Upwey Men’s Shed in Upwey, Victoria, Australia | Community organisation
Upwey Men’s Shed
Locality: Upwey, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 409 102 007
Address: 6 Mahony Street 3158 Upwey, VIC, Australia
Website: http://upweymensshed.org.au
Likes: 114
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25.01.2022 All Upwey Mens Shed Members are encourage to join the Facebook Closed group and Whatsapp to keep in contact with whats happening or just to help in contact for our own mental health. Please stay safe during this emergency.
24.01.2022 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT:- In line with Government directives Regular Activities Mornings are suspended until further notice. The General Members Meeting scheduled for the 31st March 2020 is cancelled and we will not meet until the Government permits gatherings again. ... Notices will be sent out via the usual channels advising when normal activities will recommence. The Easter Raffle and Exercise Bike Raffle. The Exercise Bike raffle will continue as a separate raffle to the Easter Raffle and both raffles will be drawn at the next Grassroots market. Thank you for your understanding, please keep safe and follow the directions the appropriate authorities.
24.01.2022 The Upwey Mens Shed extends its best wishes to all the Dads and people who act as Dads. Have a great day.
24.01.2022 Upwey Mens Shed run a Zoom Meeting every Monday and Wednesday for members see previous post for details. However, if you feel isolated and in need of a one to one chat, please see the attached brochure for details of an appropriate service. Stay safe Stay home.
23.01.2022 On Wednesday 29th April 2020 at 5:40pm a number of Brigades across the State including Upwey Fire Brigade will be sounding their Brigade Station Siren four time...s as a mark of respect to the four Victorian Police Officers who tragically lost their lives in the line of duty last week. There is no reason to be concerned or alarmed should you hear one or more Brigade sirens sounding tomorrow at 5.40pm.
22.01.2022 Update:- Due to Government directions regarding COVID 19 this raffle will be drawn at the next Grassroots Market - we apologise fir any inconvenience. HUGE EASTER RAFFLE. Upwey Mens Shed is conducting a huge Easter Raffle featuring Goods and Gift Vouchers from Local Upwey Businesses. Businesses of Tecoma are also included. Raffle will be drawn at the Grass Roots Market 29th March 2020. Tickets are $2:00 each or 3 for $5:00. Dont miss out. ... See an Upwey Shed member for tickets or pop into our General Activities Mornings at the Upwey Township Hall (opposite the Skate Park) Monday and Wednesday mornings Stop Press:- We have hurried this flyer so more will be added to the list of prizes. See more
22.01.2022 The rules for face masks have changed. You must carry a mask with you at all times. You must wear your mask inside shopping centres, retail and departme...nt stores, supermarkets and other large stores. You must wear your mask when on public transport or in a commercial passenger vehicle. It is strongly recommended that you wear a face mask in other situations when you are unable to stay more than 1.5 metres from other people, such as transport stops, busy walkways, and shops. If you are diagnosed with, or suspected of having COVID-19, or are a close contact of someone else who is, you must wear a face covering if leaving home/accommodation for a permitted reason, such as medical care. More information: https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/face-masks #COVID19Vic
22.01.2022 Upwey Mens shed and Belgrave Mens Shed conducted a joint clean up venture today. Paul Fagan of the Upwey Mens Shed was the person who organised and championed the cause. The shared bike and walking path between Belgrave, through Tecoma, Upwey and Upper Ferntree Gully was combed for rubbish and debris. It was hot work and the men gathered at the Upwey Township hall for a cuppa and cake. We hope that this is the begining of a great relationship with the Belgrave Mens Shed and this event becomes a regular feature on the calendar.
21.01.2022 The Yarra Ranges Council meeting concerning Upwey Mens Shed application to lease 56 Griffith Road has been delayed until 12th May 2020. This will give Council Officers extra time to look into the whole issue and to prepare a report to council.
