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Wild Fig Yoga in Taree, New South Wales | Health/beauty

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Wild Fig Yoga

Locality: Taree, New South Wales

Phone: +61 410 383 449

Address: Suite 1 River Arcade, 210-214 Victoria St 2430 Taree, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 I'm so sorry guys! With all the craziness lately, I completely forgot to post our winner of the @myyogalifestyle_namaste Daily Planner! Congratulations to Kerri MacA I'm sure you're going to love it! Send us a DM so I can get your prize to you!

25.01.2022 I look forward to my Friday afternoons If you've never tried yoga before, or if it's been a while since you last practiced, book yourself in and come and try it out! There's no experience necessary as it's beginners classes! ... I will guide you through each of the postures and show you how to modify them to suit you. It's a lot of fun but super relaxing too! So come and try it out! You never know. You might just love it

25.01.2022 **EDIT** Friday nights class is all booked out! But keep your eyes peeled for extra days and times coming your way soon! Only 2 spots left in Fridays 5pm Beginners Yoga class! If you'd like to snag yourself one of these spots, either DM me, or text me on 0410 383 449 ... Looking forward to busting out some new equipment for ya'll this week! WOOHOO!!!

24.01.2022 New Beginners class coming your way in just 2 weeks time!! Beginners Plus is for anyone who would like to start getting a little deeper into their practice.... In Beginners Plus, our holds will become longer, stronger, and deeper to challenge our bodies a little more! We'll also start introducing new postures that will help build our strength (both physical AND mental!) So if you're keen to start getting physical and get a little bit sweaty, then jump on to the link, and get yourself booked in! Looking forward to seeing you there Cind

24.01.2022 5pm class is all booked up! Sorry to anyone that couldn't book in! Gotta be quick round here lol5pm class is all booked up! Sorry to anyone that couldn't book in! Gotta be quick round here lol

23.01.2022 There'll be no Restorative class next Monday (9th November) due to new carpet being installed! There'll be no Restorative class next Monday (9th November) due to new carpet being installed!

23.01.2022 Hey peeps! So I've been trying to work out some new class days/ times and I thought I'd let you guys check it out and see what ya'll think! Give me your totally honest opinions and let me know if there's any particular days or times that you'd like to see classes happening! ... Cind

22.01.2022 **EDIT** Classes still running this week!! Bummer. We've got a bit of a delay with the new carpet being laid, BUT it should be done in time for the Friday evening classes

22.01.2022 Absolutely so much YES to this!!!

21.01.2022 1 year ago today, I left my little safety bubble to spend 3 weeks in Byron Bay training to become a yoga teacher. 1 year ago today, I was lucky enough to meet all these amazing and wonderful souls. Happy Anniversary peeps!

21.01.2022 Photo shoot tomorrow morning! Meeting at the riverbank in town (behind The Waterfront(?) where all the lovely big trees are.) 9am for a 9:30 start! All you'll need is to be in your yoga gear, and bring a mat along with you!

20.01.2022 Beginners+ Classes starting next Tuesday! Beginners+ still uses our classic beginner-friendly postures, but we kick it up a notch by introducing deeper/longer holds, and strengthening techniques (think Downward Dog, Plank, lunges, warrior poses etc)... It'll definitely be a bit more of a sweatier session! So make sure to bring some water and a towel! If you're keen to have a crack at it, click the link and reserve yourself a spot! It'll be heaps of fun... I promise!! Cind

20.01.2022 Remember we were talking about evolutionary changes and differences in our bodies a couple of weeks ago? Here's a neat little video of some of those interesting things................ anybody else love sciencey stuff as much as me?

20.01.2022 Next month we'll be having the lovely Justine Thompson Yoga along to host a yoga and meditation retreat! 3 glorious hours to rest and recharge the batteries ready for the Christmas chaos! If anyone else would like to join me, jump onto the link on Justines original post and book yourself in!!

19.01.2022 Just over a week to go until we move into our new space! Who's keen to get their yoga on?! We'll be opening the space with a beautiful calming Restorative Yoga class (think de-stressing, with lots of props!!) There's still a few spaces available if you'd like to join me in bringing some calmness to your being ... Jump onto the website if you'd like to check out what classes we have available! Cind

19.01.2022 Gorgeous soft light from the lovely candle gifted to me (and our studio) by 2 of our beautiful yoginis, Robyn and Kate Thank you both for the lovely candle (and choccys!) You guys are awesome

19.01.2022 We're back in the studio this week, and it's as if our little mantra cards knew! Awareness, and Breath is Life. As always in our classes, we bring our attention back to our breath, to help us focus, stay present, calm our bodies and minds...... There's so many benefits to mindful breathing. Have a crack and let me know how it feels for you! ... Cind

19.01.2022 Beautiful morning down at the riverbank getting ready for our photo shoot!!

18.01.2022 Well, tonight I got to enjoy my final class in Wendies @activebarre studio! It was really sweet to walk in and see this lovely little message from her, and then to teach this amazing group of women, just topped off a wonderful Friday! @wendiedawson thank you so much for letting me share your studio these past months! It's been wonderful, and I'm looking forward to working with you (again) one day! you're a legend lady! ... And to my lovely yogi peeps, I'll be seeing ya'll in the new studio!

