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22.01.2022 "Today is a great day to manifest the shit out of some abundance" Unknown As promised I’m going to share with you my New Moon ritual I'm doing tonight. The new moon represents fresh starts and beginnings, so it’s a powerful time to turn inward, reflect on the past month, recalibrate, and set new intentions for the month to come. A nice little monthly routine to get into, and why not harness the extra energy the new moon brings at this time. NEW MOON RITUAL... - Grab a journal and pen, find a calm quiet spot to sit - Diffuse some essential oils. I love using are wild orange (oil of abundance), litsea (oil of manifestation), frankincense (oil of truth) or clary sage (oil of clarity & vision) - Close your eyes, focus on your breath to centre yourself, you can even do a short meditation if you like - Reflect on the past month, on how you are feeling right now, on what you’d like to call into your life and focus on for the next month - you can journal this if it helps - Now it’s time to set your intentions - grab your piece of paper, at the top write the date and title ‘new moon intentions’ - Underneath write the following phrase ‘I accept these things into my life now or something better for my highest good and for the highest good of all concerned’. - List your intentions, what you want to manifest, be as specific as possible - Write them as positive and affirming statements, such as I am not I need or I want". Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. - Take some time to really feel into each intention as if it’s already manifested - Keep your list somewhere safe that you can reflect on everyday until the full moon in 2 weeks You have about 48 hours once the new moon begins to set your intentions, these are the most potent hours for manifesting. Happy intention setting everyone

22.01.2022 Happy Spring everyone . Who else is excited to be saying goodbye to chilly winter & hello to beautiful spring? I’m doubly excited as I’m just about to launch my Spring Wellness Series, starting next week. Something special I’ve been working on for all my oil customers over in my private facebook community. Customer Perks ... I’ll be sharing my best tips and tricks to make those spring cleaning tasks feel less daunting, maybe even a little fun (dare I say) and most importantly toxin free. But spring cleaning should not just be about the home, it’s a great time to refresh and regenerate your mind and body too. So I’ll also be covering ways to help you renew your mindset, reduce stress and support your emotions through this stage. PLUS there are also FUN FREE giveaways If you like the sound of this + plenty more continuing education + giveaways + custom ebooks and resources, DM me to get started with some essential oils and you get full access

20.01.2022 Cycle 1 #eggfreezing complete . While I haven’t exactly been relaxing on the beach (I wish), I have been taking it easy since my egg retrieval procedure last week. The post retrieval bloating and cramping is real ! Not too painful, just really uncomfortable! This was the first surgery and first general anesthetic I’ve had, ever, so I was pretty damn nervous prior. It was over in 20mins + recovery time and I don't remember a thing . They retrieved 11 eggs, 8 of which wer...e mature enough to freeze. While I’m very grateful to get this amount for my age, I was still slightly disappointed. I had quite a few follicles that were empty - hard to know why, medication dosage, age, genetics can all be factors, and something that can’t be predicted before the first treatment cycle. I’ll be doing round #2 in September, as it’s all very much a numbers game. 8 eggs does not = 8 babies. Not that I want 8 babies! For my age (38) it’s recommended to freeze 20-30 eggs for approx 80% chance of 1 live birth. This accounts for egg loss during thawing, fertilisation, blastocyst, genetic testing, implantation etc. The younger you are the less eggs you'll need to freeze for these same odds. Younger eggs have less chance of chromosomal abnormalities. So while I wait for round #2 I’ll continue on with all the work I’ve been doing to increase my egg quality through diet, supplements, essential oils and reducing toxic load. AND let’s hope my balloon belly goes back to normal soon

20.01.2022 WHAT GETS TRACKED GETS IMPROVED I know I know, I'm on again about drink.more.water . But it’s just that there are TONS of health benefits to getting enough water in your body daily. It’s always the first thing I check in with myself when not feeling 100%. I aim to get 2-3L every day to promote clear skin, hydrated skin, healthy digestive system and to help with excess snacking! We all know how important this is...but truly it really is one of the simplest habits to incorpora...te that can have a massive impact on your health. A good rule of thumb...and for those who like an equation... is to drink at least half your body weight (when converted to pounds) in ounces of water each day MINIMUM. This then needs to be increased based on factors such as activity level, climate, illness, if you are pregnant or breast feeding etc. Action item: Increase your water intake - track it for a least 2 weeks - see how much better you feel! Some people like to have water bottles that have measurements on them so they can track. You can use your smart watch and there are a ton of apps for your phone. Do you track your water intake? What's your favourite way to do so?

