Upper Snowy Landcare Network | Community organisation
Upper Snowy Landcare Network
Phone: 0411 402 978
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25.01.2022 Check out this great little organisation planting trees in the Jindabyne area and so much more. https://www.facebook.com/keepitcoolaus/
25.01.2022 Thank you to the wonderful locals who attended the first USLN event at the Gegedzerick Travelling Stock Reserve today. The litter lift was a great success.
25.01.2022 The rain has made a world of difference to our challenged landscape. To celebrate this, we have a lot on to bring you out into the lush greenness of the place. Please consider joining us for our litter clean up at Gegedzerick Travelling Stock Reserve (around the iconic Cemetery) on Saturday, 17th of October. Otherwise we have four tree guard assembly days around the corner with the dates being 26 & 27 October and 4 & 5 November 2020. ... Plus Friends of Grasslands (FOG) are doing a sweep of the Monaro high conservation Travelling Stock Reserves mid November. Including visits to Gegedzerick, Maffra Lake, Top Hut, Iron Pot TSRs plus more. All are welcome to join the tour. See all details in https://mailchi.mp/0e1923bf3713/tours-and-tree-guards plus a media article on recent seeding projects.
25.01.2022 https://mailchi.mp//upcoming-webinar-and-field-trip-farm-r
24.01.2022 https://fb.me/e/4S7JMDO8x
24.01.2022 Have your say on management of Crown Lands. Upper Snowy Landcare Network may put something in so you could feed your views to us or just send them direct. (Usually it carries more weight to have separate submissions). Your submissions don't need to be large and comprehensive: they just need to get a message across. https://www.industry.nsw.gov.au//draft-state-strategic-pla
23.01.2022 Membership Dear followers I am writing to ask whether you would consider formally joining Upper Snowy Landcare Network by paying a membership fee ($20 for 1 year, $50 for 3 years). We need to have a minimum of 50 paid-up members in order to stay on the Register of Environmental Organisations (which helps us, indirectly, obtain funding: I'm happy to explain why to anyone interested). If you are enjoying our newsletters and activities, please consider joining properly. You c...an do so easily by heading to our website and filling in the online form there. https://www.uppersnowylandcare.org.au//www.upp/membership/ If you are unsure whether you have already paid for this year, please write to [email protected]. Thank you. Margaret Mackinnon Chair, Upper Snowy Landcare Network
23.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/EleGelly/posts/2695154547413259
22.01.2022 This is a great little organisation to support. They are doing their first big planting this Saturday. https://shoutout.wix.com/so/04NJ-r031
22.01.2022 Great day at the Sustainable Land Expo in Dalgety.
22.01.2022 Don't miss Charlie Massy tonight @ 8 pm.
22.01.2022 Seems like this is the week to be getting up to speed on carbon farming....... Here is a post from Carbon Farmers of Australia who held the first of three webinars on carbon farming this morning. I sat in on it and it was extremely useful. Sign up on EventBrite for the next ones. See link below https://mailchi.mp//postman-pat-would-say-its-a-red-letter
22.01.2022 This is the next webinar from Carbon Farmers of Australia. This one deals with tree planting. Jump on. (Register first). https://mailchi.mp//carbon-farming-webinar-2-tree-planting
22.01.2022 Landcare NSW CEO Adrian Zammit chatted recently with #SavingOurSpecies about what he believes are the essential elements for conservation initiatives and what Landcare's future with Saving our Species looks like. Read more: https://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/news/landcare-partnership
21.01.2022 FULL EP | How Charlie Massy turned his ravaged property into an oasis and how other farmers can do it too. Watch live with us.
