Arcadia & Galston 2159 Residents Association | Community
Arcadia & Galston 2159 Residents Association
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25.01.2022 Hornsby Council is welcoming community input into the preparation of a new ‘Thematic History’ for Hornsby Shire. You are invited to locate special places, share stories, historical pictures or memorabilia via an online platform called Social Pinpoint. This is a great opportunity for you to contribute to the understanding of Hornsby’s history and identity. Details about the project and how you can share your stories is available on the Future Hornsby website and on Council’s Have Your Say page . The thematic history is not intended to be a detailed account of all aspects of the history of Hornsby, nor to replace histories designed to serve other purposes, but will identify locally distinctive themes and a broad historical context. Community comments and stories are invited by close of business on 18th December See more
23.01.2022 During these testing times for small business, there is a grant from the NSW government which some businesses may qualify.
23.01.2022 Dozens of residents in Sydney's north are still waiting for power to be fully restored almost a month after that east coast low smashed New South Wales. Ausgri...d are still rebuilding powerlines in and around Berowra Waters with some areas only accessible by boat. #SydneyStorm #7NEWS
23.01.2022 Dear Resident Arcadia Road, Galston Proposed parking restrictions 18 May 2020 Hornsby Council is writing to Residents about a proposal to install parking restrictions in Arcadia Road, Galston and would like your feedback. The Proposal... Council is currently finalising the road designs for Arcadia Road which will formalise the carriageway alignment with kerb and gutter and improved drainage. The new alignment of the road will remove opportunities for informal parking that has been occurring along the roadside near Fagan Park. The works are planned for the 2021-22 financial year (subject to State Government funding). Due to a number of requests concerning unsafe parking near Fagan Park Council is considering early installation of parking restrictions along Arcadia Road to improve safety and traffic flow. The proposed changes are: 1. Installation of No Stopping restrictions at intersections and along curves in Arcadia Road near Fagan Park. 2. Installation of No Parking restrictions along straight sections of Arcadia Road. 3. Parking along the roadway or on the grass verge in Arcadia Road, north of School Road, will no longer be permitted. 4. Parking along the roadway south of School Road will remain unchanged. No Parking restrictions will allow vehicles to stop in the restricted area to pick up and drop off passengers or goods. Vehicles can stop for up to 2 minutes, however the driver must remain within 3 metres of the vehicle. Parking for visitors to Fagan Park will continue to be available within the parks carpark. A plan of the proposed parking restrictions is below. Next Steps Council invites your comments on the proposal by close of business Friday 5 June 2020. The results of the consultation will be referred to the Hornsby Local Traffic Committee for consideration and recommendation to Council. Public Consultation Letter - Proposed parking restrictions Arcadia Road, Galston AGRA Membership is $10 to join & $5 per year. If you are not a current member, please consider joining to have your voice.
23.01.2022 I have returned to Canberra for Parliament today as part of a small group of colleagues - even fewer than a fortnight ago - to pass the legislation to establish... the JobKeeper payment which is designed to maintain long term relationships between employers and employees and get us through to the other side. See more
22.01.2022 WHAT'S ON THE AGENDA - SEPTEMBER COUNCIL MEETING We have a big meeting coming up on Wednesday 9 September. In particular we have a suite of Environmental Polic...ies known collectively as "Sustainable Hornsby 2040" which I will outline further in separate posts; along with long awaited Rural Lands Study, information about the NSW State Government's Public Spaces Legacy Program, amendments to the NSW Model Code of Conduct and the election of our Deputy Mayor and Committee representatives. It's going to be a big one. Here's the Council Agenda items: COVID-19 Pandemic - Update on Council's Response Draft Sustainable Hornsby 2040 Performance Report June 2020 - Delivery Program 2019-21 and Quarterly Budget Review Statement Draft Hornsby Shire Council Car Parking Management Study Environmental Sustainability Advisory Committee - Membership Vacancy NSW Model Code of Conduct and Procedures - Amendments Local Government NSW - 2020 Annual Conference - Submission of Motions and Determination of Voting Delegates Election of Deputy Mayor Schedule of Council Meetings and Order of Business to Apply at Those Meetings - October 2020 to September 2021 Councillor Representation on Committees, Working Parties and Other Relevant Groups - October 2020 to September 2021 Investments and Borrowings for 2020/21 - Status for Period Ending 31 July 2020 Hornsby Rural Lands Study Exhibition of the Proposed Housing Diversity State Environmental Planning Policy NSW Public Spaces Legacy Program Councillor Notice of Motion: Dual Naming of Existing Council Sites. Decisions of Council You can read the full business paper - together with all of the draft Studies that are proposed for public exhibition here: If you have comments or queries about any item on the paper, please don't hesitate to drop me a line here: [email protected] You can also email all the councillors via this group address: [email protected]
22.01.2022 HAVE YOUR SAY | Only a few days left to have your say on the Draft Employment Land Study. This review of future employment in the Shire looks at: People d...iverse opportunities for employment and learning Place attractive places of employment Land adequate, appropriate and long-term supply of land Built form appropriate space that meets current and future needs Infrastructure - aligned with current need and future growth Economic a sustainable and productive long-term economy Exhibited until: Thursday 26 November 2020 Find out more and have your say at