19.01.2022 Raise your shower game Ok this shower is luxe AF , but it doesn't matter what your shower looks like, you can turn it into a mini spa experience with this simple hack. Add a couple drops of essential oil to the corners of your shower, on shower wall or on a washcloth on the shower floor. As steam builds it’ll create one giant diffuser experience.... It’s D I V I N E! Some oils to try: Peppermint - if you have trouble getting going in the morning, this will awaken and energise you Easy Air - supports your respiratory system, opens the airways, helps clear any sniffles Lavender - perfect before bed to help calm and support sleep Aroma Touch - the true spa experience, soothing for body, mind and soul Citrus Bliss or Wild Orange - give yourself a boost of cheer and uplift your mood. Or try a combination. So if you ever think you don't have time for self-care - it can be as quick + simple as this @eyeswoon Who else is in love with this pink marble shower?

15.01.2022 DIY Foaming Hand Wash A big focus for me lately has been removing toxins from my home, so I’ve been whipping up some easy DIY’s. This one is SO SIMPLE and SO CHEAP. I’ve been using it for the last 4 months and absolutely love it! My hands are thanking me too as they no longer get dry and irritated . In this recipe I’ve used On Guard essential oil - it’s a blend of real powerhouses when it comes to cleansing properties and protecting our immune system - wild orange, clove, ...cinnamon, eucalyptus & rosemary. But you can really have fun and create your own custom scent: Lime+Grapefruit, Wild Orange+Lemon, or mix in some florals for a calming blend. I love that I know exactly what’s in my soap. I use it for my produce wash too . I’m all about multi-use stuff !! Just fill a large bowl with water + 2 pumps of the hand soap and 3 drops lemon oil. Let your fruit and veg soak for 10 min + rinse off. Foaming Hand Wash Ingredients: 2 tbsps unscented liquid castile soap 1 tbsp fractionated coconut oil 15-20 drops OnGuard essential oil distilled water (or cooled boiled water) foaming pump bottle Instructions: Pour castile soap and fractionated coconut oil into your foaming bottle. Add the essential oils and slowly add water into the bottle while leaving room at the top for the pump. Give it a shake and you’re ready to go. Alternative: if you’re really not a DIY kinda person then you’ll love doTERRA's premade OnGuard Foaming Hand Soap. You just add it to a foaming pump, top with water and done. Who else loves simple DIY's? Comment below if you’d like me to share more recipes

15.01.2022 From me & mine to you & yours, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, no matter where you were and who you were sharing it with For those who's heads are a little sore this morning... because's a natural hangover helper to try: 2 drops of each essential oil:... Frankincense Lemon Grapefruit in a glass of water * if you're not using doTERRA oils don't do this And of course hydrate hydrate hydrate!

15.01.2022 Those Sunday arvo feels and a little #selfcaresunday nap

14.01.2022 Brush your teeth, grab your Frankincense! Drip 1-2 drops of Frankincense under your tongue, everrry day. This habit has a plethora of benefits for your body. Support for your body at a cellular level, and helps to promote emotional stability. Watch what happens when you root this habit daily! Frankincense, I call him ‘Frank’ is one of the most versatile and impactful oils on your health. He’s been used for centuries because of his ext...raordinary benefits. I not only use him for supporting healthy cellular function but for reducing inflammation, soothing skin imperfections & blemishes, easing head tension, to re-focus and re-centre (he’s very meditative), basically he does ALL the things ! I can’t list it all here so do this go to and search for Frankincense to see all the medical research. He’d definitely be my #1 oil pick if I could only have one and was stranded on a deserted island He’s precious so is usually $90 but YOU can get him FREE now until 15th JAN with any 200pv order or starter kit. Send me a DM if you are ready to get started. Tell me - are you in love with Frank too? See more

