Walking Inner west in Sydney | Community
Walking Inner west
Locality: Sydney
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24.01.2022 Our desire to get out and walk has also directed many people to their local centre. How can we support this new walking and shopping behaviour? https://theconversation.com/were-at-a-fork-in-the-road-do-w
23.01.2022 Todays Walk to Canterbury https://perambuler.ramin.com.au//23-may-covid-19-walk-alon
21.01.2022 Next Birdos meeting Wednesday 8th January Meeting on the Outgoing platform of Taverners Hill Light rail station At 7:30 am... Binoculars available, beginners especially welcome Finishing for friendship and a coffee at Caf Bones for those who can stay
20.01.2022 This is why the Inner West is so great - our residents walk - the councils job is to improve #walkability https://www.theguardian.com//its-a-superpower-how-walking-
20.01.2022 We need to emphasise hygiene and social distancing at all times - not just on public transport. People getting into private cars are also at risk - not to menti...on the risk drivers are to pedestrians, cyclists and other car users. Please take care as the Lock down measures are eased. Remember COVID-19 is a respiratory disease - keep your distance. Wash your hands so that you dont spread the disease that way. Get into the habit of good hygiene and social distance to avoid covid-19, the flu, gastro and other diseases this winter. Please also drive extra carefully as there are also more kids and people walking and cycling. Drivers caught not allowing the minimum distance when passing a bicycle rider face a $344 fine and a penalty of two demerit points... https://roadsafety.transport.nsw.gov.au//go-tog/index.html Brush up on your road rules https://roadsafety.transport.nsw.gov.au/camp/roadrules.html
19.01.2022 Lots of wonderful places to discover on foot https://perambuler.ramin.com.au/2020/05/covid-19-walks.html
18.01.2022 The Inner West Urban Photography Competition is open to people of all ages and abilities, and encourages people to engage with the Inner West Council urban landscape.https://www.innerwest.nsw.gov.au//events-in-detail/built-e?
18.01.2022 CONSULTATION ON PEDESTRIAN ACCESS Please Share your experiences from the day and the evening, commuting for work or play. We’d like to hear: What safety issues are you experiencing?... Where can we improve accessibility, such as path widening? Are there any missing paths? Where can we improve your journey with shade, seating and/or water fountains? What’s working well? https://yoursay.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/pedestriansafety
17.01.2022 Collection of Inner West remnant and reintroduced bushland https://perambuler.ramin.com.au///inner-west-bushland.html
17.01.2022 Yesterdays Walk along Marrickville Road. https://perambuler.ramin.com.au//a-walk-down-marrickville-
17.01.2022 Walkability is good for residents health https://www.theguardian.com//walkable-cities-reduce-blood-
17.01.2022 Some improvements for pedestrians and cyclists in latest proposal from Westconnex Contractors JB Holland (the proponents) - pedestrian access and light rail int...erchange to bus stop on the water side of the crescent still not clear - the artist impression still protrays quiet roads - we need a video showing the projected traffic increase on Johnston Street. "The Department has received a response to the issues raised in submissions for the WestConnex M4-M5 Link - MOD 2 - The Crescent overpass and active transport links. You can access this document on the Major Projects Website. The Department will now commence its assessment having regard to the issues raised in submissions and the proponents response. If you have any enquiries, please contact Fadi Shakir on 02 9274 6277 /at [email protected]." See Proponents response at https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/major-projects//16516
16.01.2022 Good walk this morning with the Hawthorne Canal Birdos. Saw Coels, blue wrens, channel billed cuckoo, fig birds, plovers, lorrikeets, ravens, magpies, wattlebirds and heard silvereyes, currawongs and magpies. Sorry no photographs. Plus some easier to photograph amazing fig trees and heritage engineering. Thanks Jo Blackman
16.01.2022 According to Transport for NSW Centre for Road Safety more than 1500 pedestrians are hit on NSW roads each year. @victoriawalks has some suggestions for making our roads safer for pedestrians https://www.victoriawalks.org.au/news/1662
15.01.2022 Exhibition closes 31 May of draft Section 7.12 [formerly section 94) Development Contributions Plan for the former Leichhardt LGA of the Inner West. This Plan outlines contributions to be made from particular developments and identifies the public services and amenities that the funds are directed to. All Councils have Development Contribution Plans under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000. In 201...6, the new Inner West Council inherited the development contribution plans from former Ashfield, Leichhardt and Marrickville. The former Leichhardt area is the only part of the Inner West that currently does not have a section 7.12 plan in place. Section 7.11 and 7.12 funds (under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act) are used to service the needs of expected future population and employment growth. What is being proposed? A draft Section 7.12 Development Contributions Plan has been prepared for the former Leichhardt Area of the Inner West. The draft Plan consists of: Details of the levy to be charged to particular development under the plan The land and development affected The plan exemptions A schedule of public amenities and services that are to be funded under the plan and maps of their locations How the levy is calculated and indexed Read the Draft former Leichhardt draft Section 7.12 Development Contributions Plan 2020 doc. Find out more about the Plan in our frequently asked questions. To view the development contributions plans for the whole of the Inner West, visit our Council website. https://yoursay.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/former-leichhardt-area