22.01.2022 A write up in yesterdays Telegraph provides hope for our community that improved services from Telstra may be on the horizon!!! Fingers crossed it happens soon Thanks Sonja Cameron and all involved for your efforts in orchestrating a voice for our community
21.01.2022 my Letter to the Editor, SMH, 1st Sept 1973, page 7 - there was indeed a lot of opposition to an international airport in Galston - along with Bob Greens protest song, A Rural Tragedy
19.01.2022 Scissors & Combs is looking for a QUALIFIED HAIRDRESSER on a permanent part time basis. 2-3 days per week with a chance to increase hours. Our salon has a great atmosphere and has been operating for 30 years with a consistent clientele. Located in a friendly community in GALSTON. We are looking for someone honest, reliable and has great skills in all aspects of hairdressing. Hours: Thursday- 3:30 -7.30 Friday- 9:00-5:00 Saturday 8:00 -3:00 ... Please send resumes to: [email protected]. See more
19.01.2022 As discussed at our last meeting, comments are being collated and will be sent to Hornsby Council.
18.01.2022 Not long now until our AGM so if you want to jump on board, its not too late - registrations open until midday tomorrow.
17.01.2022 Please note our agm will again be online via Zoom. For all those that have rsvpd through the Eventbrite link you will receive the zoom link via email. Thanks all
17.01.2022 The one-off $750 payments going to income support recipients will hit bank accounts this week. This is payment that is part of the first stage of Government's economic relief.
17.01.2022 Tonight! Wind your clocks back and check your smoke alarm!
16.01.2022 HAVE YOUR SAY | Last chance to have your say on stage 1 of the Glenorie Memorial Hall Park project. Have a look at the plans to help create a safer environmen...t for people within the park. Exhibition and submissions period ends this Friday 25 September. Find more information about the project and provide feedback at
16.01.2022 PICK AND DROP | Weve pulled it off! The library team is now delivering items directly to your doorstep. There are two services we now offer for delivery withi...n our Shire: Choose your items from our library catalogue OR Let our library team select something for you, based on your interests If youre not already a member join online and begin your library journey with us!
15.01.2022 Recycle, reduce, reuse...
14.01.2022 Just love this picture of GALSTON gorge #historysetsthefuture
14.01.2022 A fabulous service, unwanted items repurposed
13.01.2022 HAVE YOUR SAY | There is still time to have your say! The exhibition and feedback periods for the following documents have been extended until 18 December: D...raft Walking and Cycling Strategy Draft Play Plan Draft Employment Land Study Draft Economic Development and Tourism Strategy 2020-2025 Get involved and have your say at See more
13.01.2022 BE PREPARED | Are you ready for an emergency? This year certainly keeps us on our toes. The next challenges are just the around the corner. Bushfire season has ...started, and we also need to prepare for other possible disasters, such as flooding and storms. This week is Emergency Preparedness Week let's get ready! Check our website for useful links and more information on emergencies:
13.01.2022 The Bush Fire Danger Period (BFDP) will commence tomorrow (1 September 2020) in 21 local government areas. This means land owners and land managers in these must now obtain a free Fire Permit from their local fire authority before lighting any fires, including hazard reduction burns. Even if youve been using fire for many years, safe burning is your responsibility. Contact your local Fire Control Centre to obtain your free Fire Permit and follow its conditions. Heavy fines apply for the unsafe use of fire or if your fire escapes. Dont be the fire risk to your community. Use fire safely. For further information about the BFDP and Fire Permits, go to
12.01.2022 WASTE MATTERS | Do you have a small electrical item you would like to fix instead of throwing away? Join technicians from The Bower Reuse and Repair Centre in ...our online Small Electricals Repair workshop on Saturday 10 October, 11.30am -12.30pm. You will learn new skills, while the technicians guide you through the repair process. Free for Hornsby Shire residents, bookings essential. For more information go to #wastemattershornsby
12.01.2022 FREE CAT DESEXING | De-sexing and microchipping your cat is free for Hornsby Shire residents now. The new program is not means-tested and free for all while f...unds last. This might come in handy for some, especially since the NSW Government has just announced that they will introduce annual $80 permits for owners of non-desexed cats, effective from 1 July 2020. De-sexing your cat will not only prevent unwanted litters but also has many other benefits, including improved health, wellbeing and behaviour. Find out more about our free cat de-sexing and microchipping program here:
11.01.2022 THROWBACK THURSDAY | The annual guinea pig race at the Galston Public School fete was a cultural institution for many years, although it was more of a raffle a race. Cardboard boxes were placed around the ring and a guinea pig set loose in the middle. If it sought refuge in the box with the number of your ticket, you were the winner. This photo was taken in October 1972 and the two eight-year-old girls on the right are Katrina Reid and Meredith Wood. For more historic pictures, documents and stories from Hornsby Shire check out
10.01.2022 Telstra phone outages - We are collecting the names of people & businesses that still have their landlines out since the contractors issues & storms in February, despite being told by Telstra we would be back on last week. This is so our local member, Julian Lesser can take up our cause knowing how many of us are affected. I dont need a narrative on your problem just if its your home or business, Suburb & number of lines. E.g ARCADIA, business, one line affected.