13.01.2022 DITCH THE RESOLUTION - MAKE IT A HABIT It’s a concept as old as time : New Year’s Resolutions. We have all made them with the intention of changing our lives once the calendar flipped from 31st December to 1st January. Usually we choose something pretty big, or maybe even a few large things to tackle. Well this year I was hoping to put a different spin on the concept of a new year and help lay some simple, healthy habit foundations. When we make... habits, it becomes a lifestyle! What do you say? Are you ready to implement small changes daily to make massive shifts in your life and in your health? Tell me one simple healthy habit that you can commit to this year? See more

12.01.2022 Weekends are for pancakes I found this @kojahealth COCONUT & MACA PROTEIN PANCAKE mix @colessupermarkets the other day and thought I’d give it a try. The mix contains super clean organic ingredients, a buckwheat flour and almond meal base, with brown rice pea protein and black bean powder. High in fibre, 15g of protein per serve, no added sugar, gluten free and vegan friendly. It really is healthy pancakes made simple & quick! You just add an egg and milk/nut milk of your c...hoice, or sub the egg for a mashed banana for a vegan alternative. I topped mine with @purecocobella coconut yoghurt, frozen organic berries which I warmed slightly and mashed into a jam, a drizzle of maple syrup and a sprinkle of cinnamon. SO YUM. Next weekend I’ll be trying their Cinnamon Pancake mix - if I can wait that long What’s your current favourite weekend brekkie?

12.01.2022 The alarm goes off. What do you do? For me first things first! I grab Balance #groundingblend essential oil from my bedside and apply 2 drops to the bottoms of my feet. Depending on the amount of time I have, I also take this time to meditate or journal . The way we begin our day sets the tone for the rest of our day. Do you want to wake up frustrated, overwhelmed and grumpy? How about calm, relaxed and balanced? I know what sounds better to me!... Spruce, one of the main oils in doTERRA's Balance blend, was used by Native Americans and is still used today to help bring harmony to the mind and body. Ho Wood, Blue Tansy, and Blue Chamomile can provide a sense of calmness, while Frankincense has grounding and balancing properties. What are the first things you do when you wake up?

11.01.2022 Swallow supplements with ease I’m sharing a simple trick that has been a total game changer when it comes to swallowing supplements . No longer do I have to take them one at a time, which was a total gag (pardon the pun) ! Do you have trouble swallowing pills? Have you tried this trick?

10.01.2022 Cycle 2 #eggfreezing here we go. Just a couple of meds and injections to get through . Definitely feels a lot less daunting the 2nd time around. I’m on a whole different mix of drugs this cycle in the hopes of producing more eggs. It’ll be interesting to see how my body reacts to these . My first cycle I had very little in the way of side effects. Just one bout of nausea while driving on day 3 - soooo lucky I had my peppermint oil with me ! That was it up until the ...egg retrieval. Then post retrieval - well that was a week of uncomfortableness - super bloated belly - I literally looked preg - all pretty normal. I’m feeling positive - mindset is key when going through any kind of treatment like this, so lots of journaling and mindset work for me lately. Also feeling extremely grateful I made the decision to do this . The 20+ jabs over the next 12 days will all be worth it .... even if I do complain a little . I’ve loved all the DM’s from ladies who are thinking about or are in the process of freezing their eggs, this is why I’m sharing my journey, so feel free to keep the questions coming - anything from cost to prep to what I've been doing nutrition, supplement and oil wise for egg quality

09.01.2022 FERTILITY SUPPORT BLEND There are many things I’ve been doing to support and boost my fertility naturally over the last couple months and this is one of the easiest. I’m always amazed how many ways essential oils can support our bodies, there's pretty much an essential oil for everything ! Ingredients:... 12 drops Clary Sage 10 drops Geranium 8 drop Sweet Fennel 5 drops Lavender 5 drops Bergamot Add essential oils to a 10ml roller bottle, top with FCO (fractionated coconut oil). Roll over lower abdomen and ankles daily. NOTE: Once starting my #eggfreezing medication I stop using this blend so it doesn't interfere with the hormones the doc's giving me. Even if babies aren’t on your radar at this time of your life, this blend can do wonders for balancing hormones and regulating your cycle. Happy hormones = happy healthy life. Also makes for a beautiful pure-fume. Tag someone who would love this blend . And if you want to get certified pure therapeutic grade (CPTG) essential oils in your life, DM me .

