Grow a HOME Based Business in Lithgow, New South Wales | Business service
Grow a HOME Based Business
Locality: Lithgow, New South Wales
Phone: +61 452 215 606
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23.01.2022 Shared this elsewhere and thought you may find value in it. If youd love to connect and have a complimentary business analysis through these frames please send me a private message. There are 2 key frameworks to consider when starting and running a HOME BASED business. ... 1. HOME - 4 dimensions of planning and evaluating. The HEART - This is your values, what matters to you, the purpose, the vision, the WHY of the matter. This is what will keep you motivated on the hard days. The OPERATIONS - the systems, the structures, the business model (These are mostly taken care of for you in something like network marketing, though can be built up in your own business). The MOVEMENTS you make - the actions you take. Based on how well you follow the structures laid out in the operations section. The EXPERIENCES you create - for yourself, your family and your clients. 2. Where success is BASED Beliefs - how we see business, how we see marketing, sales, and ourselves. Attributes - the qualities we bring, those we choose to learn and tap into, and those we allow to be left behind because they get in the way of success. EG. I chose to turn down my laziness and turn up my discipline. Standards - these are the minimum actions we hold ourselves to taking. Expectations - those from others placed on us, and also those we place on others. Decisions - how we make them, the types of decisions we make and our follow through on what we say. Diving deep into these key areas will help you to make a sustainable choice of a business for you. These are the frames I base my questions on when I support women in business to go to the next level for them.
22.01.2022 How do I overcome the fear people wont buy my product or service? Its stopping me promoting my business The antidote to fear and doubt is action. Let go of your feelings and start seeking facts. ... Maybe they wont buy, but they definitely wont if you dont put yourself out there so by not taking action you are bringing your fears to life. Every business owners has doubts and fears. The difference is they take action anyway. Theres a book called feel the fear and do it anyway (you dont need the book, the title says it all). Put your product out there. There is no point in wondering if people will reject your designs, get the facts. Yes, its scary. Yes, its painful to be rejected. This is a business choice. Business choices are not made on fears or feelings, they are made on facts. Dont know the facts, find out through action.
22.01.2022 Before Wednesdays call please check out these lyrics and song as we'll be discussing it as a useful reference for " Keys to a good offer" You stumble through your days... Got your head hung low Your skies' a shade of grey Like a zombie in a maze You're asleep inside But you can shake away 'Cause you're just a dead man walking Thinking that's your only option But you can flip the switch and brighten up your darkest day Sun is up and the color's blinding Take the world and redefine it Leave behind your narrow mind You'll never be the same Come alive, come alive Go and ride your light Let it burn so bright Reaching up To the sky And it's open wide You're electrified When the world becomes a fantasy And you're more than you could ever be 'Cause you're dreaming with your eyes wide open And you know you can't go back again To the world that you were living in 'Cause you're dreaming with your eyes wide open So, come alive! I see it in your eyes You believe that lie That you need to hide your face Afraid to step outside So you lock the door But don't you stay that way No more living in those shadows You and me we know how that goes 'Cause once you see it, oh you'll never, never be the same We'll be the light that's turning Bottle up and keep on shining You can prove there's more to you You cannot be afraid Come alive, come alive Go and ride your light Let it burn so bright Reaching up To the sky And it's open wide You're electrified When the world becomes a fantasy And you're more than you could ever be 'Cause you're dreaming with your eyes wide open And we know we can't be go back again To the world that we were living in 'Cause we're dreaming with our eyes wide open So, come alive! Come one! Come all! Come in! Come on! To anyone who's bursting with a dream Come one! Come all! You hear The call To anyone who's searching for a way to break free Break free! Break free! When the world becomes a fantasy And you're more than you could ever be 'Cause you're dreaming with your eyes wide open And we know we can't be go back again To the world that we were living in 'Cause we're dreaming with our eyes wide open (Hey!) When the world becomes a fantasy And you're more than you could ever be 'Cause you're dreaming with your eyes wide open And we know we can't be go back again To the world that we were living in 'Cause we're dreaming with our eyes wide open 'Cause we're dreaming with our eyes wide open So come alive! (Come alive!) (Yeah!) See more
