Unicorn Park & Stud Equestrian Centre in Clarendon, Victoria, Australia | Equestrian centre
Unicorn Park & Stud Equestrian Centre
Locality: Clarendon, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 408 326 106
Address: 33 Courts Road 3352 Clarendon, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.unicornpark.com.au
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22.01.2022 COACHING UPDATE Equestrian Victoria is still awaiting formal government advice re travel and care for horses under COVID-19 Stage 3 and Stage 4 Restrictions. ...We will update our community as soon as that advice is formalised. In the meantime, please be aware of the following for COACHES. COACHING STAGE 4: From 11:59 PM on Wednesday 5 August, coaches and trainers resident in Stage 4 must work from home and use online and video conferencing facilities to deliver their coaching and training. The exception to this rule is if the coach/trainer is providing services to a rider/s already within their household. STAGE 3: Coaches may continue to coach outdoors and those receiving instruction can only do so with one other person or household member, and only under the following conditions: * Coaching may take place at private and/or agistment facilities or at Outdoor Facilities if there are no safe areas at the private facility and those Outdoor Facilities meet the following conditions: - public gathering and physical distancing limits (1.5 metres and only with one other person or household members) can be adhered to - there is no use of shared equipment or communal facilities. - For outdoor facilities that meet the requirements above and where access is controlled by a club, a booking system is required to be in place to ensure that all restrictions are met. * You can go horse-riding with members of your household or one other person, plus an instructor if required. You should not travel further than you need to, and you should horse ride at the closest available location to your home. * Those receiving instruction should NOT travel outside their local area nor travel distances for coaching. The movement of persons should be kept local. The floating of horses to coaching facilities outside your local area for training is considered non-essential travel. * Coaches may not travel into a Stage 4 area to coach. * You must be able to keep 1.5m distance between yourself and others * Strict hygiene practices must be practiced * Any shared essential equipment such as gates, jump wings, dressage arenas etc should be sanitised before and after use. Sharing of equipment such as helmets gloves and whips is not permitted. #staysafe #equestrianvictoria #lovethehorse
12.01.2022 Today at Unicorn Park
11.01.2022 My Horses favorite Special
10.01.2022 We can finally Open
09.01.2022 Caring for horses during Alert Level 4? Here's some essential info you need to know ***Travelling to feed horses*** Travel to care for your animals, includin...g horses, is allowed. This includes providing your animals with food, water and anything else to meet your animal welfare responsibilities. If your horse can be cared for by the owner of the stables or grazing facility where your horse is based, then you should stay at home. Their welfare is not at risk, and limiting people movement is the priority. If you must leave your house to attend to your horse, take the necessary health measures, and comply with any region-specific travel measures. Only travel in your private vehicle, with other members of your self-isolation group (or ‘social bubble’). Comply with any region-specific travel measures. Only use your own grooming kit, tack and other equipment to reduce the risk of spreading the virus. Avoid sharing equipment with people outside of your self-isolation group. For horses grazed at a facility where feed or equipment may be stored centrally, take care to use good hygiene practices around door handles and other points which many owners may touch. See www.covid19.govt.nz for information on self-isolation and hygiene practices ***Horse riding*** If you're caring for your horse directly, only ride your horse within the boundaries of the property where it’s kept. Don't transport your horse by float to ride somewhere else. If you do chose to ride, take necessary precautions to ensure your health and safety. Keep it local, keep it low-risk. If your horse is based at a grazing facility or stables and the owner of the facility is happy to continue caring for your horse while we are at Alert Level 4, stay at home. ***Registering as an essential business*** If closing your business would jeopardise the health and welfare of the horses, you are considered an essential business. You may need to register with us by 5pm on Friday 27 March. Check the criteria and register here >> https://bit.ly/3do8ps3 We require assurances from industries and businesses that processes protect workers and the public by reducing the potential spread of COVID-19. These assurances are a matter of public health. The transmission risk rises with the number of staff onsite. More info on primary industry essential services >> https://bit.ly/3do8ps3 Stay safe And make sure you follow Unite Against Covid-19 for the latest info.