09.01.2022 Buddha bowls at home This kind of lunch is my go-to at the moment I make sure to always have some fresh organic baby spinach and organic coleslaw mix from @woolworths_au plus a jar of @kehoeskitchen beetroot & ginger sauerkraut in my fridge. So then lunch is super easy, I can just top with any leftovers, no chopping required . Yesterday was falafel, roast pumpkin and green beans. A dollop of @pilpelfinefoods hummus, drizzle of apple cider vinegar and a sprinkle of hemp ...seeds. SO GOOD! What’s your current throw together lunch?

08.01.2022 A little secret - I’ve been taking these Lifelong Vitality supplements (aka LLV) everyday for the last year and I don’t miss a day. Ok well that’s a lie, I forget sometimes , but totally regret if I do. Why? Because they make me feel so damn good! My head is clearer, I have more sustained energy throughout the day, better immunity. Oh and my hair - it hasn’t been this long and healthy in years! There's hundreds of supplements on the market, but rarely do I try one that actua...lly makes me feel noticeably different. You just hope they are working right ? Well these are different. LLV is a 3 part supplement kit made of whole-food, high impact and bioavailable ingredients. Microplex VMz is a whole food form multivitamin + mineral complex. Being 'whole food' is so important because it allows for maximum bio-availability. 95% of other supplements are filled with stuff that’s really hard for your body to absorb! Even contains things like kale, broccoli and digestive enzymes. Alpha CRS is all about cellular energy, protection from free-radicals and natural cleansing. Frankincense and curcumin (from turmeric) help balance inflammation. Milk thistle, super detoxifying for the liver and cells. Packed with antioxidants and phytonutrients. Coenzyme Q10 helps cellular energy production in the mitochondria. xEO Mega is high in omega 3 fatty acids from fish oils and flax oils. Borage oil helps support hormones. Astaxanthin, from wild caught salmon, an antioxidant powerhouse helps protect cells. +9 essential oils. It’s dTERRA’s #1 selling product, NOT an oil?! AND with a 30 day money back guarantee, you can try them for a month, if you don’t feel any difference, you’ll get your money back no questions asked! How good! They're also 10% OFF this month so DM me if you don't yet have a wholesale account and I'll help you. Do you supplement?

08.01.2022 Moving your body everyday is such an important habit. This doesn’t have to be crazy (like the 3+hr walk and 45min workout sesh I did yesterday ), but movement is so good for our bodies as well as our minds. One thing that kept me sane during the loooong Melbourne lockdown was doing daily walks. Between getting my body moving and the fresh air, it made me feel so much better! Now that I’m back in Sydney I’ve started exploring the beautiful walks this ci...ty has to offer If you’re looking for a cleaner non-tox version of the traditional muscle rubs on the shelves, this Deep/Ice Blue Rub is incredible! Apply to knees and feet (or anywhere you feel you need it) before and/or after exercise to relieve any achy muscles or joints. It has a very comforting sensation of cooling and warmth. SIDE NOTE (for the ladies) - I also use this during that time of the month to help with pain & cramping! Have you moved your body today? See more

06.01.2022 Water check in! As we wrap up the festive season and get ready to head back to everyday life, let’s make sure that we are drinking lots of water! I love to add citrus oil to my water to help my body detox after all of that indulging over the past week (ok ok maybe weeks!! ) How much water do you drink daily? Let me know below

06.01.2022 Happy Christmas Eve everyone 2020 has been... well it's been a year!!! And this Christmas is looking very different for many. I'm so grateful that I'm able to be home with my family, as I know many who can't. Oh and for lots of cuddles from Jazzy (although she may not look like she's enjoying it )

