Vital Veda | Alternative & holistic health service
Vital Veda
Phone: +61 451 534 884
Address: bronte beach 2024
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25.01.2022 Sanskrit words having anENORMOUSrange of meanings. To give a random example, take the wordklak , which basically means ‘black or dark blue colour’, or thus anything dark in general, but is at various times used to refer to the following: 1. ink or blacking; 3. a dark spot;... 4. rust; 5. a fault or flaw in gold; 6. change of complexion; 7. the liver; 8. a particular blood-vessel in the ear; 9. the line of hair extending from the pudenda to the navel; 10. a multitude of cloud; 11. snow; 12. fog; 13. the female of the bird Angrak; 14. a female crow; 15. the female of the bird Turdus macrourus; 16. a scorpion; 17. a small worm or animalcule formed by the fermentation of milk; 18. name of several plants; 19. a kind of fragrant earth; 20. a name or form of Durg; 21. a girl of four years old who personates the goddess Durg at a festival held in honour of that deity; 22. a kind of female genius; 23. one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue, name of various other characters’ Not only are Sanskrit words are so polysemous (they have so many meanings!) but also, we also get considerable numbers of words or expressions for one and the same thing. me on holiday learning to write devangar in an exercise book for six year olds. (One of my favourite things to do on holiday is study). What is one of your favourite Sanskrit words? Comment Dictionary source for : Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary, 1899. #VedicNerd #Vedas #StudySanskrit #Samskrtam #Sanskrtam #Sanskrit #YogicStudies #CIS #Ayurveda #Kalaka #Durga #Prana #Ojas #Sattva #Tejas #Agni #
25.01.2022 8 Tips to Avoid Toxins Over Xmas & Silly Season (& Still Indulge) The festive season is here! and along with it an abundance of edible delights seem to be just about everywhere! Over 99% of us are going to break the rules and indulge. Great! Enjoy it! (guilt-free and in moderation).But accordingly, support your digestive ability to "digest the silly season" at ease with minimal repercussions.... It is hard not to overindulge and accumulateAma,the toxic waste-product of incomplete digestion. Ama is a sticky, thick, mucus-like substance that if not cleaned out, will clog bodily channels and vitiate the weak part(kavyaguna) in your body. Joints, lungs and sinuses are typical weak spots whereamaaccumulates, butamawill vitiate different tissues and areas depending on the person. The accumulation ofamais an initial stage of the disease process according to Ayurveda. After that, it will eventually manifest into disease and more full-blown clinical features down the track. A key solution for conquering "Christmas-timeAma"is to keep your digestive fire(Agni)burning and balanced. The following tips in the FULL ARTICLE (LINK IN BIO) will help keep your agni strongand promote balancethis festive season. solid yield with my mulberry foraging buddy @dansnow_meditation #Deepana #Pachana #Ama #Ayurveda #Agni #DigestiveHealth #IBS #SillySeason2020 #Sattva #Ojas #Veda #JaiGuruDeva #MulberryForage #Mulberry
15.01.2022 It's not too late! We've had a lot of people reach out asking if they can still join our Essence Of Ayurvedic Nutrition Course , so we've decided to open it up so you can still register. Learn about:... Foundations to Ayurvedic Medicine Optimising Digestion with Ayurvedic Nutrition Ayurvedic Superfoods The End-Rewards of Healthy Nutrition The Six Tastes Refined Properties of Ayurvedic Nutrition How To Take This Knowledge Into Action I'm hosting two live Q&A's in June and July, so if you sign up now, you won't miss out on these informative sessions. The response from our community has been so positive on the contents. It's truly an honour that I can make this knowledge accessible to anyone which you can keep for life. To register: #ayurveda #ayurvedic #nutrition #courses #ayurvedalifestyle #veda #digestivehealth
12.01.2022 Sure the living is easy in the summertime, but my joint regions are also getting sweaty while hydration diminishes at a quicker rate in the hot and dry sunshine that unconditionally radiates of Pure Divinity. While I love to sun-bake with maximum skin exposure for long periods of time, even though I lather up with skin protecting and cooling coconut oil to assist in creating harmony between the sun and my skin, regularly drink thin lassi (buttermilk)to exceptionally hydrate...and cool myself, and turn the kebab that is my flesh for even human photosynthesis cooking, it is certainly wise to implement other measures to dissipate heat, reduce inflammation and stay cool. How Summer Heat Affects Your Biology: 1 The very hot sun takes away the strength of the earth and all things on earth. 2. Thermal accumulation" -you may begin to feel inner heat accumulate. 3. The heat in your body rises, which dries out your skin and sinuses, leaving themsensitive and irritated. 4. Sinuses may beginto run a lot - creating mucous isthe body’s response to this dryness. 5. You may experience looser stools the body’s response to remove the heat. Intestines becomeirritated and inflamed. 