21.01.2022 Face of Landcare Series - Meet Linda Cavanagh the Regional Landcare Coordinator for the South East Landcare region. "As Landcare is a community based organisati...on, we have a special privilege, we have the flexibility to be that conduit between all the different groups in the community." "The value in Landcare is that it’s about going to the landholders and asking them what they are interested in doing, not the other way around which is so important. As a farmer myself I have always been involved with Landcare but the role of RLC means I get to bring some of the feedback and experience of what is happening with the local groups to the regional and state network and that’s a great opportunity." Read more about Linda here https://landcare.nsw.gov.au/people/linda-cavanagh/ #LandcareNSW #nswlandcare #nswlandcareprogram #facesoflandcare #lls #nswlls #landcareispeople #landcareiscommunity #southeastlandcare #regionallandcarecoordinator supporting Boorowa Community Landcare Group Landcare Illawarra Shoalhaven Landcare Upper Shoalhaven Landcare Yass Area Network of Landcare Groups - YAN Gunning District Landcare Bega River and Wetlands Landcare Group - BRAWL Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc Upper Murrumbidgee Landcare Upper Snowy Landcare Network Milton Rural Landcare Inc Bemboka Landcare Group Bredbo Landcare Group and many, many more This initiative is made possible by the NSW Landcare Program. A collaboration between Local Land Services NSW and Landcare NSW supported by the NSW Government. You can read more about this partnership here https://landcare.nsw.gov.au/landcare-program/
20.01.2022 Thanks and a BIG WELCOME to those who have just officially joined Upper Snowy Landcare Network via our easy-to-use membership and payment form. https://www.uppersnowylandcare.org.au/membership/
19.01.2022 Reminder for Upper Snowy Landcare Network AGM on Aug 28th at 2.30 p.m. We are still looking for a new Treasurer. Please register your attendance (COVID restrictions).... The AGM will be preceded by our quarterly Ordinary General Meeting at 1.00 p.m. All welcome. Margaret Mackinnon Chair, Upper Snowy Landcare Network P.S. We have recently reached several important milestones in the life of Upper Snowy Landcare Network and are on the rise. Please consider getting involved and helping out.
19.01.2022 Thanks to all who helped last week at the Coolringdon planting sponsored by CHEP. Huge amount of work by many in sometimes challenging conditions. Final 1000 going in as we speak followed by a good watering in. Much to look forward to.
19.01.2022 Last chance to help (this season)! Tomorrow we will be doing our last planting of this season. Please feel welcome to come and help make tree guards at Cootralantra, near Berridale, tomorrow morning (Friday 20th) under the shade of our large marquee. It's fun. Details below. Where: Cootralantra Travelling Stock Reserve near Berridale. Travel north on Kosciuszko Road from Berridale village for 4 km. Turn left into the Cootralantra Road (dirt) at the Cooba Motel sign. The... site is on the left about 800 metres along the road, over the grid and before the Cooba Motel driveway. Date & Time: Friday, 20th November @ 8.30 am Bring: Your chair, hat, water bottle and sense of fun. Refreshments will be supplied although you may wish to bring something interesting to share. Please text Lauren on 0411 402 978 if you would like to be part of this final session.
19.01.2022 CALENDARS For those who live near Berridale and haven't yet got our children's artwork calendar, you can pick one up at Berridale Council offices. Ask the receptionist at the front desk.
18.01.2022 Upper Snowy Landcare Network OGM & AGM FRIDAY, 28 AUGUST 2020 @ THE ALPINE HOTEL, COOMA - with OGM at 1 pm and AGM at 2.30 pm... Dear members and friends We are pleased to invite local people to our Upper Snowy Landcare Network Ordinary General Meeting @ 1.00 pm and Annual General Meeting at 2.30 pm on Friday 28th August at the Alpine Hotel in Cooma. Please consider coming along to either or both meetings as we discuss many valuable projects currently being rolled out by Upper Snowy Landcare. Due to COVID, we need to manage numbers. Please RSVP as soon as possible so we can organise table arrangements. We will enjoy purchasing you a coffee, tea, wine, beer along with some nibbles to snack on. Please email your RSVP now to [email protected] When you RSVP we will send you all the requisite documents by email including agenda, minutes, reports etc or we will have copies available upon your arrival. Looking forward to seeing you. Kindest regards Lauren Van Dyke Upper Snowy Landcare Network Ph 0411 402 978
17.01.2022 Shared on Kristy McBain's Facebook page. If you didn't book in time to get a slot in this event, keep an eye out for the other 11 workshops we will be holding over the next 18 months.