09.01.2022 **The following post shows images of an equine stomach post mortem. ** STOMACH SIZE I get asked all the time about feed and all manner of horse care topics. Alo...ng with all of the usual discussions about type of feed for particular horses, weights of feed etc... there is the topic of HOW MUCH to feed. How many dippers of chaff, how full should the 20litre bucket be, 1 feed per day or two??? Through the amazing process of dissections we have been involved in, we always look at the stomach. Sometimes finding ulcers or bots and varying degrees of health of the stomach lining. One thing I’ve noticed is that the larger horses of mixed breed (say between 14-17hh) is that the stomach size doesn’t vary all that much. Horses are grazing animals, we know this. Horses do well on smaller feeds more often, we also know this. A lot of people struggle to truly grasp this until they see it or it is explained thoroughly enough for them to fully understand from an anatomy perspective. Here I will show you a stomach (approx 15.2hh tb mare) she had had a normal breakfast but also a big special bucket of carrots and apples right before being laid to rest (not her daily feed, just a one off treat bucket) and then the contents of that stomach in relation to a very average sized 15 litre tub. I will also show you the absolute MAXIMUM sized feed I would ever feed a horse of that size. There are plenty of great articles around that talk about overflow of undigested feed into the hindgut and the subsequent problems, feed sizes and ulcers, gut health in all forms but I’m not here to talk about that. I am simply sharing in order to give the average horse owner a deeper understanding of the relative lack of size of the average sized horses stomach ** This post is not about what to feed or even how often. That will be very specific to each horse, it’s environment and situation. Please seek advice from your trusted equine veterinarian or independent nutritionist. ** Dissection with thanks and in conjunction with Southern Holistic Equine & Ev’s Equine Services
08.01.2022 *** UPDATE: CONFIRMED 19 & 20 December!! Unicorn Park- cost $145 per day in hand or ridden private or $110 per day each for shared. $50 per day fence sitters - ...max 15 spots with covid restrictions unless they change! 8 lessons each day. Preference to people coming both days (unless existing clients). Fence sitters- covid limitations mean we can have 20 in the building at a time (including 1-2 riders!) which puts us at a limit of 15 unless it changes before then! We have 50+ on the list so not sure how to work this out yet! Please PM to apply for participant places. Will try to work out pairs for those wanting shared lessons. **************************************************************** Manolo Mendez Training For Wellness one day clinic in Ballarat. In hand, ridden and Manolo's original method of lunging. Format of individual and pair lessons, maybe a demonstration and fence sitters. Prices and date to TBC. Please reply here or PM me if interested in participating or watching. https://www.facebook.com/ManoloMendezDressage/ See more
07.01.2022 FULL NOW Justine Greer will recommence teaching at Unicorn Park (near Ballarat) on Wednesday the 11th of November. We currently have 2 lessens available for her fortnightly clinics. Lessens are $100 plus arena hire. Pm me for any details or to book in.
05.01.2022 WEDNESDAY 5 AUGUST 2020 STAGE 3 REGIONAL VICTORIA & STAGE 4 METROPOLITAN MELBOURNE Equestrian Victoria is still awaiting formal government advice re travel ...and care for horses under COVID-19 Stage 3 and Stage 4 Restrictions. In the event you are stopped whilst travelling to care for your horse(s) please advise the relevant authorities that: Equestrian Victoria advises that you have a positive obligation under the Section 9 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 to ensure your animals are fed, watered, exercised and sheltered". We also recommend you carry both your horse registration papers and any documentation related to agistment with you when travelling. We will provide an update as soon as we have formal advice from the Victorian Government. You can download this statement for printing and to carry with you here: https://www.vic.equestrian.org.au//Holding_Statement_S3_S4 Thank you for your patience. Matthew Brown Chief Executive Officer - Equestrian Victoria
05.01.2022 Our lovely home bred beauty, Dansara is on the market. Please share with anyone you know who is looking for a very special mare | https://www.horsedeals.com.au/listin/athletic-well-mannered
03.01.2022 Who wants to learn whip cracking?
02.01.2022 COVID UPDATE 17 SEPTEMBER 2020 Easing of restrictions in Regional Victoria from 11.59pm Wednesday 16th September 2020 In accordance with the DHHS Restricted Act...ivity Directions (Non-Melbourne) (No 5) we are pleased to advise an easing of restrictions which will allow members to broaden their equestrian activities. Members residing in regional Victoria may ride off property, have riding lessons and attend Club rallies and activities subject to the following conditions. (Note: a separate detailed advice, including information regarding equestrian competitions, will be released asap). Directions for equestrian activities in regional Victoria. You may: Ride off property with members of your household or in groups of up to 10 plus and instructor if required. Ride outdoors at agistment properties or equestrian centres subject to owner/manager requirements. Participate in outdoor training/coaching activities with members of your household or in groups of up to 10 riders plus the instructor. Travel unlimited distances within Regional Victoria. These allowances are for outdoor areas only indoor arenas must remain closed. Social distancing (1.5m) and good hygiene MUST be maintained Club / Group Activities Club rallies and group activities may resume under the following conditions: No more than one group of a maximum of 10 riders may be at the venue at any one time (plus the coaches and minimum number of helpers required to run the activity). The only exception to this rule is where there is sufficient space to allow more than one group of 10 separated by a distance of 100m minimum. Groups must not intermingle whilst at the venue and facilities may not be shared. 1 parent/helper per child rider only. Facilities, with the exception of toilets, must remain closed. Toilets and common surfaces must be cleaned regularly. The COVIDsafe app should be downloaded and active. Name, mobile phone and time at the venue must be recorded for every person present. Clubs must have in place a management plan (Rally Plan) addressing Covid 19 risks. Persons displaying any sign of sickness must not attend. Equipment to be cleaned between use. No sharing of equipment. Clubs which allow member use of locked grounds for training must put in place a booking system to limit numbers at the grounds at any one time. Rules in line with the requirements for rallies and group training must be applied. Face masks If you are doing exercise or a physical activity where you are out of breath or puffing, such as cycling or running, you do not need to wear a face covering. You must carry a face covering with you and wear it before and after you exercise. If you are doing exercise or a physical activity where you are not out of breath or puffing, then you must wear a face covering unless you have a lawful reason not to. The approach to activities/training remains ‘get in, train, get out’, minimising unnecessary contact in stables, toilet facilities, and any communal areas. BE SAFE, CAUTIOUS & APPROPRIATE. Matthew Brown CEO, Equestrian Victoria
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