15.01.2022 https://medium.com/happy-cit/walking-economics-aaf64898f361
15.01.2022 This looks useful "Join the Transport Australia society for a panel discussion on the Role of Walking in the Movement and Place Policy Framework. The Movemen...t and Place Framework is increasingly used to guide transport planning in delivering a more integrated transport system to improve customer outcomes and support a range of user groups. This is particularly important for the liveability of places and vibrant streets, where greater numbers of pedestrians gather. Austroads, the NSW Government Architect and others have recently published a series of guidelines to help understand and implement this framework. The event will consist of three presentations by our esteemed partners from Walk Sydney, Victoria Walks and the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads, followed by a Q&A session. Hear from our panellists on their views on what makes great places and how these places can encourage more walking for a healthier, wealthier and more vibrant society. " See more
14.01.2022 Walking in Sydney and our "cross walks" inspire grammy award winning "Bad Guy" https://www.youtube.com/watch
14.01.2022 Documenting my walks around the Inner West https://perambuler.ramin.com.au//my-covid-19-challenge.html
14.01.2022 https://theconversation.com/transport-is-letting-australia-
13.01.2022 Petition calling for more space for pedestrians and cyclists https://www.change.org/p/australian-government-space-for-he
12.01.2022 For information on COVID-19 visit https://www.nsw.gov.au/ Multilingual resources at https://www.health.nsw.gov.au//Pag/covid-19-resources.aspx and available i...n: Arabic Bangla Burmese Dari Farsi Greek Indonesian Italian Japanese Khmer Korean Mandarin Mongolian Nepali Portuguese Spanish Swahili Thai Tibetan Vietnamese at https://www.health.nsw.gov.au//Pag/covid-19-resources.aspx Information also available at https://www.australia.gov.au/
12.01.2022 Take Care in 2020 - 3 killed 98 Seriously Injured 143 moderately injured and 142 minor injuries in 2018 in the Inner west https://roadsafety.transport.nsw.gov.au//interac/nsw.html
11.01.2022 Hi All, I would welcome your thoughts on bus shelters in the inner west - this is on tomorrow night's council meeting agenda. Clr Marghanita da Cruz, Greens, Le...ichhardt-Gulgadya Ward, Inner West Councl > *Item No: C1220(1) Item 27* > > *Subject: **Bus Shelter contract for former Leichhardt Local Government Area*** > > *Prepared By: *David Paton - Road Access Manager > > *Authorised By: *Cathy Edwards-Davis - Director Infrastructure > > *RECOMMENDATION* > > *THAT Council a**dopt the recommendation contained in Confidential Attachment 1.* > > *DISCUSSION* > > Council has a contract with JC Decaux for the provision and maintenance of bus shelters, seats and bins across the former Leichhardt Local Government Area (LGA) (the Leichhardt Contract) The contract will expire on 30 November 2020. Council staff have been in discussions with JC Decaux regarding the expiry of the contract. > > Council has three separate contracts set up by the three legacy Councils for the provision of bus shelters across the LGA. Under the contracts, third party providers install and maintain the shelters whilst sharing with Council the revenue generated from the advertising space on many of the shelters. > > The Marrickville and Ashfield contracts expire in 2028. > > *FINANCIALIMPLICATIONS* > > Financial implications are discussed in Confidential Attachment 1. > > *ATTACHMENTS* > > *1.* > > > > Bus Shelter Contract - JC Decaux - November 2020 - /Confidential/ > > **
10.01.2022 Timely advice from Victoria Walks as Inner West Council Considers our Transport Strategy http://www.victoriawalks.org.au/news/1662
09.01.2022 Went for a good long walk to Ashfield yesterday. Shocked by the lack of safe pedestrian points on Holden, Queen and Victoria Streets. The roundabout at the inte...rsection of Seaview and Holden has no pedestrian refuges. But other than having to take extreme care - there is an opportunity to social distance by walking on the road facing oncoming traffic on relatively quiet roads and take care when crossing. A chance to admire the elegant "ocean liner" homes and well cared for gardens. Also fabulous pastry on the pumkin and goats chees tart from the The Tart Sisters.
09.01.2022 Transport for NSW want to hear your thoughts on how street design impacts you and how we can make our streets safer and more enjoyable. You’ll also go in the draw to WIN a VR headset!
