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25.01.2022 Our true purpose with VH Design Co is to empower women to fully embody who they are and embrace their unique talents. Meryl Streep empowers us, we love this quote The formula of happiness and success is actually being yourself, in the most vivid possible way you can How can you empower a friend today, be there to support them and champion their success? Women empowering women is so powerful and 2020 is the year for it. #womenempowerment #merylstreep
25.01.2022 Today we are releasing our coaching call with our members on dealing with clients, how we navigate the waters of tricky conversations like project budgets, stumbling blocks during a project like when a client can source the pieces cheaper online, or difficult situations when things go wrong that require courage and confidence. Because let’s face it, we’ve all been there. If you want to hear more from us on these topics make sure you hit the link in bio to subscribe. If you’re a member tune in later today for this release
25.01.2022 In this digital age, creating a strong brand presence is one of the most important ways you can attract your dream clients. In VH Design Co, we have detailed lessons and practical workbooks on Building a Website, Blogging, Pinterest, Social Media, Photographing your Work and Getting Published to help you utilize the amazing tools available for you to grow your business. $1,789 Bonus Value ENDS TONIGHT for all Annual Members. Today is your last chance to join and receive 2 x Free 1-1 Coaching Sessions with Judy & Jess, our 3 x Client Contract Templates we use, plus 2 Months Free! Bonuses worth $1,789, all for just $1,499 for the year. Hit the link in our bio to join, so you don’t miss out! image: @verandahhouse
24.01.2022 Not so long ago, designer products were sold exclusively to the trade and not available to the public. Supplier trade secrets were guarded by designers and were considered a designer’s intellectual property, as supplying product was our main source of income. Today, designers are faced with a new challenge thanks to social media and the internet, where every supplier name or price tag is easily accessible. (Yep, we hear you!) Because of this, designers have had to think diffe...rently in order to thrive and grow. Sure - clients can source just about anything, they can buy a piece of furniture, copy a kitchen design, or source the fabrics you select howeverit’s the execution that matters, the designers’ ability to make a room look cohesive and beautiful. Styled and not staged, expertly positioned with the scale and proportion of the objects seamlessly blending into one. We once relied on supplying product to earn a living, but have you considered that it’s your experience and knowledge and your skillset and talent that provide customers not only immense value but confidence in the end result? This is why we need to put a higher price tag on your design services, start charging your worth and up-leveling your fees. Rethink the traditional way of doing things, and see what happens. PS: If you want to hear more from us about all things design, business and life make sure you subscribe to our mailing list. We send out only the juicy goss, exclusively for you. * * * * * #vhdesignco #vhdc #empower #educate #womenindesign #businessofdesign #interiordesign #interiordecoration #womeninbusiness #onlinelearning #instahome #workfromhome #liveyourpassion #businesstips #designcoaches #designbusiness #startingadesignbusiness #startingadecoratingbusiness #businessofdecoration #innovate #create #change
24.01.2022 I hope you find some time out this weekend, to sit under a shady tree and read a book, or swim in the ocean and feel the sand between your toes. Being in nature is the greatest gift we have to rest, reset and spend time with friends and family. May yours be out in the sunshine, ours definitely will be xx Jess & Judy
24.01.2022 SWIPE TO READIt was important to us that VH Design Co related to the Australian market, we have a different way of doing things and have to be savvier sourcing unique product and pricing goods. We have members from all over the globe, who also love the fresh take Australians have on design. If you’ve been thinking about joining us, enrolment is now open #vhdesignco
22.01.2022 Have you ever questioned your worth and not felt good enough? Well hands up, we’ve all be there. This a hot topic of conversation with our members this month and it’s clear we all at times don’t feel good enough. This month we’ve been turning negative thoughts into power thoughts. Swipe Right for a reminder of what you should say to yourself next time a negative thought creeps in
