NSW RFS in Uranquinty, New South Wales | Fire station
Locality: Uranquinty, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 6971 4500
Address: Uranquinty RFS Brigade Station 2652 Uranquinty, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au
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25.01.2022 STORMS TO FIRE ON MONDAY Another stormy day is ahead for NSW on Monday. Some thunderstorms are likely to become severe and warnings may be issued tomorrow ...for gusty winds, heavy rain and large hail. Be prepared, monitor for warnings and follow advice from the #NSWSES Receive SMS Alerts for when severe thunderstorms develop in your area. Register at www.nswincidentalerts.com - Bureau of Meteorology
25.01.2022 Fire call Uranquinty, Maxwell, Lake Albert and Glenfield RFB received a call to a Structure fire earlier today. FRNSW also responded to assist. Fortunately the fire never spread and was quickly contained by the first arriving appliance.... #ForOurCommunity #SmokeAlarmsSaveLives #MoreThanJustBushfires
23.01.2022 If anyone has anything they wish to donate loan etc to the family who lost everything in today’s fire at The Rock Please contact via message https://www.facebook.com/therockruralfirebrigade/
22.01.2022 Storms are developing with possible damaging winds, heavy rain and hail. Lots of lightning Severe Thunderstorm Warning This warning is in place for For people in parts of Central West Slopes and Plains, Riverina, Lower Western and Upper Western Forecast Districts. ... The warning is for DAMAGING, LOCALLY DESTRUCTIVE WINDS, LARGE HAILSTONES and HEAVY RAINFALL Issued at 1:03 pm Monday, 21 September 2020 Weather Situation: A cold front is sweeping across inland NSW bringing strong and fast moving storms. Severe thunderstorms are likely to produce damaging, locally destructive winds, large hailstones and heavy rainfall that may lead to flash flooding in the warning area over the next several hours. Locations which may be affected include Condobolin, Nyngan, Wagga Wagga, West Wyalong, Griffith, Narrandera, Cobar, Bourke, Wanaaring, Brewarrina, Enngonia and Fords Bridge. The State Emergency Service advises that people should: * Move your car under cover or away from trees. * Secure or put away loose items around your house, yard and balcony. * Keep at least 8 metres away from fallen power lines or objects that may be energised, such as fences. * Report fallen power lines to either Ausgrid (131 388), Endeavour Energy (131 003), Essential Energy (132 080) or Evoenergy (131 093) as shown on your power bill. * Trees that have been damaged by fire are likely to be more unstable and more likely to fall. * Keep clear of creeks and storm drains. * Don't walk, ride your bike or drive through flood water. * If you are trapped by flash flooding, seek refuge in the highest available place and ring 000 if you need rescue. * Be aware that run-off from rainfall in fire affected areas may behave differently and be more rapid. It may also contain debris such as ash, soil, trees and rocks. * After bushfires, heavy rain and the loss of foliage can make the ground soft and heavy, leading to a greater chance of landslides. * Unplug computers and appliances. * Avoid using the phone during the storm. * Stay indoors away from windows, and keep children and pets indoors as well. * Stay vigilant and monitor conditions. Note that the landscape may have changed following bushfires. * For emergency help in floods and storms, ring the SES (NSW and ACT) on 132 500.
19.01.2022 Uranquinty RFB received a call today to assist The Rock with a going structure fire. Crews from The Rock, Uranquinty, Yerong Creek RFS , Fire and Rescue Henty and Hazmat 480 worked hard to save exposures and cool gas cylinders affected by the fire. Unfortunately due to the type of home the building was well alight before arrival of the first appliances. ... Crews from both RFS and FRNSW In breathing apparatus worked hard together to limit damage to exposures.
19.01.2022 Fire Call To Sandy creek reserve. Illegal Fire extinguished by fire fighters. Registration of vehicle and names of the young adults will be passed onto police.... It’s a gentle reminder to residents that WWCC ( not the fire service ) have these rules in place to limit smoke affecting residents. Please see our previous post as to what, where and when you are allowed to burn in fire buckets please.
