Unfold Your Freedom in Darlington, Western Australia, Australia | Business service
Unfold Your Freedom
Locality: Darlington, Western Australia, Australia
Phone: +61 414 386 882
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25.01.2022 Slowing down is the best. Letting go, being spontaneous and having fun. This was the day for it. Stunning weather for our local Arts Festival. Small this year due to all the restrictions but still has a wonderful atmosphere. Love seeing all the artisans and their creations. Catching up with friends. And eating chocolate nut sundae!! ... And the first stall I saw was all for $1. In happy land. What are you up to this weekend?
25.01.2022 In a sacred creative art group I am in, we were asked to write something about our story around being creative. Here is mine. What helped was resetting my confidence. Love to hear what yours is. 'It has taken me until the age of 57 to realise that I am a creative person, just not in the way I expected.... For years, I believed I couldn't even draw a stick 'man' perfectly, so I held myself back totally. Yet, I had this yearning that came from deep within that I wanted to surround myself with vibrant colours. So I did the way I knew how: through the clothes I wear, how I set the table and decorate my home. That felt safe. Being creative in the sense of art was never fostered in my home or at school. I had no clue that I could simply begin without having the gift or the need to study. That being creative comes from within. It is personal and beautiful. It comes from the heart. And you are guided by this incredible energy outside of yourself. You become one with it. What I am loving now is the fact that it has found me, rather than me it. That I can express myself in my own way without fear. I am exploring what it all means for me. And that it is a personal journey that only I need to understand. What creative magic is that!!' #resetyourconfidence #confidentlyyou Join my private group to find out how to reset your confidence in a safe and warm space. Listen to the three videos touching on the Solar Plexus Chakra to find out how you can believe in yourself, step into being confidently you and take responsibility for creating your life. How shame undermines confidence, personal power, spontaneous activity, and joy. And how fun and spontaneity are an important part of resetting your confidence. Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/532466454099163
25.01.2022 Being a confident woman is the most amazing place to be in. That has been my experience. It has taken me a while to get there.... To own all of me. To trust who I am. To trust myself after years of not. To trust the universe. That I'm not alone. It had to go from logic to feeling, to finally knowing and owning. Bringing into my heart and soul. Not just give it lip service. What helped me along the way? Adding tapping (EFT) to my repertoire of tools and skills. This practice has taken me to depths I hadn't known before. To give me the possibility of shining a light on them. To then transform from the negative to the positive. From dark to bright. From heavy to light. To loving and accepting myself for who I am today. Loving all parts of me. Because I'm bigger than the sum of my parts. That is what makes me me. And you you. If you are keen to have your own experience, I have a great offer now. Together we can get transformation happening. If this appeals, DM me and I'll send you the link for more information.
25.01.2022 This is the beginning of bringing a new skill into my business. A beautiful day sitting in our garden reading and letting go of the week to feel refreshed for the next as I get ready to launch my Being Yourself Without Children 5 day challenge. And give thanks to all the healing that has been happening.... Love to hear what you are up to.
24.01.2022 We lead our lives according to the images and thoughts we hold in our mind. This keeps us stuck and attracting more of the same. It is important to project new emotional energy into our thoughts and minds by renewing.... This creates our freedom from the old ways of thinking that might be limiting us. When we remove the obstacles we allow our personality and uniqueness to come through.
24.01.2022 When you are going through a tough time it's always good to have a space you can go to reboot, recalibrate, have quiet time to reflect and honour what you are going through. It's so easy to want to run away, distract ourselves in any which way rather than sit in the discomfort of the pain, sadness, distress, anger or whatever it may be. These couple of days I have been in my beautiful room overlooking the bush with all things about love around me. To remind me to sit in love,... kindness, compassion and beauty as well as sadness, grief and other uncomfortable emotions. I learnt that powerfully last year. It's also about caring for yourself so you can be there for others.
22.01.2022 #mindfulnesstip Sometimes you just have to turn your back and walk away to create and follow your own path. How can you do that this week?
22.01.2022 It's ok to say yes to yourself. It's ok to say no to others.. It's ok to take a moment to breathe.... It's ok to ask for help. It's ok to receive. That is called loving and caring for yourself.
21.01.2022 I am a creative woman in progress. I step forward. I step back. I move. I pause.... I see myself clearly. I don't see myself at all. I laugh. I cry. I love. I fear. I trust. I doubt. I am perfect. I am imperfect. I am strong. I am fragile. I am incandescent. I am dull. I am a reflection of my inner beauty shining my light brightly, confidently, and proudly with all that it brings. I am all of me. As you are all of you. And that is how we dance together in this beautiful world of ours. I love having in you my life brightening up my feed with all your beauty and divinity.
21.01.2022 if you are feeling out of aligned and all over the place, remember to come back to or start writing your morning pages. When you are in fear and stressed, you lose sight and trust of your instincts and the whispers of your heart. When you sit quietly and take stock it brings you back into the present moment. Because right in that moment all is OK. There is no past and there is no future. Simply this moment.... This is such a wonderful habit to create in your life. I know it has helped me for over 30 years now. It helps me in bad times. And in good times. I love purchasing a lovely notebook and using coloured pens. I used black for along time. Now I pick a colour each morning that sings to my heart. If you are unsure how to write your morning pages, check out the link below to get you on your way.
