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25.01.2022 Astrology Update We have the moon in Aries This is a very positive energy that we are currently sitting in. When we have Aries connecting with a waxing gibbous moon it is the perfect time to really focus on goal setting. Not only because the phase of the moon but Aries signs are very direct in when it comes to achieving all that they set their minds to, so this energy will help you create a plan and also discover it is that you truly do want in your future. You may ex...perience a more adventurous and spontaneous side of yourself, Aries signs are often the ones who travel the most because they love experiencing everything life has to offer, so enjoy this sense of inner freedom and plan that getaway! You and those around you may be very much in their own emotions which leads to tuning out of being there for others, try not to take this too personal, remember that we all have inner stuff that needs our focus and sometimes that requires us to step away and just be within ourselves without others energies and emotions to take on. . . With the waxing moon in alignment now is your time to action plan and manifest, so write down exactly what it is you want to manifest, be clear and have your why! Then set strong steps on how you can work with the universe to reach your goal. Be willing to step outside the limits and go all in. Ask the moon for unexpected gifts and for it to work with you. Believe in her energy and give gratitude to her magic. See more

24.01.2022 Don't underestimate the power of inner work

22.01.2022 Hey It’s just me again, giving you some energy healing and aura cleansing. Just take a moment to breathe and connect.

18.01.2022 FULL MOON ARIES Face Your Fears Push forward Listen to your heart Heightened Emotions... October 2nd 2020 we have the full moon moving into aries, this may cause you to be feeling a big mix of emotions, as aries are very head first when approaching things they want. Aries signs don't hesitate it is as simple as an idea and they go, go GO! Aries are passionate, Energetic and Fierce, but as the full moon can make us feel emotional and sluggish these two energies may just overwhelm you leaving you to not knowing whether you want to sit at home and do nothing or go full force into a new project or be with friends and family, it is like a extrovert living inside a introvert. But whatever you decide to do make sure you back yourself fully! Don't feel guilt and honour your wants and needs. Now is the time to listen and follow your heart. You will also be faced with your fears and you're being urged to push forward, especially when it comes to breaking unwanted and unhealthy habits. Unfortunately we will see our own ego and shadow unleash, everyone will be fighting for control and power, try not to get caught up in this energy or you will feel inner turmoil, causing arguments and disconnection from those important to you. We also have mars as our ruler, this means take action! Lucky enough aries love to dive in deep so if you pick up this energy you may find yourself swiftly taking the necessary steps to move forward. A great time to start a new business in connection to your passion!

18.01.2022 Hello Beautiful Souls, Come and connect on instagram Before I begin, how amazing is this artwork by a very talented lady! I will be sharing her details soon! I feel she truly captured my essence. ... I have become aware that many of those who are a part of Vital Soul truly connect with me the owner, not just the business. I have been feeling called to truly step into my work and use my name, feeling the flow of it aligns with my higher purpose which is to share my authentic self and passions with you all, such as giving intuitive guidance to help you connect with your emotional, physical and spiritual presence and to channel through your higher conciousness. My work is always soul deep, so if you are wanting to truly flourish, grow, heal, awaken, embrace, emerge, connect and even willing to tune into your shadow self then you're on the right page and I am your lightworker! I honour the energy your have brought to my page, so thank you for being here. Get all your soul tribe in on this magic and get ready for some deep, powerful transformation!

17.01.2022 Shower Meditation

17.01.2022 Just incase no one has told you today.. I am proud of you.

13.01.2022 There’s nothing wrong with you Do you ever start the day off completely happy, content and fully or life and as the day goes on something shifts in you, you’re full of worry, fear and all of a sudden that happiness vanishes, just like that. There’s nothing wrong with you... Fun Fact Did you know your brain is always trying to prove you right, so when you tell yourself daily something bad is coming, or that happiness doesn’t last, it’s automatically is going to say oh okay and attract what you’re thinking it will strive to prove you right. Our mind is such complexed thing, it’s constantly running and it’s always looking for near danger and no matter how tired you are it’s still on alert, or no Matter how happy you are it’s still looking for something to ruin it, not because it wants you to feel sad but because it’s been taught to seek the negative in any situation to eliminate disappointment and being hurt, it’s coping mechanism. Just like how it is on alert for potential danger, it’s a survival mode. Life is truly beautiful, but again how can we fully enjoy it if our minds view it as something to fear. Just like life, when you’re in a state of contentment and happiness, you’re always waiting for the moment to end, so your mind just forces it to. Rips the bandaid off so it’s less painful for whatever it is you’re anticipating to go wrong. This is why being present takes training and trust, you have to re train your mind to stop waiting for the bad, and seeking to jump into survival mode at any given moment! Each time you are in a state of bliss and you feel that energy shift take a deep breathe and refocus on what is REALLY happening, not what if, not tomorrow or even an hour away. Just be in that moment and smile knowing you’ve been given that moment of peace and life. Fuel it patiently with positivity and watch the difference it makes. Nourishing the mind is just as important as nourishing the body. This is where law of attraction comes from, it’s not manifesting, it’s your minds communication and view of your life, the body and the world. What it believes it reveals.

12.01.2022 S A V E 30% OFF ALL CRYSTAL BOTTLES! No code needed price will automatically discount at checkout. ... Even the angel ones This is the stunning Labradorite point. Look at that shimmer of rainbow.

12.01.2022 One of a kind This spectacular stunner reminds me of a third eye opening! A stone for new beginnings, Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength. It soothes emotional instability and stress, and stabilises the emotions, providing calmness. Moonstone enhances intuition, promotes inspiration, success and good fortune in love and business matters. Moonstone aids the digestive system, assimilates nutrients, eliminates toxins and fluid retention, and alleviates degene...rative conditions of skin, hair, eyes, and fleshy organs such as the liver and pancreas. It stimulates the pineal gland and balances hormonal cycles, being excellent for PMS, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and breast-feeding. Moonstone is also beneficial to men in opening the emotional self.

10.01.2022 Good Morning This is your morning affirmations say it with me.. I am everything i need to be right now in this moment.... I am choosing to be happy today, and any challenges that come my way i know i will be okay. I will be present today, the past can’t be changed and the future can’t be lived happily without me living in the now. I am and have always been enough. Today i will listen to my soul and honour what it needs, without guilt. Today will be a great day to start chasing my dreams. ..................................................................................... Happy Friday you sunshine souls

04.01.2022 Guidance It is time to regain financial security. Be consciously aware of your spendings and acknowledge where your money is going and if this is to fill a void or an investment for your future goals. Ask yourself...... How can you increase your money flow? How do i create a more suited budget balance? What investment plans do i have in place? As the full moons energies are arising you may feel as though you're placing to much worth on material possessions, fulfilling the struggles you're internally feeling. Try to take a deep breath and remember that that shiny new object won't cure your emotional needs. ** This is channeled guidance and not written by the book **

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