22.01.2022 Marketing is not about finding clients, its about finding strangers and taking them on a journey to becoming a client. The journey from unknown to a client is simple enough. (Note I said simple, not always easy). Unknown > Stranger > Curious about what you do > Committed to taking action > Client. ... The first step: Get in front of people who are unknown to you, or share with those you know, where what you do is unknown to them. (Facebook ads, Facebook posts (profile, page and group), networking events, referrals are some of the ways we can connect with strangers and/or make what we do Known to them). The second step is to build a level of curiosity about what you do. This means giving a taste, being a role model, sharing testimonials, demonstrating the OUTCOMES (not process) that working with you can create. The third step: Shift curiosity to committed. This is where you continue to share Outcomes, and add in values, and action, prospects need to know you are someone they want to work with (aligned values), someone who can teach them how to achieve the outcomes in a way that expands their inner abilities (aspirational values). At this step its crucial that you demonstrate you know How to help in a way that matches Who they believe they are and can and want to become. The fourth step: Give them the first step towards what they desire, and help them see they can take the actions that will create success. The fifth step: make an offer. If youve completed steps 1,2 & 3, your prospect knows what you do, knows the outcomes you help people achieve, has a sense of who you are, the values you are aligned with them, the values they aspire to tap into, and that they can take the required actions to succeed, then saying Yes is a no brainer. My favourite thing right now is helping people discover what step three looks like more fully. Identifying your superpowers, the aspirational values that your client seeks, where you are aligned, and using this to shape your marketing message through all the steps. Ive got three places open this week for curious individuals, ready to explore how to align their Facebook posts with their ideal client. If youd like to have a free 45-minute conversation where we unpack your ideal client and your marketing message using results from a free online questionnaire that focuses on your strengths, your values in action (VIA strengths) send me a Private Message now telling me about your ideal client.
22.01.2022 Knowing what we need is one of the biggest obstacles most people starting new businses face. If we want a sustainable businses that we love in 3 years time we MUST consider the future. If youd like to know more about my essential checklist to design a business comment me below. :)
22.01.2022 I refuse to buy into the mindset I can only offer one thing... Overarching all my micro niche statements in my business - I use simple tools and connected conversations to help people find, grow and evolve a life aligned with their soul purpose. Because I think we are here to be, do and give far more than one thing...
22.01.2022 Any one starting something new should lack confidence. Confidence is found when weve taken action and done the thing. Confidence without competence is arrogance. Until weve taken action competence is hypothetical. Competence cant be thought about, it must be demonstrated. ... I posted on my profile yesterday stop wondering if you can do something and go find out. The same can be applied to the flip side, stop telling yourself you can, and prove it. Its normal to not have confidence. Whats not helpful is falling into the trap that lack of confidence should mean lack of action. You dont need to be confident to move, you o my need to be willing. Bravery isnt knowing youll succeed, its not knowing and being willing to try anyway. Bravery isnt about being okay when you achieve success. Bravery is about knowing youll handle it even when you fail. When I set out to do stand up I had no confidence, in fact I had the total opposite - I was filled with fear, doubt and numerous limiting beliefs. It took a lot of energy, effort and tearful calls with my accountability buddies to get me to show up. I didnt believe I could succeed, but I knew even if no one laughed or I wet myself on stage or ran off in tears Id still be okay. The only exception to this rule is things that have physical danger, like sky-diving. If at first you dont succeed doesnt work here, but in most places that a business owner holds themselves back, like public speaking, writing a book or sharing their marketing message on Facebook theirs no physical danger, weve just convince ourselves to be afraid, in which case its wise to convince ourselves to take action. Like I did with both comedy and skydiving its okay to seek out someone with the success you desire and learn the system from them. In this day and age not knowing the steps to take is an excuse not a reason. Get on google, develop your own or find a coach/mentor. There are no reasons not to design your success, only excuses to keep yourself stuck. You dont need competence or confidence to start. Theyll both develop as you take action, fail, learn, more action, more growth. You can wish and wait and hope theyll appear and constantly find yourself disappointed. Or you can say yes, take action and discover what you are capable of overcoming. If not now, when?
21.01.2022 Want to learn more? Click the link:
20.01.2022 All too often I see people focused on the problems, the obstacles or the excuses they want to give up. But theres a principal in coaching my mentors shared with me that says what we focus is what we get, to the exclusion of all else. Which means if we focus all our time and energy on whats not working, what we want to be free from, and fighting the old we end up with more of the same, and were exhausted, feeling like were not making progress. Theres a time to look at ...what were releasing, what were fighting agsinst, but to create change, lasting transformational change we must focus our time, our energy on building the new. Which starts with three key pieces. 1. Awareness of the possibilities of new. 2. Creating a vibrant picture or story that connects us to the new. 3. Committing to actions that align with the new. As a coach we can explore problems, limitations, and the old... For the most part I guide people to look beyond this and seek alternative possibilities, Design the success they desire, create goals and plans for the future and then focus their actions on building the new. This is the secret of life changing transformations.