20.01.2022 Today's memo: I don't have to have all the answers for it all to work out. Simply stay with what is right now and enjoy each moment.Today's memo: I don't have to have all the answers for it all to work out. Simply stay with what is right now and enjoy each moment.
20.01.2022 Which one would you choose? Or would you take them all? I would. <3
19.01.2022 Love this inbetween time for relaxation and reflection. Suspended between this last year and the new one. Letting go and releasing creating space for the new.... Taking things I love about the year wirh me.
19.01.2022 #greyanddivine
18.01.2022 In my favourite place today as I take the time to integrate this last week. In fact, these last few months. I had the perfect day. Art in the morning. Clients in the afternoon. It takes time to get life into harmony where you feel comfortable being yourself. ... Letting go of the need to be someone you are not. Feeling guilty for doing what you most enjoy with ease and grace. Not feeling you are too much for people. That you are perfect for those who are attracted to your energy. Because let's face not everyone is for everyone. We may like to think we are. That is our ego talking, not our heart and soul. I can still catch myself out thinking I can help you. But if I am not a right fit, that doesn't mean I am not OK and not good enough. It takes time to come to that place of confidence about who you are without constantly feeling unsure and second-guessing yourself. It's so much easier to stay in your comfort zone to protect yourself and feel safe. However, this only holds you back from living a full, vibrant and confident life. On the surface, you get on with life but deep down you never feel fully content and satisfied. Something is missing. That is you and who you already are. "She who feels confident sets herself free.' I truly believe this and I would love to share my wisdom, thoughts and beliefs with you in my 3-day free Reset Your Confidence mini-retreat you. Bring your beautiful energy to the group, your favourite pen and paper and gift yourself this time (2.5 hours) to immerse yourself in the solar plexus energy and its associated colour yellow. Video 1: An in-depth view of the Solar Plexus Chakra. Find out how you can believe in yourself, step into being confidently you and take responsibility for creating your life. Video 2: Shame -how this emotion undermines confidence, personal power, spontaneous activity, and joy. Video 3: Fun and spontaneity - an important part of feeling confident is bringing fun and spontaneity into your life. As Diane Keaton says: Just have fun, smile and keep putting on lipstick. Link is below if you wish to join me. I love doing this work and seeing women get those beautiful Aha moments. #confidentlyyou #resetyourconfidence
18.01.2022 At this time of year, in particular, remember to enjoy. Even though it's an intense time in so many ways, it's important to also have fun. To live every moment, despite being busy organising.... Keep laughing to release tension and emotions. And love beyond words. Not only others but also yourself. Above all be present and drink in the joy of this time of year wherever you can. It may only be moments. It may be days. As long as you connect to your heart and do what is right for you.
17.01.2022 'Art is coming face to face with yourself' - Jackson Pollock Since I have started diving into art more seriously, I have been coming face to face with myself. Loving it. ... Teaching me to let go of perfectionism. Getting it right. Comparison. It didn't work out. Using colours I would never have thought of. Not being linear. Fixated. Not having a goal in mind. Allowing. Acceptance. Fun. Spontaneity. More often than not I don't feel creative. But sit down anyway and it flows through my heart to my hand and onto paper. Such freedom and pure joy in this. What do you love doing that is freeing?
17.01.2022 Love being inspired by the beauty of nature. There is so much texture, colour, smell, snd shapes. I have so much to enjoy right on my doorstep.... What inspires you?
17.01.2022 Loving watching our magnolias bloom. Big as saucers. Beauty is everywhere when you are present. What I realise is that our eyes may be open, but we are not seeing.... We are too busy with our thoughts and what we need to do next. This is something I do with clients is work with them to come back into the moment and open their eyes. Such powerful and beautiful realisations happen during this process. This magnolia is the first bloom from our garden for this season. In fact, it was the second one as I missed the first!! My gift for you today. Pause for a moment and enjoy its colour and beauty. And take that with you for the rest of your day.
17.01.2022 How are you opening your heart to capture your dream? I love my journal to write in each morning to clear the pathway to reach my dream. I write. I reflect. I write again. I tap to clear.... Add the salt air at the beach and the white sand between my toes and off my creativity goes.
17.01.2022 What are you up to this weekend? Fun on our hike! Loving the freedom of walking. Finding new pathways.... Feeling my body gettting stronger. My mental health improving. The spiritual connection to nature strengthening. Its power. Strength. Beauty. Capacity to destroy. Regenerate. We come home rejuvenated. Whole. Pleasantly tired. Energised. Connected to each other in the most natural way. Enjoy your weekend!