20.01.2022 Important message from the UMS secretary:- General members meeting. Good Morning UMS members, supporters, and friends of UMS.... Now that the COVID-19 restrictions have eased and Council will be reopening the halls on 22nd June following major cleans, UMS will be resuming meetings at the Upwey Township Hall with a limitation of a maximum of 20 people, based on the 4 m2 per person requirement : Monday and Wednesday morning meetings from 9:00am to 12 noon, starting Monday 22nd June w 2020 The next General members meeting will be held at 7:30pm on Tuesday 23rd June, with the major agenda item being an update on discussions with Council on the Glenfern Depot site for the shed. The morning meetings will be on a first come basis up to a maximum of 20 members. If you intend to come to the General Members meeting next Tuesday, please RSVP me by return of email ([email protected] )before close of business on Monday 22nd June and we will accept the first 20 applications. Please note that requirements of use of the Hall till further notice are: Maximum of twenty people in the Hall at any one time. Hand disinfectant is provided for use on arrival. Clean all flat surfaces (tables, kitchen) with spray disinfectant left on site, when you arrive AND depart. Observe 1.5M social distancing (and follow COVID-19 guidelines on avoiding personal contact through handshakes, etc.) If you wish to use masks, gloves and/or disposable cups, please provide your own, and take with you when leaving. Leave kitchen, toilets and washroom spotless. Wash up any crockery and cutlery with HOT water and detergent, and leave to drip dry. Remove ALL rubbish. Kind regards Roger Bailey UMS Secretary [email protected]
20.01.2022 Some Sheds are doing great work in the community
19.01.2022 The next step to lease land to build a shed and amenities building for the Upwey Mens Shed hinges on the next council meeting. Attached is the link for the meeting agenda. https://www.yarraranges.vic.gov.au//Co/Minutes-and-agendas if you select 26 May 2020 Ordinary Meeting.... Pages 84 to 112 are relevant to the Council officers report on UMS Griffiths Rd/Glenfern Rd sites.
18.01.2022 Who will you be thinking of this Remembrance Day? Donate and plant your poppy online at www.poppyappeal.com.au. #remembertoremember
17.01.2022 Upwey Mens Shed had an entry in the Upwey Billy Cart Races held today. Plenty of people called in to have a chat to find out about the mens shed. Currently we meet Monday and Wednesday mornings 9:00am to Noon at the Upwey Township Hall opposite the skate park. Call in for a cuppa and a chat.
17.01.2022 Some people can be very creative or have had more than one.
17.01.2022 Upwey Mens Shed is now on Instagram.
16.01.2022 Update:- the raffle will be held over until the Grass Roots Market 29th March. Raffle:- Upwey Mens Shed will be holding a raffle for an exercise bike at the Upwey Billy Cart Races on Sunday February 23rd. Tickets available at the Upwey Mens Shed Pavillon. Good luck. Photo of exercise bike for display purpose only. The Exercise bike is brand new still in box.
16.01.2022 Mens Health Week, June 15 - 21 2020, is a good chance to check in on all aspects of your health or the health of a man you are close to. Share what is working ...for you, or share what youd like to improve on in your own life, you might get some good ideas! Remember no man is an island, if you are a local to the hills and are feeling isolated, join the Closed Mountian Mens group and keep an eye out for our activities coming back online following lockdown! See more
15.01.2022 With the relaxing of COVID-19 restrictions. The Upwey Mens Shed will recommence regular Activity Mornings from this coming Monday 22nd June at Upwey Township Hall. The Hall will be restricted to 20 attendees with social distancing and personal hygiene precautions according with COVID-19 rules.
15.01.2022 Upwey Mens Shed provided support manning the registration table and MC duties for the Health Information Night conducted by Dr Zac from Upwey Doctors. The night was well attended and the audience gained a lot of background on Cardio Vascular disease. More information nights are planned so stay tuned and come along if you can - an excellent initiative by Dr Zac.
14.01.2022 Yarra Ranges Shire Council advises decision regarding the lease of 56 Griffith Road will be delayed until Council meeting 26th May 2020 to allow more time to assess alternative sites should Griffith Road be deemed unsuitable.
14.01.2022 Upwey Mens Shed is currently planning to build a 200 + sq meter shed and are looking at solar / battery back up to power the shed. Electricity mains supply is currently at capacity at the proposed site and we have been told the cost of upgrading power supply at the proposed site is around $150,000. We are requesting information from other shedders as to how much power your shed uses plus ampage to see if solar / battery is an option.
