Waikiki Primary School in Waikiki, Western Australia, Australia | State school
Waikiki Primary School
Locality: Waikiki, Western Australia, Australia
Phone: +61 8 9553 0900
Address: 12 Arnside Bend 6169 Waikiki, WA, Australia
Website: http://www.waikikips.wa.edu.au
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25.01.2022 What an exciting first session for our Kindy 2021 Playgroup. They met the wonderful Mrs Blankley, sang songs, listened to stories, played in different activity centres and even got to explore the Early Childhood play area. We loved having you here and can't wait to see you next week.
25.01.2022 Good afternoon everyone, we hope you are all staying safe and sane during this time. The new Waikiki PS School Business Plan 2020-2022 will be available for you all to read very soon. We will let you know when it's been published on our school website.
24.01.2022 Students in Room 2 made some beautiful wreaths in honour of ANZAC day and Mrs Cullinane delivered them to memorials in Port Kennedy and Rockingham this morning. Lest we forget.
24.01.2022 Dear Parents / Caregivers, Over the past 2 days, principals were briefed by the Director General of Education. The briefing outlined our responsibility as a school and the seriousness of the unfolding situation around the world and more specifically here in Western Australia. Our staff are continuing to be resilient and committed to each childs learning, throughout these uncertain times. We are endeavouring to keep you up to date with any directives we received from the De...partment of Education and of decisions we are making at a school level. As a school, we will be implementing some changes, effective tomorrow 25th March. These measures are put in place to ensure the ongoing health and wellbeing of our students and staff. Effective tomorrow; Water fountains will be unavailable to students during break times. They will need to bring a drink bottle. Staff will assist and monitor refilling of bottles as needed through the day. In an effort to encourage social distancing measures, we request that students are brought to school as close to classroom opening times as possible (8.30am). This will allow us to reduce the number of students gathering before classrooms open. When bringing your child to school in the morning, please drop them at the door to minimise the opportunity for large numbers of adults and students being in a small area. If your child is unwell, we will be contacting you to pick them up from school. If they show any signs of being unwell, please keep them at home. We continue to minimise the number of non-essential visitors to our school. For this reason, we are still unable to accommodate parent helpers in the classrooms. We encourage all families to communicate with teachers and office staff via telephone or electronic means wherever practical. Please support our office staff by limiting the number of individuals in the office waiting area to two persons. Thank you once again for your ongoing support. Ms Greaves See more
22.01.2022 One of our students, Madison, is heading in to the 92.9 studio tomorrow to play Alpha Bucks Kids for a chance to win $10 000. If you want to get behind her and cheer her on, tune in tomorrow morning from 7.45! Good Luck Madison!One of our students, Madison, is heading in to the 92.9 studio tomorrow to play Alpha Bucks Kids for a chance to win $10 000. If you want to get behind her and cheer her on, tune in tomorrow morning from 7.45! Good Luck Madison!
22.01.2022 Do not open this book... AGAIN!
22.01.2022 Room 2 were making marble runs today. They had a lot of fun!!
22.01.2022 Part 3 in the Andy Lee series. Seariously, Do Not open this book!
21.01.2022 Congratulations to the following students for being selected as Waikiki Primary School Student Leaders for 2021 Head Girl: Mikaela Head Boy: Heinrich Student Councillors: Madi and Ryan ICT Leaders: Jessica, Imogen, Lilly ... Faction Captains: Will (Dolphins), Jahlia (Sea Dragons), Billy (Sharks) and Kobe (Turtles) See more
21.01.2022 Our power is out and our phones are down. Please contact us on 0459 863 529 if needed. Ms Greaves
20.01.2022 End of Term Reward - Friday 3rd July Room 14 students strongly believed that all students at Waikiki Primary School deserved a movie day for the end of term reward. They have all worked really hard on writing very convincing persuasive letters to Mrs Hughes, Ms Greaves, Mrs Rodrigues and Mrs Jackson, providing many reasons in support of their arguments. The letters were very persuasive and those, along with the excellent behaviour we have seen lately in the playground and ou...r classrooms has convinced us that all student deserves a movie reward on the last day of term! The movies will be held in the undercover area. There will be two sessions, for junior and upper primary students. The movies to be shown will be announced closer to the date. We encourage students to bring a pillow, cushion or picnic blanket from home to sit on during the movie. Thanks to Room 14 for their hard work (see them working hard below) and to all of our students for their improved behaviour this term.