16.01.2022 It's so easy to overlook 'life-stage' changes that happen in our lives. We gloss over them and minimise them as not being that bad. In fact, I would hazard a guess that many of us don't even know they are happening. They just are. It is part of life with a 'get over it and on with it' attitude. We are so busy doing that it's easy to squash these down not acknowledging that these changes are causing us added distress. It is all too hard.... That is why it's important for me when I work with clients who are experiencing difficulties with life changes that they feel heard and safe to explore what is happening in their lives beyond the surface. This helps them open up to understanding the impact it is having in their lives and how to adjust to them. You can see the relief on their faces and in their bodies. I know this has been the case for me over the years. It has helped me release and create the life that I want with that understanding. I stopped giving myself such a hard time as I felt I should be coping! Don't underestimate the significance of developing a new relationship, ending one, moving house, children leaving home, a death, illness, menopause, having children, moving to another city or country, accident, losing your job, career or business. And its impact on your life. If you feel you are putting on a brave face and want to change, reach out. Life can be different for you as it is for me now. PS what you don't see from this image is the pain I was still going through with PTSD. Despite being well on the way to recovery, I was still struggling and putting on a brave face. xx
16.01.2022 Loving yourself is such an important part of you feeling whole. When you allow yourself to open you heart to love, and when love enters, you come alive. You feel on top of the world. In love with yourself and life. You feel you can take on anything.... And you can. Because life becomes exciting. You want to get out, explore, and try out new things. To pursue those things you have wanted to. When love becomes your power and you embody it in every fibre of your being, you become the witness to the most wonderful and divine transformation in your life. You create ways to express the delight of being love and joy. You love being you - glorious beautiful confident you. All my love to you. #confidentllyyou #journalmusings
16.01.2022 What truth are you running from? It is so easy to hide from it. Deny. Distract yourself with busyness and constantly doing and striving. Each time something uncomfortable happens in life explore what you are still running from. The deeper you go the lighter you become as you keep releasing what no longer belongs to you.... Finding your truth is uncomfortable and so freeing! Photo by Willem - Why Creations Photography.
16.01.2022 #journalmusings Something I have learnt these last few months is to allow my heart to bring me into alignment with the true pathway of my life. To allow my heart and rational mind to work in harmony. I gave myself the time to drop into my heart and renew myself in the most unexpected way. I needed to get out the driving and striving part of me and drop into the gentle, loving, creative and tender part. The one where I allow the feminine to become the main driver and open up s...pace for spirit and ideas to drop in. It is so easy to get caught up in creating structure, tasks, appointments, to-do-lists which is all doing. I was missing out on so much guidance and messages. I couldn't see the wood for the trees. Once I was able to do this my energy levels rose. My vibration started to lift as I got myself out of the past and its stories. This created fluidity and flexibility and understanding what Shakti energy is all about. (thanks to Shakti Creative Power Circle 2020 I am in). Awakening me to her divine energy by letting go and allowing the flow of life to take its course. It is about being present and not directing the flow of events as much as allowing the events to unfold. And that they most certainly have. It is exquisite and exciting.
15.01.2022 #cvcreativediary what are you going to do this weekend that lights you up?#cvcreativediary what are you going to do this weekend that lights you up?
15.01.2022 When you have been craving a day of silence and the universe provides it for you in terms of bed rest. Not quite what I had in mind. But it worked. And I have taken another day without feeling guilty as I know this is what my body wanted. I simply didn't act on it in time.... This is to remind you to listen and act and take care of yourself and not to wait before you get forced to. Not worth it. image by Iván C. Fajardo
14.01.2022 "Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives." - Louise Hay Give yourself some today. And what would you write?
13.01.2022 I don't have to have all the answers for it all to work out. Simply stay with what is right now and enjoy each moment.I don't have to have all the answers for it all to work out. Simply stay with what is right now and enjoy each moment.
13.01.2022 Bragging rights It's so easy to dismiss ourselves and what we have achieved and pulled through. I see it again and again how we brush off a compliment, how we have survived trauma, how we have stepped out and done something courageous.... 'It wasn't that bad'. 'It wasn't that much'. 'Anyone could do that.' And maybe they can. But you did it. Not someone else. At times it is also the smallest things that have the biggest impact on our lives. Things we take for granted that you can no longer do due to illness, injury, stress, or accident. When I look back over the last decade I can honestly say wow I pulled through. I got to this point in my life where I am proud of who I am and what I did to get here. It was tough. Painful. At times, I didn't want to wake up. I would compare myself to others and see their lives or recovery and feel totally inadequate. Who had I become? I was so lost and confused. Now, I am ready to fully step into my life feeling a sense of freedom I have never felt before. I feel excited, fluid, creative, divine and alive. Sometimes I questioned would I ever get to this place. Each year has been another step forward into the light. I needed to heal myself on so many levels. And I had the support of so many wonderful people who held my hand, listened and opened their hearts for me. And the one I'm delighted to say was there the whole way through was Willem. A solid rock and right behind me! It's now time for you to brag. Love to read your stories! <3 #confidentlyyou #womenwithoutchildren PS if you are needing a supportive hand reach out to work out how I can.
12.01.2022 Hiking Australian style. This year the flies have decided to come out in their droves making walking uncomfortable. It was interesting as you get so used to swatting them with the Australian salute that I kept doing it to start with. And then trying to drink water through the mesh. At least this way I can still be in nature - my happy place.... Where is yours? Love to see a photo.
11.01.2022 We are home safe and sound. Coming back into civilisation is going to take a few days to adjust to after such peace and quiet. It was another incredible drive getting up at 4am and on the road by 5am for the 8-hour drive to see dawn break with the new moon and Venus illuminating the way until the sun started to rise. Yet, again no one on the roads for hundreds of kilometres due to the border closures. There was us and us with a few road trains thundering along the other way.... Normally there are cars, caravans, camper vans, the very odd cyclist or horse rider. It is the most bizarre feeling being the only ones out there far and wide. We decided to take no music or podcasts, so enjoyed many hours simply being with each other with the odd comment here and there. There is nothing like being in the confines of the car to give you the time and space to ponder or not. Incredible how time flies by when you make a commitment to enjoy the time getting there as much as the destination. Then my partner piped up with the name for my Mazda after 9 years - Maisy! Love it. She loved the long drive and getting dirty! And I am sure she will love to be clean again by tomorrow. She did us proud!
