids.com//general-ge/facts-about-diwali/
14.01.2022 Today is the Feast of St Ignatius of Antioch. https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=677
13.01.2022 Check out the UF blog about Studies in Catholic Thought! https://understandingfaith.edu.au/studies-in-catholic-thou/
13.01.2022 Tomorrow is the International Day of Charity. To find out more, head to the United Nations page at: https://www.un.org/en/observances/charity-day
12.01.2022 Did you know the Vinnies CEO Sleepout is this week? https://understandingfaith.edu.au/the-vinnies-ceo-sleepout/
12.01.2022 Today is the Feast of the Assumption https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWJD6ZaWaAo
12.01.2022 How does Understanding Faith helps students to learn about religion?
11.01.2022 Today is the Feast of Saint Benedict. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7h9932XILU
11.01.2022 The Feast of St Bartholomew https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLS225EfE1g
10.01.2022 Today is the Feast day of Saint Charles Borromeo. https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=212
10.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day!
10.01.2022 Today is the Feast of Saint Barnabas.
10.01.2022 Today is the Feast of Corpus Christi. See Primary Title 37 and Secondary Title 12, 26, 32, 45 and 52.
08.01.2022 Today is the Feast of Saint Bonaventure. https://www.franciscanmedia.org/saint-bonaventure/
08.01.2022 How does Understanding Faith help you to learn about God?
07.01.2022 Did you know NAIDOC week has been postponed? Head over to the web page for more info. https://www.naidoc.org.au/news/naidoc-week-2020-postponed
07.01.2022 Today is the Ascension of the Lord! After saying this, he was taken up into a cloud while they were watching, and they could no longer see him. As they strained to see him rising into heaven, two white-robed men suddenly stood among them. Men of Galilee, they said, why are you standing here staring into heaven? Jesus has been taken from you into heaven, but someday he will return from heaven in the same way you saw him go!
07.01.2022 Feast of St Anthony of Padua Fr Peter reads from the Gospel of Matthew (5:33-37) in which Jesus talks about making promises. Reflecting on this passage, he says... we all make promises from time to time either formally or informally. Fr Peter invites us to think about our faith and the promises we make when we participate in the sacraments Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Marriage, Holy Orders, the Anointing of the Sick and Penance. When we interact with God in those encounters, we put ourselves at His mercy. We try to fulfil those promises to the best of our ability but it is never through our own efforts. We need Gods help because we cannot live our life without him. We depend on God. We need him. He is always there to guide us and today we take this opportunity to reflect on the importance of making such promises to let God know we truly love him. St Anthony of Padua, whose feast it is today, is someone who truly fulfilled the promises he made to serve as a religious in the (Franciscan) Order of Friars Minor. He lived in the 11-12th Centuries and had the great gift of preaching that enabled him to speak the truth with love and to carry out the Mission entrusted to him by God and the Church all over France and Italy. As he did so he, too, would have faced many challenges and difficulties. As we think of our own experience when we are asked to speak the truth, are there moments when we would rather give up, when we would rather hunker down or we would rather be silent? We recall the life of St Peter in the Gospel where he denied our Lord Jesus three times. Imagine if someone we trusted and called a friend denied they ever knew us. It would be heartbreaking to know that those we depended upon had let us down. As we look to St Anthony of Padua, who answered the call of God to serve, and reflect on our own vocation, may we be inspired by him, who never gave up or lost hope and who spoke with truth and love, even at times we would rather not hear it. We ask, through the intercession of St Anthony of Padua, that may we truly open our hearts to the truth and know that the truth will set us free.
07.01.2022 Today is the United Nations International Youth Day. https://www.un.org/development/desa/youth/iyd2020.html
06.01.2022 One of the most widely used units in our secondary resource is The introduction to the Catholic Faith. This unit helps students to catch up so that they can navigate the rest of the secondary curriculum. In the last 12 months, this unit has had over 148 thousand page views!!
04.01.2022 Read our latest blog about Pope John Paul II. He was a remarkable pope who achieved so much in his life time. https://understandingfaith.edu.au/?p=4563
04.01.2022 Today is the Nativity of the Blessed Mary Virgin https://www.franciscanmedia.org/nativity-of-the-blessed-vi/
03.01.2022 Today is the Feast of St Thomas. https://www.youtube.com/watch
02.01.2022 The Old Testament (Title 26) is one of the most widely used primary titles. Students love hearing the stories of the Old Testament.
02.01.2022 Great opportunity to find out about the latest encyclical.
02.01.2022 We hope everyone enjoyed their Mothers Day - despite current restrictions. https://understandingfaith.edu.au/mothers-day-2020/
02.01.2022 Happy Teacher's Day! https://www.youtube.com/watch
01.01.2022 What do you know about Mary Magdalene? https://understandingfaith.edu.au/who-was-mary-magdalene/
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