17.01.2022 My family came to check out the new studio with me today and help me set up..... You can see how helpful they were

16.01.2022 Gratitude Practice!! What are you grateful for today? Firstly, I'm grateful that it's my day off today, and i get to spend it with this little ginja ninja his 2 brothers and their dad ... I'm grateful to have a job so when i do get a day off, I enjoy it more! I'm grateful for the little bit of rain this morning. And for the sunshine we have now. Grateful for running water and being able to have a nice hot shower! I'm super grateful for everything that's happened in my life so far that's lead me to where I am today And grateful for my wonderful family for just being so awesome! Looking forward to playing some bingo tonight

16.01.2022 Just one of the many lovely pics we got this morning! Thank you to these lovely folks who came down to join me for a little yoga sesh shoot! It was a GORGEOUS morning, and it was awesome to have some yoga fun outside with such a beautiful view! Taree riverbank really put on her best for us! And a massive thank you to my amazing little sis for being my photographer and taking such stunning pics! You're a legend

16.01.2022 Inversions. One of my favourite things to practice in yoga. I love my headstands, but inversions are any posture that has the heart higher than the head. Some that we practice in class regularly are Downward Dog, Viparita Karani (legs up the wall), and our wall assisted handstand. Yoga inversions are believed to release tension, increase circulation and energy levels, and strengthen muscles. It’s also thought to promote emotional growth, calm the mind and spirit, guid...e energy toward the heart, and help you become more connected with the earth Over the next few weeks in our Tuesday night beginners class, we'll be getting a little more acquainted with being upside down! 5:30pm Tuesdays Jump online at or text me on 0410 383 449 to book your spot! See you there! Cind

15.01.2022 Everyone when savasana is over

15.01.2022 Restorative Yoga Teacher Training DONE!! Ready to bring this amazing practice to you all! I can't wait!

15.01.2022 Some clues for tonights surprise....... Any ideas?

14.01.2022 REVEAL What card did you pick? Did it speak to you? Let me know in the comments below 1. Awareness - There are no limits to the possibilities that surround you. Be aware of the opportunities flowing toward you. 2. Be Bold - You are the master of your mind, the Warrior against your fears. You are strong, brave and courageous. ... 3. Resilience - Sometimes you just have to get through the rough.

14.01.2022 The beautiful artwork that my lovely mumma painted for me as a gift for opening up my very own studio. I absolutely love it!! Thank you so much mumsy I think it's your best piece yet! Loads of love, Your Favourite

13.01.2022 Sometimes, in order to take flight, you might just need a little support from others. Someone to help lift you up, and someone there just in case you fall #yogafun #memoriesforlife #partneryoga #acroyoga

13.01.2022 COMING SOON Restorative Yoga What is Restorative Yoga?... It's a style of Yoga known for its relaxing, calming and healing benefits. With my beginners classes, we typically move through between 15-20 postures. With Restorative, however, the practice is designed to rest and restore the body. Moving through only a few postures that are held typically up to 15 minutes each!!! We use as many props as necessary to help you find your "comfort zone" and fully relax into the posture. Restorative Yoga Benefits: Deeply relaxes the body Stills a busy mind Releases muscular tension, improving mobility and flexibility Improves the capacity for healing and balancing Balances the nervous system Boosts the immune system Develops qualities of compassion and understanding towards others and self. Sounds pretty amazing right? I'm looking forward to bringing this beautiful restful practice to you all! I just know you're going to love it Cind

13.01.2022 Hey guys! I'm looking for a few volunteers for a yoga photo shoot this coming Sunday! All ages, sizes, fitness levels etc! With covid restrictions in place, I'm keen to get up to 15 volunteers! All you'll need is a yoga mat and to come dressed in appropriate yoga gear (ie something comfy and easy to move in )... Hit me up if you're interested! Cind See more

11.01.2022 I love this!!! Which happiness chemical will you be hacking this weekend?

10.01.2022 We've got a beautiful new Restorative Yoga practice coming your way in just 2 weeks time! In a restorative class, we'll only move through between 5-8 postures. Each being held for up to 10 minutes. We'll be using a whole host of different props to enable your body to feel completely supported in each pose. ... Restorative yoga is a wonderful way to start your week and feel mentally prepared for whatever life will throw at you. And it's an especially lovely way to wind down from a busy week. It helps to balance the nervous system, reduce stress levels, release tension held in the body, Boosts your immune system..... among other things! If this sounds like something you need, then jump on the website and book yourself in! Cind

08.01.2022 Classes this week!! We've only got 3 weeks of classes left to go before we close for a week at Christmas! Jump onto the website to reserve yourself a spot! ... Please bring your own mat (if you have one) some water, and a towel! And if possible, please arrive at least 10 minutes before class to get yourself settled and ready! Loads of Christmassy love, Cind