13.01.2022 Its been a tough few days for Upwey and the surrounding areas with tragic loss of life, many fallen trees, houses damaged, contamination of our drinking water and widespread electricity outages. Mobile phone and internet disruption added to the stresses. We hope that everyone is ok and managing as things are gradually getting back to order. Thank you to all who reached out to others to ensure they were ok.
11.01.2022 Please help if you are able.
11.01.2022 Poppies restaurant at Upwey RSL is opening. Booking essential 20 patrons only.
11.01.2022 Important notice:- Upwey Mens Shed Easter Raffle and the Exercise Bike Raffle. At the General Meeting on 23rd June 2020 it was decided to draw the raffle at the next General meeting which is tentatively scheduled for the 4th August at 7:30 pm. The Easter Raffle was delayed due to the Corona Virus and due to the uncertainty of the Grass Roots Market being delayed or not held at all the UMS have decided not to delay any longer. All previously bought tickets will be honoured a...nd UMS plan to make more tickets available. Look for us in the Upwey Main Street. Huge amount of prizes. Winners will be notified. See more
10.01.2022 Upwey Men’s Shed members helped out the Upwey Project to clean up the Upwey shopping centre garden beds. Getting the shops and surrounding areas ready for Xmas.
10.01.2022 Yay a new Farmers Market’s coming to town!
09.01.2022 Well done to everyone involved with the Upwey Mens Shed Easter and Exercise Bike raffles both of which were highly successful although delayed by the COVID-19 crisis. All prizes have now been delivered to prize winners. The prize pool was extensive with each prize winner receiving a number of gift vouchers and/or a substantial gift. ... There were 10 prize winners plus a winner for the separate EXERCISE BIKE RAFFLE. All recipients were ecstatic receiving their prizes. Thank you to all who donated gift vouchers, goods or sold tickets on our behalf. All donations were from local businesses and individuals in Upwey plus some businesses in Tecoma. (See previous post for full list) A BIG THINK YOU TO YOU ALL. The Upwey Mens Shed is the only Mens Shed in Victoria without a shed. We welcome new members and we look forward to being out and about in the community in the near future. Stay safe everyone
09.01.2022 Read this blokes!
08.01.2022 Masks now mandatory in the fight against COVID-19. Stay safe.
08.01.2022 The Upwey Men’s Shed has recommenced Activity morning’s at the Upwey Township Hall Monday’s and Wednesday’s 9:30 to 12:00 noon. Activity evenings are being negotiated with the Hall Committee and we will advise in due course. COVID Safe practices are being observed. Bring you own cups and utensils, sign in and observe restrictions and safe distancing in accordance with the Hall Committee instructions.
07.01.2022 Upwey Mens Shed provided parking attendants for this event. Well done fellas.
07.01.2022 Come on down to Main Street Upwey and vote for your favourite festive window. The town looks amazing and there are so many fun, bright and festive windows to peruse and enjoy. Well done Traders.
07.01.2022 This very important Public seminar is being held this Wednesday night. 26 Feb 2020. Please ring Upwey Doctors on 9754 7566 to register.
06.01.2022 Seasons Greetings
05.01.2022 Upwey Mens Shed is eager to re-start regular activity mornings at our temporary home at the Upwey Township Hall when we are given the all clear. New members are welcome - Please keep tuned for further announcements. Latest newsletter from VMSA - of particular interest is information about re-opening Mens Sheds. https://vmsa.org.au//newsl/VMSA-Newsletter_2020_05_May.pdf
05.01.2022 Tonight the special committee of the Shire of Yarra Ranges met to hear submissions concerning the lease of 56 Griffith Road Upwey to the Upwey Mens Shed inc. There were quite a lot of submissions heard over a period of about 2 and a half hours. Next in the process is deliberations by council and the decision will be announced at the Council meeting on 24th of March 2020.
04.01.2022 We have received notification from the VMSA that Men's Shed can now open. We await advices from the committee of the Upwey Township Hall as to when the Township Hall will be open so that we may resume normal activities. COVID restrictions will apply. We will also be contacting the Committee of the Upwey Township Hall to check on availability to hold Evening Activity Nights. We will keep you posted.
