Green Leaves Wendouree in Wendouree, Victoria, Australia | Education
Green Leaves Wendouree
Locality: Wendouree, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 5334 5046
Address: 1212 1216 Norman St 3355 Wendouree, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 The children of our Tiny Totts room have been focusing on their gross motor skills! The children went for an adventure up to the big kinder yard to help further challenge themselves. This provided an opportunity for the children to climb up the rope ladder as well an opportunity to use a bigger climbing obstacle course and ladder. The children were able to walk up the hallway and as we walked through the kinder room many of the kinder children waved hello to the Tiny Totts an...d we even had brothers and sisters giving each other a quick hug before we moved outside. The older children In Tiny Totts who had gone to the bike yard before all flocked over towards the shed and waited for nearby educators to gather out the bikes and climbing equipment. As the morning went on, we were able to see many children go from needing assistance to climb up the cubby fort to being able to do it all on their own. The children are learning how they can feel a part of our community in the centre through being able to see their brothers and sisters as they walk from one area to another and are learning how we need to stick together in small groups when we are travelling around the centre so we can stay safe. We are encouraging their gross motor development by providing the children with a more challenging climbing structure such as the kinder fort. See more
24.01.2022 In our kinder the children completed a group drawing together. Then they practised their cutting skills using scissors to cut the paper. This then turned into some of the children wanting a face mask, so they were cutting material. This is a way the children are expressing themselves creativity using a different medium. The children are continuing the use the loose parts and small world set ups to engage with their peers in small groups. The children are using positive commun...ication and collaboration in their play. With the sun shining, the children were able to exercise their large muscles on the obstacle course equipment and in the sandpit. Balancing, walking, jumping, digging, crawling and digging. The children are engaging in our August program learning to express themselves using different mediums, developing and enhancing their literacy and numeracy skills and learning to collaborate positively with their peers. See more
21.01.2022 As the rain pours outside the Toddlers made the most of their indoor time getting creative and exploring with their senses. At the art easel, the children explored with a variety of coloured paints. Moving the paintbrush around on the paper the children experimented with making markings and patterns and discussed with Educators the colours being used and the colours the paints made as they mixed together. through this experience the children are developing their imagination and creativity as well as using their fine motor skills.
18.01.2022 In the Tiny Tots room, the children have been busy and active both inside and out. The children moved freely between both the indoor and outdoor play spaces choosing how and where they would like to play. The children have engaged and shown a lot of interest in drawing. They have been exploring doing so on a variety of surfaces and using different tools. Whether it be the chalk on the blackboard mat, or textas and pencils at the drawing table with clipboards, the children h...ave enjoyed experimenting with patterns and discovering what they can create using different movements with their hands. We have also been focusing on basic colour recognition as the children draw and create their pictures. The children have also shown continuing interest in the song wall that has been added in the room. The children have been selecting a picture and bringing it over to educators to request a song or to simply show them the different images on the cards. It has been a great way for the children to communicate with both educators and one another and has sparked many spontaneous sing-a-longs. See more
18.01.2022 Last week we celebrated Footy Colours Day, it was great to see the fantastic colours everyone had shared for our footy day. Most of the children came dressed up in their favourite team's football colours. The children participated in various activities throughout the day, including footy painting experience, practising kicking by holding the footy, dropping it near our toes and then kicking. This was helping with the children’s gross motor skills
14.01.2022 In our nursery, the children play inside discovering the new kitchen set that was added to the plan and enjoy the recycling and outside kitchen as well. The children continue to pull themselves up on the kitchen and learn how to put the food onto the plates. The children cook and put the food and recycling items into the kitchen cupboards. This helps expands the children self help and role modelling skills.
13.01.2022 Tuesday was pink lipstick day so some of the children came dressed in pink to show awareness for breast cancer. The older children had a discussion at group time, while the younger children made some pink slime, using glue, shaving foam and magical liquid. The children took turns putting in the different ingredients and stirring them together. They discussed how the magical liquid bonds the shaving foam and glue together to make the fluffy slime. The children described the slime as looking like ice-cream and felt stretchy and slimy, spending lots of time exploring the texture.
12.01.2022 In our Junior Kinder children have been playing together, building on friendships, learning to interact with one another and working on their gross motor skills. Jasmine and Zaeli read stories to each other, each taking a turn to sit on the chair and read a story to the other child sitting on the pillow. Indiana and Laney took turns in helping each other across the steppingstones, holding each other’s hands as they balanced across them. Children rode the bikes and stepped across the rope bridge.
12.01.2022 In our Tiny Totts room, children are encouraged to engage in the indoor-outdoor play where they were able to decide whether to play inside or outside with their friends. We help the children to put on their sunscreen and their hats before venturing outside. The choices included ball play, musical instruments, block building, chalk drawing, bike riding, going down the slide and balancing on the balance beam. Encouraging the children to become strong in their social and emotional wellbeing, through sharing and interacting with one another.