11.01.2022 Each Monday morning I love looking at my week ahead. I look at how do I want to feel, what do I want to achieve and how will I go about that so I don't feel stressed or overwhelmed. Or as little as possible. I check my diary to make sure that I haven't overfilled it with appointments. If I feel in my gut that it feels too much I look at which ones can I cancel or postpone.... It's so important to listen to your body as it tells you. I was meant to go away this weekend for a few days. I was excited and looking forward to seeing my friend and having some time for myself. That feeling changed. Initially, I couldn't understand why. But I listened and acted on it. I phoned, changed the days to those that also suited her, and feel so much better. Tell me what are you excited about this week and how can you ensure that you remain excited.
11.01.2022 Old but still valid technology when you don't have wifi connection. The old fashioned Voxer walkie talkie. But it only works when you are on top of a sand dune!!! At least some sense of security when you set out on your bush hike.... We use modern technology to keep in touch in between sessions when you sign up for my Unfold Your Confidence 1:1 package. Contact me to know about how I can support you if you are feeling stuck in your life resulting in a loss of confidence and sense of self.
11.01.2022 Age is something so many of us fear and are ashamed of. Nowadays we say we are so many years young, rather than so many years old. We want to hide our age at all costs. Those pesky wrinkles, fine lines and grey hairs. Why would I want to be young again, unless I knew then what I know now? However, I wouldn't know what I know if I hadn't done the time!... Then along the way, I kept hearing how 40 was the new 30, etc. I am calling that out. I so don't agree with any of this. Why would I when stepping into the next phase of your life is so incredible, albeit a tad scary? Whether that be turning 40, 50, 60, 70 or 80 or even 90. Each decade brings something precious. Something new. We gain wisdom and insights every day making us the people we are today. Yet, we can also lose our confidence as we transition into the next phase of life. When you do refind it life becomes magic as I am experiencing now. Join my private group to find out how I reset my confidence in a safe and warm space. I share some of my story through connecting to my Solar Plexus Chakra showing you how you can believe in yourself, step into being confidently you and take responsibility for creating your life. How shame undermines your confidence, personal power, spontaneous activity, and joy. And how fun and spontaneity are an important part of resetting your confidence. Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/532466454099163 #resetyourconfidence #confidentlyyou
11.01.2022 . I love Monday mornings as I set my intentions for the week rather than goals as this gives me flexibility and space to welcome in the unexpected. Something I learnt over the years was that no matter how much I visualized, created vision boards, and affirmations if I did not feel it in my heart of hearts that I could achieve them, I was setting myself up for failure. I was not in alignment with my true Self.... To do this, I had to work through limiting beliefs to get there. It was interesting to see what was still holding me back from achieving what I wanted to achieve. - I meditate on how it makes me feel as I write and visualise my intentions - I tap on any emotion or negative thought that arises - I write it all down to give me perspective and to be able to let it go Try this out and see what changes for you. This quote for me sums it up. Enjoy your week.
11.01.2022 Sometimes you just need to pause and breathe, even though it is a 'work day'. In my happy place at the beach inhaling the healing eons as I reflect on life and spirit and all those good things. Love to hear where you love pausing and breathing with an image if possible.
11.01.2022 'Mindfulness is the energy that knows what is happening in the present moment'. Thich Nhat Hanh This concept and practice sounds easy but isn't easy to put into practice on a daily basis. What I found was I had to unlearn things I had learnt how to be in this world. No matter how unbearable.... I had to learn how to be in the present moment feeling all the feels. Accept and allow them to be here with me rather than using avoidance and distraction tactics, despite the pain, discomfort and shame I was feeling. I had to learn how to engage fully in what I was doing right now, rather than thinking of what comes next or what else I need to do. That kept me thinking I was being purposeful and achieving. When in fact I was expending energy and wasting a lot of time on being unproductive. I had to learn to not get lost in my thoughts and stories as so much of that was simply that: thoughts and stories that didn't exist. I had to unlearn control. Full stop. To create space to be. To be spontaneous. Have fun. Trust. Have faith. And to love: all of me and all of my life. What a great place to be! This is one of the practices I use and teach in my 1:1 sessions. So powerful and transforming. Often in the most unexpected ways. Want to more? Be in touch.
11.01.2022 When you receive feedback like this, it truly touches your soul. It's so easy for us to give compliments, yet so hard to receive, let alone share it with the world. What is one thing someone has said to you that has touched your soul and you would love to share?... It's about being humble yet proud of who you are. <3
10.01.2022 How do you know that you are meant to be where you are in your life? As I sit here in the space of stepping out of one phase of my life into another, it is giving me the time to reflect and observe in a way I haven't before. There is a knowing. A sense that is beyond your mind and your physical being.... You feel it in your heart and soul without question, without doing, striving or trying. You are in flow on a path with no destination in sight at present. You simply know you are on the right path. You trust at another level that it is all in Divine guidance. You have faith in yourself and your higher beings. Because you have also slowed down enough to feel and be without distraction, demands, fear, and the need to be anywhere else other than here and the need to be no one else but yourself. You are you and that is more than enough! #greyanddivine #confidentlyyou
10.01.2022 Enjoy the birds in the trees. The gentle breeze on your skin. The sun on your face. The wind through your hair. Your hot cup of tea.... A hug. A kiss. Reading a book. Chatting to a friend. Being creative. Sitting watching the world go by. A smile. Wearing your favourite colour. Simply being you. Enjoy your week. #mindfulnesstip Photo by Why Creations - rainbow lorikeet
10.01.2022 Weekend shenanigans. Loving hiking. This morning it was freezing when we started and we were all rugged up. By lunchtime, we were stripping.... Nature is so healing. It brings you into the moment. It helps release stress and worries because in those moments there is nothing to think about but being present with its beauty. So refreshing and uplifting. What are you are up to this weekend?
