WestWind Energy in Gisborne, Victoria | Energy company
WestWind Energy
Locality: Gisborne, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 5421 9999
Address: Office 4, 17 Goode Street 3437 Gisborne, VIC, Australia
Website: http://w-wind.com.au
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25.01.2022 Check out how wind farms work with firefighters on our website: https://goldenplainswindfarm.com.au/wind-farms-and-firefig/
22.01.2022 The GPWF Community Benefit Fund (CBF) continues to support local groups and organisations. The Community Reference Group allocated $10,000 from Round 2 of the CBF to the following projects and activities: Barunah Park Recreation Reserve ... $2,000 for a defribillator for the Hall Rokewood/Corindhap Football Netball Club $1,300 towards a facilities upgrade Rokewood Corindhap Community Planning Group $1,500 towards a local history information board Rokewood Kindergarten $1,500 towards blinds for outdoor play area Rokewood Playgroup $649 for the sensory development project Rokewood Primary School $900 towards a bike shed Rokewood Recreation Reserve $951 towards a lawn mower Rokewood RSL $1,200 for car park lighting
22.01.2022 The big boss is out today with Charlie our new Project Developer and Carissa our new Engagement Coordinator showing them around wind farms and sharing his wealth of knowledge.
22.01.2022 Giles Parkinson, founder and editor of Renew Economy, and former business and deputy editor of the Australian Financial Review gives an insight into last nights QandA on ABC TV. "Two middle aged men and three younger women arguing the toss on climate change and energy policies. Two old fossils putting the case for dirty, old, and incumbent technologies. Three smart women putting forward the environmental, economic and engineering case for a clean energy transition. To watch ...to full QandA program, go to https://iview.abc.net.au//qan/series/0/video/NC2004H018S00 See more
21.01.2022 The monthly Golden Plains Wind Farm Pop-Up Office at the Rokewood Hall on the first Thursday of each month has recommenced thanks to the relaxation of the COVID-19 restrictions.
19.01.2022 Global Wind Day competition The annual Global Wind Day on 15 June is a worldwide celebration of wind energy. It is a day for discovering wind, its power and the possibilities it holds to change our world. To celebrate this annual event, the Golden Plains Wind Farm is holding a competition for the best wind powered device or toy. There will be prizes for Under 10, Under 16 and Open. This competition is for people of all ages who live in the Rokewood area from Cressy to Wall...induc, Mount Mercer to Shelford and everywhere in between. There will be prizes for Under 10, Under 16 and Open. Simply build a kite, paper plane, wind spinners, whirly gig, sailboat, balloon powered model car, whirligig, model wind turbine or anything else. Let your mind run wild and be creative. Now winter is upon us, it is a good time for farmers to spend time in the workshop to build a wind-powered device, maybe a wind-power garden sculpture. Once your entry is complete, take a photo or short video (so we can see it working) and email it to [email protected] dont forget to include your age if under 16. Entries close on 13 June. On Global Wind Day, all entries will be posted and the winners announced here, on our Facebook page. Here are some websites for ideas to get you started. globalwindday.org//uploads/2018/files/GWD-paper-turbine.pdf www.youtube.com/watch?v=BD353qP2i78 4-h.org//2/05/4H-STEM-Lab-Wind-to-Lift-a-Load-Activity.pdf www.pinterest.com.au/daverague/wind-turbine-toys/ If you have any difficulty or are looking for ideas, contact our local Golden Plains Wind Farm representative Lyall Grey at [email protected] or call 0419 720 041.
18.01.2022 Taken while on an Iso-walk, Jo Sibbison submitted this photo into our competition, My Life in 2020. To vote for this, or any of the other entries for Peoples Award, simply LIKE our page and then any of the photos you like.
18.01.2022 Another major renewable energy project planned for Australia.
18.01.2022 Shining light on Rokewood RSL Lights at the entrance of the Rokewood RSL Hall will make night-time access safer with the secondary benefit of increasing security. The solar powered floodlights for ‘The Hut’ as the RSL Hall is known locally, were purchased with a $1,200 grant from the Golden Plains Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund and installed free-of-charge by local electrician, Stewart Summersby from Dereel. The lights are being positioned to cover the car park and entrances which Rokewood RSL President, Brian Dingley, said would make the entrancing and exiting safer for people of all ages. The next round of the GPWF Community Benefit Fund is open with the deadline for applications on Friday 30 October. For submission guidelines and the application form, head to our website goldenplainswindfarm.com.au/community.