17.01.2022 Here's another great series of webinars from National Landcare plus an excellent newsletter with news and grant opportunitiess. Next week's webinar is on Landcare volunteers. Enjoy. https://mailchi.mp/landcareaustralia/landlinksept2020
17.01.2022 Disappointngly, the post-COVID stimulus package around a land restoration industry promoted by Landcare NSW and 70 other land management groups did not get a look-in the budget. But this does not mean the idea is off the table as the Government may make additional funding allocations during the year. It’s still worth talking to Members of Parliament to keep this idea alive. Get in touch if you want some resource materials to help you do that. https://landcarensw.org.au/land-and-environment-jobs-would/
16.01.2022 They are more than just firewood...rod
16.01.2022 Three new online courses available for Australian farmers, fishers and foresters Ethical Fields and the Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutual (BCCM) is hosting a series of courses for Australian farmers, fishers and foresters, focusing on some of the key challenges and opportunities in the agricultural space. The program will be facilitated by experts in the agricultural and co-operative sectors.... As part of the Co-operative Farming project, BCCM is providing access to educational bursaries to cover 90% of the cost of this series for farmers, fishers and foresters who are interested in co-operatives, or currently engaged within a co-operative. If you are eligible for a bursary, this reduces the cost to you from $550 to $55 (GST inclusive). Learn more about the bursary program: https://coopfarming.coop/learn/educational-bursaries/
16.01.2022 Landholders. Spring is here. Time to get an early start on those weeds. http://www.snowymonaro.nsw.gov.au/civicalerts.aspx?AID=853
16.01.2022 Another beautiful image capturing the ever-changing face of the Monaro. The small trees in the foreground are some of the ones that Upper Snowy Landcare Network planted in 2017 to start replacing those lost to dieback (faintly visible in the background top right).
15.01.2022 We were so thrilled to host our first public Cultural Burning Workshop with Den Barber and members of Koori Country Firesticks Aboriginal Corporation on the wee...kend. It was a wonderful two days of learning and knowledge sharing between Cultural Fire practitioners and workshop participants. Attendees came from Sydney, Canberra, Woollongong and the South Coast, the Snowy Monaro region and many places in between. They were an enthusiastic group who included farmers and landholders, members of Landcare and RFS, scientists and academics, educators, landscapers and others, including a few children. A huge thank you to all of you, and especially Den Barber, who led the workshop with such energy, good humour and generosity of spirit. We're so looking forward to our next workshop on the 29-30 August. Koori Country Firesticks Aboriginal Corporation Yarrabin Cultural Connections See more
15.01.2022 Don't forget about the Berridale War Memorial Park event this afternoon. Starts at 2. Landcare will be there and handing out free trees. Program found here: https://www.uppersnowylandcare.org.au//commemoration-memo/
15.01.2022 Tree Guards assembly is on again... Tuesday, 10 November 2020. Meet at Whisk and Cocoa Cafe, Berridale between 8.15 and 8.30 am. Let me know if you are keen to join us. Lauren
14.01.2022 Folk of the Snowy Monaro, guess where these baby trees and shrubs are being planted? A work in progress to be celebrated.
14.01.2022 Georgeanna and Lauren made it to Dubbo for the Landcare NSW gathering.
14.01.2022 TREE GUARD MAKING TOMORROW AT DALGETY We are looking forward to seeing many of you tomorrow for tree guard making for our two new tree plots at Dalgety. The lead-up time to prepare these plots for planting is about a year so many thanks to Lauren, our Coordinator, for all the hard work so far. Please consider coming to support us if you can. (You will need to let Lauren know - [email protected]). There will be two more plots going in near Berridale two w...eeks later and we hope you can join us then too. After years of dry, it's finally ideal spring conditions to be planting trees. We are really looking forward to the outcomes.
13.01.2022 Seedlings loving this weather. More going in as we speak @ COOLRINGDON, Cooma. Looking for help on Friday morning 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Please email Lauren on [email protected]
12.01.2022 Upper Snowy Landcare Network will be there and will give away a local native seedling. https://fb.me/e/62lMLAhQY
12.01.2022 Litter pick up and tree guard assembly. Lock in some dates.
12.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/events/251623929600279/?acontext=%7B%22ref%22%3A%2252%22%2C%22action_history%22%3A%22[%7B%5C%22surface%5C%22%3A%5C%22share_link%5C%22%2C%5C%22mechanism%5C%22%3A%5C%22share_link%5C%22%2C%5C%22extra_data%5C%22%3A%7B%5C%22invite_link_id%5C%22%3A617756228893971%7D%7D]%22%7D This webinar series is supported by South East Local Land Services but is being delivered in partnership with Ulladulla LALC, Treading Lightly and the National Indigenous Fire Network. They will be hosting a series of events each Wednesday night, commencing tomorrow night 7 pm, covering a range of aspects associated with application of cultural burning in the landscape and have organised a great variety of experienced practitioners to share their knowledge.
12.01.2022 Oh what bliss. It's raining on the Monaro. Carbon suckdownpour (new word) happening as we speak. Below is a photo of one of our 4.5 year-old acacias in the biodiversity plots that were monitored for survival and growth this week. Our older plots are going great guns (at last!). This was the first time we found flowers on a eucalypt (a snow gum). The wattles began flowering last year. The next generation of regen is on its way.