10.01.2022 Business Energy Advice Program Get free tailored advice on how your business can cut energy costs and get up to date support with this free Australian Government Energy Savings Initiative. If your business has between (6) six and 20 equivalent full-time employees (or is a self-assessed drought-affected business employing up to five employees), you qualify for a free one-on-one consultation with an independent business expert from the Business Energy Advice Program.... You’ll receive an energy report tailored to your business, and get information on government grants and other resources to unlock energy
10.01.2022 Just another normal day at #northholmgrammarschool in Arcadia NSW! #loverurallife #loveruraleducation
10.01.2022 AGRA last meeting held via Zoom with Hornsby council presenting the first draft plans for Galston Main Street planning. Main Street improvements include slowing traffic & parking, tree planting & improvements for access. On the night included public toilets & bike lanes. Your local residents association is taking constructive comments to Hornsby council on behalf on locals residents. Membership is $10 to join & $5 per year. If you are not a current member, please consider joining to have your voice.
09.01.2022 ROAD SAFETY | Dropping someone off, picking someone up? No Parking zones come in really handy in these situationsmake use of them! You can stop in a No Parkin...g zone for a maximum of two minutes to drop off and pick up passengers. You can even get out of the car to help your passengers as long as you stay within three metres of your vehicle. Here is a handy summary of the different parking sign rules:
08.01.2022 WARNING !!! If anyone claiming to be from the NBN knocks on your door insisting they need access inside your premises for whatever reason, do not let them i...n. According to NBN and telecom providers, even if they follow up with an authentic-looking card in your mailbox, there is no reason NBN would need such access. My telecom provider suggested that if this happens to call the police. NHW note: NBN have no need to access premises. If safe to do so, take a photo of the man, his vehicle and call the Hornsby police station 9476 9799. If you feel threatened call 000.
07.01.2022 NATIVE PLANT GIVEAWAY | Its your turn next,, Arcadia, Berrilee, Canoelands, Dural, Fiddletown, Forest Glen, Galston, Glenorie, Laughtondale, Lower Hawkesbury,... Maroota, Middle Dural, Singletons Mill and Wisemans Ferry. Native Plant Giveaway Tuesday 26 May @10am Choose up to 6 plants, specially selected for where you live and well deliver them to your door. Please be aware, we have limited stock available and they tend to go fast. Find out how to order at
07.01.2022 YOUR VISION | YOUR FUTURE | How are we doing? Where are we going well and where do we need to lift our game ? You told us! The results of our Community Stra...tegic Plan survey are in. Thank you all for your feedback and the excellent overall rating. We are glad to hear about the many things you are happy with and have rolled up our sleeves to work on the areas that need some more improvement Find all the details here:
05.01.2022 It helps flowers thrive and keeps romance alive, it's amazing what water can do.
01.01.2022 COVIDSAFE APP NOW AVAILABLE I have just downloaded the new COVIDsafe app, which the Government launched today. The better we are at tracing the spread of this ...virus, the faster we will be at stopping its spread, and the sooner restrictions will lift. I encourage you to download it too.
01.01.2022 WASTE MATTERS | Our drive-through Community Recycling Centre is experiencing high volumes of problem waste coming in which is a great thing! To assist o...ur staff and to reduce your waiting time, could you please ensure that your waste is separated. This includes separating the cardboard, soft plastics and polystyrene from new electronic items (polystyrene should be without sticky tape or packaging tape). Keep up the good work! #wastemattershornsby