16.01.2022 An increase in renewable energy capacity means that Australia is unlikely to breach its reliability standards this summer, despite the increasing fragility of its ageing coal fleet, according to the Australian Energy Market Operator.
15.01.2022 Lauren Smith sent in two photos taken by 6 year old Hailey Smith of the sunset over her favourite backyard play area. To vote for Haileys or any of the photos in our Peoples Choice Award, simply LIKE our page and the photos of your choice.
15.01.2022 Hazel Daz del Corts from Rokewood sent in these photographs for out My Life in 2020 competition. To vote for these or any of the photos in our Peoples Choice Award, simply LIKE our page and scroll down through all the entries and LIKE the photos of your choice.
14.01.2022 The many Rs of lowering your carbon emissions! Credit for this graphic: Unknown (Help us properly credit if you know!)
14.01.2022 The My Life in 2020 photographic competition has shown just how many very talented photographers live in the Golden Plains region. The quality of the entries made the judges decision very difficult but they were instructed to choose just one winner for each category. Thanks to all our entrants for taking part in the Golden Plains Wind Farm Iso Photographic Competition, which was designed to illustrate how great it is to be living in our region - even with Covid-19 isola...tion. The winners are:
14.01.2022 Covid-19 marks a fork in the road: will we use this time to take action on the climate crisis, or keep using polluting fossil fuels? We need to #BuildBackBetter. This #GlobalWindDay, Monday June 15 join in by making a pinwheel or model wind turbine at home to send a message we need a renewables led recovery that creates jobs in climate action! Friends of the Earth Melbourne will be posting tips and how to guides through the week leading up to Global Wind Day. Check out the facebook event for details and RSVP to receive email updates > www.melbournefoe.org.au/global_wind_day_of_action
13.01.2022 Applications for the second round of the 2020 Golden Plains Wind Farm community funding close at 5pm THIS Friday, 30 October. There are no prizes for 'Closest to the Post' so don't wait until the last minute if you plan to apply for a grant for your not-for-profit community group and organisation. Submission guidelines and the application form, head to our website goldenplainswindfarm.com.au/community... For more information or assistance with your application contact our Community Engagement Officer, Lyall Grey, on 0419 720 041 or [email protected]
13.01.2022 A new Australian think tank, Blueprint Institute, came out of the blocks this week with the results of a national poll showing that three out of five Australians want the newly formed and now permanent National Cabinet to tackle drought and climate change as top priorities of Australias economic recovery plan, post Coronavirus. The poll also found that 73 per cent of those surveyed (1000 people) agreed that a strong economy was not important without a healthy environment.
12.01.2022 We are working on the next edition of our quarterly Project Update. Make sure you have registered on the Golden Plains Wind Farm website - www.goldenplainswindfarm.com.au - to keep up-to-date on this exciting, renewable energy project.
12.01.2022 Its vital that climate change and its impacts on public health are central to the Federal Governments COVID-19 recovery plan, according to Royal Australasian College of Physicians. Redirecting funds from fossil fuel subsidies towards the production of renewable energy would produce cleaner air, significantly reduce emissions and power an economic recovery.
12.01.2022 Todays announcement that the Federal Government will provide $1.9 billion to extend the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) for another decade is an important step towards Australia realising its potential as a clean energy superpower.
11.01.2022 More than 1 million tonnes of hard rock will be required during the construction of the Golden Plains Wind Farm. To assist in sourcing this material, a new quarry within the Project boundary is proposed for the wind farm construction period. This will minimise the carbon footprint during construction and reduce disruption on local roads by decreasing the distance material needs to travel. Call into our next Pop-Up Office at the Rokewood Memorial Hall on Thursday 5 November between 10am and 4pm, to find out more and pick up a copy of our quarry information sheet. Social distancing, hand sanitiser, face masks and disposable gloves will be available.
11.01.2022 It has been described as the biggest reform to the national electricity market since the NEM was created in 1998. Dan Cass, from The Australia Institute, says this could set Australia on a clear path to allow clean technology to outcompete coal and gas during peak demands, he said. The Australia Institute has proposed a reform stimulus, to bring forward the redesign of the NEM, to create jobs and help with economic recovery. "Australia is at an energy crossroads, which wi...ll have big repercussions for energy prices, climate policy and the economy." According to the CSIRO and the market operator, wind and solar have already won the race on environmental considerations there is simply no contest on greenhouse and other noxious emissions when pitched against coal and gas. They have also won the race on economics clearly the cheapest form of bulk generation, even with firming or storage costs added to their bill.