10.01.2022 What I am loving about being creative is dropping out of my head and into my body. It is teaching me this at a whole new level. Therein lies intuition, creativity, knowledge, wisdom, space, peace, and stillness. In this stillness, I am open to receive.... In this stillness, I am open to love. In this stillness, I am open to joy. In this stillness, I am open to me, all of me. I am so receptive to hearing those glorious creative intuitive messages that guide me with the strokes to make on the blank paper, which colours to create and use with confidence without the need for an outcome. This is a big turnaround for me as I was so goal-orientated, outcome focussed, logical and linear. There was little room for me to explore this side of me - this right part of my brain. To be honest, I was too scared to. Here I now am I am loving this inspired and beautiful version of me. Known yet unknown. New yet not. It is starting to reflect in all areas of my life - with my partner, family, friends and in my work with clients. I believe we all have this within us. This part that we know yet don't. It's just that we haven't accessed it, don't know how or we felt the time wasn't right with too much on in our lives already. However, the teacher appears when you are ready in the most unexpected ways and you know this is it. It is time to act. It is time to come out of hiding to see and love yourself in the most unexpected, confident and glorious way. If you are feeling a stirring in your heart, reach out to know more about my 1:1 Unfold Your confidence package. #confidentlyyou
10.01.2022 'Look at me. And I love having my photo taken'. (Image by my partner) Loved watching the antics of Major Mitchell's at Eyre Bird Observatory. They are such a delight and so cheeky. They kept us well entertained when they showed up squawking away making sure we knew they had arrived.... It's so easy to get caught up in being serious all the time and not making time and space for pure fun and spontaneity. In fact, I would hazard a guess that many of you, including myself, have or had forgotten what it was like or have even experienced fun for fun sake. We don't want to look silly or make a fool of our selves worrying about what others will think. Who cares? Only you. And so what if they do. That is their story, not ours. I talk about this in my Reset Your Confidence closed group in Video 3. Because letting your hair down and being in the moment releases caught up tension and frees you up in body, mind and soul. https://www.facebook.com/groups/532466454099163 #resetyourconfidence #confidentlyyou
10.01.2022 Rejoicing. My first ever colour palette created. My first ever abstract with my own colour palette. ... What an incredible feeling when you finally let go of resistance. Of old stories. Old beliefs. I intuited and went with the flow tuning into the energy and colours without an outcome in mind. Yes, I am sure they will pop up from time to time. But they no longer dictate my life. Going from 'why me' to 'why not me' has been the most liberating experience. It has opened up my world in the most delightful and unexpected way. For so long I had held onto ... I can't Doubt I don't have the credentials I am not an artist I don't have the time Don't be silly What will people say I can't spend money on myself and something frivolous It's too late Not at my age Where there is a will there is a way. However, I had to find that way and clear all sorts of debris along the way. And here I am integrating this creative part of me into my life! You can, too. Never give up on an idea or a dream thinking you can't. Yes, you can. Let me show you how with my 1:1 Unfold Your Confidence package. For 8 weeks we work together looking at clearing what is holding you back. Those stories, beliefs and doubts. I'll take you through guided meditations, tapping, writing and oracle readings. I'll wrap you in beautiful and gentle Reiki energy as we do so. I'll be present with you every step of the way so you know you are being supported, witnessed, seen and heard as you shift and change. Then we look at reframing and resetting them as we connect you to your desires, what you want, and your intuition. In essence who you are. To end we look at how to integrate this into your life. How you can create daily rituals, create your support toolbox, how to keep you connected to your dream - all to keep you on this new path. It would be a delight and a privilege to be in this part of your life with you. Reach out for more details. 'One reason people resist change is because they focus on what they have to give up instead of what they have to gain.'
10.01.2022 My body is my temple. How many times have you heard that over the years? But not really listened? I heard it. I thought I understood it. I care for it. I look after it.... But it was really only on my month up North, that I totally got it. And for me in the most unexpected way. At the 'clothing optional' beach. It was so freeing swimming without a swimsuit. With no barriers between the cool water and my skin. It felt liberating. Connecting. Joyful. And above all sensual. My body is my temple. A beautiful reflection of me. Who I am. Radiant. Healthy. Strong. Alive. It is the portal to hold and express our Divinity. Our soul. Our creative self. The healthier your body is, the clearer you become. More vibrant. Alive. Inflow. Free. Creative. An open and clear portal to receive. Intuit. Pause and breathe. Listen and act on the whispers of your soul. Ask your body today what does it need you to do or not to do to feel free? Take the time to tune in and hear what it has to say. I was surprised with what messages I received. And you may be, too. I'd love to guide and encourage you on your path of confidently connecting to your body, mind and soul. For more info, here's the link to my 1;1 package. http://bit.ly/2XVUvGc From my Divine body to your Divine body. PS having fun on Broome beach taking photos without inhibition. #confidentlyyou #greyanddivine
09.01.2022 Freedo means enjoying yourself without guilt
09.01.2022 When you prefer to shop in a hiking/camping shop to a boutique!! Who would have thought that this would happen? Never ever think you can't change. Or that you can't pivot in your life and take on something new. Whether that be in your career, business, hobby, friendships, etc.... I'm loving what is happening for me at this stage in my life. In fact, in some ways, I am happier, more content and confident than I have ever been. Ladies, if you are keen to find out how this can happen for you to, get in touch so I can show you how with my 8-week 1:1 package, Unfold Your Confidence. When you feel confident, you accept yourself for who you are and then, your happiness unfolds. Your life becomes yours in the most wonderful and unexpected way. @ Perth, Western Australia
09.01.2022 I have had a penny drop this morning after years of 'searching' and I feel very excited. I have connected to something I have held back from for a long time as I didn't feel like I fitted in. And now I am ready to step into that space.... Food for thought for you.
