Wavelength PR | Professional service
Wavelength PR
Phone: +61 2 6545 9013
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22.01.2022 From a branding perspective this is a REALLY bad move. Removing the word "hospital" will not enhance the brand and the key to successful branding (logo) is "don't change". Look at GE. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au//story-fni0cx12-122679964
18.01.2022 DID YOU REALLY OBTAIN INFORMED CONSENT? In today’s world of litigation, it continues to surprise us that organisations do not have adequate release forms or procedures for media, be it photography for a brochure, an interview with a television news crew or social media post..... http://wavelengthpr.com.au/media-release-consent/
14.01.2022 Next time you hear the jargon "future proofing" remember this advertisement from Sony:
12.01.2022 Reputation damage is inevitable in any business, but there are some industries where the stakes are higher when you get it wrong...
11.01.2022 Words make a difference...
08.01.2022 WHY EXECUTIVES NEED TO GOOGLE THEMSELVES http://wavelengthpr.com.au/why-executives-need-to-google-t/
08.01.2022 A bad online PR move, which resulted in mainstream negative publicity and reinforces a "poison phrase". Plus the domain www.abbottslies.com.au has been used by their opponents and is ranking better on Google, regardless there are a plenty of articles on a Google search relating to "Abbott lies". It probably would never have been brought to mainstream attention if they had not registered the other domain name. Very odd, very misguided online strategy.
04.01.2022 Another reason we support PRIA´s steps to licence PR practitioners: http://goo.gl/18fB30
04.01.2022 Key messages are important to prepare before an interview...but knowing your subject matter and being able to answer simple questions is always preferable! http://goo.gl/deySd9
03.01.2022 WELCOME TO WAVELENGTH: Hunter Valley Public Relations has grown from its humble beginnings to have clients throughout Australia. To reflect this growth we have become Wavelength Public Relations. It is the same great team, with the same grounded advice and same impressive results...just a new logo to encompass all clients, regardless of geography. Visit us at our new website: www.wavelengthpr.com.au.
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