11.01.2022 Eight year old MacKenzie Henderson from Corindhap has some more of her photographs for our My Life in 2020 photo competition. The photo competition ends on Friday. To vote for MacKenzies photos (or any of the great photos) in the Peoples Choice Award, simply LIKE this page and then LIKE the photos of your choice.
11.01.2022 WestWind Energy is happy to announce that the Golden Plains Wind Farm is using a local quarry. If you would like to know more, check out our FAQs on our Golden Plains website, https://goldenplainswindfarm.com.au//golden-plains-wind-f/
11.01.2022 Recovery must be green, say big banks The Australian Financial Review reports that Australias major banks, insurers and superannuation funds are urging a radical rethink in how to steer the economy out of the pandemic-induced economic crisis, calling for stimulus measures that are consistent with the Paris Agreement climate targets. In its first public statement since the COVID-19 crisis hit, the Australian Sustainable Finance Initiative, a joint venture of the big four bank...s, major insurers, super funds, asset managers and financial regulators, argued simply throwing money at old forms of infrastructure was no longer appropriate. Instead an innovative approach was needed that accepted the science of climate change and made sure any infrastructure or other stimulus spending would solve rather than contribute to the problem of global warming.
11.01.2022 Looking forward to catching up with community members at our first pop-up office since the COVID-19 pandemic stopped community gatherings. Social distancing, hand sanitiser, masks and gloves will be available to ensure your safety.
11.01.2022 Today is Global Wind Day - an annual, worldwide celebration of wind energy. It is a day for discovering wind, its power and the possibilities it holds to change our world. Here are the winners of the Golden Plains Wind Farm competition for the best wind powered device or toy. Congratulations to our winners. Gift cards will be posted out this week. ... WestWind Energy staff also got into the spirit of the annual celebration and some of their entries are shown below the winning entries.
09.01.2022 Erin Gray and Carissa Crabtree will be at the Rokewood Memorial Hall Thursday, December 3rd, from 10am - 4pm to answer any questions you may have. We hope to see you there and are looking forward to a chat.
09.01.2022 Applications are now open for the second round of the 2020 Golden Plains Wind Farm community funding, with a total pool of $10,000 available to communities within 10km of the proposed project site. The key objective of the site is to provide financial support to not-for-profit community groups and organisations that are working to make a positive and lasting contribution to regional communities in and around the Golden Plains Wind Farm. For submission guidelines and the application form, head to our website goldenplainswindfarm.com.au/community Applications close on Friday 30 October. For more information or assistance with your application contact our Community Engagement Officer, Lyall Grey, on 0419 720 041 or [email protected]
08.01.2022 The Rokewood Recreation Committee new lawn mower.
08.01.2022 If you are looking for something to keep your kids entertained over school holidays check out our wind activity booklet on our website. https://goldenplainswindfarm.com.au/kids-activity-booklet/
08.01.2022 It was great to catch up with quite a few people at the Golden Plains Wind Farm Pop-Up Office at the Rokewood Hall yesterday - our first since the announcement of COVID-19 restrictions. The monthly pop-up office will once again be held on the first Thursday of the month from 10am until 4pm - subject to COVID-19 restrictions. Pictured at the July pop-up office were (back) Erin Gray, WestWind Energy, Evelyn Cannon, Illabrook, and Carissa Crabtree, WestWind Energy with (front) Kyle, Onyka, Mark, Luke and Nikolette Cannon.
08.01.2022 Renewables share of the National Electricity Market continues to grow.
07.01.2022 Fantastic to see the Victorian Government take note of #ACleanRecovery with its recent announcement of plans to build 600 MW of new renewable energy capacity ac...ross the state, driving down power prices and creating much-needed jobs for Victorians. Learn more about the enormous potential of A Clean Recovery jumpstarting our economy here: https://bit.ly/34XNz0K
07.01.2022 We will be in the Rokewood Memorial Hall on Thursday December 3rd from 10am - 4 pm. Hope to see you there.
07.01.2022 Rokewood and Corindhap featured on ABCs Back Roads on Monday. If you missed it check it out on Iview or online at https://www.tvcatchupaustralia.com//season-6-episode-3-rok
06.01.2022 Golden Plains Wind Farms pop-in office at the Rokewood Hall will not be open on Thursday June 4 due to the social distancing requirements to minimise the spread of Covid-19. We will recommence our monthly Pop-Up office on Thursday July 2 and continue on the first Thursday of each month. In the meantime, we are posting regular updates on our website: goldenplainswindfarm.com.au and on Facebook: www.facebook.com/westwindenergy/... If you have any questions or would like find our more, call our local representative Lyall Grey on 0419 720 041 or email [email protected].
