Uplifting Performance Training | Personal coach
Uplifting Performance Training
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25.01.2022 My little girls #justchillin yesterday in the sunshine....#isolife?! How has your isolife experience been so far? Some people have had more time, more time to spend with family, more flexibility in their day. Others have had more chaos, more stress, more doubt and uncertainty over their future.... Whether your experience so far has been more like that of my girls...just chillin ! Or at the other end of the spectrum ...or maybe somewhere in between..then there are two things to notice.... 1. What have you learnt or are you learning about what you do and do not want more of moving forward in your life? 2. What can you do to make your experience right now better? We arent through this yet, there is more isotime to come and only you have control over your own experience of this. If you would like some guidance, inspiration and motivation surrounding any and all of the above then jump on my free series of 4 live online sessions called Thriving Through COVID-19. We kick off these sessions on Saturday May 2nd at 2pm, hope to see you there! Click the link below to register and get the login details for the sessions sent straight to your inbox! https://forms.aweber.com/form/26/1343544626.htm
25.01.2022 When was the last time you allowed yourself to enjoy a simple pleasure.... to the exclusion of all else? Were calling this, Lessons From Our 3yo Twins. Last weekend we were enjoying some family time at a local cafe and were reminded of how some of the simplest things can give us immense joy, when we just allow ourselves to enjoy it! Check out the latest podcast episode, inspired by the occasion on iTunes at https://podcasts.apple.com//the-uplifting-pod/id1487526427 or search for The Uplifting Podcast where ever you get your podcasts!
24.01.2022 Last minute impromptu video from me this morning...with helpers!! Through every crisis there is a opportunity to learn and to grow, to realign to our purpose and question our values. What are you taking from this? ... I know for many there is also a sense a grief, for opportunities lost, for plans not fulfilled for goals not able to be met. Working through both sides of this experience gives us the opportunity to thrive from this. If you would like some support and inspiration to navigate through this, jump on my free series of live online sessions called Thriving Through COVID-19 that start tomorrow, Saturday 2nd May at 2pm. Heres the link to register for these sessions....see you there! https://forms.aweber.com/form/26/1343544626.htm
23.01.2022 They say that what doesn't break us makes us stronger...or perhaps you prefer to think of it as behind every struggle there is a silver lining...whatever way you like to think of it then I think there is no better time to apply these attitudes than RIGHT NOW! What we are all experiencing as a collective global community is without a doubt uncomfortable but what if you were to use this time, right now, as a opportunity to grow, to realign with what is important to you, to gain... resilience and learn the skill of adaptability? What could this experience mean for you (and your loved ones) then? If you would like to THRIVE through this time, I will be hosting a 4 week Sessions With Sharon Series called Thriving Through COVID-19. There will be 1 live session per week where I will be walking you through some essential content that will mean that you can come out the other side of this experience stronger, healthier, happier and able to create greater connection with those you love through these times. To sign up for these free sessions simply sign up through the link below: https://forms.aweber.com/form/26/1343544626.htm See you online!
22.01.2022 Exciting news!!! Weve relaunched our podcast! Search for The Uplifting Podcast wherever you enjoy your podcasts from or go to Anchor FM https://anchor.fm/mark-smith883 Let us know what you think and topics youd like to hear more about in the comments
22.01.2022 For those of you feeling a heap of uncertainty at the moment, anxiety, worry, a feeling of instability, lost....I feel for you. Our experience at the moment is unprecedented but their is one thing that remains constant...your experience of yourself. You live with yourself everyday, and that has not changed. For this reason how you feel on a day to day basis matters. If you are feeling anxious and lost it is valuable to know how to improve this and take yourself to a happier ...place. The questions we ask ourselves determine the quality of the results we get. I share in my video my own experience of shifting my state in this time. I hope that you can draw some inspiration and benefit from this. If you would like to sign up to my free series of 4 live sessions (which I reference in my video) called Thriving Through COVID-19 then follow the link below and you will receive the log in details to be a part of these sessions. https://forms.aweber.com/form/26/1343544626.htm
21.01.2022 These super stars have been training with me for the past 6 months or so and this weekend I travel with 3 of them to the National Curling Championships. Couldnt be more proud of them, they have dedicated a lot of time, effort and purpose towards being the best they can be and reaching their goals for this Championship and beyond. Congratulations team, see you in Naseby!!