16.01.2022 Rail Crossing Closure Uranquinty RFB have plans in place to be able to continue Fire protection to our village. We will have an appliance and crew available on both sides of the crossing from Friday afternoon for the duration of the works.... Further to this our dispatch centre has also been made aware of this and will be able to activate other Brigades to support us should it be required. Please for any emergency if required contact triple zero as always explain the closure to the operator and the appropriate service will attend as always .
15.01.2022 We are approaching another Fire Season and with the rain we have had of late the potential for grass fires could be high. We ask locals to help us by maintaining any hydrants that might be out the front of your home or in the laneways behind your home. A well maintained hydrant can save us huge amounts of time and gives us unlimited water. ... All we ask is to keep grass, gardens and shrubs trimmed back and the hydrant visible
15.01.2022 Riverina Zone Fire permits are now suspended until further noticeRiverina Zone Fire permits are now suspended until further notice
14.01.2022 INCREASED RISK OF GRASS FIRES THIS FIRE SEASON This coming fire season there will be an increased risk of grass fires due to the prolific growth not seen for ...several years across the Riverina. Do not be lulled into a false sense of security; whilst the grass is currently green, it will only take several hot, dry days to enable the grass to carry fire! Property owners should be actively maintaining their asset protection zones (APZ) and fire breaks now, this applies to residents in urban areas as well as those living in rural areas. An APZ separates the building from the hazard. It is designed to minimize the presence of fuels, which could burn in a fire. Therefore, the impact of direct flame contact, radiant heat and ember attack on the structure is reduced. Firebreaks can help stop grass fires from spreading to valuable assets such as crops, livestock or buildings. You should mow, graze or plough around crops, valuable assets and fence lines to prevent fire from entering or escaping from your property. NSW RFS - Forest Hill Brigade The Rock Rural Fire Brigade NSW RFS - Uranquinty Brigade Tarcutta Rural Fire Brigade Lake Albert RFB Coolamon RFS Brigade Yarragundry RFB Fire and Rescue NSW Zone Regional South 3 Fire and Rescue NSW Station 472 Turvey Park Fire and Rescue NSW Station 365 Lockhart Fire and Rescue NSW Station 337 Junee Fire and Rescue NSW Station 262 Coolamon
14.01.2022 Fire call this morning. This time smoke sighting Olympic Hwy kapooka. 1 appliance responded where we found a land owner burning who had followed all the rules including 24hrs notice to the Nieghbour’s and having a responsible adult in attendance.... No action was required by us and we returned home. If you plan on having a fire please follow the rules and everyone will be happy
12.01.2022 Saturday will be a bad day with Fire dangers rising to Severe Stay out of the sun if possible, drink plenty of water and check on your elderly neighbors and pets. And please NO fires
12.01.2022 If you’re planning to burn on your property, you need to let us know before you light up. Notifying us of your planned burn can help reduce unnecessary emergency calls.... You also need to let your neighbours know at least one day ahead. You can notify electronically via the below link 24 hours a day 7 days a week. https://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/fire-inform//burn-notifications
11.01.2022 Are you interested in joining our Brigade? Please pop us a message and we will explain the process. We are always looking for new members.
10.01.2022 TOTAL FIRE BAN RULES > No fires out in the open. > No welding, grinding or gas cutting or any activity that produces a spark or flame) are not to be done in th...e open. > No pizza ovens or BBQ's that are wood, charcoal or heat beads dependent The NSW RFS strongly recommends you reconsider activities such as such using a tractor or slashing, to help reduce the chance of a fire starting on your property. Under certain conditions, the NSW RFS may issue a Harvest Safety Alert.
09.01.2022 Did you know, Uranquinty’s first Bush Fire Brigade ( now the Rural Fire Brigade ) was formed in 1909 ? That makes us 111 yrs old.
