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Dr Kaye Gersch PhD


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to load big map

25.01.2022 How can we utilise the changes that COVID-19 has enforced upon us as conscious evolutionary change? Here is an article that explores this notion: COVID-19 as Quantum Phenomenon by Martin Winiecki. This is another topic we will be discussing this Tuesday as part of my online Jung study Group. ... Message me if you're interested in joining us. #jung #discussions #group #COVID19

25.01.2022 The topic of meaning vs happiness is something we have addressed in the Jung Zoom Group from time to time so I'm looking forward to going deeper with this next topic. Will you join us? #jung #happiness #discussion #event

24.01.2022 James Hollis, in book Swampland of the Soul, says: "Learning to forgive oneself is critical but most difficult. The forgiven self is freer to move forward, armed with the enhancement of consciousness, which makes life so much richer. But such forgiveness of self, with sincere contrition, symbolic recompense and then release, is rare. How difficult, but how necessary, it is to internalize Paul Tillichs definition of grace: Accept that you are accepted, despite the fact that... you are unacceptable. Such amazing grace, such release of soul to move deeper into the world". (p33) #book #quote #therapy

24.01.2022 I'm looking forward to tonight's Jung discussion. Will you join us? In order to imagine our way through the current changes which COVID-19 has brought, I have chosen to go in the direction of the chaos/order pair of apparent opposites. Jung was keen on this kind of discussion, proposing that we find a third place. The human psyche prefers order over chaos, and we are often very afraid of anything which upsets our idea of order (often with "law" added). It is worth noting, for... instance, that our governments' response to the chaos of the pandemic is to create a lot of rules in an attempt at control and order. My Master's thesis, "Mysticism: Psychosis and Gnosis", has a chapter which ponders the chaos/order/chaos process as the creative response to existence. In the comment section, I will post a link to Chapter 7, Conclusion and Bibliography. Read as much as interests you and choose ONE STATEMENT THAT SPEAKS TO YOU. I would appreciate if you could be prepared to discuss this point and why this is meaningful to you. Our theories and philosophies (beliefs) shape our thoughts and actions. Conversely, our experiences shape our thinking, belief, theories and philosophies. We need prompts to think differently if we are to find a different future. #jung #discussion #covid #event

24.01.2022 If our path requires compassion, and we give readily, what does it mean when we resent our situation? This book weaves together scientific information and Roshi Joans own powerful personal experiences as a social activist and humanitarian to show how we can transform our biggest challenges with compassion and wisdom. #book #review #bookstoread #therapy #psychology

23.01.2022 This article is taken from The Couples Institute Newsletter, with Drs Ellyn Bader and Peter Pearson. The Couples Institute provides incredible training for couples therapists. Skilled Couples therapists are much in demand during the pressure of living with a pandemic. #couple #therapy #relationship #insights #married

22.01.2022 I wholeheartedly agree with what Jack Kornfield, says, "I want to honour you, so many of you therapists, for holding the fear, the confusion, the pain, and the possibility of this time in the world. You are the midwives, the shamans, the heart-holders of our culture. In order that we evolve together in this task as heart-holders of the culture, I am offering a clinical supervision /professional mentoring group, starting April 15th, for 6 weeks.... #therapists #psychotherapist #mentalhealthprofessionals #professionaldevelopment #supervision

21.01.2022 Thought this might be a good time to revisit and old Relationship Insight of mine on how to increase your window of tolerance. Note: Our window of tolerance is the range of emotional and mental states where we are at our best and are neither under-aroused (depression and apathy) or hyper-aroused (anger, agitation and the like). #psychology #relationship #couples #couplestherapy #therapy #marriage

19.01.2022 C.G.Jung said: The upheaval of our world and the upheaval of our consciousness are one and the same." (From The Spiritual Problem of Modern Man" CW10: 177). When we ponder the implications of this statement, we know that the work we do on ourselves, and in ourselves, contribute to the welfare of the whole. Thus, we could go so far as saying that inner work is psycho-spiritual activism. (The converse is also true, that dereliction of care of self/soul, contributes to dereli...ction in our world.) What do you think? #jung #quote #deepwork #therapy #innerwork

19.01.2022 In Being With Dying, Joan Halifax covers the many facets of being with a dying person - including ones self. This is an invaluable book. #book #review #therapist

18.01.2022 A thought for the day. "It is sometimes difficult to avoid the impression that there is a sort of foreknowledge of the coming series of events." - C.G. Jung. #jung #quote #insight

17.01.2022 Interested in joining our discussion this evening? The topic is I cant breathe. A few of the points we are looking at include: > I can't breathe in relation to George Floyds death in the US that has extended around the world, especially in Australia where aboriginals in custody cannot breathe.... > The curious synchronicity that sufferers of Covid-19 also cannot breathe. > Many religious traditions focus on the cultivation of the breath to develop embodied spirituality where freedom of body and soul/spirit are celebrated. > Holding ones breath, meaning holding back ones own subjectivity or personhood in order to fit in or defer to or pay attention to another, can only be done very temporarily because it leads to a suspension of ones own becoming. (Irigaray). #jung #jungian #discussion

17.01.2022 This book is 100% guaranteed to guide you in examining your life, and in being validated in your best efforts, however paltry you might have judged them. #book #therapy #therapist #review

16.01.2022 The secret is that only that which can destroy itself is truly alive. #jung #quoteoftheday #psychology #therapy