20.01.2022 Further to our notice earlier today: All before school activities are cancelled until further notice. This includes choir practice and other music activities. The music room and uniform shop will not be open in the mornings. This also includes Garden club. Thank you, Ms Greaves
20.01.2022 Good afternoon Waikiki and welcome back to Term 2! We hope you are all well rested and are ready for another great term. Our new business plan is now live on our school website and can be found under the "Our School" tab and then under "Future Directions".... On this wet afternoon, snuggle up with a hot chocolate and enjoy Mr P reading one of his favourite books.
19.01.2022 The P & C would like to invite the parents of our 2020 Kindy classes to a morning tea on their first day at school (Kindy Red Monday / Kindy Blue Thursday). Come by after drop-off (9-10am) for a snack, drink and a chat with the other kindy parents, our P & C members and Admin staff. We hope you can make it.
19.01.2022 Hi Waikiki! Easter is fast approaching! This years Easter Hat Parade is going digital! Please create an Easter hat at home (all family members and Waikiki staff are encouraged to join in), take a selfie of you wearing your hat and email your fabulous pictures to Miss Quinn ([email protected]).... Please remember to abide by the social distancing regulations when taking your photos. Stay tuned for our digital parade on our Waikiki Primary School Facebook page to go live on Thursday 9th April. Easter hat photo submissions are due by Wednesday 8th April at 3:00pm. Looking forward to seeing everyone's creations! Kelly Quinn
18.01.2022 BOOK FAIR Book fair begins today and will be open to students at recess and lunch until Monday. Due to covid restrictions, parents will only be able to purchase book fair items online this year. ... Students can bring in their pocket money and purchase items during recess and lunch time. Notes sent home to students have been attached in the comments. Mrs Welsh would love your support with this years book fair!
18.01.2022 Dear Parents/Caregivers, Please see attachment in regards to ordering lunch on the last day of this term. There will be no menu available other than the special which is ordered online through Munch Monitor.... Thank you Waikiki Primary School
18.01.2022 Waikiki Primary School's first... Digital Easter Hat Parade!
17.01.2022 Good morning Waikiki families and friends, We have welcomed even more students back to school this week, while others have been embracing their online learning at home. We have really enjoyed greeting students each morning and seeing their smiley faces. It has been great to see how resilient some of our younger students have been when being dropped off at the gates and how they have taken everything in their stride, being very positive and happy as they head to their classroo...ms. I am pleased at how well this system has been working and appreciate the support that we have received from our parents and carers. This will continue until further notice while we wait for future advice from the Education Department. I hope you have a great weekend and for all the Mums out there, Happy Mothers Day. Louise Hughes Principal
16.01.2022 At the end of Term 4 Ms Gostelow accepted an Acting Principal position at a local primary school. She will be away in this new role for all of Term 1 and we wish her all the best. We hope to see her back next term. While Ms Gostelow is away, Mrs Rodrigues and Mrs Arnold will step in to share the role of Deputy Principal.
15.01.2022 Hi everyone, Our Cross Country event is tomorrow and although we can't have parent spectators, we could still use a couple of parent volunteers to help with marshalling. Thanks to those parents who have already signed up to help. Please let us know if you can help out. ... Thanks Ms Greaves
15.01.2022 Dear Parents/Caregivers, Following our Prime Minster's address last night, a number of our families are choosing to keep their children home from school. We understand this is a family decision and are currently planning ways that we can support students who are learning from home. Today we have uploaded Work at Home Packages for each year level. These are available through Connect. Please let us know if you are having trouble accessing online content. Further work and infor...mation from your children's teachers will be following as we navigate the days ahead. Work packages can be found by clicking on 'My Children'. They are attached to a notice (under the Notices Tab) and are also being loaded into the 'Library' section of your child/rens class. We again thank you for your co-operation and understanding during these uncertain times. Kind regards, Ms Greaves
14.01.2022 We found some bears at Waikiki Primary School!
13.01.2022 In light of current affairs and in line with the Department of Education policies at this time there have been some changes to upcoming school events. Both the Inter-school Sport Carnival and the Indonesian Dance Incursion which were due to take place tomorrow (Tuesday 17th March 2020) have been cancelled. Payment vouchers will be sent home with all students who have paid for these events. Please complete the form including your bank account details. Be sure to sign the area... highlighted at the bottom of the page and return to the office so a refund can be processed. Please call Nikki or Lisa in our front office on 9553 0900 if your require any further help with this.
13.01.2022 Kindy Expo 2020, we're very excited to welcome our Kindy parents and children.
13.01.2022 For any Year 6 students who are interested in Music next year
11.01.2022 Harmony Day Family Picnic has been CANCELLED due to the Health Department and Education Department Guidelines around the Coronavirus.