12.01.2022 Another fabulous newsletter from the Mulloon Institute.
10.01.2022 Looking forward to seeing many of you tomorrow and Wed for more folding of cardboard over a good old natter.....See below. This is our time. Margaret, Chair, USLN Tree Guards assembly is on again...... Tuesday, 10 November 2020. Meet at Whisk and Cocoa Cafe, Berridale between 8.15 and 8.30 am. Let me know if you are keen to join us. Lauren See more
09.01.2022 New Treasurer needed Dear Upper Snowy Landcare Supporters On August 28th, we will hold our 2020 Annual General Meeting (details soon in a separate communication). ... At that meeting, our hard-working Treasurer, Rhia Stanger, will step down and we are therefore seeking someone to fill this position. This note is my personal appeal to you all to consider stepping into this role if you have the skills. Over the past year, my first as Chair, we have been very busy consolidating and growing. By the end of 2020, we will have established another 6 biodiversity plots bringing us to a total of 22 since 2016. We have obtained four new grants, finished off two others, and applied for six more. We have overhauled our website, policies and financial procedures. We have advocated, engaged, publicised, socialised and enjoyed. In other words, we are all systems go. All we need now is someone keen to help the small band of people who make all this happen. Please think about contributing your time, energy and goodwill to what we all agree is very important work, namely, protecting and restoring the wonderful natural environment of the Monaro. Margaret Mackinnon Chair, Upper Snowy Landcare Network
09.01.2022 Nature pics from the Monaro, 14 November, 2020, Gegedzerick Travelling Stock Reserve. The Friends of Grasslands TSR field trip kicked off at this reserve, one o...f a handful that the Local Land Services has leased to individuals or groups for a five year conservation lease. This one has gone to Upper Snowy Landcare, who will be conducting experimental works to enhance the vegetation of the Ribbon Gum Woodland on part of the site. See more
08.01.2022 Rain falls on Gegedzerick TSR on the Monaro Some of you may not know that Upper Snowy Landcare Network recently won a $100,000 grant from the Environmental Trust to restore the endangered and dieback-ravaged woodland on Gegedzerick TSR, a heritage-filled hill just outside Berridale. This week the area finally received some good rain (approx. 60cm) after what has been a very long wait. The photos below show the woodland surrounding the historic church (1867) and cemetery (looking south-west) and, turning 180 degrees, the old Soil Conservation (?) contour banks and dam collecting and slowing water as it heads down into the basalt country (grasslands) of the Wullwye Creek basin. In the far distance you can see The Three Brothers near Cooma/Myalla.
07.01.2022 Thanks to Lloyd at the Snowy River Holiday Park for a beautiful venue for our Upper Snowy Landcare Xmas BBQ.
06.01.2022 Join us for our first event of the Sustainable Lands series for a farm tour, holistic management discussion and BBQ lunch with the Davis family. Yalcowinna, 126...3 Shannons Flat Road 10am Saturday 21 November 2020 RSVP by either: Email: [email protected] Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sustainable-lands-project-tick Council in partnership with Upper Snowy Landcare is excited to introduce the Sustainable Lands Project. This project is supported by the Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment through funding from the Australian Governments National Landcare Program. Through a series of 12 free workshops and field days, delivered over two years, the project will help landholders to better understanding and apply sustainable land management principles. Experts on Soil Science, Holistic Farming, Traditional Land Management, Native Plants, Biosecurity, and our local Monaro Champions of Regenerative Agriculture will meet to share knowledge and experience and inspire others in the region to adopt sustainable farming methods.