18.01.2022 "You are NOT your business" "People do NOT buy You" So many of the gurus out there will tell you that people dont buy products, they buy You. And while I agree that people dont buy products, its not as clearly the You that many people seem to believe. See the danger with this belief that people are buying "Us" is that when they dont buy, its taken as a personal rejection. Which is bollucks. Someone who doesnt buy isnt rejecting you. So how does that work with if...Continue reading
18.01.2022 We all face Genies problem, Phenomenal Cosmic Powers - Itty bitty living space. With one exception - we created the cage. We placed limits on ourselves, we boxed ourselves in. And while that can be disheartening to face that we did this (with some help from our conditioning, external forces, and well-meaning people...) - we did it. ... And yes, this is worth grieving, worth feeling hurt and disappointed at some point, it also becomes very freeing. Because if we created our cage, our itty bitty living space, we hold the key to dissolving it, changing it, and unlocking it. Unlike Genie we dont need someone else to wish us free, in case you think you do, here I am, rubbing your lamp, wishing you free. Now you are free, if you choose, if you let go, to access your phenomenal cosmic powers. What will you choose to do with them? Its a big question. I get why so many of us (me included) choose the cage, its safe, its familiar, its comfortable. But there is so much more waiting for you to step into, to allow yourself to shine. Goals to be achieved, attributes to be access, awesomeness within to connect with. People waiting for you to shine, to let your business take off and serve, to be the example so they too can let go of the shackles. They need you to acknowledge your awesomeness, so you can help them acknowledge theirs. Whether you are a coach, a change maker, a direct sales leader, you have it within you to connect people with their awesomeness, when you choose to acknowledge your own. So, will you admit it to yourself, will you do what it takes to melt the lamp, to be free?
18.01.2022 Are you focused on what’s in your control and easily adaptable or things you can’t change as to the reasons you don’t have success? Someone in a group asked if I thought introversion had harmed or helped my business? My answer: neither. ... She asked what I thought did and this is my answer, and my reasoning: (Name) purpose, values, beliefs, attributes, standards, expectations, decisions, strategies, competence, use of skill, willingness to learn, my relationship with feedback, behavioural flexibility. I prefer to focus on what I can change. Introversion/extroversion is a more fixed preference of experience. But it doesn’t need to shape any of the above unless we let it limit attributes, identity beliefs, or behaviours. I’m not focused on the coding that’s locked. I choose to focus on the expansion of my behavioural flexibility. If I buy into the belief being an introvert influences my success then I need to change it to change my success level. I’m not interested in changing that preference or my wiring. I’d prefer to focus on what I am willing to change. It’s kinda like asking: does being a woman limit my success? If I buy into that I limit my success and can’t change it. I am a woman. I am an introvert. But neither of those factors are changing. So they can’t be what limits me. I know this because one of my successful business models is both woman and introvert. She hasn’t changed either of those factors but has great business success, so it can’t be woman and introvert. It must be one of the other things I’ve listed that sets us apart. I didn’t add it to the conversation, but I am always astounded by the limits and focus people place on things that aren’t changing. This is the fastest way to ensure you don’t achieve success. Purpose, Values, Beliefs are all choices. You get to choose if they align with your goal or get in the way. You also get to choose your goal. Getting out of your way (step 5 in the D.E.S.I.G.N your success program) starts by shifting focus from the fixed to the changeable. I’m an introverted woman, that’s not changing... they’re my preferences. Beliefs I have been willing to change in this journey: Money means... Business is ... I can’t ... to I won’t or to I will... and so many more. Attributes I’ve allowed myself to access: Funny Creative Warm Playful Caring Considerate Service-orientated And so many more. Attributes I’ve toned down: Bitchy Vicious Demanding And so many more. Business isn’t about me indulging my feelings, business is about my willingness to use skills and strategies to achieve success. Where are you focusing on buying into limits... the unchanging or the easily malleable... Where we draw the line between what’s fixed and adaptation will influence or success (so much more than our energetic preferences). Share your thoughts below. what do you believe contributes to success?
17.01.2022 A Magnetic Marketing Message doesnt focus on Problems or Products, instead, its aim is to build a real connection with PEOPLE.A Magnetic Marketing Message doesnt focus on Problems or Products, instead, its aim is to build a real connection with PEOPLE.