16.01.2022 Is there something that needs changing in your relationship, or is the problem just fatigue? Fatigue can be the number one enemy of your relationship! The fatigue I am talking about is more than a few nights of lost sleep. This fatigue is about patterns over time, caused by lifestyle imbalance - something we've all experienced in recent times. Check your fatigue levels before blaming the relationship.... #relationship #therapy #couple #insight #wellbeing

16.01.2022 Thought for today? Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least. #therapy #relationships #couples #marriage #selfcare #therapist #quoteoftheday

16.01.2022 All the books I review and share about here and with my clients can be found on my bookshelf. Please visit and let me know of any books you recommend. #books #therapy #relationships #review #writing #mentalhealth #jung

16.01.2022 One reason to read this book is to gain a vocabulary of suffering, because we are generally lost for words when we need them the most, for situations that really matter. #book #review #writing #therapy #relationships #relationshipadvice #marriage #couple #mentalhealth

16.01.2022 C. G. Jung viewed visionary capacities as a particular manifestation of the creative life. Are you living a visionary life? was one of four distinct topics we discussed at the last online study group. Here's a little of what we discussed. #jung #psychology #creativity

15.01.2022 When you attend to the fractures and bruises of your relationship, when you seal the cracks with gold, you transform these wounds into golden threads which make your relationship stronger. #therapy #therapist #counseling #couplestherapy #psychology #relationship #relationships #couples #marriage

15.01.2022 Care of the Soul guides us through the interface between psychology and spirituality, and its author, Thomas Moore, is well versed in both. When I first read this book I found myself underlining almost everything and making notes in the margins. Everything stood out. Everything mattered. #psychology #therapy #bookstoread #review #book

14.01.2022 Need help with your relationship during isolation? Are all the weak spots in your relationship showing up? This is a time to Repair, Grow and Sustain your relationship like never before! Go to for relationship-building articles. Free For One Month.... Help support your relationship in these difficult times. Register to receive new posts direct into your inbox now. #relationships #therapy #articles #couple #free #relationshipadvice #marriage #couselling #marriagecouselling

13.01.2022 So, you are approaching conflict. Finally, you are face to face with this person with whom you have a problem. Before this, you ignored there was a problem. This is denial. Then you just hoped the problem would go away by itself. This is delusion and wishful thinking.... Then you hoped this person would fix it from their side. This is avoidance. Maybe you got angry with them when they didnt fix it. This is passive/aggressive. You talked to friends or even a therapist about the problem and the problem person. Not all of them took your side. This was disappointing. How on earth do you get the courage to speak if you dont have an army of supporters at your back? Then you waited for the right moment. And waited. And waited. This is procrastination. More avoidance. Meanwhile, the storm clouds gather ...and you feel resentful. Resentment says you really have waited too long. Now, here you are, face to face. #therapy #relationships #relationshipadvice #marriage #therapist #counseling #conflictmanagement

13.01.2022 This book will help carers of all kinds, from parents to teachers, to therapists - and end of life carers. #therapists #therapy #book #bookstoread #review

10.01.2022 Sharing some very topical quotes that came out of our Jung meeting the other night around the topic: "Chaos and order as essential dynamics in the individual psyche and the collective.". #jung #COVID #discussions

09.01.2022 I'm looking forward to tomorrow night's depth of discussion in our Jung study group. Please join us. #jung #study #discussion #icantbreathe

08.01.2022 A most dangerous form of lying is when we create an entirely false persona - where we want to manipulate the world, to mould and shape it to our own preferences. If we have only a narrow range of what we consider to be valuable and acceptable, we will spend a lot of time and energy trying to fit our lives into that narrow range. But even worse, we will want those around us to adhere to that narrow range. We get so buried in lies that we can no longer find the truth. Our whole life is then a lie. #relationships #couplestherapy #psychology #insights #fakenews #therapist #quote

08.01.2022 In preparing for my upcoming online Jung study group, a number of subjects have been jostling for my attention. It is impossible to fix on only one issue to study. I have been running this group for 25 years and welcome everyone who is interested. #jung #discussion #psychology

06.01.2022 In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order. #jung #quote

06.01.2022 In social isolation and physical distancing, conversation creates connectedness and intimacy. But often conversations are transactional, meaning they are about the practical things of life rather than feeling and relatedness. Therefore, in this post, Im suggesting links to soul-food, to conversation during isolation that will satisfy deeply, rather than merely distract from the travails around you. #relationships #covid #communication #therapy #insight #therapist ...

05.01.2022 Do you ask too much of yourself, or of your partner? Or of your family? Do you need to cut back on unrealistic expectations? #relationships #therapy #couplestherapy #marriage #insights

04.01.2022 When you are up against a wall, put down roots like a tree, until clarity comes from deeper sources to see over that wall and grow. #jung #quote #jungian

04.01.2022 Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it. When it's over, I want to say: all my life I was a bride married to amazement. I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms.... Mary Oliver (1935-2019) #quoteoftheday #quote #therapist

03.01.2022 When I first read this book I found myself underlining almost everything and making notes in the margins. Everything stood out. Everything mattered. #therapy #psychology #book #review #therapist #bookstoread

03.01.2022 Mathew Arnold said: We wander between two worlds, one dead and the other powerless to be born. How to find more resilience? Under the pressure of the enforced changes of Covid-19 do we grasp at collective movements that seem to offer certainty, or do we turn to our inner resources? Something I'm offering to consider in preparation for my Jung Zoom Study Group meeting next Tuesday 28th. ... Would love to hear your thoughts on this and do message me if you're interested in joining a bigger discussion. #jung #event #quote #covid #resilience

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