WE of the WILD | Public figure
WE of the WILD
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24.01.2022 SLOW DOWN to SEE don’t LOOK. There are two very visible nature spirits in this video. It’s very easy to capture them when it is misty due to the change of the light. The third eye is like an umbrella, best used open And if you read this and think I am crazy, well I certainly do hope so, all the best people are. If the state of our current works has been created by sane people then I aspire to be completely off the wall crazy! ... Big love to all the energy weavers this #lionsgateportal may we weave true with pure love, the Earth needs our magic now more than ever. #callmecrazy #ilikeitlikethat #weaveenergy #subtleenergy #elementals #dryads #nature #naturealwayswins #naturespirit #spiritofnature
24.01.2022 I am so grateful for the vision, patience and incredible talent of @warm_egg_productions for assisting in the unfurling of my new talismanic creations due to be shared a little later this year. This is a still from Kat’s video capturing my vision of rewilding through nature connection to the wisdom of native animal spirit, energetic signatures from the liminal.. for empowerment and alignment to our true path. The Animal Spirit Allies are unique creations that embody the m...agic of conscious connection with the realms of subtle energy..... More soon to come xx
22.01.2022 "It’s dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly. Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them. I was so preposterously serious in those days Lightly, lightly it’s the best advice ever given meSo throw away your baggage and go forward. There are quicksands all about you, sucking at your feet, trying to suck you down into fear and self-pity and despair. That’s why you must walk so lightly. Lightly my darling" Aldous Huxley - Island
22.01.2022 IN THE SHADOW IT WAITS- we need not integrate our shadow any more than we need integrate our left kidney. Both have been with us all along, just not in our conscious awareness. Accepting them well that is completely different, had we been taught to demonise the kidney we would have had serious health repercussions.... the illness we face at present is demonisation of our spirits through external blames and victim archetypes....To be whole is to draw our attention to accessing... the complete spectrum of our spirits, to fully activate our potentialities within the earth sphere reality. We have been programmed as a universal law to view the life experience through a polarity filter. Just as history books are written by the victor (oppressor) so too the pathway to self truth has been sullied beyond recognition to confuse the collective. This isn’t some orchestrated agenda... simply the side effect of decades of spiritual amnesia. We are the zeitgeist, we are the ones who forgot we are one with all things, that animals are our allies and not here as a commodity for our disconnected indulgence. So fractured are we that we exist as the I not the we. Seemingly alone and adrift in a world so devoid of purpose and truth, we destroy control and fear all here through power and survival dominance, instead of loving peaceful connection. When we accept that our shadow is not to be feared, that it has place and purpose we begin to imbue the full spectrum of self. There is much to share on the truths around shadow self and what we can access by doing this work.... but that is a whole other conversation. All I will emphasise is that freedom and emancipation reside on the other side of fear.... and since you were little, you were encouraged by the tribe to fear shadow because they were so lost they could not initiate you to exist as a whole due to loss of connection, so you have chased the light and ran from your shadow for an eternity. No more. It is time to rise. Xx
17.01.2022 I’ve been hit by nostalgia this weekend. Trawling through photo albums with my children while visiting my parents, sharing into stories and reminiscing in my own silence who I was before they arrived. . This image was from my first catwalk parade in Melbourne fashion week circa 2004. . I remember how terrified I was to step out on the runway at the end of the parade with one of the models wearing my couture accessories. I was never one for the spotlight and refused to step ou...t again after this rare experience! . Much has changed since then... I became a mother a few short years after that moment and my life changed its trajectory. My wants and dreams were parked for a while as I wasn’t able to juggle both. Only now in the past 2 years have I finally realigned with my creative dreams around designing jewellery once more. . . This photo makes me remember the excitement of a young woman ready to embark on a new chapter... now I am even more excited to embrace a new chapter once more. See more