11.01.2022 We look forward to welcoming some of our 2021 Kindy students who will be joining us for playgroup sessions this term.
11.01.2022 Hi Parents If you would like to watch your child participate in today's cross country event, you are able to do so on the public side of the oval. It is preferred that parents avoid the school side of the oval, where children will be assembled to allow us to ensure appropriate social distancing. ... Thanks for your understanding
11.01.2022 This year, the students here at Waikiki Primary School have been focusing on our W.A.P.B.S behaviours and making sure that we are Waikiki H.E.R.Os. This fortnights H.E.R.O focus was Howie, Have Respect; more specifically we wanted all students to be focusing on the rules and routines during break times. Each block has been focusing on different rules and routines for their age level. Block 1 focused on hand washing, packing away inside and outside, and lining up straight. Bl...ock 2 and 3 focused on sitting down at break times, working in groups, using inside voices and the playground rules, and Block 4 focused on sitting while eating, walking on concrete, wearing hats to be sun smart and not congregating around the bags. By doing this students and teachers have seen a massive difference in student behaviour and it has been a much more positive environment for all which was the goal. Thank you for reading, have a safe and wonderful day. -Ella and Sebastian [Head Girl and Boy] Our Media Technicians have taken some photos of students showing respect around the school.
10.01.2022 We invited our 2021 Kindy students into school today. They had lots of fun!!
09.01.2022 Our teachers have all been on the look out for one SUPER H.E.R.O from each of their classrooms to go into the draw. Thanks Mr Whitby! @ReeseWhitbyMLA
08.01.2022 We still have a few spots left for Kindy 2021. Come and see us in the front office for enrolment information!
08.01.2022 We’re looking forward to sharing some fantastic pancakes and fruit with our wonderful students who walk and ride safely to school today. See you soon
07.01.2022 Hello parents. The restrictions on parents entering the school grounds, combined with wet weather at pick up times is making things a bit precarious in the back carpark. For the safety of students we will be roping off the "Bus Parking" and delivery area next to the gate. Please keep vehicles out of this area during drop off and pick up times. We apologise if this causes any inconvenience. Ms Greaves
07.01.2022 Hi everyone, If you are having trouble finding Work at Home packages on Connect, I have included some images and instructions below. 1. Log in to Connect using your P Number and Password. ... 2. Click on the 'Classes' Tab 3. Choose the Class which is named " Your Childs Year Level 2020" (Eg. Year 1 students choose the class named "Year 1 2020"). 4. Click on the Library Link on the menu. 5. Work Packages are in the labelled folder. The images below give an idea of how this looks on a PC, the process is the same if you are using the ConnectNow App on your mobile device. Please call if you are still having trouble or if you are unable to access online content. Kind regards, Naomi Greaves
07.01.2022 Semester 2 Reports have been sent out today, to your nominated email addresses. Please be aware the the link sent via email is only valid for 4 weeks. Please ensure you have downloaded or printed these reports for future reference. Your childs report can also be viewed via the connect app or portal. This is a simple process of logging in to the portal using your 'P Number' and password. Next you will need to click on the 'My Children' tab, at the top of the page. Finally you should see 'Reports' in the menu on the left of the page. Semester 1 and 2 reports for 2019 will now be visible on that page. Please feel free to contact Ms Greaves if you have any questions or problems.
06.01.2022 If you would like to attended our first assembly for term 3, tomorrow morning, you are more than welcome to do so. Just a friendly reminder that social distance requirements still apply for adults on the school site. Please ensure you stand outside of the undercover area and remain appropriately distanced from other parents. We are asking that all visitors enter and exit through the gates at the back of the school after 8.30am. ... Thank you
06.01.2022 *Reunited with owner* "Lost Dog" Found on our school premises, please contact the school if you know who he belongs to. We will keep him here until 10am after that we will take him to Warnbro vet.
06.01.2022 Tomorrow is Primary Principals Day. Below is a video from Federal Minister of Education, Hon Dan Tehan, saying thank you to all of the hardworking Principals around the country. If you get the chance tomorrow, maybe you'd like to show your appreciation with a wave or a kind word for our Principal Mrs Hughes and our Deputy Principals, Mrs Jackson, Mrs Rodrigues and Ms Greaves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Z5YbpxlpSw&feature=youtu.be
05.01.2022 Dog found at Waikiki Primary School. will hold her here until 10.40am then will call the ranger
04.01.2022 Oops! We had a slight technical glitch regarding Student reports in Connect. Thank you to the parents who let us know they weren't working. After some digging today I am pleased to say that you should now be able to access your childs semester 1 and 2 reports through Connect. Thanks to everyone for your understanding and patience. Remember, reports have also been emailed to you this year. Please contact Ms Greaves if you have not recieved your report via email and or Connect.