09.01.2022 Wishing you a wonderful day in whichever way you celebrate this day. During the day take a moment to pause and take a breath or two to centre you. A moment to yourself to appreciate who you are and what you are doing. xx
09.01.2022 5 years ago. A feast for the eyes. I went on a trip of a life time - a meditation safari. I stepped out of my comfort zone and went on my own knowing no one. I had trust and faith in myself and what would unfold. This was big as I was still suffering from PTSD and panic attacks. What if I had one sharing a room with someone I didn't know? What if ...?... I acknowledged these anxieties but didn't let them stop me, despite nearly not being able to get on the plane. I was leaving my cocoon of safety, Willem, my rock, our home, and everything that kept me together. Now I look back with gratitude and delight at the experience I had. There is nothing like seeing these majestic animals in the wild. And eating dinner under the stars and being a 'tracker' for a few moments. 'Just seen lions feeding off the elephant after the leopard started yesterday and the birds of prey opened it up over night. On a lighter note watching baboons care for each other. Bliss in the early morning sun.' If you are feeling you aren't leading the life you want, you are holding yourself back and are unsure how to free yourself to do so, I would love the opportunity of walking this part of the path with you. I know what my mentor has done for me to get me to where I am now with so much more confidence and belief in myself. Life truly changes and becomes a joy each day. Here is the link for more information of what is entailed. http://bit.ly/2XVUvGc
08.01.2022 When you have that moment of recognition after listening to a podcast that you no longer people-please. It has taken a long time to get to this place of freedom of being able to yes because you want to do something and no when you don't. There were a few steps forward and many back as it is a tough habit to break as you don't want to upset anyone, be rejected, abandoned and judged as selfish and go against social norms.... In addition, because I was always vocal and seen as expressing how I feel and independent in what I do, it was tough to identify that I had this within me. It was a contradiction in terms and I felt a lot shame around this. I didn't do this on my own. I did have support over the years from counsellors and mentors for both my personal and business lives as it spilt over into how I ran my businesses - not with many boundaries to start with. I am sitting here writing this with a big smile on my face and love in my heart. PS I am here to support you along the way. Contact me for more information.
08.01.2022 Today is a big day. I am getting ready to launch my vision of supporting women without children globally in bringing their dreams to life, seeing their value as the beautiful woman they are and being able to be in the world on their own terms releasing the weight and guilt of social norms off their shoulders. This comes from my own experience and I have come to such a beautiful place of peace and contentment that I want to share this with other women. ... That doesn't mean I am not still working with women building their confidence after experiencing a life-changing experience. That is important to me, too. If you know anyone who may be interested in finding out more, please guide them to my page or DM me for more information. I will start posting over the next couple of weeks information about my 5-Day Facebook challenge 'Being You Without Children starting Monday 14th December. This is what I want for us women globally taken from part of my business name Unfold Your Freedom. U - unreservedly N - natural F - free O - open L - liberated D - divine To be Unreservedly your Natural self, to feel Free, Open, and Liberated as the Divine Woman you already are. Have a beautiful day.
08.01.2022 The best thing about doing something for yourself is that it is for yourself. You feel alive. You feel free. There is a sparkle in your eye. A spring in your step. You wonder why you hadn't started ages ago? What held you back?... For years it didn't even occur to me to do something for myself just because. There was an element of guilt. I thought I was but looking back now I realise I was still following what was expected of me. I didn't pay full attention to myself and denied what I wanted. Until this trip to Broome a couple of months ago. I threw all caution to the wind and I am being taken on the most unexpected and exciting ride. Where to I have no idea. But that no longer matters. All I need to do is go with it, trust and have confidence in myself and where I am being taken. If you have something you are resisting, a yearning and you are unsure of where to start, reach out if you are ready to step into the unknown and say yes to yourself.
07.01.2022 When words like this pop up, it makes my heart sing. 'Thanks for the sensational session again today.... every time I come to see you it’s always different. The reiki and reading I had today was so fantastic!!!we all need a little reassurance sometimes and you do that SO well. Lizzie' I love being able to create change in you in a safe and loving way. It's such a beautiful and divine energy exchange.