11.01.2022 Our Junior Kindy children made some purple slime. They took turns adding the different ingredients discussing each ingredient and what will happen when we add them. The children then put on their art smocks and had a feel of the slime. Some of the children described it as slimy, cold and fluffy. Once the children played with the slime it changed from fluffy to stretchy. Through this activity the children begin to develop a disposition for learning such as curiosity, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence and imagination.
10.01.2022 The nursery children have been spending a lot of time outside. The children all seemed to enjoy the new kitchen set up, testing out the sink and the play food. The children have been trying to sit on the bikes and trying to move independently, helping to develop their gross motor skills. Children have also been busy playing in the sand outside, playing in the ball pit, and building towers. In our nursery, the children enjoy when the bubbles come out; this helps the children with their hand-eye coordination.
10.01.2022 In our nursery and Tiny Totts rooms, we discovered and contribute to National Science Week for August. We experimented with putting bicarb soda, vinegar and food dye into the tub, the mixture fizzed up together and children watched and explored with touching and feeling the mixture. The children enjoyed moving and touching the texture and even some experienced a taste. We used blue dye for the children to watch fizz up with the bicarb soda and vinegar for ocean week. After the children experimented, we added some dishwashing liquid to make lots of bubbles, the children enjoyed playing with the bubbles. This will help the children with their coordination and fine motor skills.
09.01.2022 Last week we had ‘Wacky Wednesday Dress-up’. This was not only just fun for the children but, it was an important activity where they use their imaginations, build vocabulary skills, gain confidence, and can freely express themselves. Dress-up play is roleplaying and storytelling that helps children develop ideas about how the world works.
08.01.2022 What a beautiful day for the first day of spring. Most of the children chose to play outside practicing their balancing skills on the steppingstones, walking along the path created by blocks and balancing across the rope bridge. Children used the trucks to role play with the bark and used the different containers and moulds to build sandcastles and make different shapes. The children spent some of the time reading nursery rhymes and native animal stories. The children are becoming more confident with their gross motor skills and are beginning to play cooperatively with one another for short periods of time.
08.01.2022 In our Pre-kinder room welcomed a few new friends to the room and they settled well into the routines with some of the children encouraging them to join in play. During the beautiful moments of sunshine, the children have been able to explore and engage with our new outdoor kitchen. This helps the children to explore and develop their Imaginative and Dramatic Play and social interactions with one another. The children were able to expand on their physical wellbeing during times outside, through the bike track and climbing equipment, while constantly building on their relationships with other children.
05.01.2022 Despite the chilly weather the children got to go outside for a play. Lexi bought down the small bikes from the bike track for the children to ride. They all thought this was a great idea and were keen to have their turn at riding the bikes around our yard. We also played a game of hide and seek, a child or educator would count while everyone else went and hid in the bushes. The counter would then try to find everyone, by hunting around the yard. Children are using their imagination and finding skills by playing hide and seek.
04.01.2022 Over the past week, the children of Tiny Totts have been very excited about our weather, as it had snowed on Tuesday the children have been learning about different weather patterns. Educators thought that as the weather was very chilly, the children could create our own snow as a way to help extend on their learning. The children assisted educators mixing through the bicarb soda, and water and salt. The children were able to watch the chemical reaction between the dissolving... salt in the water and the bicarb fizzing up. As the three different elements mixed together the children started to say "OOO" as they could see a difference in textures. Educators then sectioned off parts of the snow so they could create different objects. With talks of snowball fights and snowmen and snow angels the children manipulated the snow to create the different objects. Children watched their snowballs fall to the table and break apart laughing and giggling amongst themselves. Here the children are building on their sensory experiences through the use of our bicarb experience. As well as helping them learn about the different chemical reactions that can occur through wet and dry ingredients. See more
03.01.2022 Children joined in throughout the centre for our Red Nose Day. The children came dressed in red, painted with red paint and pasted with various red materials. Helping to encourage children to develop their creativity and imagination, and to be connected with and contribute to their world.
03.01.2022 This week we celebrated Ronald Dahl Dress up day. This is celebrated every year on the anniversary of his birthday, the unofficial holiday celebrates all the characters created by the much loved and read children's author whose most popular books included Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda and The Fantastic Mr. Fox. This is a great time to encourage children to not only read books but get involved in them and extending on their creativity.
01.01.2022 This week has been a very busy week for the children, dressing up for Pink Lipstick Day and now dressing for "PJ Movie Day". The children enjoyed relaxing, dancing, reading and playing whilst in their PJ's. Throughout these experiences, Children feel safe, secure, and supported.
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