20.01.2022 I was craving something warm and cosy to drink today...but I’d already had my daily coffee and I wasn’t on the mood for tea...I was looking for something more ‘satisfying’ . My dilemma however was that I wanted something like a hot chocolate (I would have settled for a latte of any sort) but I didn’t want the sugar usually associated with some of these drinks...so I experimented. I put a heaped teaspoon of Organic Cacao powder in a cup with unsweetened Coconut Milk, then a... dash of peppermint essence and a dash of vanilla essence and it was goooodddd. The peppermint and vanilla took the bitterness of the cacao and lessened the need for sugar. I will also say that I don’t have a big sweet tooth so I didn’t miss the lack of sugar...but it could just be me! Anyway, thought I’d share for those of you looking for a something delicious and warm.
20.01.2022 Are struggling with motivation to exercise and eat well consistently right now? Our normal means of exercise have for many been removed. Some of our sources of fun and excitement have been put on hold and for some this is leading to poorer nutrition in the form of comfort eating.... What to do? Jump on my free Thriving Through COVID-19 series where Ill talk you through how you can overcome these and other challenges you may be facing right now. Go ahead...heres the link... https://forms.aweber.com/form/26/1343544626.htm
19.01.2022 We've been talking with A LOT of people about how they are experiencing various levels of #socialdistancing and #lockdown, and there is 1 model that we have found particularly useful in understanding what a person's challenge is right now and how this may evolve. Its also easy to just assume we are all in the same situation. Think of this more as 'we are all under the same restrictions or rules', but each of us will experience things differently. Check out our blog for abou...t the 6 Core Needs and how this helps us understand our habits and behaviours in lockdown! http://upliftingpt.com/foreseeing-and-overcoming-challenge/ (Youtube playlist included) See more
18.01.2022 EXCITING NEWS!! 2020 Dates have been confirmed and announced for The VitalityFit Retreat!! And....[drum roll]........ We have added our Couples Retreat to the timetable!! So if you and or your partner would like to... improve your physical exercise improve your nutrition have better energy levels lose the negative self talk have time away from demands to recharge relax and reconnect Then check out our VitalityFit Retreat! Go to the website for more info and to register your details to get more info... Womens VitalityFit Retreat www.retreats.upliftingpt.com Couples VitalityFit Retreat www.retreats.upliftingpt.com/couples Be quick! Places are limited!! The Travelling Teapot A Touch of Glass Massage @balancewithbowen
18.01.2022 Our latest podcast episode is live (and now on Apple/iTunes Podcasts) Were setting a challenge.... What is your ridiculous fitness goal/challenge in 2020? This could be the catalyst for your best year yet... in all areas of your life! Check out the episode where Mark explores this a little more!... https://podcasts.apple.com//the-uplifting-po/id1487526427
18.01.2022 Are you working from home? Check out our latest blog for habits and rituals to supercharge your day to support your mental health and increase your productivity! http://upliftingpt.com/habits-to-make-work-from-home-produ/
16.01.2022 Who is your Inner Athlete? What do they believe? What are they driven by? How do they show up in your day to day life to make each day better than the last? Are you ready to meet them?