07.01.2022 Some fun to start the week.
06.01.2022 Life has a tendency to creep up on you. You go through life looking for your purpose, not always knowing what it is. Some find it easily. Others don't. You search. You look. You search some more. You have a hazy sense of what it is, but can't quite pinpoint it.... This was me for years. I knew I wanted to support women to become confident in who they are. To feel beautiful and in love with themselves. I started out with massage, aromatherapy, Reiki and facials. Then I moved on to create my natural skincare range because I believe she who feels beautiful feels free. But this year my breakthrough came from realising it was the way I was going about this and not being definitive in whom to support. Was it women getting older? Having experienced a traumatic experience and left wondering who are they now? Was it women lacking in confidence? BTW, all aspects of me. Yes, I was practising what I preach. But something was still missing. I wasn't fully in love with myself and what I was doing. I was still haphazard because I was on the inside. I was still chasing elusiveness. Now, I have had this time to reflect, surrender to something bigger than me and step into the unknown, let go of fear and have total faith in that process, to fully connect to my heart and its incredible wisdom, and to tap into my creativity and this most beautiful feminine aspect of my life has given me a new lease on life and a definitive purpose - to support women without children with counselling and 1:1 sessions (to start with). What a revelation. It sent tingles up and down my spine. I just knew this was it. At last. Each morning I am excited to get up and create full of joy, delight, love and confidence. I feel it. I feel it in my bones, my heart, my body and my soul. I live it. Breathe it (I do have time away from it!!) It feels like a lightbulb has gone off all sparkly and bright. It is not only healing me in the process, but I know it will be healing for other beautiful women. This post is my gift to you to know that you, too, can find this and if you already have, I want to celebrate with you (with a virtual cuppa) PS I still work with women who are needing support in their lives.
05.01.2022 Beach vibes. Meditation and movement to clear my thoughts and create room for ideas, messages or insights. Or simply to enjoy not feeling the need to study.... Where do you love to wind down?
05.01.2022 Today is the day. I have started on my new creative journey with excitement and anticipation. I look forward to sharing this with you to hopefully give you the courage to start on something you have always wanted to do but have held yourself back from. Love to hear what that may be. Ask questions. Write comments. I'll get back to you. <3
04.01.2022 Managing expectations - your own and others. Being fully yourself takes courage as we have been subjected to other people’s expectations and opinions for all our lives. So much so they have become our own, making us our own worst enemies.... It means breaking down our protective armour and centuries of beliefs around what it means to be a woman. We have been told how to be, how to behave and how to lead our lives without question for too long. Rather than loving ourselves for who we are and leading our lives on our own terms, we look elsewhere comparing ourselves all the time. We tend to the needs of others forfeiting our own. We constantly feel we shouldn't be feeling this, particularly if we have gone through something traumatic and it has long past. 'Are you still feeling that? Haven't you let go of that? Get over it and on with it.' But look at your life, you have so much.' Yes, on the surface you do look like that. But within it is anything but. Because all this does is hold us back from feeling comfortable with how we are feeling rather than ashamed of the 'taboo' of holding deep emotions. Life is not linear. There are valleys and mountains to navigate and circumvent. From my experience, until I sat in the discomfort again and again, I stayed in this loop that kept looping. Slowly but surely it all began to change setting me free. Therapy is powerful. Something we resist for all sorts of reasons. What it offers is the chance to see what is perception, what is reality and who you are really are in a safe place giving you the opportunity to learn about yourself. If somewhere deep within something is being stirred, contact me so I can send you information on how I can support you. In the meantime, take a moment, put your hand on your heart and ask yourself do you want to stay stuck the way you are, or do you want to feel free to enjoy life as you wish?
04.01.2022 As my partner and I prepare to go on a week's road trip tomorrow, I realise how far I have come in these last couple of months. This time I am going 1,200km south-east of Western Australia to Eyre Bird Observatory which is two hours off the main highway to South Australia along a dirt road. A bit different to Bali where we had planned to go this year. Even though we won't be camping, we are still staying in basic accommodation with an outside toilet, water is scarce, no inter...net connection, no heating in the bedrooms and it is going to be about 10 degrees at night! But plenty of birds for Willem to photograph, walks, beach, warm sun during the day and time to ourselves. Once upon a time that would have worried me. In fact, I wouldn't have even considered going as it was too far off the beaten track. Too unfamiliar as I was so used to big cities and mountains. Now, I am more than happy to camp and be outdoors in nature. There is something so freeing about this. So expansive. Self-containing. And connected. According to my brother, I wasn't too useful helping set up camp whilst up North. At least I tried!! What is something you never thought you would do? Does this come with age as I shift the way I think and am in this world? All to be reflected up. But in the meantime, I am going with the flow and following my heart's desire. Not quite what my head had in mind!! As Confucius said: Wherever you go, go with your heart. And that I will be. #confidentlyyou #greyanddivine
04.01.2022 #midweekmotivation Slow down and follow your bliss. Life is to be savoured and enjoyed. As my French grandmother used to say: il faut goûter tout ça. What is it that we always feel the need to be busy? Even on weekends? Is it fear? Of being lazy? A badge of honour?... It has become our identity. Our raison d'être. Lately, I've simply enjoyed being and taking the pressure off myself. Going with the flow without agenda and switching off being constantly switched on. This is one of the reasons I love hiking. Going for those longer walks. I stop. Look. Observe. Take in my beautiful surrounds. It is truly wondrous, healing, peaceful, and relaxing. What do you do to be present?