16.01.2022 Scission. Eight scars forced to support binding iron threads that wove through a forgotten landscape. An alloy of sorts deeply irritates skin, even as I stand scisson above causes skin to ache and tighten... yet not so mirrored beneath. With layered earth held in slow decay lies a history of your skyward majesty. ... An eternity waiting- now as witness we let you go...... amidst a seekers gentle exhale within silent reverence, as dryad in flesh always will you be seen. Carry we home. #dryad #liminal #subtleenergy #deeplistening #treewisdom #treespeak #home #forest #truelove
14.01.2022 I have been shown by spirit that a tear has been created within the quantum field allowing us to access and integrate more rapidly. One way we can do this through a process I have been shared called imagineering. This is activating the imagination which means utilising our ability to use internal images to create our unfurling within our inner expansive emerging collective paradigm. The tear is holographic by nature and it’s very existence a paradox... so working within 5d ...directly is our only access to pierce the veil completely to receive a full energy upgrade. We access this higher energy by moving our conscious inner vision with the heart and the original blueprint to merge within deep earth. The answer is within not without both metaphorically and actually. The tear is within us at this time of rapid transformation. Calling in the Animal Spirit Ally of dragonfly is particularly empowering as it is the yin metal element. It forms the spiritual rod or sword within our spines, so the chi can move fluidly between all the chakra portal gates. Thus allows information carried as emotion to transit from density to release quicker. Time lines are merging so the push to rise is ever present and timely. The next 5 weeks offer us all the opportunity to push past fear and align with our core truth, to regain our passion and purpose once more.... to rewild our civilised hearts and caged spirits. This is an emotional process, as emotion is energy in motion... our conduit to transmutation and spiritual alchemy Xx Expect me to share what I am gifted from now on. As I embody shadow to embrace the full spectrum of self and spirit truth, I shan’t hide nor swallow my words any longer. #shadowweaver #lightweaver #paradox #piercetheveil #transformation #ascension #5d #newparadigm #spiritshare #oneness #timeisnow #spiritwork
11.01.2022 And Be wild.... the days of civilised hearts are gone. We are the new old way. Give a fuck for raising vibration and release that which is not love: fear paradigm is collapsing before our eyes xx... #paradox #love #wild #free #giveafuck
11.01.2022 Switch off the television. It is time to carefully listen to the broadcast of the voice of earth as she speaks. xx #deeplistening
11.01.2022 Look deeper.... the keys to the living library have always been around you. That elusive thing you have felt was missing from your reality has always been here. It envelopes you, holds you, beckons you to open your ancient eyes. Don’t wait for it to find you, to appear one day. Likewise don’t search so far afield that you see past it. It is you, you are it.... Pause. Breathe. Soften and then you will see the keys to the living library are all around you: and I promise you that life will have more meaning, Ayr sweeter, colours richer and you will realise why you are here and become one with your path. Look THROUGH the reality to truly see. I am not speaking riddles, I am sharing how to awaken to the truth of yourself. #gogently #getoutside #connect #openyourheart #ancienteyes #thirdeyeopen #loveisall #nature #starseed #pleiadian #livinglibrary
10.01.2022 LOOK with your eyes SEE with your heart |||| . There among the breakfast crumbs and tiny dead things, surrounded by dander and cells of my body now dislodged and fallen away. I saw you.... At first, I was certain my eyes were playing tricks (when you dance between realms this can happen on occasion)..... a tiny glimmer amidst the greyness...a long thin gossamer thread. I knelt down closer, almost reluctant to reach out and touch you should you disappear from this reality. I held a shallow breath, forced my eyes to refrain from blinking even with the gentle dance of dust particles moving around you attracted to the moisture of my admiring eyes. Face and hands pressed to the floor.... a tiny thread that had snapped thru my dancing and howling and crying and delving deep into the shadows of my heart. A heart string.... once broken and discarded..... now seen, was ready to be woven back into my chest. I wonder in the little things.... that is where peace resides. Meet you there xx - - -my wish for you is to be free to be yourself above all else... this pain and suffering shall pass, you are strong and I have faith in you - so breathe and know you are a spark of oneness- all those who walk with you are you too. You are not alone. See more
