Wimmera Health Care Group in Horsham, Victoria | Hospital
Wimmera Health Care Group
Locality: Horsham, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 5381 9111
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24.01.2022 As promised, here is the second part of The Wolff Pact series where Alan talks about achievements at WHCG during his tenure. https://youtu.be/H-9LAfJc8b4
24.01.2022 This week is Wound Awareness Week. Nearly half a million Australians suffer from chronic wounds every day. If you are living with a wound that is not healing, or need assistance managing your wound contact the District Nursing Service at Wimmera Health Care Group on 5381 9391.
23.01.2022 We are very appreciative of the enormous job our ADF colleagues have been doing along with our own assessment team at our drive-thru clinic. While positive cases are frighteningly high in Victoria, testing at the drive-thru has quietened considerably since week one so you wont have to worry too much about queues.
22.01.2022 Going to the Haven Market today? We have directors and board members on our stand who are keen to talk to you and ask you what type of health services you would like made available in the Wimmera through an improved partnership with Ballarat Health Service. Grab yourself a free showbag of goodies while you're there.
21.01.2022 To all aged care employees that are doing thier best in difficult times, thank you for caring and enjoy Aged Care Employees Day ..
21.01.2022 Ballarat Health Services CEO Dale Fraser wrote a letter to the editor which was published in last week's newspapers. For those who may have missed seeing it, you can read the copy attached here.
20.01.2022 Just a reminder that 6.30pm this evening is the last of our online community consultations about strengthening partnerships ... with the first face to face session tomorrow afternoon at 5pm in our Day Centre. It is not too late to book into tonight's ZOOM session. Just click on the link below to register. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/community-consultation-sess
20.01.2022 Dr Fari is the Wimmeras first neurologist. She is based at Horshams Read Street Clinic. Read her story ... http://whcg.org.au//591-neurologist-a-first-for-the-wimmera
20.01.2022 It was very heartening to see how well our six ADF personnel worked with our Covid-19 Clinic team on the weekend. It was a busy weekend to kick things off and everyone was cooperative and efficient so well done to all. We tested 200 people on Saturday and another 150 yesterday. Dont forget if you have any Covid-19 symptoms, NO MATTER HOW MILD THEY MIGHT BE, come and get tested any day between 9am and 5pm. No bookings or referrals needed. Enter via Arnott Street, opposite Jardwa Park.
20.01.2022 We are once again looking for support workers so please share this with anyone you believe might be interested. Here is the link: https://whcg.mercury.com.au/ViewPosition.aspx
20.01.2022 Thanks to Bendigo Community Health for providing this video on stage three restrictions for our Karen communities. Please share with any Karen people you may know. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZXH1chqtPQ&feature=youtu.be
19.01.2022 BIRTHING PARTNER VISITS When can a woman have her partner or support person with her during pregnancy and after her baby is born? 1. Birth partners can still support women at WHCG for labour, birth and the postnatal period as per our current restrictions. Once the birth partner leaves the hospital they are not permitted to come back onto Yandilla. 2. Partners/support people CAN NOT attend routine ultrasound scans or other routine tests (e.g. blood tests) at the hospital.... 3. Partners and support people CAN NOT attend routine pregnancy care appointments at the hospital. 4. If your baby is admitted to Special Care Nursery, only ONE parent/caregiver can visit the baby at a time. There is no time limit on the length of time of each visit. 5. During labour and after the birth of your baby, birth partners are required to wear a face mask and this is to continue for the duration of their stay on Yandilla. See more
18.01.2022 In case you missed it, this short video shows the safe way to apply a mask and remove it without fear of contamination. It was made for visitors to the hospital but it is exactly the same process for use in the community. Share it with your friends because we are ALL wearing them now. https://youtu.be/SohZkRzkGvE
18.01.2022 More than 800 people have tested for Covid-19 since our Drive-Thru clinic opened on Saturday morning. A record 243 people tested yesterday and another 231 today. Thank you everyone for being responsible and getting tested to better protect our community ... and thank you to our teams keeping up with the workload at the clinic. * Remember if you are unable to enter the drive-thru in a vehicle, you will need to book an appointment online with the Lister House assessment clinic.
18.01.2022 A warm welcome to our 13 new interns who all turned up to work in their masks yesterday ... and look who flew in to give them advice on physical distancing ... Its Captain Covid with her 1.5-metre spreader.