04.01.2022 Hi Families. If you are having trouble accessing reports through Connect, please try updating your version of the Connect Now app
03.01.2022 Congratulations to all the students for their participation in this year's Faction Carnival. The winning faction was Sharks. There was a lot of Respect, Endeavour, Resilience and Owning of Actions shown by everyone. You are ALL Waikiki Heroes.
03.01.2022 We had a visit from KABOOM Percussion today. The students had a great time!!
03.01.2022 Your children may come home today with some concerns about a motorcycle which rode across the oval at lunchtime. We are aware of this and we have reported the matter to the police. We will closely monitor the oval over the next few days to be alert to any reoccurrences and to ensure the safety of all of our students. Should you have any information regarding the incident or those involved please consider passing this information on to the Rockingham Police Department.
02.01.2022 UPDATE: Safety Bay SHS Specialist/Special Program Trials for 2021 Entry! We wanted to let you know our Selection Trials/Entrance Tests normally held in Week 5, ...Term 2 have now been rescheduled to Week 1, Term 3. -Special Music Program Beginner Music Students Year 6 Special Music Trial & Aural Test Monday 20th July 2020 3:30-4:30pm Registrations here: http://bit.ly/SBSHSMusic -Pathfinder Academic Excellence Program Pathfinder Entrance Test Tuesday 21st July 2020 3:15-4:30pm OR Friday 24th July 8:30-10:00am Register here: http://bit.ly/SBSHSPathfinder -Safety Bay SHS Specialist Football Program Year 6 Selection Trial Wednesday 22nd July 2020 8:30am-2:30pm Register here: http://bit.ly/SBSHSFootball -Safety Bay SHS Cheer-Dance Specialist Program Year 6 Selection Trial Thursday 23rd July 2020 8:30am-2:30pm Register here: http://bit.ly/CHDTrials Please note our Cheer-Dance and Football Department of Education endorsed Specialist Programs are open to all current Year 6 students. Our school-based Special Music and Pathfinder Academic Programs are only open to students who live within our local intake area or students who have been accepted into Cheer-Dance or Football. Check out our local intake area here: https://bit.ly/33X3Xw3 CC: East Waikiki Primary School Charthouse Primary School Waikiki Primary School Cooloongup Primary School Safety Bay Primary P&C Notice Board Charthouse Primary School P&C Association Inc #thesafetybayway #SafetyBaySHSSpecialistPrograms #sbshscheerdance #sbshsfootball #sbshsmusic #sbshspathfinders #importantnotice
02.01.2022 Our Year 6 students spent the day at Safety Bay Senior High School yesterday. They had a great time and did a fantastic job of representing our school, we are very proud of them!
02.01.2022 Hi everyone. Just a reminder to check that your Connect access is up to date and working. Given current affairs there is likely to be an increase in communications from our school to our parents and Connect is our main channel of communication. If you are having trouble accessing or using Connect online or the ConnectNow app, please call and let us know. ... Ms Greaves
01.01.2022 Good afternoon everyone, just a reminder regarding the new arrangements for drop off and pick up this term. ONSITE OPERATIONS To ensure that social distancing between adults is in place at school, parents and visitors should drop and pick-up students from designated gates only and NOT enter the school grounds. This is based on advice from the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee and will operate as follows:... ARRIVAL NO EARLIER THAN 8:20am. Gates will be opened at this time and members of staff will be present to greet all students. Kindergarten and Pre-Primary: Use the carpark on Harrington Waters Drive; Take your child to the side gate and they will be escorted from the gate by a staff member to the classroom. Year 1 and Year 2 Use the parking on Arnside Bend; (Please do not park in the staff car park) Students to enter through the staff car park gate and walk to their classroom; Year 3 to Year 6 Use the carpark on Kirkbride Meander; Students to enter through the back gate (near the Undercover Area) and walk to their classroom; PICK-UP Kindergarten and Pre-Primary Parents and guardians to wait at the Harrington Waters Drive side gate. Children will be dismissed into your care by a staff member. Year 1- Year 6 Students will be dismissed from classrooms at 2.50pm and exit via both the front staff carpark gate (on Arnside Bend) and the back gate (Kirkbride Meander).
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