17.01.2022 Question: Should you coach for free to attract clients, or is that de-valuing your time and abilities? My answer: Like everything to know if we are meeting our needs, and supporting our self esteem (which is built on needs, boundaries and emotions according to Sharon Pearson in her book Ultimate You Quest) we must first explore Purpose. The Implementation, how we ride, what we do, is not at the top of good decision-making criteria.... Decisions flow through these 5 stages: Purpose Heart Base (Hope, Energy, Attributes, Relationships, Thinking, Beliefs, Attributes, Standards, Expectations). Operations (Categories, strategies, processes) Movement (Actions, inactions, routines, rituals) Experiences Personally, I know I value my time, and I can offer free coaching. Purpose: Connect, Collaborate, and live Generously. Attributes - Generosity, Trust, Hope, Love, Passion. Beliefs: People need a taste of results in advance. Take care of other people's dreams and my dreams will become reality. Standards: I choose who I coach for free, how, and when. On the flip the person not valuing themselves may have some of the following thinking: Build experience because I cant offer value yet. I have to coach anyone and everyone and rescue the world so I do it for free if they can't afford it. Sense of obligation, low boundaries or standards. If someone asks me I must deliver as they want it. The are probably more focused on Action, and less on Purpose, Heart, and Operations. Thankyou for sharing. Something to consider is the purpose of business for you. For me, making a difference, giving value and creating change is of more importance than finances because I am in a position that they are taken care of from another avenue. If your coaching is your primary source of income, that must come first in terms of decisions. You may offer some probono/free coaching, but you also need to be aware of following processes and systems that create income. If however this isn't about money for you and is about something else the conversation shifts. Purpose is key, closely followed by needs. The question becomes does offering free sessions help you achieve your goals and fulfill the purpose of coaching for you in your life while meeting your needs?
17.01.2022 Many of us will already be familiar with this concept, if we have a big enough WHY we will be able to overcome any HOW. BUT, What is a BIG enough WHY? So I got thinking, and researching and exploring whats needed to overcome a how that seems hard or unknown or just downright a stretch what do we need? My initial answer, we need inspiration AND motivation. So how do we get inspired? What keeps us motivated? ... And I landed on 5 Keys to have a big enough why to keep showing up in the face of adversity, to overcome challenges and to actually keep us coming back to the path of success. 5 simple keys to include, to cover as we design our WHY. And I started to wonder if perhaps this would add value to others... If anyone else had considered what makes up a BIG WHY? If anyone else had struggled to clearly define a BIG WHY and stay on the path they desire? If anyone else would love the road map to designing a big enough why? Is it valuable to others to get this insight... And so Im here, asking, if I was to run a 5 day challenge on Designing YOUR BIG WHY who would be in? Comment below, if I get 10 people interested I will rock out and put together the challenge as my gift to you.
16.01.2022 If you arent up for the Grit, Determination, Persistance, Sheer Bloody Mindedness it takes to be a Entrepreneur and do it from scratch, cause it is hard, it does take effort, youve got to pick yourself up when you fall, if you arent up for that (yet) then find a company with products you LOVE, a company that takes care of the research, that takes care of the back end, that deals with the logistics and capitol, where? Direct sales, Network marketing, Affiliate programs ALL... of these options give you the chance to Grow a Home Based Business, to change the world, to live your life on your terms, And they take commitment, they do take work, its at a lower scale than full on start up. Ive designed a product. And had it fail. Ive designed a product and now have 183 BOXES (of 10) still in my garage. If you arent up for that amount of setback, that amount of investment (over $60,000 and counting... ) Join a company. Find a Tribe. Have Support. Know where you will go when you Fall. And USE THE SYSTEM! Maybe its your companies, maybe its one designed by someone who stepped outside and could look back in and see the gaps, whatever it is for you, PICK A SYSTEM and lean in.
16.01.2022 When it comes to marketing the extremes of be yourselfand be who the market needs are dangerous.When it comes to marketing the extremes of be yourselfand be who the market needs are dangerous.
15.01.2022 Goal setting is such an interesting thing to me. People have funny reactions some love it, others resent it, others avoid it for fear of letting themselves down. Monday we will be coming together talk about three key things that usually get in the way of achieving goals once you have set them... ... I'm tossing up if I do the alternate Monday calls for 'lunch n learn' at 6am or 6pm AEDT, let me know your preference.