09.01.2022 ! . ? Sometimes! An approval is usually required to clear the vegetation you intend to burn and ...to conduct the burn. If your clearing and burning is for hazard reduction purposes you can apply for an environmental approval (Hazard Reduction Certificate) through the NSW RFS. If your burning is not for hazard reduction purposes (garden maintenance etc), you need to contact your local Council to see if you require an environmental approval for vegetation clearing or burning in the open (air pollution). . ? Sometimes! You will need a Fire Permit if: you are burning during the Bush Fire Danger Period (usually October to March) your burn is likely to endanger a building, or your fire is in a Fire & Rescue NSW area. You can obtain a Fire Permit from your local NSW RFS Fire Control Centre or Fire & Rescue NSW Station. . ? Yes! It is a legislative requirement to provide a minimum of 24 hours notice (unless specified otherwise in your Fire Permit) to: your local fire authority (Rural Fire Service or Fire & Rescue NSW), and all adjoining landowners (or occupiers). . ? No! Burning is not permitted on Total Fire Ban Days. Check to see if it is a Total Fire Ban by calling the Bush Fire Information Line 1800 679 737 or go to www.rfs.nsw.gov.au Total Fire Ban Days will also be announced in the media. Heavy fines apply for the unsafe use of fire or if a fire escapes landholders who fail to notify fire authorities and neighbours may face fines of up to $5,500 and/or 12 months jail while escaped fires attract penalties of up to $110,000 and/or fire years jail To notify the RFS call the Riverina FCC on between 9:00am - 5:00pm Monday to Friday to avoid a fire truck rolling down your driveway and avoid the possibility of fines
08.01.2022 Fact: Only 6.9% of NSW was impacted by fire last season. This means there is a significant risk for the coming fire season. It only takes 5 minutes to improve or make a plan that will give your property, family and yourself the best chance of survival. #getreadyweekend #nswrfs
08.01.2022 SAVE THE APP THAT COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE | If your Travelling, Bush walking or even working on a property Being able to give your precise location in an emergency can save vital time and lives. Make sure you’re prepared this summer by downloading the free emergencyplus app with @what3words built-in, so you can... #HelpTripleZeroFindYou with just three words. See more
08.01.2022 Your Crop = Your Decision In the coming week, a Harvest Safety Alert may be issued for our district due to the elevated fire weather conditions. Harvest Safety ...Alerts provide a signal to farmers that they should be taking extra precautions during harvesting operations to prevent the ignition and spread of fire due to the prevailing weather conditions. These alerts replace Cease Harvests that were previously issued, and the decision to issue a harvest safety alert continues to be made locally. Harvest Safety Alerts will be promoted via local radio and the NSW RFS Website. If a Harvest Safety Alert is issued for your area you should: STOP CHECK DECIDE https://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au//farm-fi/grain-harvesting-guide
08.01.2022 Temp 40 NW winds 45-70kph RH 14%
06.01.2022 If your interested please send us a message
06.01.2022 And here it comes again !!!
06.01.2022 Fire Call This afternoon Uranquinty received a call to assist The Rock with a structure fire. The Rock Brigade arrived on scene and found a large shed fully involved and requested further assistance.... Both Uranquinty and Fire Rescue 480 responded and assisted in containing the fire to the shed. Unfortunately the shed and contents have been destroyed by fire, however no further property was damaged. #ForOurCommunity #MoreThanBushfires #SmokeAlarmsSaveLives
04.01.2022 FACT: Grass fires can move three times as fast as a bush fire, they start easily and spread quickly. Grass fires will pose a risk in NSW this fire season so make sure you have a cleared area around your home. Learn the 5 simple actions to prepare your property at www.myfireplan.com.au #getreadyweekend #nswrfs
04.01.2022 It is the end of an era at the NSW Rural Fire Service today. After more than 30 years in the Service, and after more than 12 years as Commissioner, Shane Fitzsi...mmons leaves the organisation today. He's taking up a new role within NSW Government as the Commissioner of Resilience NSW and as Deputy Secretary of Emergency Management. Shane has seen us, and the community, through some of the toughest of conditions and experiences during this time. We say farewell and 'thank you'.