06.01.2022 Nature notes, 30 September, 2020. Springtime sees renewed activity in our bushlands. So many of our fauna species use tree hollows, both for sheltering in, and ...importantly, for raising their young in the annual battle for population renewal that is peaking right now. Hollows, spouts and crevices in the bark of old trees are an incredibly valuable resource. Hollow-dependent fauna species include mammals, birds, reptiles and invertebrates - they all rely on hollows of varying sizes. Hollows range in size from the tiny cracks in the rough bark of trees that small invertebrates use, through to loose bark, even that which hangs off dead trees. That’s particularly favoured by microbats. Then there are true hollows and spouts of every size, from the tiny ones that pardalotes and tiny arboreal mammals use, to the middle sized ones in the goldilocks zone that are just right for treecreepers, small and medium sized parrots gliders and possums, kingfishers and owlet-nightjars. Finally, there are the ever increasingly larger hollows that cockatoos, kookaburras, owls, larger possums and gliders use for nesting or roosting, and that the large tree-climbing goannas use for hunting for fresh eggs or chicks! Hollows take a long time to develop. In wetter climates, like those that give rise to the tall open forests in SE NSW, research shows that sizeable hollows, i.e., those suitable for the large forest owls, can take up to 150 years to form. I don’t know if research a has been carried out in the much drier environments of western NSW, but I’d venture a guess and say that it would take substantially longer there to form large hollows! For this reason, it is important to retain all hollow-bearing trees, but also ensure that there is an adequate cohort of younger trees to take the places of the old-growth hollow-bearers when they finally topple over. Additionally, it’s critically important to retain dead trees with hollows! These gorgeous River Red Gums lining a swamp in the Narrandera district in SW NSW are veritable apartment blocks for fauna.
06.01.2022 Know someone outside our area interested in Landcare? Check this out in order to get started. https://www.landcarer.com.au/
05.01.2022 Do you live in the South East Landcare network? Listen in tomorrow morning at 6:45 to ABC South East NSW to hear Upper Snowy Landcare Network Local Landcare Coo...rdinator, Lauren Van Dyke, talk about the funding received from Landcare NSW Natural Disaster Seed Fund to help with their work in supporting hollow bearing animals after drought and bushfires. Or read here-> https://aboutregional.com.au/trail-cameras-for-upper-snowy/ #landcarensw #landcare #uppersnowylandcare #bushfirerelief #droughtrelief #notforprofit #charity #manyhandsonevoice See more
05.01.2022 Quarterly meeting of Upper Snowy Landcare Network on Monday 14th at 10.30 a.m. in Berridale We will be holding our quarterly Ordinary General Meeting on Monday 14th Dec. All are welcome but please write in ([email protected]) if you would like to come so we can send you the papers. Agenda as follows:... ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING, 14 Dec 2020 AGENDA Date: 14 Aug 2020 Time: 10.30 PM Venue: Berridale Anglican Church Amenities Centre, Berridale Chair: Margaret Mackinnon Acknowledgment of country Adopt Agenda Apologies Minutes of the Aug 28 2020 meeting Business arising Chair’s report Treasurer’s report Landcare Coordinator’s report Dieback Project Officer’s report Business: 1. Funding suggestion Bushfire Local Economy Recovery Fund 2. Rural Land document information session Any Other Business Next Meeting Meeting Close
04.01.2022 The cemetery is inside the Gegedzerick TSR (Travelling Stock Reserve).
04.01.2022 Upper Snowy Landcare Network XMAS BBQ Picnic When: Thursday, 10 December 2020 Where: Snowy River Holiday Park in heart of Dalgety Time: 1.00 pm - for all members and friends ... We would like to invite all volunteers, members and friends to join us for a quick meeting followed by a BBQ Picnic at the glorious Snowy River Holiday Park in the heart of Dalgety. We are very grateful to Lloyd (the owner) for offering us this opportunity. Please take a look at his fabulous website https://www.snowyriverholidaypark.com.au/ There is also a good chance you will be able to witness a platypus from the viewing station inside the park. Take a look at this story about viewing platypus in Dalgety. https://www.roamingdownunder.com/dalgety USLN will provide BBQ Picnic cuisine so just bring along your favourite beverage. Please RSVP to Lauren Van Dyke on 0411 402 978 or [email protected] so we can get the catering just right
03.01.2022 Another 1000 native trees and shrubs go in thanks to these great folk and CreativeLines planting crew.
02.01.2022 Upper Snowy Landcare Network - Committee Meeting - All Welcome Monday, 17 May 2021 @ 4 p.m. Berridale Tennis Club (Rug up warm!)... We are looking forward to seeing you all at our next meeting at the Berridale Tennis Club. (Rug up warm!) We will repeat the format of previous meetings: bring a plate or something to drink. Please RSVP to Lauren on [email protected]
02.01.2022 Deer app There is new deer recording app out which we encourage you to try out. See below. Upper Snowy Landcare Network is planning to run a workshop on deer control in early 2021 for landholders in the Jindabyne area. Watch this space.... https://landcareaustralia.org.au//new-community-deer-moni/
01.01.2022 We are enormously grateful to the fabulous volunteers who helped us this week with the tree guards. We wouldn't get very far without you all showing up for this job. We thoroughly enjoy the extra benefits we get from these gatherings. Too many to list.
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