15.01.2022 "I dont know what youve done to me, but Im more inspired and willing to give things a go in my business than ever before" "I got the job... I never could have done it without you" "Im happier than Ive ever been" ... These are just a few of the comments my clients have made to me this month. So many people think that getting a coach is about solving problems, overcoming obstacles, and looking at whats not working... And while there is something to that, there comes a time when Im working with someone that weve uncovered the blocks, identified the mind blocks, and its time to switch the game. To set some goals, to dream about the future, to reconnect with the awesomeness within. For some of my clients, we skip the obstacles, the problems, and go straight to the goals setting and connecting with their awesomeness. Coaching, to me, is about connecting people with the inner resourcefulness to design their success, create a plan and act. Just like the wisteria plant cant grow high without a scaffolding, we as humans are limited by the bonds we create with others. If you want to know how to be inspired to take action founded on belief in yourself - find someone to believe in you. If you want to climb to greater heights in taking you and your to message to the world, get the scaffolding on which to climb. If you want to connect with more happiness, connect with someone who lives a life they love and follow their lead. Business, life itself, are not journeys to be taken alone. We can do whatever our heart calls us to do; with the right support in place. When will you choose to grow, to climb, to step into your full potential?
13.01.2022 I'm really looking forward to this conversation. Please note the time change. 6pm AEDT.
13.01.2022 Yes youll get personal development in running a business. But if thats your purpose or focus youll fail. Business results are built on our ability to give value.Yes youll get personal development in running a business. But if thats your purpose or focus youll fail. Business results are built on our ability to give value.
13.01.2022 Three pillars of a successful business: 1. Service or Product that adds value 2. Marketing messaging and sales skills... 3. Relationship skills (with self and others)
13.01.2022 It amazes me how many people teach values-based marketing, without ever looking closely at values...It amazes me how many people teach values-based marketing, without ever looking closely at values...
12.01.2022 Too many people teach Values-based marketing without ever looking at Values. Too many people teach Values-based marketing without ever looking at Values.
12.01.2022 We only need to focus on the people we will help is a common misconception for heart centred business owners. Too many people focus on who theyll help without focusing on what will energise, invigorate and inspire them to keep going. Business is hard enough without burning ourselves out by living misaligned values.
11.01.2022 When it comes to creating empowered BUYING decisions; a process is helpful what matters more is your ability to connect with people and their needs.When it comes to creating empowered BUYING decisions; a process is helpful what matters more is your ability to connect with people and their needs.
11.01.2022 One of the most common questions I see in coaching groups is "How do you coach someone who says ...?" When coaching (others or ourselves) we must first remember to not get caught up in the content. Good coaches don't pay attention to stories, they look for patterns. They look beyond the content, to the context. One of the reasons my clients love what I do so much is that I listen closely to the language patterns that identify where they have a misconception about how thi...ngs work. I use a number of models, frameworks, and linguistic indicators to look beyond content to the context. Whether I'm self-coaching, or working with a client one of my first points of focus is to seek and discover the misconception in play about how cause and effect works. - This is identified by words like makes, means, because. When I, or someone presents a 'problem' or an obstacle or an unfulfilled goal, I first ask questions to get a response that includes makes, means or because. These might be: How is that a problem for you right now? Or What does having this problem mean about you? I listen for the sentence and then coach the misconception. Eg. I'm in a funk because... Being in a funk makes... Being in a funk means... Whatever comes after because, makes, or means needs to be internal, self-directed - anything other than that is most likely a distortion, deletion, or generalisation. Change the distortion, restore the deletion, or dissolve the generalisation. Focus less on the story, the content, and learn to focus on the context. The simplest way to do this is to learn some key language patterns to identify the misconceptions in play. I cover this more in the BASED course which is currently being given away as a free bonus to anyone who attends the full day of DESIGN Your Success workshop. You can register to join us here:
11.01.2022 ‘How do I overcome the fear people won’t buy my product or service? It’s stopping me promoting my business’ The antidote to fear and doubt is action. Let go of your feelings and start seeking facts. ... Maybe they won't buy, but they definitely won't if you don't put yourself out there so by not taking action you are bringing your fears to life. Every business owners has doubts and fears. The difference is they take action anyway. There's a book called feel the fear and do it anyway (you don't need the book, the title says it all). Put your product out there. There is no point in wondering if people will reject your designs, get the facts. Yes, it's scary. Yes, it's painful to be rejected. This is a business choice. Business choices are not made on fears or feelings, they are made on facts. Don't know the facts, find out through action.