03.01.2022 Did you know that there is a legal responsibility to notify all adjoining neighbours (including those separated by a road or wa...terway) at least 24 hours before you light? To make notifying authorities easier you can now lodge an electronic notification of your intention to burn off by visiting https://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/fire-inform//burn-notifications This simple web based program is suitable for both computers and smart devices. Should a Total Fire Ban be declared, people will receive an email and/or SMS message advising not to proceed with the burn. For the moment residents of Junee, Coolamon, Lockhart and Wagga Wagga can continue to notify or obtain assistance from the Riverina Zone Fire Control Centre on 02 6971 4500. Things to remember: During the Bush Fire Danger Period or when your fire is likely to endanger a building, you must obtain a Fire Permit to burn which can be obtained from the NSW RFS or Fire & Rescue NSW. It is the responsibility of the person lighting the fire to ensure they are abiding by all Council and State government regulations and obligations. Failure to notify authorities or your neighbours could lead to the responsible person being issued with a $1,100 infringement or other more serious legal action being taken. Lake Albert RFB NSW RFS - Forest Hill Brigade NSW RFS - Uranquinty Brigade The Rock Rural Fire Brigade Ladysmith Rural Fire Service Fire and Rescue NSW Station 472 Turvey Park Fire and Rescue NSW Station 337 Junee Fire and Rescue NSW Zone Regional South 3
03.01.2022 Fire Bucket or Pits Tips Can I have a fire bucket or pit in the backyard? With the cooler weather here and social restrictions easing, it seems like everyone is enjoying sitting around a fire bucket and relaxing in these crazy times. Us too! ... Under council regulations you are permitted to have a SMALL fire for recreational and / or cooking purposes in your back yard. Here’s a few simple tips to ensure we don’t gate crash your next fire bucket session 1. Position your bucket or pit away from flammable materials, especially structures 2. Make sure you have an adequate water supply and responsible adult nearby 3. Only burn clean, dry timber such as firewood. Pallets are generally treated and the chemicals used are toxic to our health. Cancer sucks! 4. Minimise smoke production and check that any smoke isn’t going to drift across the neighbours washing and give them a friendly heads up so they don’t mistake you fire for an unwanted one. 5. Burning rubbish, building materials such as painted timber and green waste is NOT permitted and fines can apply if reported to Triple 0. #uranquintyrfb #winterishere #firebucket #firepit #nswrfs #forourcommunity
02.01.2022 - The Bush Fire Danger Period (BFDP) comes into effect from 00:01 Sunday 1 November 2020 for the following Local Government Areas: > Wagga Wagga > Junee... > Lockhart and > Coolamon Fire Permits are required during the BFDP for burning activities, they are free and easy to obtain. Fire permits help ensure that fire is used safely. A permit sets out the rules around how a fire is lit and maintained, and lets firefighters know when you are conducting burning activities on your property. Additionally, fire permits are not required for fires for the purpose of heating or cooking, provided that the fire is: > in a permanently constructed fireplace > at a site surrounded by ground that is cleared of all combustible materials for a distance of at least two metres all around > completely extinguished before leaving and > you have the landowners consent. If you are in doubt about whether you require a fire permit, contact the Riverina Zone (02) 6971 4500, or if you live in an urban area contact your nearest NSW Fire and Rescue Brigade station. For more information on the BFDP: https://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au//Bush-fire-hazards/fire-permits City of Wagga Wagga Coolamon Shire Council Junee Shire Council Lockhart Shire Community Fire and Rescue NSW Zone Regional South 3 Fire and Rescue NSW Station 472 Turvey Park
02.01.2022 Hot weather is coming. With increased growth, there's an increased risk of grass fires this season. Know what to do to get ready. Check www.myfireplan.com.au for tips on how to keep your family and property safe.
01.01.2022 Riverina Zone: The Bush Fire Danger Period has commenced as of midnight. Fire permits are now required before you light that fire.
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