21.01.2022 One of the golden lessons to come out of months of lockdown and the madness of last year was that everyone’s timelines and goals were thrown out the window. A lot of people felt relief that they didn’t have to be ‘highly achieving’ or ‘kicking goals 24/7’. It’s become one of the biggest pitfalls of our time the pressure we put on ourselves to be high achievers and succeed at everything we do. Think back to when you failed in the past, did you grow from it? Did you learn fro...m it? Did it make you stronger and more resilient? My answer to this would be YES. So why not dream big lofty goals, it’s okay to sometimes fail, don’t live in fear that trying something new will potentially fail, just focus on doing what you love, and if you need to pivot or tweak as you go along, that’s okay too. Failure is not a dead-end, it’s just a detour in the right direction. May today be your reminder that it’s okay to fail, remove the timeline or blueprint in your head that says you are behind, accept that your present moment is something to be grateful for, and don’t be afraid to try something new and dream big. If you want help moving past fear and negative self-talk so you can finally achieve those dreams you set aside, then look no further than our Goal Planner and Vision Board Kit. It’s been made with you in mind, to help you conquer limiting beliefs and unlock your limitless potential because we believe in you and know you can do it. If you are ready to dream big and conquer those limiting beliefs this year, you can download our bundle via the link in our bio. * * * * * #vhdesignco #vhdc #empower #educate #womenindesign #businessofdesign #interiordesign #interiordecoration #womeninbusiness #onlinelearning #instahome #workfromhome #liveyourpassion #businesstips #designcoaches #designbusiness #startingadesignbusiness #startingadecoratingbusiness #businessofdecoration #goalplanner #goals #goalsetting #businessplanner #visionboard #dreambig #direction #guidance
21.01.2022 Weekend vibes, courtesy of @aerin #pinks #greens
20.01.2022 Your Friday reminder to take time out for you this weekend, fill up your well so you are refreshed and recharged for an amazing week ahead. The mornings are brighter and the evenings longer so a beach walk is definitely on the cards this weekend
20.01.2022 Moodboard dreaming this weekend, no one does it better than @markdsikes
20.01.2022 Friday morning inspo thanks to @milesredd
20.01.2022 Weekend spent here, yes please! Wherever you are this weekend, we hope it’s spent with those you love image @verandahhouse
19.01.2022 Have you ever thought about why you do what you do? Sometimes when we are busy we forget the reason we started. Take some time out this week to remember your ‘why’. It’s one of the most powerful driving forces to motivate you every week. Swipe right for some of our favourite power thoughts
19.01.2022 The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. This month in VHDC we are talking about Systems & Getting Organised. By taking small steps, weekly actions, and little improvements, equal big results. We are all about progress, not perfection. What is one step you could take this week to improve your business? Even if it's a 10min task, every step forward counts! #vhdesignco #vhdc #empower #educate #womenindesign #businessofdesign #interiordesign #interiordecoration #womeninbusiness #onlinelearning #instahome #workfromhome #liveyourpassion #businesstips #designcoaches #designbusiness #startingadesignbusiness #startingadecoratingbusiness #businessofdecoration #takeastepintherightdirection #onestepatatime #creativesindesign
18.01.2022 Time to go back to basics Simplify your life, remove anything that doesn’t add value, don’t take on a project because you ‘should’ do it, don’t offer services you think you ‘should’ offer, instead focus on projects you enjoy and do more things that bring joy into your life #simplify #notooverwhelm #backtobasics
17.01.2022 In the design industry, relationships play a key role in the success of any project. We have spent years building strong relationships with builders, architects and trade people and because of this, we work together like a well oiled machine. Have you established your A team?
17.01.2022 This quote is from one of our most popular modules, Mastering your Mindset. Nothing truly worth having comes without learning lessons along the way, and that what shapes us into amazing businesses owners with heart & soul. Embrace your mistakes, failures and setbacks and know it’s leading you to a greater plan This week we launched an exciting new community platform for our members via an app, making it easier to stay connected to the group and ask questions on the go. We have some exciting live events and masterclasses coming to the community area soon. Join us for an exciting few months, enrolment to VH Design Co closes October 1st.
16.01.2022 Collecting inspiration for Spring time table settings, we love this raffia & green setting by @aerin Yesterday we launched our first Coaching Call and we loved answering your questions about charging your worth. One of our beautiful members said, ‘just amazing. So much valuable information that would take so many years of trial and error. so grateful.’ Thank you Steph!