17.01.2022 After almost four decades of dedicated service, Professor Alan Wolff has retired from his role as Director of Medical Services with Wimmera Health Care Group. This week we release to the public a series of interviews with Alan, filmed a few weeks ago. During this series of 8-10-minute clips, Alan talks about his career, the future of the health industry, his recent illness and how he stepped from his hospital bed into a pandemic. Here is part one of The Wolff Pact. Video link https://youtu.be/Fky5MxGheVM
16.01.2022 Thank you to the people who have taken the time to tell us how much they are enjoying these interviews with Professor Alan Wolff. Now you can enjoy Part Three ... https://youtu.be/AgpTdd-8jYA
16.01.2022 Thank you to these wonderful carers and workers for keeping our residents safe. Enjoy Aged Care Employee Day.
15.01.2022 PLEASE NOTE: WE CANNOT TEST ASYMPTOMATIC PEOPLE. We were incorrectly advised on the weekend that we could test asymptomatic people at our drive-through clinic but the Department of Health and Human Services has since advised that is not right. We have been told to return to symptomatic testing and the testing of people who have been in contact with a positive case and have been sent for testing by the DHHS. Remember, you only need the mildest of symptoms to be tested.... We apologise for any inconvenience this has caused. Please come to our drive-through for testing if you have any COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild they might be. We are open every day from 9am to 5pm.
15.01.2022 Tomorrow is Aged Care Employee Day and we want to say THANKS to the wonderful team caring for our residents. There will be many more of these tomorrow so keep checking the page and get ready to show your appreciation ...
14.01.2022 Well done and thank you to our COVID-19 testing team and the ADF personnel who did an amazing job on the first day of our drive-through testing station. And thank you also to the 200 people who got tested and went straight home to isolate. A fantastic result.
14.01.2022 Pack up time: Our Covid drive through testing has officially closed and our ADF colleagues are preparing for their next mission. Capt Tim Hiddins helps with the changeover as he gets a sign into position to guide people to the walk-in Covid Clinic which opens tomorrow from 1.30pm to 4.30pm. After tomorrow, the clinic will open every day from 10am-12 noon and from 1.30pm to 4.30pm. No bookings - just present yourself at the clinic and make sure you are wearing your mask.
14.01.2022 After testing 1901 people through our drive through testing clinic, we have farewelled our friends from the Australian Defence Forces. CEO Catherine Morley thanked them for their work and presented them with plaques and gifts from Horsham Rural City and GWM Water. Walk-in testing starts at 10am today. Hours for walk-in testing are 10am-12noon and 1.30pm- 4.30pm every day. You do not need to make an apppointment.
13.01.2022 Hey Dimboola. Members of our board and executive teams are in your campus Day Centre today to hear your views and answer any questions you have about our partnership discussions with Ballarat Health Services. When you pop down to see us, you will receive a free show bag of goodies.
12.01.2022 Don’t forget the first face-to-face community consultation is tonight! Book online (no cost) for any of the sessions using this link https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/community-consultation-sess
11.01.2022 This year were celebrating F.A.S.T. Heroes, those people who knew the signs and saved a life. Meet Tevita In July 2016, Tevita raced into his mothers room after hearing her call out for help. Meliame had realised something was wrong as she couldnt move her hand properly to switch off the alarm clock. Luckily, Tevita had just completed first aid training and knew to call triple zero (000) straight away.... When I saw Mum, she couldnt move her left side and couldnt get out of bed. I also saw her face had drooped, Tevita said. Mum told me to call Dad who was at work, but instead I called an ambulance so we could get help straight away. Within minutes, an ambulance arrived and transported Meliame to hospital, where she underwent a blood clot retrieval procedure. Tevitas quick action allowed his Mum to receive timely treatment and stop the brain damage caused by stroke. Today, Meliames recovery has come a long way; she has returned to driving and receives ongoing treatment to improve the movement in the left side of her body. Everyone should learn the F.A.S.T. message because it could save someones life. I was only 11 years old when I called the ambulance for Mum, so you are never too young to be a F.A.S.T. hero, he said. If you need any more information visit the National Stroke Week website or email us at [email protected] wed love to hear from you!
10.01.2022 Thank you to Leigh Hinch and the team at Horshams Network Mobility for the generous donation of the CASA MED Classic adjustable bed. Accepting the donation is Wimmera Cancer Centre manager Carmel OKane. Carmel said the bed would be used by patients in palliative care.
10.01.2022 Our deputy CEO and Director of Surgery not only wear masks while at work but every time they enter an occupied public space - and especially when they are shopping. In the supermarket last weekend the estimated ratio of those wearing masks was 1:20. Horsham Rural City has seven positive cases in a population under 17,000. If you compare that ratio to Melbourne, we would be considered just as much a hotspot. Lets not wait for our state advisors to notice us in the bush. Lets set the example and encourage every community member to wear a mask, especially if you cannot guarantee social distancing of 1.5 metres. Its for your own safety.