05.01.2022 Why you should switch to a DIY fabric softener If you’re still using chemical laden fragrance filled fabric softener... please stop!!! Not only do they contain toxins that can disrupt your hormones, cause skin irritations, headaches, respiratory issues etc they’re not actually good for your clothes long term . They coat fabric in a waxy film, this is why it makes your laundry feel softer, but in turn lessens any moisture wicking and absorbency properties the fabric may hav...e. Not something you want to happen to your towels or gym clothes! It also means your clothes won’t respond as well to washing. I ditched fabric softener years ago for plain old white vinegar (yep it’s that simple friends) and I haven’t looked back. It’s a natural disinfectant, removes stubborn odours and soap residue and can soften clothes naturally. I’ve made it a tad fancier these days by adding in some drops of pure essential oils for even more cleaning and antibacterial power as well as a pretty scent. Even if you don’t add the essential oils, this won’t leave your clothes smelling of vinegar, I promise! Simple Instructions: - Fill a glass container with white vinegar and 10-15 drops essential oil - Add 1/4 to 1/2 cup to your softener cycle Some of my favourite oils to try: Lavender - fab for towels and sheets Lemon - great for when you’re doing your whites for some extra brightening Purify blend - use this if you have a particularly smelly load Have you DIY’d your fabric softener yet?

05.01.2022 Where are all my moon babes at? I got a gentle reminder today when I found my old journal at just how powerful the energy of the moon can be. Now this might sound a bit woo-woo to some, hey it did to me at first too, that is until the intentions I was setting started coming to fruition with ease . I’ve been a little off track recently and haven’t been doing my moon rituals but tonight’s a full moon (how’s that for energetic timing) so perfect time to restart.... A Full Moon is all about releasing and saying goodbye to what no longer serves you. It’s energy will support you in shedding bad habits, toxic patterns, tying up loose ends or situations that you’re ready to leave behind. It makes way for receiving the new intentions set during the New Moon . There’s lots of different rituals you can do, but I like to keep it super simple: FULL MOON RITUAL Find a calm quiet spot to sit Diffuse some oils, I love using frankincense or one from the yoga collection Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, centre yourself, you can even do a short meditation if you like Ask yourself what do I need to let go of, what’s no longer serving me Open your eyes, grab a piece of paper and write all the things you wish to release eg. I release, I free myself from I let go of Once finished sign and date it Read what you wrote back to yourself out loud Believe and trust that this can happen Breathe deep into your heart and declare I now let all of this go, and it is so, then tear the paper into pieces or burn (safely) Do a little dance (optional) This ritual works hand in hand with a New Moon ritual which is all about new beginnings and setting intentions of what ‘new’ you want to manifest into your life. I'll share mine on 17 Sept, the next new moon, so tap follow if you're not yet following me. Do you do a full moon ritual? What’s yours?

05.01.2022 Still on my turmeric train and at least 2 more months being caffeine free. Who knows maybe I won’t go back to drinking coffee at all , or maybe just as a treat, but not an everyday NEED COFFEE NOW kinda thing. Anyway I digress, back to turmeric . It’s been so easy making this deliciousness at home in lockdown thanks to @_goldengrind_ turmeric latte blend. Lately I’ve been supercharging this even more by adding 1 drop of doTERRA's turmeric essential oil.... Turmeric oil vs the powder which we all know and love are actually quite different in their chemical constituents. The oil contains mostly ‘turmerones’ known for their nervous system, cellular (apoptosis), immune and emotional benefits. While the powder contains ‘curcuminoids’ known for their powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and gastrointestinal health properties. Tumerones are really easy for the body to absorb, while the problem with curcuminoids has always been their bioavailability. That’s why they say to mix it with black pepper and healthy fats. Studies have shown that high turmerones, like what’s found in the oil, can help boost curcumin potency and absorption. So combining the two can offer even greater benefits . TURMERIC LATTE tsp @_goldengrind_ turmeric latte blend Dissolve in a dash of hot water Top with your favourite hot milk (I use @pureharvest coco quench) Add 1 drop doTERRA turmeric essential oil (optional) Garnish with a sprinkle of cinnamon (optional) Stir well and enjoy Who else loves turmeric lattes?

04.01.2022 Every.Week.This.Year!! Whether you are curious about what doTERRA oils could do for you or you're already my customer and want a refresh on how to use the bottles you already own, you will love this class! ... Happening every Monday @ 12pm AEST - join us in your lunch break. Register via this link . Plus tell me in the comments if you'd love help with any of the following: Trouble sleeping? Low energy and immunity? Lacking focus or emotions all over the place? Stressed and anxious? Skin issues? Digestive discomfort? Aches & Pains? Need to detox your cleaning and skin care products of harmful toxins and synthetics? See more

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