08.01.2022 This afternoons super beautiful little setup for my beginners class!! Might not always look this inviting, but I think they'll enjoy it today Thanks to @calmbuddhi for my GORGEOUS props! I can't rave about them enough

08.01.2022 Little Sunday morning card reading using @theintrinsicway Intuition Cards for goals and dreams. Which will you choose for today? 1,2 or 3. I'll post the reveal in a little while ... Happy Sunday ya'll!! Cind

07.01.2022 Gratitude Post It's Saturday. Weekend off. The sun is shining Birds are out chattering away. And i finally have the chance to enjoy all the beautiful flowers that are blooming at the moment! Even the little one that someone had cut right back and we assumed was dead, has popped out a couple of blossoms!! Might have to get some feed or something for it ... But everything just looks so bright and colourful! And the orange blossoms smell just DIVINE!!! So today, I'm grateful it's spring and i have the day off Cind

07.01.2022 Todays message: Communicate - Chant & Create - Inner Child I'd intended on only choosing one card, but the cards thought differently, and both came out! ... For me, this message is not so much " I am peace" and " I choose play"separately, but the 2 combined....."I am allowed to choose play!" Life is not all about work and making money to pay the bills and put food on the table. Ya gotta make a little time to have fun too and let that little kid inside you out to play! I think maybe it's also telling me I should start thinking about hosting some "Kids Yoga for Adults" classes soon What do ya'll think? Cind

06.01.2022 With only 4 weeks today until Christmas I'm sure many of us are already starting to feel stressed out! Many people tend to put their practice on the back-burner during the Christmas period as we tend to have a lot going on. But did you know that practicing yoga can help with stress relief? ... No matter the style of Yoga you like to practice, whether it's a class full of movement and working up a sweat, or a beautiful gentle restorative or yin, I can pretty much guarantee you'll leave the class feeling a little (if not a lot!) more relaxed and calm than when you arrived. So make sure you take the time out for yourself. Your mind and body will thank you for it

05.01.2022 Guidance for Monday 21/9 COMMUNICATE ~ Kindness & Compassion ~ Go Gently #gbtsintuitiveoracle

04.01.2022 Spaces still available for the 3:45 class. BUT!! Only 1 spot left for 5pm! Better hurry!

04.01.2022 It's official!!! Wild Fig Yoga will be moving into a new space at the end of this month!! Our new space will be located just around the corner from @activebarre , right above @rawsugarcafe (cuppa afterwards anyone? )... Our last class in the Active Barre Studio will be held on Friday 25th September! But we'll have plenty of new classes and availabilities ready for ya'll the following week Sending out much love and a massive thank you to Wendie for letting me use her studio to bring some yoga love to everyone! It's certainly been lovely being here Cind

04.01.2022 As you're all probably already aware, as of last night restrictions have been put back in place. Masks must be worn in the studio 1 person per 4m2 If you've been to Greater Sydney in the past 2 weeks, please stay home and isolate... To make things a little easier for everyone (since we have to wear masks ), classes will be a little gentler, and we'll focus more on the Yin and Restorative Yoga practices. We've got this guys!

03.01.2022 Yoga then brunch? Why not! Sure is handy having a cafe just downstairs! Thanks for letting me join ya @laurenh161 French toast was amazing

03.01.2022 A little glimpse into some of the postures we move through during our beginners classes. As you can see, in some of the postures (like Baddha Konasana ~ Bound Angle Pose) we've used a prop to help one of todays participants (my husband) achieve a more comfortable seat in this position, or in the Warrior poses, modifying the posture by lowering the arms so as not to aggravate a shoulder injury. I'll be honest. ... I'm not an expert. But if you have injuries or limitations, you're always welcome in my classes and we'll work together to find suitable modifications or alternative postures that work for YOU! #propsaretops #beginnersyoga #wildfigyoga @ Manning Quays

03.01.2022 Anyone that's heard the lovely sound of my wind chime during savasana, this is the one! And also where I got it from

03.01.2022 Officially 1 week today till we open the new studio!!

02.01.2022 Gratitude Saturday (#graturday ?) Leave me a comment or pic below with what you're grateful for today!

01.01.2022 Hey ya'll! So I believe next week's class is already booked up! But if you'd like me to pop your name down in case of cancellations, just let me know! Oh, and keep your eyes and ears peeled for more classes coming your way soon! ... Cind

01.01.2022 Some pretty exciting things happening with Wild Fig Yoga! In the next few weeks we'll be adding some new class times to our timetable (FINALLY! ) AND we'll also be bringing you an amazing and super relaxing style of yoga practice! #sleepytime ... We're also looking at introducing a new way of booking for classes to make it easier for you to see if there's spaces available! Can't wait to see it all start coming together for ya'll! Until then, Cind

01.01.2022 It's SELF CARE SUNDAY!!! I've started my morning off with a lovely little facial treatment from @lush_ausnz to help nourish my super dry skin (thanks winter ) I'm actually obsessing over my #ultraplant cleanser. ... It even made my little wrinkles between my brows (what I lovingly call my "wtf lines" ) practically disappear! Thank you hydration. What will you be doing for your #selfcaresunday ?

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