16.01.2022 This quote speaks so true to creatives in the design world, constantly undervaluing our worth and justifying our design fees. Your intellectual property has been built over your entire career, so charge your worth and own it #powerthoughts
16.01.2022 Positive affirmations to kick off your week Comparing yourself to others is never going to make you feel good enough. Instead how can you empower yourself this week and believe in your own unique talents? Tread your own path, pave your own way and don't focus on what others are doing, just focus your energy and thoughts on your own amazing skillset and talent and watch what happens. VH TIP: Only follow IG accounts that inspire and empower you, unfollow the rest! #powerthoughts
15.01.2022 The perfect blank canvas The creative process is no doubt the best part of design. In VH Design Co we go into great detail about how to prepare and present a client presentation, how to win over a client and get the go ahead! Next month we are also providing members a hands on tutorial on how to create the perfect mood board and design board (image source: unknown)
13.01.2022 Wow what an incredible week it’s been!! Blown away by the honesty, vulnerability and inspiring stories our members have shared so openly. This week kicked off our first module Mastering your Mindset. A topic close to our hearts and one we all struggle with, whether it’s charging your worth, believing in your talents or listening to your negative thoughts instead of power thoughts. Many of our members realized their stories were the same in different forms and they are not alone in their struggles. Over the years the word ‘community’ has been taken for granted yet there is something so wholesome about sharing your story with others. You’re not alone, find your tribe who champions your success and supports your journey. They are the people you should spend the most time with #fridaythoughts
13.01.2022 We are loving this custom made rattan banquette seating cleverly designed by the fabulous @amberinteriors When you customise products you’re offering your clients a point of difference, something unique, new and exciting. We often hear designers struggling with clients shopping around furniture items they select. By customising furniture you’re immediately adding value and a point of difference. At VH Design Co we dedicated a module showing you how to customise furniture for your projects and build your resource library.
13.01.2022 Take a peek inside our Member’s Area. Not only is it beautiful, it’s filled to the brim with informative lessons, live tutorials, real talk coaching calls and jam-packed workbooks and admin templates you can download and use straight away. We’ve been adding new content every week and our community group is your go-to place to connect with likeminded creatives. Feel supported, connected & guided on your design journey and join our group of big hearted creatives at VH Design Co. Enrolment now open
13.01.2022 Join us for an intimate conversation talking all things design fees, how the industry is changing and ways you can add other revenue streams to your design business. Hit the link in bio to save your seat and watch Ep 1 now! #vhdesignco
12.01.2022 Today we had lots of fun recording a bonus coaching call for our members on creating additional revenue streams in their design business. We spoke about the process behind creating our own artwork collection, and how to rethink online consulting in these changing times. Doors are currently open and we know you won’t regret joining our fab community. This snippet is from one of our latest projects @verandahhouse
12.01.2022 Breathe in, breathe out and remember to take it one step at a time, you don’t have to see the whole staircase Note to Self - I am only one person, I need to stop being so hard on myself, take a deep breath, take one step at a time - you can do so this! #powerthoughts #vhdesignco
11.01.2022 Your morning sets you up for success, what are your go-to’s for a productive day?
11.01.2022 What does success look like to you? So often we forget to focus on all the simple things we are grateful for. This year has truly highlighted them all
10.01.2022 Thursday inspiration via @lucy.m.montgomery we are loving her collection of cushions and table lamps
10.01.2022 Hump day motivation to keep you on track & charging your worth Catch yourself the minute negative talk creeps in, and change those thoughts to empowering ones. This week we’ve had some great 1-1 Coaching Sessions, if you join our annual plan before 24th, you will receive 2 x free 90-minute calls with Judy & Jess. Worth their weight in gold. Join today so you don’t miss out
09.01.2022 Helping others is in our DNA, we naturally love lifting others up and most would agree, we are an open book! Since our launch in July, many of our annual members booked in their free 1-1 Coaching Sessions. Justine emailed us afterward to say, Having likeminded people to talk things through with, who are in your corner, and have been there, really is such a great gift! The session was invaluable! There’s only a few days left to become an Annual Member and secure your special bonus of 2 x Free Coaching sessions valued over $850. Offer ends Sept 24th #linkinbio
08.01.2022 We can’t wait to launch this week our bonus monthly group coaching session with our tribe of incredible creatives, we are discussing our favourite topic of the moment, Revenue Streams creating new products online that are uniquely your own and bringing you exciting financial rewards, get ready online retailers and interior designers we have some great content coming your way!