09.01.2022 SALE CHAPTER 8- SKYDWELLER :10 CHAPTERS ONLINE SALE: . Creations that invoke the spirit of the higher realms ://: stones of inspiration and communication. . : : ... .. . . .. ... : : .... Celebrating the union between Mother Earth and Father Sky as we move toward Mid Chunnup (winter solstice) this weekend. . . // SILVER LEAF & SUN SHIELD EARRINGS . STUDIO PRICE 129 SALE PRICE 89 Earring drop length 8cm to leaf tip / 9 to sword : : ... .. . . .. ... : : :First to message SOLD in comments get to keep them: I’ll PM you .. :ONLY 1 of each item available unless stated otherwise within the write up .. :Creations as energetically distinctive and individual as the wearer .. :ALL silver and semi-precious stones. .. : РOSTAGE is an extra $4 within Australia $9 with insurance and tracking FREE if you purchase over $90 @ Trentham, Victoria
05.01.2022 SALE CHAPTER 8- SKYDWELLER :10 CHAPTERS ONLINE SALE: . Items that invoke the spirit of the higher realms, stones of inspiration and communication. . : : ... .. . . .. ... : : .... Celebrating the union between Mother Earth and Father Sky as we move toward Mid Chunnup (winter solstice) this weekend. . . LARGE BLUE CALCITE RAW STUDS - LEFT . STUDIO PRICE 50 SALE PRICE 36 . . POLISHED BLUE LACE AGATE STUDS - RIGHT . STUDIO PRICE 30 SALE PRICE 20 : ... .. . . .. ... : : . :First to message SOLD in comments get to keep them: I’ll PM you .. :ONLY 1 of each item available unless stated otherwise within the write up .. :Creations as energetically distinctive and individual as the wearer .. :ALL silver and semi-precious stones. .. : РOSTAGE is an extra $4 within Australia $9 with insurance and tracking FREE if you purchase over $90 @ Trentham, Victoria See more
02.01.2022 A lot can unfurl in just 3 years. I moved to Trentham with my three children as a huge leap of faith. I was broken and bitter, a victim to the world, caged within my own self limiting beliefs and tired from trying to rediscover my purpose. Back then I would call out daily to my ancestors and guides, who I felt had abandoned me for some time, please guide me between heavy sobbing and salty tears choking my words.... Then one day I heard myself say...I give up, I trust and s...urrender. Those magic words allowed me to stop fighting the river and slip Under the waters surface, trusting that by letting go of the edge I would travel downstream to find solace.....for departing this realm was not an option, I was here for a reason and I was not going to give up, just give in. My journey changed dramatically within a few weeks of that moment. I’d released my need to control my reality was actually fear. I was approved for my studio dwelling and gifted my furnishings from friends and family. I moved here with no finances, no plan, no career job I was seen as mad by the life I left behind. I had a jewellery bench that hadn’t been used in 15 years due to raising my babies, some dead silver birch trees to make a studio, no jewellery, no tools.... to the world I would have looked as though I had nothing. I share my story because I had SOMETHING.... I had a dream, vision and and unwavering determination. I let go of fear and surrendered to myself, I was exhausted, commuting from 5am to get kids to school in Melbourne. They would eat breakfast in the car. I’d work, collect them then return home to cook and collapse... My daily mantra was warrior stand up, warrior get the fuck up!, I imagined myself almost dead on a muddy bloody battlefield and pull myself up to slump my tired body just enough to say reach for your sword... today you rise. I drank a bottle of wine a night when I moved as a means to cope with my heavy emptiness and emotions I was unable to process. Just one challenge of many I would conquer. I am now a vegan who is alcohol free for almost 2 years.. my reignited faith in myself has allowed me to move out of stagnancy, to get out of my own way and fall in love with living once more. Everything I now have I have earned through my trust and surrender. My heart is humbled, passion and purpose ignited, wealthy in love beyond measure. I share my story with the intent to shine a light upon stagnancy.... when you are ready surrender to the flow of your higher purpose. You will be held.... and where you drift to will be a daily adventure. Thank you to all my kindred for your undying support. Sending ALL love xx