16.01.2022 Mindset is so key when it comes to creating champions. The ability to rise above challenges or set backs is a crucial element of the champion athlete mindset. When something doesnt go as planned, how do you take it? Failure or feedback Team Armstrong
15.01.2022 I've been speaking to so many women recently who are either stressed, exhausted or lost. Stressed by the pressures and responsibilities they face, exhausted by ...the inability to stop and lost because they aren't even sure who they are anymore. This makes me sad. To know that so many women live with an experience of life that isn't fulfilling, enjoyable or inspiring. I have recently been reminded that life is short and it is so so precious. Each day is worthwhile. The truth is that the way we experience our life is actually very much in our own hands. It can seem so very often that the twists and turns that life takes us on are out of our control, but what IS within your control is how you perceive them and that has the greatest impact on how your life plays out. When you're feeling stressed you can choose to take control and find your certainty. When you're feeling exhausted you can choose to rest and recover. When you're feeling lost you can choose to find yourself and explore what is important to you. THE QUESTION IS WILL YOU? Will you give yourself permission to seek those better outcomes? It sounds crazy but often we are drawn to the feelings of being stressed, exhausted or lost because it is familiar and therefore it feels safer than the alternative which is unknown. The challenge is that there is no letting up from feeling stressed, exhausted or lost until you choose to do something about it. So you can either choose to stay the same and comfortable but have more of the negatives experiences OR you can choose to do something about, embrace a little uncertainty as you embark upon your journey but ultimately land in a place with greater confidence, calm, happiness, energy, health, love and certainty within yourself. So what are you going to choose to do today? If you're looking for a experience that will guide you on this journey contact me below through the 'Message Now' button and enquire about my 3 day womens only retreat experience, The VitalityFit Retreat. Do it now, the more you hesitate the less time you're spending feeling great now. And go...
15.01.2022 "When you want success as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful" If you're in need of a little inspiration this week, here is a video I periodically return to and get goose bumps every time! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsSC2vx7zFQ
15.01.2022 With the gorgeous @didarmody at @abcradio for a little interview about mindset coaching. Thank you Di, it was great chatting to you! #mindsetcoaching #beyourbest #projectinnerathlete #perth #perthlife #fitnessmotivation #fitness #athlete #athletemindset
15.01.2022 Ive decided to give Vegan a go! Check out the video where I share why Ive decided to do this and what Ive noticed after 2 weeks of Animal Free eating!
14.01.2022 Is your business being affected by the Coronavirus Crisis? Had the chance to sit down with my friend Greg from Coronavirus Business Help to share some insights on the community psychology of what is going on right now, what were likely to see in the coming weeks and what people and business leaders can do to survive and thrive through this.
13.01.2022 When travelling its always important to continue to do the things that are important to you... like exercise!!! #noexcuses #performancecoach #newzealand
12.01.2022 Sign up to our free online series of sessions called Thriving Through COVID-19 through the 'Sign Up' button below. We would love to see you there!
12.01.2022 Exciting things are happening behind the scenes at Uplifting Performance Training - first and foremost, you'll notice a name change on the page, from Project Inner Athlete to Uplifting Performance Training. This is to reflect more accurately what we cover as a business.
11.01.2022 Still looking for that perfect gift? If you have someone special in your life who you would really love to spoil and who you know would love a gift that is al...l about having some time out to relax and recharge, while also nourishing their mind and body in a luxurious beach side environment then check out The VitalityFit Retreat. We have specialty retreats just for women and for couples who want to indulgence in some pure recharge time. Check out the retreat at: For Women - www.retreats.upliftingpt.com For Couples - www.retreats.upliftingpt.com/couples The Travelling Teapot Balance with Bowen A Touch of Glass Massage
11.01.2022 Did someone say holiday? Check out our post on our VitalityFit Retreat page and let us know your thoughts about local holidays....
10.01.2022 Were just 5 weeks away from our first couples retreat!
09.01.2022 Another reason why creating a health and fitness is important....Happy Wellness Wednesday!
08.01.2022 JUST 3 PLACES LEFT Morning coffee...on a balcony...overlooking the ocean...on retreat...time to take care of yourself...feeling good...finding focus...g...aining motivation...heal your body...find yourself...be your best....a collection of words to describe The VitalityFit Retreat experience. This is a health and fitness retreat for women who have had enough of the struggle, who want to feel good about themselves and who know that now is the time to take action. Are you one of them? Do you want to join us on retreat? Email now. [email protected]
07.01.2022 Hands up if you need coffee to get you going in the morning? Is it the first thing you think to do in the morning or at least the first thing you look forward to? And do you struggle to gain the energy you want for your morning or your day?? ... This absolutely used to be my experience...I had to have a coffee to wake up and resemble any level of functioning first thing in the morning. It used to be something I would take into consideration when travelling...where will I get my coffee from and conversations pre-coffee lets just say werent too deep and meaningful Now however I dont have coffee until about midday and as a result I have MORE energy not only in the morning but for the rest of my day too It all has to do with our bodys natural cortisol rhythm and how disruptive can be on that rhythm if consumed when we ar meant to have a natural cortisol peak at roughly 8am. Because coffee is a stimulant it interrupts our bodies natural release of cortisol (because the body believe it has enough stimulant flowing through it from the caffeine) and as a result releases even less cortisol resulting in less naturally occurring energy and greater reliance on coffee. If youre keen to give this a shot, break the dependence on coffee and gain more energy naturally I recommend stopping coffee completely for 2 weeks (the first three days may not be pleasant but after that you start to feel a world better) and then you can reintroduce coffee, delaying your first coffee until at least 10am, ideally midday, so as not interfere with your evening sleep but to also give your body a chance to self regulate your energy with its cortisol release. Youre welcome! #wellnesswednesday