6. "Hot Pitta Emotions" - anger, frustration, aggressiveness and irritability - other ways your body reacts to the heat. Summer is an important time of year to not let the heat take over and dry us out. Take this seriously. If you don’t get rid of the heat now, the heat will turn to dryness and you will suffer the following winter. Going from a hot and dry summer to cold and dry winter will profoundly increasevata(bio-energy related with nervous system and bodily movements) - weakeningojas(vitality and immunity), which then leaves you susceptible to creating the perfect breeding grounds for colds, flus, viruses, infections and other undesirables. Good News is that you can still worship the sun like a lizard and sweat like a gypsy with a mortgage. You can mitigate the excess heat by honouring summer’s harvest by eating seasonally, incorporating specific herbs, therapies and other techniques associated with the seasonal routine of summer. Link in Bio for FULL ARTICLE all on summer
10.01.2022 For health practitioners, therapists, body workers, advanced Yoga students or anyone curious about Ayurvedic body therapies and wants to expand their practice. Details here -
04.01.2022 We feel well grounded and nourished from a hot pumpkin soup. The sweet soft sludge gracefully travels down our oesophagus to nourish our nervous system that is ever so prevalent in our gut, while the bright orange phytonutrient slush delivers antioxidants and microbial balancing effects to our digestion and it’s inhabitants (the microbiome). Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) when cooked, has a sweet taste, sweet post-digestive effect and slightly heavy quality, which can balance Vata ...and ground the nervous system. But beware, pumpkin is also drying so it can aggravate vata if you do not use spices and ghee (or quality oil). Pumpkin also tends to cause constipation and contribute to rheumatoid arthritis. I recommend to minimise pumpkin when Vata is out of balance. Pumpkin (Kshmndi or Karkru) is actually a fruit according to Ayurveda and modern botany. This is also why there are some disputes about the actions of pumpkin in Ayurveda, because its therapeutic properties change whether it is raw or cooked and what part of the plant is used. + there are are many varieties. Pumpkin in Ayurveda is considered auspicious. It is one of the fruits offered during ceremony (puja) to activate specific divine forces of consciousness. The pumpkin fruit is used to remove subtle negative influences called dristi dosha. This is why you’ll find pumpkins hanging from the ceilings of doorway entrances in India, to keep the subtle negative energies out of the house. If the pumpkin goes rotten unusually quickly, it is doing its job of absorbing these doshas. It is then replaced with a new demon protecting fruit for the next security shift. There are other benefits of the fruit and the seeds like brain health (tryptophan), worms, prostate, bleeding, antioxidant + more (see full article). How to Eat Pumpkin - The older the better. Leave them on the vine for as long as possible and wait for the pumpkin to harden. Use spices and don’t eat too much. If you can get white pumpkins (such as Ash Gourd) these are much better medicinally and don’t aggravate the conditions mentioned earlier. FULL ARTICLE including much more, see LINK IN BIO How do you like to consume pumpkin? Comment
02.01.2022 Divinity blossoms where woman are respected. Women’s health is of the utmost importance since it is the woman who brings the human being onto earth. If we can optimise the health of women, we can optimise the health of humankind. In the latest episode of the #VitalVedaPodcast with naturopathic doctor and theperiod revolutionary @larabriden , we discuss: * The Contraceptive Pill Paradigm... * The Gift of the Menstrual Cycle * Cravings During the Menstrual Cycle * The Infertility Epidemic * The Semen Microbiome * Dairy Cows Milk: Inflammatory or Aphrodisiac? * The Importance of Melatonin on Fertility and Reproductive Health * PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) * Amenorrhea (Absence of period) * Immature Reproductive Organs * Veganism and Menstrual Health * Healthy Menopause * + MORE What did you take away from this episode? Also comment below what Qs you have on Menopause - our next topic of discussion for part 2 with @larabriden About Lara Briden Lara Briden is leading the change to better periods. Informed by a strong science background and more than twenty years with patients, Lara is a passionate communicator about women’s health and alternatives to hormonal birth control. Her bookPeriod Repair Manualis a manifesto ofnatural treatment for better hormones and better periodsand provides practical solutions using nutrition, supplements, and natural hormones. Now in its second edition, the book has been an underground sensation and has worked to quietly change the lives of tens of thousands of women. Lara has helped thousands of women find relief for period problems such as PCOS, PMS, endometriosis, and peri-menopause and currently consults New Zealand. #MenstrualHealth #MoonCycle #PCOS #SemenMicrobiome #Shukra #Sukra #SacredFeminine #Shakti #Devi #Artava #Ayurveda #Ojas
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