11.01.2022 Whether its writing a book, designing a product or course - Creation is not enough to have a successful business. No business makes money from creating alone. People make money from marketing and selling online courses, books, services and/or products. For many (the successful) they see them as one and the same game - create, market, sell. ... For others they draw a line and hope that creation will be enough. It wasnt for God, he created us in his image, and we fucked it up! He then went on the greatest most time tested marketing campaign to get his word into the world, mostly based on affiliation (sharing someone elses product or message Eg the bible) and testimonials. The idea of Christ must be sold, peope must buy in. Just as the idea of a product or service must be shared (aka marketed) and then clear and easy opportunities for people to buy. If the lord almighty couldnt stop at creation and have success, why would any aspiring business leader think they can... A great idea is only the beginning of business success. In fact it doesnt need to be great, an idea, when marketed well, sharing the opportunities in which people can buy, thats the game of business success, creating world movements and changing lives. Be Creative >> Share Message >> Have simple avenues for people to Buy.
10.01.2022 Are you focused on whats in your control and easily adaptable or things you cant change as to the reasons you dont have success? Someone in a group asked if I thought introversion had harmed or helped my business? My answer: neither. ... She asked what I thought did and this is my answer, and my reasoning: (Name) purpose, values, beliefs, attributes, standards, expectations, decisions, strategies, competence, use of skill, willingness to learn, my relationship with feedback, behavioural flexibility. I prefer to focus on what I can change. Introversion/extroversion is a more fixed preference of experience. But it doesnt need to shape any of the above unless we let it limit attributes, identity beliefs, or behaviours. Im not focused on the coding thats locked. I choose to focus on the expansion of my behavioural flexibility. If I buy into the belief being an introvert influences my success then I need to change it to change my success level. Im not interested in changing that preference or my wiring. Id prefer to focus on what I am willing to change. Its kinda like asking: does being a woman limit my success? If I buy into that I limit my success and cant change it. I am a woman. I am an introvert. But neither of those factors are changing. So they cant be what limits me. I know this because one of my successful business models is both woman and introvert. She hasnt changed either of those factors but has great business success, so it cant be woman and introvert. It must be one of the other things Ive listed that sets us apart. I didnt add it to the conversation, but I am always astounded by the limits and focus people place on things that arent changing. This is the fastest way to ensure you dont achieve success. Purpose, Values, Beliefs are all choices. You get to choose if they align with your goal or get in the way. You also get to choose your goal. Getting out of your way (step 5 in the D.E.S.I.G.N your success program) starts by shifting focus from the fixed to the changeable. Im an introverted woman, thats not changing... theyre my preferences. Beliefs I have been willing to change in this journey: Money means... Business is ... I cant ... to I wont or to I will... and so many more. Attributes Ive allowed myself to access: Funny Creative Warm Playful Caring Considerate Service-orientated And so many more. Attributes Ive toned down: Bitchy Vicious Demanding And so many more. Business isnt about me indulging my feelings, business is about my willingness to use skills and strategies to achieve success. Where are you focusing on buying into limits... the unchanging or the easily malleable... Where we draw the line between whats fixed and adaptation will influence or success (so much more than our energetic preferences). Share your thoughts below. what do you believe contributes to success?
10.01.2022 Who are you attracting that isnt complying with your style of business? I shared this in response to a similar question in another group. Being that clear boundaries has been communicated thoroughly Im going to come from a different angle. Values. ... I created a similar situation for myself with clients wanting more accountability and to outsource discipline and self- control. When I did my VIA Strengths profile (its free online takes about 20 minutes) and unpacked the results through the lens of marketing and attraction it became really clear. I was attracting these people through my communication and in some ways a desire to raise my own self-control instead of leveraging my strengths. I wonder who you feel called to be when they do this? Is this unconsciously an area you want to grow or a strength you somehow want to suppress? Youve piqued my curiousity in whats created this for you and I think theres more to explore than text will allow. For anyone else whos curiousity has also been ignited Id be happy to do a session with you, for free, because I love practicing the application of over and under used strengths and attraction marketing theory. Describing what I do is tricky, giving an experience is much easier. For those who recognise that theres more to our experience than what can be described this will make sense. This is for if youre curious, know theres more to the world than we see, and are in a relationship based business with over 50 hours of experience within your field (coaching, mentoring or being a consultant).