06.01.2022 My mentor has set me a Challenge... Publish something EVERY DAY for 365 days So heres episode #.1! Enjoy!
06.01.2022 I was craving something warm and cosy to drink today...but Id already had my daily coffee and I wasnt on the mood for tea...I was looking for something more satisfying . My dilemma however was that I wanted something like a hot chocolate (I would have settled for a latte of any sort) but I didnt want the sugar usually associated with some of these drinks...so I experimented. I put a heaped teaspoon of Organic Cacao powder in a cup with unsweetened Coconut Milk, then a... dash of peppermint essence and a dash of vanilla essence and it was goooodddd. The peppermint and vanilla took the bitterness of the cacao and lessened the need for sugar. I will also say that I dont have a big sweet tooth so I didnt miss the lack of sugar...but it could just be me! Anyway, thought Id share for those of you looking for a something delicious and warm.
06.01.2022 For all the men and women out their wanting share a health and wellbeing experience together and support the person you love the most with their health and wellbeing journey for personal peak performance.
06.01.2022 The individuals that I get to spend time with, work with and part-take in their journey with INSPIRE ME every single day. These individuals show vulnerability, determination, respect and above all LOVE for themselves and others. Some of my inspiration this week has come directly from these two pictures that were sent to me from past and current clients. . One image with a gold ribbon attached to the top right corner of a positive phrase board as a memento and reminder of a... retreat experience. The other with her new personal mantra, created through a coaching session. Behind each of these images is a message of change is always possible and a different result is always available to us. I am so grateful for what I get to do. If you or someone you know is struggling mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually right now, take a look at the free series of 4 live online sessions Im hosting over the next 4 weeks called Thriving Through COVID-19. The first one takes place on Saturday 25th April. If you want to be a part of this group (we already have a host of AMAZING individuals registered!) then all you need to do is click the link below to register. Thank you again to the amazing individuals that shared these images with me this week, you brightened my day seeing them! xx To register: https://forms.aweber.com/form/26/1343544626.htm
05.01.2022 Good morning! What doesn't break us only makes us stronger. Through our experience of COVID-19 there is the opportunity to come out stronger and to do this we must lean into the discomfort and create a attitude that will create the results we want. Sharing in my video an offer to join me for a free series of online sessions with me called Thriving Through COVID-19 as a way of sharing some of my skills with you all to help us come out of this experience stronger...."What doesn...'t break us only makes us stronger right!" Click on the link below to register and gain access to the login details for the Zoom Room which I'll be using to host these sessions! https://forms.aweber.com/form/26/1343544626.htm
05.01.2022 How are you feeling about the relaxed guidelines announced Sunday for WA? Small changes, never-the-less progress right?! Ive heard mixed thoughts and feelings...while we are all looking forward to our sense of freedom again, for some, the benefits of slowing down, having more quality family time and to some extent greater control over your routine has been enjoyable and what some would say a silver lining. For some people they have expressed their thoughts about not being ...ready yet to come out of isolation! I think if we can really get clear on what lessons we have learnt during this time so far, and make decisions about what we would like to keep moving forward then we can feel more ready, better prepared, more empowered to move on through our COVID-19 experience. If you would like a opportunity to do that then you will love my series of 4 live online sessions called Thriving Through COVID-19. They a free and Im running them as a way of offering support and personal growth during this time. If you would like to be part of them, simply click the link below and fill in your email to receive the link to the online room. See you there! Sharon https://forms.aweber.com/form/26/1343544626.htm
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