10.01.2022 We have now tested over 1000 people in the drive-through clinic since it opened on Saturday morning. This video shows how simple it is to get tested there. You dont need a referral or a booking. If you have any Covid-19 symptoms, no matter how mild they might be, please visit our drive-through https://youtu.be/-VBHlrmdMXw
10.01.2022 Supporting Stroke Week may look a little different this year due to COVID-19, but the F.A.S.T. message is just as important and there are still plenty of ways t...o get involved and raise awareness. Sign up now for your free Stroke Week kit: https://bit.ly/2Op50h7 or thank your own F.A.S.T. hero by sharing your story here: https://bit.ly/3jAfh8X #fightstroke
10.01.2022 Heat Health Alert Mallee weather district Friday 27th November 2020 ... The Chief Health Officer has issued a heat health alert based on the Bureau of Meteorology 7-day forecast. The forecast conditions may cause an increase in heat related illnesses in the community. Extreme heat can affect anyone. Pregnant women, people with a pre-existing medical condition, people aged over 65 and children and babies are most at risk. Organisations should monitor local weather conditions using the Bureau of Meteorology’s Heatwave Service for Australia and respond in accordance with their heat plans. Individuals should also prepare for the heat. Heat kills more Australians than any natural disaster. * Drink more water * Never leave kids, adults or pets in cars * Check in on others * Keep cool * Plan ahead Sign up for alerts, advisories, newsletters and digests on www.health.vic.gov.au
08.01.2022 Its a simple message ...
08.01.2022 September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month and the perfect time to join the fight to conquer blood cancer. Visit https://www.leukaemia.org.au/blood-cancer-information/ for clear, reliable information for people living with blood cancer and their family members, friends and health professionals.
07.01.2022 2020 has been a challenging year for everyone and now its even more important to check in and ask the question Are you ok?
06.01.2022 Here are a few more dedicated people representing our amazing team of residential aged care workers on Aged Care Employee Day. Thank you for caring ...
03.01.2022 Today is the last day for drive through.
02.01.2022 During Dental Health Week 3 9 August 2020 the WHCG Dental Department are reminding us about the importance of maintaining good oral health: Brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Clean between your teeth daily using floss or interdental brushes. Eat a healthy, balanced diet and limit sugar intake.... Visit the dentist regularly for check-ups and preventive care. The focus of this years campaign is on the harm sugar does to oral health. Check out the poster below to help become sugar savvy. For a chance to win an electric toothbrush join the WHCG kids colouring competition. To enter simply: * Colour the attached poster * Write your full name, age and phone number on the back of your entry and send it to: Colouring Competition Dental Department Arapiles Building Wimmera Health Care Group 83 Baillie Street HORSHAM VIC 3400 Age Groups: 2-4yrs, 5-7yrs and 8-12years. Competition closes 31st August 2020.
02.01.2022 Its Aged Care Employee Day and recognising the dedicated work of all aged care employees has never been more significant. Thank you for caring ...
01.01.2022 We have so many wonderful workers in all our aged care campuses. Meet a few more and wish them a happy Aged Care Employee Day ...
01.01.2022 Thank you to our teams in Dimboola, Kurrajong Lodge and Wimmera Nursing Home for caring and thanks to all those who care for our elderly and frail. Enjoy Aged Care Employee Day.
01.01.2022 We have been supporting our Karen community recently with translated material relating to Covid-19 advice. Below is a link to the DHHS page with translations for every nationality represented in Australia. If you know anyone in your community who needs support with translations, please provide them this link: https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/translated-resources-coronaviru The more people we can help deliver the messages around Covid-19, the sooner we will stop the spread.
01.01.2022 Over the past 24 hours, there has been lots of confusion regarding the DHHS guidelines regarding the presence of a support person and giving birth. Please see our clarification about this at WHCG: No visitors are allowed to enter except for the following exemptions: *Parent/carer of child... *Carer of person with a disability *Compassionate reasons *Emergency situations Exemptions will not be granted for visitors who are experiencing any COVID 19 related symptoms Where an exemption has been granted there will be only one nominated support person allowed to visit for one hour, once a day. *No visitors are permitted in the COVID ward under any circumstances. Patients suspected of having COVID that are awaiting results are not permitted to have visitors under any circumstances. Only a next of kin, nominated guardian or immediate family member will be recognised as a support person for someone who is receiving palliative care or Emergency treatment LABOUR & BIRTH: At the current time, when you come into hospital to have your baby, there is no time limit on how long your one nominated support person can stay with you during your labour. Your support person can stay with you for the duration of your postnatal stay after your baby is born; however if they leave the hospital they will not be permitted to return to Yandilla. This is one measure we are implementing to keep our team members, mothers and babies safe - by preventing people coming and going who may have had potential exposure to Covid-19 in our community. ANTENATAL APPOINTMENTS: If you are required to attend Yandilla for an appointment during your pregnancy, you are not able to have a support person with you. However, if you are admitted to the ward during your pregnancy you will not be permitted to have visitors unless you meet the exemption criteria and approval is granted by the Director of Clinical Services (or nominated delegate), or After Hours Coordinator if outside business hours
01.01.2022 So we already told you how cohesively our assessment clinic team has worked with the ADF personnel at our drive-through Covid Assessment Clinic. Well this is further proof of that cohesion. It started out as a way to keep warm during the chill of yesterday afternoon and next minute we have a dance troupe. #drivethrudance
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