04.01.2022 Upwey Mens Shed supports Community groups and organisations. Upwey Doctors are an integral part of the Upwey Community. We encourage everyone to come along to this event which will be very informative.
04.01.2022 Raffle Winners as Follows:- Upwey Mens Shed Raffle Drawn 5th August 2020. Raffle Winners as Follows:-... Exercise Bike Raffle:- Robyn - Easter Raffle (COVID delayed) 1st Prize:- G Wright. 2nd Prize:- Terry 3rd Prize:- Bill 4th Prize:- Andrew 5th Prize:- Sandra 6th Prize:- Noel 7th Prize:- Roger 8th Prize:- Natalie 9th Prize:- Peter. 10th Prize:- Sandra. Congratulations to all our Winners:- The prizes of vouchers and goods as follows:- Prize no 1 Omega Automatics Voucher Upwey Chiropractic Recovery Pack Silhouette Grooming & Pets Grooming Voucher Maria Caf Voucher Upwey Chemist Voucher Prize no 2. Graeme Tuplin Accountant Voucher Gerran & Deanne Wright Recipe Book & golf in a Bag Silhouette Grooming & Pets Grooming Voucher Digging for Fire Voucher Upwey Chemist Voucher Prize no 3 Graeme Tuplin Accountant Voucher John Pope Large Possum/Bird Box Upwey Village Bakery Voucher Insurance Made Easy Bottle of Wine Upwey Chemist Voucher Prize no 4 Upwey Dental Electric Toothbrush Cherrycore Body Mind Studio Voucher Ward & Wylie Florist Voucher Reptarium Voucher Upwey Chemist Voucher Prize no 5 Enchanted Pines Pack of goodies Charcoal BBQ with Beads Donated by Stephen and Vicki Reddick Tin Pan Alley Voucher Silhouette Grooming & Pets Grooming Voucher Upwey Chemist Voucher Prize no 6 Andrew Fullagar Trailer load of Firewood Shangri-la Hair & Beauty Cut/Blow wave Voucher Upwey Cellars Bottle of Wine Maria Cafe Voucher Upwey Chemist Voucher Prize No 7 Upwey Music Guitar Last Frontier Tattoo Voucher Pearl Gardens Restaurant Voucher Upwey Chemist Voucher Prize No 8 Bunnings Garden Cart John Pope Small Possum/Bird Box Have Ya Bean Cafe Voucher Upwey Chemist Voucher Prize No 9 Upwey Garden Centre Voucher for Mulch Moore Physiotherapy Voucher Shangri-la Hair & Beauty Cut/Blow wave Voucher Upwey Chemist Voucher Prize No 10 Moore Physiotherapy Voucher Have Ya Bean Caf Voucher Barber Bills Voucher Upwey Chemist Voucher EXERCISE BIKE Donated by Chris Steininger. Winners will be notified and (covid safe) delivery of prizes arranged.
04.01.2022 Welcome Derek O’Leary to the helm.
04.01.2022 As of midnight 8th July we are in Stage 3 restrictions. Therefore Upwey Mens Shed will cease activity mornings on Monday and Wednesdays. Zoom meeting will be available for members to keep in contact in place of face to face activity mornings.
04.01.2022 Last days - Raffle will be drawn Wednesday 5th August. Huge list of prizes to be won. Tickets still available - in box for details. $2:00 each or 3 for $5:00 or a book of 30 for $50:00
03.01.2022 And we are off! First train service of the day and plenty of excitement in the air! Thank you to everyone for your support It means the absolute world to us! We are beyond thrilled to be back! #toottoot
03.01.2022 Stay Tuned :- Upwey Mens Shed Raffle Has been drawn - Full list of winners will be published soon
03.01.2022 Upwey Mens Shed members have been catching up via Zoom on Monday and Wednesday Mornings at 10:00am. Dont have Zoom - easy - go to the following link, Click on "Sign up - Its Free" and follow the instructions to download Zoom:- https://zoom.us/
01.01.2022 Upwey Mens Shed wishes all mothers a Happy Mothers Day.Upwey Mens Shed wishes all mothers a Happy Mothers Day.
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