03.01.2022 What makes me a confident woman? What does that look like for me? These are the questions I have been asking myself each day and clients.... Initially, there can be silence. Feelings of self-doubt and discomfort. You wriggle. You squirm. What does this mean for me? It is personal. Yet, we look at others to validate ourselves. We look outside of ourself. Then wonder why we never measure up. Feel a failure. Unsure of ourselves. But to what and whose standards? Not our own. To start with. This is the beginning of the process I walk with clients. To look at beliefs, stories and perceptions. Whose are they. We empty the container. Then we begin to reframe and look at what it would look like for you. That is daunting and exciting. You begin to see endless possibilities. Lastly, we look at how to integrate this into your life creating new rituals, how to best move forward, how you are going to do this and what support are you going to give yourself as you do so. 'She who feels confident sets herself free'. That is my belief and my experience. It's an incredibly wonderful and attractive state of being -within and without. Want to know more about how this could work for you? The link is below with the current investment. You can also DM me to make a time for a chat to and clarify any doubts or concerns.
03.01.2022 A great reminder in yoga today that happiness comes from clearing not adding. It opens you up creating mental, emotional, spiritul and physical space to feel abundant and full of love. What have you been reminded of lately?
03.01.2022 It feels lonely as you let go of the old to follow your own heart and soul. As you let go of conditioning. Stories. Beliefs. Perceptions of yourself and other. The need to be anything other than yourself. And welcome the need to be yourself. Truly and deeply yourself.... When you are in that in between time. In the unknown and unfamiliar. Stepping from one part of your life into another. It's all about having faith in yourself. In what you can't see. In what you are feeling. Intuiting. Sensing. In your body, mind, heart and soul. That your soul tribe will appear. That you are on the right road. That you are being held. That you are being true to you. And only YOU. If you are finding it tough to let go and follow your heart, DM me so I can introduce you to how I can support you to do just that - follow your heart with confidence. #confidentlyyou
02.01.2022 When you finally come to a place of utter peace and freedom spending Christmas day in your own way. This has taken me years to get to. To actually feel totally at ease with it and not just as a concept. The word that keeps coming to mind is REJOICE = great joy. And there was.... For years I felt obligated to do the right thing. But by whom? Christmas was rarely a pleasure as a child. Not having children, I felt it was too commercial and not honouring the reason behind it which I don't follow anyway. I watched other people's posts of wishing everyone a wonderful day and did the same because it felt like the thing to do. Again by whom? Then I started to break free and see friends instead to fill the gap. So I didn't look lonesome and as if I had no one to spend it with. Finally, it came to pass. I listened to my heart and its desires. Last year I acted on it and went to the beach as my partner was working. And this year we enjoyed it together as he also wants to spend the day in his own way and he wasn't working. We had the best Christmas ever ending with a delicious meal we prepared together after a lovely day of lounging around under the aircon, dipping in our pool and grazing away. It comes down to listening to and trusting the whispers of our hearts and the truth it is telling us. Our truth and our sense of self - freedom. How did you enjoy yours? Love to see some pics. #ConfidentlyYou #womenwithoutchildren #greyanddivine
02.01.2022 When you have a conversation about being childless with your sibling after all these years because we never considered talking about it. I never thought it was important. I just got on with life, despite the sadness. And he never thought to ask. I had mentioned something to him about what I am now doing. This was followed up by a text the next day wanting to know more. We talked and talked. It brought up all sorts of topics and what it all means - these social constructs that... need to come down, so people can be themselves. The conversations are now starting. And it is amazing what I am hearing. Such vulnerability. Questioning. Who am I? The stories about why it didn't happen. How it has made them feel and affected their sense of self. Their lives and dreams. It is as much heartwarming as touching. PS A few tissues have been used.
02.01.2022 Impromptu live to see what guidance we will receive for this week. I am pulling a card from the Love and Light deck by Kris Franken.
02.01.2022 When you let go of resistance and step into confidence, your life becomes inspired. Chantal #confidentlyyou #journalmusings
01.01.2022 Remember you do make an impact, even if you don't feel you are. We all have those moments of doubt. But by being you you are more than enough. xx
01.01.2022 Getting used to my new glasses and seeing things clearly again!! Not doing so well at the moments as I get used to wearing them all the time and how to hold my head and negotiate the bifocals. Of course, it got me thinking as to why did I wait for so long to get them. What was I not wanting to see clearly, apart from not making the time?... Was it denial? Pretending it wasn't happening? Was it emotional and spiritual as well as physical? I look at the timing after my trip away and having the time to see things clearly!!! Or am I simply reading too much into it as we so often need to make sense of things in our lives and explain things away? In the meantime, whilst I work it out or not, I am loving the new look after all these years of having my pink ones. A new chapter in my #greyanddivine and #confidentlyyou life. Love to hear what you have held back on wondering why!
01.01.2022 There are things in life that you don't want to do or feel, but are part of life. Chores. Preparation. Phone calls. Emotions. Decisions. Going on this creative journey is showing me how to not only be in flow mode but also in preparation mode. How this can also be creative when you get yourself in the right frame of mind.... Initially, I felt frustrated and annoyed which took me out of my heart space and into my mind which in turn blocks creativity. Then I had a moment. Why not see that as a wonderful part of the process? I enjoyed listening to some soft music, gave thanks to the colours and tools that I was using and simply being present appreciating our artspace. As you can see from the images, there is also art in the shavings. They landed in this way. No thought. No effort. No outcome. Simply is. Creation and destruction. Nothing stays the same. Beauty can be long term. It can be fleeting. It is all part of the makeup of our lives. So wherever you are today. Be with what is.
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