09.01.2022 Walks around the Inner West
08.01.2022 Tips from WHO on helping your imune system
08.01.2022 Calls to fund councils to build more pedestrian and cycling infrastructure https://theconversation.com/physical-distancing-is-here-for
06.01.2022 This is timely consultation as the Sydney Gateway Project (a motorway to the airport) will traverse the canal - here is an opportunity to ask for good walking facilites... https://www.sydneywatertalk.com.au/alexandra-canal-asset-ma?
06.01.2022 The Inner West Council Transport Strategy was deffered last night to next weeks extraordinary council meeting - I will be calling for a 30kmph rather than a 40...kmph speed limit across the inner west - we already have a few 40kmph zones and RMS has approved one I proposed for Haberfield Village https://www.smh.com.au//push-to-cut-speed-limit-to-30km-h- See more
06.01.2022 https://www.denverpost.com//denver-streets-closed-coronav/
06.01.2022 On Tuesday we will be voting to put a plan of management out on exhibition which will see the Marrickville Golf Course be redesigned to 9 holes and new recreation spaces created including along the River https://innerwest.infocouncil.biz//C_22092020_AGN_3756_AT_
06.01.2022 Self Guided Art Walks https://www.innerwest.nsw.gov.au//pu/self-guided-art-tours
05.01.2022 Lets keep walking through and after COVID-19
03.01.2022 The COVID19 Lockdown has seen everyone take to the streets and parks, enjoying fresh clean air and their neighbourhoods a vital counter balance to the threat from the disease..https://theconversation.com/reclaiming-the-streets-we-all-c
03.01.2022 September 2018: Placebo Traffic Lights https://www.theguardian.com//placebo-buttons-australian-pe
03.01.2022 Inner West Council Resolved C0520(1) Item 2 Notice of Motion: Safer Walking and Cycling in the Inner West Motion: (Da Cruz/Steer) THAT Council: 1. Bring back a report on the active transport plan incorporating a review of all outstanding items in the Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plans (PAMP) of the former councils (including along Holden and Queen Streets Ashfield and upgrading existing raised pedestrian crossings on Styles and Catherine Streets Leichhardt and elsewhere ...to incorporate gutter guards) with a view to including in future budgets and writing to Transport for NSW seeking funding for any shortfall; and 2. Write to Transport NSW requesting: a) They run a safety campaign including temporary COVID-19 exercise safety measures, signage at entry points to the LGA and an educational campaign aimed at drivers, cyclists and pedestrians including children on footpaths, shared paths, and the increasing number of 10kmph shared zones on roads. an active transport (pedestrian/cycling) safety infrastructure and campaign; b) The upgrade of the pedestrian refuge on Darley Road at Allen Street Leichhardt; c) The provision of a pedestrian/cyclist refuge safe crossing point on Johnston Street at Albion St Annandale (designated cycle route); d) Signage and Traffic Calming on Darley Road at the Charles Street Roundabout which is the intersection of two on road cycle routes; and e) Safe Crossing point on Old Canterbury Road at Henry Street, Lewisham 3. Staff to report back to the next Council meeting on any opportunities for grant funding to be sought under the new $15 million Streets and Shared Spaces program announced by the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces last week. Motion Carried For Motion: Crs Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York Against Motion: Nil Please put in your requests for Active Transport Things Street Trees, Footpath Repairs, Walking, Cycling, Shade, Shelter, Bubblers and Public Transport facilities at https://www.innerwest.nsw.gov.au//get-/online-self-service
03.01.2022 Our next Birdos meetings (walk) will be Saturday the 22nd Feb Dulwich Hill Chapter Meeting in Davis St at 7:30am... Next to Waratah Mills Light Rail Binoculars available, beginners especially welcome Finishing at or friendship and a coffee at Sideways Caf for those who can stay Following meeting (Walk) Saturday 28th March
03.01.2022 "Ive told my parents to avoid all non-essential activities that could involve significant contact with other people. No more Monday afternoon movies or large social outings for now. If you need to visit the doctors, call first and see if you can get advice over the phone. If you need to do something essential like go to the pharmacy or buy groceries, practice good hygiene and wash your hands before and after with soap and water. But Im also telling them not to withdraw completely. Go for a walk and get some regular exercise. Take the opportunity to spend some time doing those little garden jobs youve been putting off. Talk to your friends on the phone and online, and the occasional visit is ok as long as you take sensible precautions. "
02.01.2022 https://thecityfix.com//walking-talk-can-learn-germanys-n/
01.01.2022 Free Self Guided Walks around Annandale http://ramin.com.au/annandale/eco-annandale-walk.shtml
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