08.01.2022 We are swooning over these floors for a laundry we are working on at the moment. Mixing up our week is so important for creativity and big picture thinking, how do you structure your week to set you up for success? Do you allow time to get creative? Today we have our first coaching session of the year with one of our fab VHDC members, February is an busy month ahead @vhdesign.co @verandahhouse image credit via @decorpad
08.01.2022 As we head to Brisbane today to meet with a new client, we thought we'd share some tips about our on-boarding client process. It's broken into 3 phases, our Client Questionnaire, Fee Schedule and Discovery Call. In VH Design Co we are releasing a new module soon on how to automate this process and integrate your service packages into your website saving you hours of admin work and helping you attract and qualify your dream clients much easier. If you'd like to join the waitlist for our next enrolment opening soon, hit the link in bio.
07.01.2022 We are excited to announce enrolment is now open for our next intake of VH Design Co members! What has been an incredible few months with our community, weekly check ins, coaching calls, live tutorials, mentoring sessions and loads of resources we know you will absolutely love what VHDC has to offer. Hit the link in the bio to join. We can’t wait to welcome you! Doors close Oct 1st.
07.01.2022 Simple, but so true. In our Goal Planner releasing soon, we will take you on an in-depth journey into making lasting change, staying accountable to your goals and our tried and tested strategies for making it happen. Excited to share more soon
07.01.2022 Friday thoughts #vhdesignco #educate #empower
05.01.2022 The art of a scatter cushion. We love this combo we did many years ago, thanks to the timeless prints of Lisa Fine and Peter Dunham. There are so many elements to think about when customizing cushions, this month at VH Design Co we hosted a video tutorial with our members about customizing cushions and provided them the templates we use to get it right every time
05.01.2022 Its sometimes the small things that we need to learn that help us work more efficiently, especially when we work solo and already have so much to do. I have loved creating step by step online tutorials and our members are loving them, they are so simple to use, whether it’s creating a moodboard, workroom templates, organizing your admin folders or setting up a client folder. What you need we will source for you, this will be forever evolving and growing, leave your comment below on what you would love for our next tutorial! #vhdesignco
03.01.2022 Love it or loathe it, social media is a must, especially when starting out. It’s the most affordable and fastest way to have your style and brand recognised. We are strong advocates for making sure your social media remains professional, after all the aim is to attract your ideal client. Always choose beautiful images that resonate with your brand, if you receive comments engage with them, show your authentic self. Your social media pages are your brand, there is a direct message to your audience and one of the most powerful ways to share your voice, your style, your services and what inspires your work.
03.01.2022 Wishing you a beautiful Sunday we hope it looks something like this #weekend #vhdesignco
01.01.2022 Is anyone else feeling the need for a spring clean? Coming into the end of the year we are doing a work and home clean out and it feels amazing This month in VHDC we are hosting an amazing Goal Setting Masterclass. We are all about getting ahead of 2021 and coming into the new year ready for a fresh start, slate clean (image source unknown)
01.01.2022 Ok, let's hear it - what business tips have you learned recently that you wish you knew sooner? For me, it would have to be a task management software we introduced at the start of this year. Hello productivity & forward-planning! Many of our members have been in business 10+ years, whilst their businesses are established and successful, they've been surprised how much more there is to learn. If we could give you any piece of advice, it would be this - never stop learning and... growing. As a business, but also as an individual. The 'I know this already' attitude will limit your success and potential for major growth. Have an open mind today and think about some new business tips you would like to learn. * * * * * #vhdesignco #vhdc #empower #educate #womenindesign #businessofdesign #interiordesign #interiordecoration #womeninbusiness #onlinelearning #instahome #workfromhome #liveyourpassion #businesstips #designcoaches #designbusiness #startingadesignbusiness #startingadecoratingbusiness #businessofdecoration See more
01.01.2022 You have a choice this week, are you going to value the amazing work you do, charge your worth and attract your ideal clients? I’m guessing it’s a yes, so don’t second guess yourself this week or procrastinate on a scheme. Trust yourself, you’ve got this #empower #vhdesignco
01.01.2022 Every member we’ve welcomed into VH Design Co has a unique story and personal journey. It’s been very humbling to read all of the comments and know they already feel supported. We couldn’t be more grateful for this opportunity to help women grow and prosper in business & life. It all starts with a vision and determination to make it happen. Some of you missed out joining yesterday so we’ve extended the enrollments until tomorrow. It’s not too late to join. #vhdesignco
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