10.01.2022 How to become more certain in sharing your message.
08.01.2022 Before we can share ourselves with the world, taking our message to a market, we must first know ourselves, but Look within and Everything you need is in you and Focus on what you love are the kind of statements that can create a state of overwhelm, disconnect and confusion or apprehension. I get it. Things like Write down your strengths. Journal and Reflect were all too big and too hard when I first started this journey of reclaiming me, and finding a message ...that matters to take to market. Id become so disconnected I really had no idea who I was, what I liked, or what I was meant to be looking for... My recommendation is to leverage tools, self-assessments, questionnaires to help you discover you, and what you can offer to the world. I became obsessed with profiling questionnaires to help me look inside. As to which one first, it doesnt matter where you start, so much as it matters that you start. My top 5 (or so...) (in no particular order): DISC VAKaD communication preferences 6 core needs VIA Strengths Life Satisfaction assessment Rosenbergs Self-esteem Ryffs psychological well-being Domain satisfaction (similar to wheel of life) And so many more. Many of these can be found for free on the Authentic Happiness website. However, I dont recommend trying to decipher your results alone. Connect with a friend, therapist, coach, or mentor to help you make sense of your results. If youd like to have a free conversation on how any of the above can contribute to your sharing your message that matters in a way that the market wants more send me a PM.
08.01.2022 A classic networking question. I see so many people trying to answer with a fancy title, or a clever intrigue... what works best, is something real. Something personal. Something with meaning. My answer this morning in a message: "Ive been entrepreneurial all my life.... Im multi passionate and have a number of what a friend yesterday called octopus tentacles At the core of everything I do is a desire to use simple tools and connected conversations to empower business owners to find, grow and evolve their life and business to be aligned with their soul purpose. We all have a song to sing, a picture to paint, a message to market and I want as many people as possible to live life shining their awesomeness into the world." Ill probably never say it like that again. It was meaningful, said in the moment, and calibrated to the conversation. People dont care about fancy titles, or perfectly crafted problem, solution frameworks. They care about CONNECTION. Focus on the conversation, on speaking from the heart, on connecting with the person and your networking results will skyrocket. This will mean learning how to Respond with Relevance. Step 2 in the GROW a HOME BASED Business framework. Let me know if you are curious to learn more about how to GROW your HOME-BASED business.
06.01.2022 I see way too many people trying to approach business planning in a way that will make it harder and longer than is necessary. When we do a puzzle we gather like elements together. Maybe the edge pieces or a certain colour or texture. No one I know starts in a corner and does each piece in sequence. They search through the box and put like pieces together. ... They dont stare at a piece wanting to know exactly where it fits they place it near where it goes or to the side until it makes sense, focusing on the pieces they do know or can work with. Theres no staring at two pieces wondering if they fit together, they try and see. No emotional reaction to the result simply noticing if it matched or not. If a stray piece got in the box from somewhere else it would be put to the side and assessed each time it was seen. Playing, experimenting, non-attachment, willingness to try, these are the elements to bring to business planning. Put the pieces together that you know. Take action. Discover more pieces and as you take action youll notice the picture comes clearer. Growing a home based business is not a step by step, every piece falls in place affair, its experiences, experimenting, and a willingness to keep showing up until the pieces for a picture.
05.01.2022 People say Yes based on emotion, and hand over their credit card when they believe they will get tangible results.People say Yes based on emotion, and hand over their credit card when they believe they will get tangible results.
04.01.2022 At some point, we need to let go of the bullshit, grab onto someone who backs us, as we discover we can shine. Stepping into the spotlight isnt for the faint-hearted, and its definitely not a journey to be done alone. When will you choose to step out from behind the music stand and shine? ... Whose hand will you grab as you let go of those limiting beliefs, fears, and doubts, and realise you are worthy? Im so grateful for my mentors, my friends, my colleagues, those whove been there to grab hold of when I feel like I cant do it... and who then spur me on to keep going, to shine, to recalim more of ME! If you want a safe space to explore, a hand to hold yours as you start to test your message, give value to others, then join us in the DailyFROG Group - Baby steps to flourishing.