06.01.2022 Looking forward to seeing you at our next Pop-Up Office at the Rokewood Hall on Thursday - 10am to 4pm.
05.01.2022 Battery storage will soon be powering a homes all over the world.
05.01.2022 Thirteen year old Matt Hooper from Mannibadar sent in his photographs for the My Life in 2020 competition. To vote for Matts photos or any of the photos in our Peoples Choice Award, simply LIKE our page and scroll down through all the entries and LIKE the photos of your choice.
05.01.2022 A new project update on Golden Plains Wind Farm has been posted on our website. https://goldenplainswindfarm.com.au/
05.01.2022 Lauren Smith from Dereel sent in this great sunset for our photographic competition, My Life in 2020. To vote for Laurens photo or any of the photos in our Peoples Choice Award, simply LIKE our page and scroll down to all the entries and the photos of your choice.
04.01.2022 Renewable jobs for regional areas are possible with the right government policies!
04.01.2022 Donna Evans from Mannibadar has sent in these photographs for our My Life in 2020 competition. She says These are pictures at our farm and my 3yr old daughter Tessa pretending to sleep on the ride on mower. To vote for Donnas photos or any of the photos in our Peoples Choice Award, simply LIKE our page and scroll down through all the entries and LIKE the photos of your choice.
04.01.2022 Came across this photo of horses and wagons at Rokewood Railway Station. Cropping is on a different scale today. How times have changed.
03.01.2022 Students at the Rokewood Primary School will gain a greater understanding of the wind and the weather after being presented with the latest in wireless weather stations by the Golden Plains Wind Farm. The weather station, which provides accurate, reliable weather monitoring, will enable students to see current weather conditions, including indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity, barometric pressure, wind speed and direction, dew point and rainfall. They will also get w...eather forecast icons, moon phase, sunrise/sunset times, graphing of weather trends, alarms and more. The information is stored on a console and downloaded onto a computer for logging and tracking weather conditions. School Principal, Ben Cook said the students were eager to start measuring and recording daily wind speeds and to better understand how the Golden Plains Wind Farm will use wind to generate power in our local community. On behalf of Rokewood Primary School, I’d like to thank the Golden Plains Windfarm for kindly donating a Vantage Vue weather station to the school, Mr Cook said. Photo: Rokewood Primary School Principal, Ben Cook, looks over the data provided by the new weather station with students (and brothers) Reece, 9, and Matthew Baxter, 11.
03.01.2022 This is a great show, that is very well done that outlines real things that each of can do can decrease our carbon footprint. It also shows how Australia stacks up globally in our response to climate change - I think many will be surprised!
02.01.2022 Golden Plains Wind Farm will be having a pop-up session at the Rokewood Memorial Hall the first Thursday of every month. Here are the dates for 2021. We hope to see you there!
02.01.2022 What a fantastic story from a Victorian community!
02.01.2022 The Golden Plains Wind Farm pop-up office at the Rokewood Hall on Thursday 6 August has been cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions. We are available for appropriately distanced, one-to-one meetings with anyone who would like to catch up. We are also available by phone or online Zoom virtual meetings. Go to the Golden Plains Wind Farm website - goldenplainswindfarm.com.au/ - to keep up-to-date on this exciting renewable energy project.... Stay safe everyone
01.01.2022 The most notable milestone in Australias main electricity grids is a new peak for renewable energy share in the National Electricity Market: It reached 50.4 per cent at 10.55am on Monday.
01.01.2022 Australia has a lot to gain from a transition to renewable energy. Reforming our energy sector can unlock the economic potential of our abundant natural resources, create new industries, and propel our economy into the future. Government spending on climate generates economic activity and jobs today. It lowers carbon emissions, which will lessen the severity of extreme weather events tomorrow. It also drives new industries and trade opportunities.
01.01.2022 The latest edition of the Project Update for the Golden Plains Wind Farm is online at goldenplainswindfarm.com.au Stay up-to-date by registering at the bottom of the website home page and receive your copy emailed directly into your Inbox.
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