04.01.2022 Want to build a home-based businses but dont know where to start? There are three key pieces you will need to address simultaneously: 1. Personal Development - a blend of restorative and regenerative coaching. Looking to the past and letting go of conditioning as well as looking to the future and designing your success. ... Id recommend someone who can coach both sides of the coin. 2. Skills - Coaching, Group Dynamics, and speaking/facilitating. A coach that is running a business similar to yours, using group dynamics to create transformation would be your best model. (A coach that only does 1:1 wont be able to help you navigate the skills for groups). 3. Sales and Marketing. You will need to find someone who is an energetic match and uses a process that aligns with your values. Eg. A marketer who uses direct facebook messaging vs someone who uses FB ads vs organic Facebook marketing vs google vs linked in etc etc. Which will you implement? - Dont buy training in a system you wont use. For personal development, I use and recommend the Ultimate You Program and coaching blended with Positive Psychology models and methods like VIA Strengths and Self-Determination Theory. For skills - I personally do a blend of mentoring, coaching, in both group and individual settings. I am a coach mentor for The Coaching Institute for their level 1 program and I have been an assistant at both their speaker and facilitation training guiding students to speak without notes and engage a room. For Marketing - I personally prefer Magnetic Marketing Messages, that are leveraged off Values, speaking to the Person about the Problem your Process solves. I work with people who are curious, inquisitive, and know that there is more to this world than what we see, they have faith in a higher purpose and are willing to take action to turn their dreams to reality. If any of that sounds like it could be a match Id be happy to get on the phone and see if I could be the coach for you, and you the ideal client for me.
04.01.2022 The parable of the sower can be a great story to represent our marketing efforts. We unpacked this more in a conversation today. The recording will be uploaded to my paid membership program. Let me know if you want to find out more about investing in magnetising your marketing message to attract your ideal clients. Crows = Map, limiting beliefs, fears and doubts, misaligned values stop market from hearing our message. ... Rocky ground = Enthusiastic at first, but lacks will to invest time, money or effort into succeeding. (Eg. Says Yes to free calls, but balks at doing quizzes or paying for coaching) Weeds = Heart partially committed to the cause/transformation/new world but easily swayed by naysayers in their old world. Good Soil = Values match, direction firm, willing to take action, pay, and put in the effort to achieve the desired transformation/success. Image from Google search.
03.01.2022 Maybe your goals arent locked in stone. Maybe your resolutions are already falling by the wayside. It is all ok. Choose YOU. Choose Compassion and Care and Kindness, and choose to focus not on what you havent succeeded at, not on the failings that continue to bite you, notice the progress you have made. Get back into YOUR groove. Your Ultimate self. Being the best version of you that is available right now as you continue to remove the decades of layers of crud that hide yo...ur core. Do YOU! Your Way! Between Nov 15th or so and January 11th I fall off the wagon. Every Year. Its something I know I should explore, and then I get to 11th January and say Ill deal with it in November. And a voice inside my head laughs and says "we always promise that" Not the point of this post. The point is, Christmas, Birthdays, anniversaries always knock me off my focus, for the most part now I plan around them and can give myself the room I need. Nov, Dec, Jan are FILLED with birthdays (My oldest childs, when I became a mother, my husbands, the man I never seem to know how to fully support, Christ, that baby I can never live up to, an anniversary for my marraige, that often brings wonder and curiousity and a feeling of drifting apart and I recommit to finding a way to make it beautiful, my own birthday, which reminds me that no-one understands me, especially not myself). And January 11th I get up, and commit to me, commit to my year and aim to get back in the groove, each year closer to living a life aligned with my core, each year knowing myself a little deeper, each year becoming more functional. Each year bringing even more kindness to myself for the lack of self I demonstrated for the past 2 months, each year more compassionate towards myself because I know what Ive had to over come to get to here, each year more in tune with ME. I may not be where I want to be, I may have BIG dreams that might not come true, but I am making progress. Each and every day. And so are YOU! We can do this. And we can support each other. And we can each and every day come closer to Living Our Dreams. If you want to get clearer on your goals, find your 2018 theme, NOW is still your time. NOW is still your moment. For Individuals fully committed and all in ready to rock at 100% I am offering a THEME discovery conversation for only $27 (Normally $297) Limited to 10 places. Click the link and demonstrate your commitment and I will be in touch to make a time to connect and converse.
03.01.2022 How do I get my husband to support me in my business? (Answer in comments)How do I get my husband to support me in my business? (Answer in comments)
01.01.2022 #DailyFROG helps people increase productivity by decreasing what they do by default and increasing their focus on the 4 key pillars of fulfillment - #ForMe, #Required, #Outstanding & #GiveValue. If you have a home-based business and want to take care of your needs, while giving value to others, making sure that the day to day essentials are taken care of efficiently, leaving room for you to be outstanding the rest of the day then join us in the Facebook Community here:
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